Error adding a service refererence to Visual Studio via WSDL -

I have been given a WSDL with all method requests and responses, and I need to use all to create all the items Some web methods will be

I have successfully added WSDL as a "Service Reference" and I can see the methods and structures and can instantiate them. All this seems to be there but, I have a problem: I will not build the project after adding WSDL Here I get the error message when Visual Studio is Reference.cs :

< Blockquote>

tries to compile "Error 2 type name 'ServiceReference1' is missing in type 'WSPELab.WSPELab' C: \ Users \ JJ \ Documents \ Visual Studio 2008 \ Projects \ WSPELab \ WSPELab \ Service Reference \ ServiceReference1 \ Reference.cs 21 111 WSPELabSLN

Is it possible that I have a namespace error in my part The reason is getting this error message?

Finally, an additional question: Added to the WSDL, can I use it directly on the structures? Or are they "listings" for me to apply To do?

A WSDL is a machine-readable file that can be accessed by a web of methods and types Many IDEs, including Excel and Visual Studio, can import and The Rograming can make language classes that match the definitions went in Dbluesdiel. For example, importing a WSDL in a Visual Studio C # will create a Reference.cs file in which the definitions are included, you have to instantify these definitions and as you do for any category Call it the same way.

  var webServiceReference = new WsdlNamespace.ClassDefinedInWsdl (); WsdlNamespace.ParamClassDefinedInWsdl dataToGet; WsdlNamespace.ReturnCodeTypeDefinedInWsdl retCode = webServiceReference.MethodDefinedInWsdl ("Parameters Expected by Parameter", Datatose Gate Out);  

By giving any further detail, we need to show the actual WSDL.


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