Encrypting password in compiled C or C++ code -

I know how to compile C and C ++ source files using GCC and CC in the terminal, but I would like to know whether once compiled it is safe to include passwords in these files. for example. I check user input for a specific password such as a user, but it seems that the C / C + program is compactable.

Is there no way to compile a C / C ++ source file while keeping the source completely hidden? If not, by providing a short example of encrypting any input Again, check against password such as: (SHA1, MD5)

Any sensitive inside code Static data is not advised to keep. You can use configuration files for that

But if you really want to do this, first remember that code can easily be changed by checking it and modifying it. Only programs that the user does not have access to, they can be considered safe (for example, web sites).

Most login passwords (separate sites) are not explicitly stored in the database but the encryption was encrypted with algorithms MD5, SHA1, bluffish etc.

I suggested that you use one of these from the library.

What will I do, perhaps it will break for a little longer, because in my opinion 100% is not definite on talking about software security.


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