perl + shell script + remove all not uniq lines except the first line uniq (FILE NAME) + perl in shell script -

I have the following file, sed How to delete all FILE NAME the first unique file name , for example, need to delete all the FILE NAME lines from the file except for the first one:

 File  P> 

Parameter Name: Blalabla

Target File: 12

Source File: 565

File Name: / dir1 / dir2 / dir3 / di R4 / dir5 / file

Parameter Name: Blubblaza

Target File: 18

Source File: 552

File Name: / dir1 / Dir2 / dir3 / dir4 / dir5 / file

Parameter name: Blalabla

Target file: 14

Source file: 55 9

Traffic file: 134

Source file: 344

Parameter name: Blubblack

Traffic file: 134

/ P>

file name: / DIA / DIB / DICR / DIER / DIE / file

parameter Name: Blubblaza

Target File: 13

Source File: 445

File Name: / DIA / DIB / DICR / DIER / DIE / File

Parameter name: Blubblack

Target file: 13

  $ line_count = 0; Open (OLD_FILE, "& lt; $ old_file") or die ("$ old_file can not open."); Open (NEW_FILE, "> $ new_file") or die ("$ new_file can not open."); While (& lt; OLD_FILE & gt;) {chomp ($ _); If ($ _ = ~ / ^ FILE NAME /) {$ line_count ++; If ($ line_count> 1) {Next; }} Print NEW_FILE "$ _ \ n"; ) Close (file);  

This matches a pattern on each line of our old file. If the line starts with "file name" and we already match it once, then it does not print these lines even further in our new file.


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