Mint Linux - Downgrade Java to 1.5 -

Currently, I'm running Mint Linux (Release 9). Java needs to downgrade from version 1.6 to 1.5, and is trying to know about how to go about it. So far, I have not had any luck. Package manager does not seem to like this.

Do anyone have any suggestions?

- Chris

As you have in your comments Explained, you need JDK5 because you are working on Android's source code and say:

Ubuntu Linux (64-bit x86)

... Update JDK 5.0, 12 or higher. Java 6 @ override is not supported due to incompatibility.

You can do this:

  • Uninstall any Java that you receive through your Linux system's package system
  • Install it to run JDK installer with sudo in linux / or / usr / local (for example / opt or
  • Set your PATH environment variable to include the bin directory of JDK < / Li>


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