perl - How can I store a DateTime::Duration object in my DBI::Class model on a MySQL database? -

I am currently using the plugin to keep my date column blooming in the datetime objects and my date-time objects are using MySQL I decrease the debt value.

I want to accumulate the age of a person (I can not use DOB) and for this it can be value of year, months or days. So I'm using the date time :: duration object thing is that the plugin will fail if the value is not a valid date (and 0020-08-00 is not valid). Can I use the plugin, do I have to write my own or any other way?

(BTWS MYSQL does not allow such values ​​- I do not mind that this is 'invalid' - it works for me needs and I am not planning to change my RDBMS.

So I finished writing my own Inflightech column module. You can find it


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