"Android Create" call fails in windows 7 - missing JDK -

I'm having a problem getting my Android Dev environment setup in Windows 7. I follow the instructions as well as many environmental sublinks. I am using Eclipse with the Android plugin. I have installed Java's JDK at many places in many places (JDK-6U-20-windows-i586.exe) - but I'm clearly forgetting something

  C: \ Users \ Andrew> Create Android ADD -  

Every time I run "Create Android" ADD - Target 2 - Name my_avd "I get an error:

  - Goal 2 --name my_avd WARNING: Java is not found on your way. It is being checked, it is installed in C : \ Program Files \ Java Error: Instead of using the Android Developer Tool, you need a suitable version of Java on your system. We recommend that you use Java version here Install the JDK version of: http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/ You can find the full Android SDK here: http://developer.android.com/sdk/ Requirements.html  

this error message jedi many times for me First of all, I tried to install a location on my E: drive I transferred it to the default locale (programmable files (x86) \ java \ jdk.6.something. I found it to be a program file \ Also tried to force it to go in the path, but it still automatically gets installed in the (x86) path. I have added the path to the path environment in my path environment variable, He receives. My suspicion is that Windows 7 and Android devices are not playing well in terms of finding JDK, but who knows, it can be completely different. If you have seen this error earlier, then I would appreciate an indication.

android command is just a windows batch file which batch file Uses tools \ lib \ find_java.bat to search Java.

At a glance source, it does the following:

  1. To see if java.exe is your PATH Is at. > Looks for % ProgramFiles%
  • java.exe >

    your problem arises Because you are using a 64-bit version of Windows. It means % ProgramFiles% is installed in C: \ program files but Java C: \ Program Files (x86) because it has 32- Bit app, which does not mean find_java.bat .

    To fix this, you must add the directory containing the java.exe in your path environment variable

    you java.exe - Separate it from the previous entry with a semicolon in front of it at the end of some c: \ program files (x86) \ Java \ jdk6 \ bin - PATH for.

    Maintaining environmental variables in Windows 7.

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