javascript - How to set up flag in wizard form to allow submit/override other function -

Hello, I have a long form that is divided into wizards. I have the following from preventing the user from hitting the browser back button and losing data:

window.onbeforeunload = function () {return "returning back will lose all form data."; };

How do I insert a flag and apply it to the last step so that the form can be deposited properly? Thanks,

You can set a variable on the last step and test against it, Like:

  var okToSubmit = false; Window.onbeforeunload = function () {If (! OkToSubmit) "Hit back you must lose all form data."; }; // set okToSubmit = true; In the last step  

without my current code, I can not say where it is to insert, but where your script runs in the last step, a okToSubmit = true ; / Code> there.


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