iphone - How to update my UIViewController to current orientation when use pushViewController? -

I used this code but this is a private API, Apple also rejects!

  [[UIDwise Current Device] SetOrrentation: UINPerface Operations LandscapeRite];  

If I rotate my device in the landscape, open my application which will present it as portrait mode, I need to turn my device into another orientation, then update it Will go

How to call call UIViewController to update it? You must use the following code in your UIViewController class:

  - (BOOL) should require aurototettoInterfaceAuthentication: (UINPreference Orientation) Interface Orientation {// Return Yes, Supported Orientation Returns (Interface Orientation == UINPerformance Landscape Wright); }  

If you need to update the orientation on runtime, you will have to return another static

return (interfaceOrientation == UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait);


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