objective c - Replace an Array with an Array -

I have more NSMutableArray and I want to change it with others, but if I try to do it. ..

  agoAre = Seconds;  

... then it starts erasing the entire ARR and I get this error message ..

  the application ends without exception exception 'NSR Exchange Exception', Reason: '*** - [NSCFRRA ObjectAntindex]: Beyond Index (0) (0)' ' 

... and Limits (6) No (0 ) Should be.

Is there any correct way to change the array?

PS: I have already checked the other arrays and it works fine.

You are specifying first point pointer on the second row point, so you have to reference the first object Lose, and it gets leaked. If you want to change the object in the first object then use something like -replaceObjectsInRange: withObjectsFromArray: or just -release . Assign the object and the first array to [SecondArray MutateCopy] .

I would like to read Objective-Memory Management Rules along with Sea Points, to ensure that you have firm understanding on the fundamentals.


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