Do different versions of Perl require different CPAN module installations? -

We have a server farm that we are slowly migrating to a new version of Perl (5.12.1) Are there. We are currently running 5.8.5. The OS will also be upgraded from RedHat 4 to RedHat 5, but RedHat 5 is still back at Pearl 5.8.8. In this way we will support two versions of Pearl for a while in our source tree.

I have been told that to establish a new version of Pearl in our source tree and to use all CPAN modules at present. Actually I was asked to compile the module with the correct version of Pearl. I'm confused with this for some versions of Pearl, actually some modules do configure themselves? Given this, I think that I should configure the CPAN directory for each version of Pearl in our tree?

Any information about this scenario or 'gatak'?

Edit: As an additional question, does the same cpan directory (indicated by ~ / .cpan) serve both trees, or when I install different trees (module) ), Should I link to different directories?

Any perl module that uses XS (compiled C code, dynamically loaded) Generally, they will work only with the version that they were compiled together. This is for two reasons:

The reason is that by default they are installed in a directory that contains the Pearl version number, and no other version will be seen in that directory.

The reason is two reasons because the Peral API can change between the major versions, so if you are copying the libraries in the appropriate directory, then they can work on the basis of which features or maybe , And there are different differences between the two versions of Pearl, between 5.8 and 5.12, which are likely to break almost all the code.

This does not apply to the Pure Perl module ; They can be freely copied with very few exceptions. This is the only issue which is the XS code.


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