wcf - Missing something with Entity Framework for .NET 3.5? -

Is it not possible to create the necessary organizations when I have NK3 NSP3? I see the checkbox is disabled to support it, but it is available in Net 4.

I have got a DB in which there are only tables in relation to it. I need to create a Silverlight app (SL4) which allows the management of data within this app. I can not use .NET4 on the server ... only. NET3.5SP1 Therefore, in relation to EF, some relation in EF4 is not available to me. To get back to DB from the SL4 app, to avoid building the building as a lot of plumbing to search for.

Do you use Visual Studio 2010 and use the .NET Framework 3.5 in your project settings Are you

If so, then I think that with the "disabled checkbox" you mean that the foreign key column in the checkbox to create a unit model from the wizard (this checkbox is not present at all in VS2008 And when VS2010 targets .NET 4.0, it is not disabled. Therefore, my theory about .NET 3.5 with VS2010.)

Then, then it is relatively good news for you : This checkbox does not mean that No unit ties will be formed from tables connected to foreign key constraints. They can be built, even in unit framework 1 (.NET 3.5) You will not have only scaler unit properties that represent your foreign key column. (This checkbox is available only in .NET 4 - Checking, those properties will be included in the model.) Instead you will always have to deal with the objects referenced in their institutions (check if they are loaded, Manually load them or include them directly into questions, and so on).

Therefore, in the entity model in .NET 3.5 there is little scope for working with relationships, but foreign key constraints are still correctly represented and are automatically created and run wizards Enter and locate the generated unit model.


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