c# - Create an assembly in memory -

I want to create an assembly in memory, which is the using squares in reflection. Amit

Currently, I can create assembly and get it by using something like bytes

  AssemblyBuilder builder = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly (..., AssemblyBuilderAccess.Save); ... Create assembly ... builder. Save (targetFileName); (Read the bytes from file stream ...} using the file stream fs = File.Open (targetFileName, FileMode.Open)) However, this is a local file I do not really need the file on the file, the file will be in the bytes file only. 

Is it possible to create an assembly without writing any files?

At this point at this point it is not possible that the C # Team of the "compiler" feature as a service Planning which is expected to be included in C # 5.0.


  1. सी # के बारे में पृष्ठभूमि रंग कोड के नमूने को चेतन
    Animate the background color


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