seo - Friendly URLs with .htacces NOT working... and stackoverflow URLs style -

I know that this question has been asked millions of times over stack overflow, but I can not do it for work So I need someone who knows how to solve this problem at the end!

I would like it to be inserted into the URL: http: // 0221889 / posters /  

It actually goes on: Ctrl = pelicula & amp; ID = 0160399  

This file looks like my .htacces such as:

  & lt; IfModule mod_rewrite.c & gt; % {REQUEST_FILENAME} on RewriteEngine RewriteCond! -f Rewrite rules ^ / ([^ /] +) / ([^ /] +) /? ([^ /] *) /? $ Index.php? Ctrl = $ 1 and id = $ 2 and tab = $ 3 [QSA, L] & lt; / IfModule & gt;  

But it is not working! I just get 'not found' error in my web server (only when friendly url is used, even though it is working fine regularly). How to fix this?

I also want to know that any error at the end of the URL (such as the StackHowflow URL) should be able to add anything.

Like this: / Questions / 3033407 / htacces-to-  

I hope someone can answer me, thank you!

I have read all your threads so I am not going to repeat what others have said or asked . I'm just throwing ideas, but ...

It seems like writing again - it's actually redirecting properly - but this is pointing you to the page which is not have been found. Have you tried using RewriteBase?

  rewrite to rewrite /  


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