php - Is it best to make fewer calls to the database and output the results in an array? -

I'm trying to make a more concise way to call hundreds of DB calls. Every time I wanted to output a field, instead of typing the whole query, I tried to close that code in a class that used to work all the queries. This is the category so far:

class mysql = new mysqli (DB_LOC, DB_USER, DB_PASS, DB) or die ('Could not connect'); } Function getListingInfo ($ l_id = "", $ category = "", $ subcategory = "", $ username = "", $ status = "active") {$ condition = "` status` = '$ status' "; If ($! Below ($ l_id)) $ bet = "And` L_ID` = '$ l_id' "; If ($ ($ category) empty down! = "And` category` = '$ range'"; If (below! ($ Subcategory)) $ bet = "And` subcategory` = '$ subcategory'"; If (empty! ($ Username)) $ bet = "AND`Username '=' $ username ''; $ result = $ IT- & gt; MYSCL- & gt; query (" Select where $ a bet is from ") Choose or die ('Error fetching the value '; $ Info = $ result-> fetch_object () or die (' could not create object '); return $ info;}}

Information is easy to access.

  $ listing = new listing; counterpart $ listing-> getListingInfo ('', 'books') -> title;  

This first category in the "Books" category But if I want to produce the price of that listing, I will have to make another call to get the listing (). It creates another query on DB and then returns only the first line. / P>

It is more concise than writing the whole query every time, but I think I can also call DB too often, is there a better way to output data to my class and yet It is a concrete way to output all rows in brief (perhaps an array of access and return array)? If yes, then how?

You should be able to store the whole object in a variable in a query, then from that object Access:

  $ object = $ listing-> GetListingInfo ('', 'Books'); $ Title = $ object- & gt; Title; $ Value = $ item-> value;  

But you can also use fetch_assoc () and return the entire associative array:

  $ array = $ listing-> GetListingInfo ('', '' Books ''); $ Heading = $ object ['title']; $ Value = $ object ['value'];  

This will give you the same results and

Edit with DB only one query: if getListingInfo () is the only function You should think about the following:

  1. Rename the listing to rename the listingInfo () and just create the query within the function and store it in a square variable.
  2. Add a getNextListingInfo () function, which will return an object or associate array to the next line.

Using this new function, you can get every row that matches your query.


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