
Showing posts from February, 2010

multithreading - perl threading problem -

I am writing a multithreaded website uptime checker in Perl, and even the basic code is still up to now (Threading only In section): #! Use / Usr / bin / perl LWP :: UserAgent; Getopt :: Use Std; Use threads; Use thread: share; My $ Max: Share = 50; My $ Thread: Share = 0; Print "Website Uptime Checker \ n"; My $ infilename = $ ARGV [0]; Chomp ($ infilename); Open (INFILE, $ infilename); My $ outfill = $ ARGV [1]; Chomp ($ outfilename); Open (OUTFILE, "& gt;" $. $ Outfilename); OUTFILE- & gt; Autoflush (1); While ($ site = & lt; INFILE & gt;) {chomp ($ site); While (1) {if ($ Threads This returns an error after a while: Do not call the "different" method on an unscheduled value on C: \ Pail \ WebShore can do. Pl line 28, line 245. What is the reason for this error? I know this is different, but what am I doing wrong in my code? Windows shows lots of memory, so the computer should not be out of memory, this error occurs when ...

objective c - iPhone time comparison -

I am trying to figure out how to prepare an 'if' statement which, as a condition Time uses the value. For example: if (time I know that the comparison of a string of "5:23" can not be compared to this kind, but I do not think that I can only change a string value like That's straight into an integer Any ideas? Try this: NSString * realTimeString = @ "10: 00 "; NSString * Some Time String = [Real Timestring StringBeerPlanelingrsOffString: @ ":" String: @ ".]; Float time = [some timestring float value]; If (time is

c - Subsume external library into source tree with Autotools -

I am developing a new project using Autotools for my build infrastructure. I want to include external dependence in my source tree. These dependencies are using Autotools, as well. How do I configure my project's build script to create and link against subsumed dependencies? Although Duret-Lutz's tutorial is excellent, this situation has been briefly addressed in a few slides. I was deeply confused by her explanation. The SUBDIRS dependency of is configured and created by adding the directory name after dependency. It is possible to include the path manually via CFLAS, but how can I link to Libootroll .la files? You can add libs with related paths. SUBDIRS = extern foo_SOURCES = foo / xc ... foo_LDADD = extern / bar / foo_DEPENDENCIES = external / bar / # to prevent parallel build from screwing Is

parsing - Parser that accepts Scala Identifiers? -

I was thinking that there is a parser in standard Scala parser connators that also accepts scala language (as Scala Specified in language, section 1.1) StdTokenParsers is a ident parser in the attribute, but does it deny the identifier like empty_? . (If there is no such parse in fact, then I can also instantiate the scalar parser, but it will not be light.) Not a standard parser is a compositor, but is the authentic tool for testing id-ness. There is no need to speed up the Global or Scala scanner.

.net - Winform problem with autoscrolling of the ScrollableControl -

I have a problem with autocrossing of .NET ScrollableControl. I am using TabPage, which is inherited from scrollable control in square hypertext. There are only 1 user control controlled derivative in every tab page object that draws the scenario; There is no other control over tabpay The use of my application will allow its user to drag a file from the windows explorer and leave it in the tab page. The more files that are dragged and dropped, the userControl will expand to adjust the drawing of the generated control files and auto-scrolling will be enabled. I have a problem when I mouse-click on user control control, the vertical and horizontal scrollbar will scroll back in the (0,0) position I want the vertical and horizontal scrollbar in its original scroll state Be whatever happens. I believe that when I click the mouse on the user control control, the user controls control comes in focus and runs auto-scrolling in (0,0) please help. Thanks in advance! UserControl ...

Micropython or minimal python installation -

I once read about the dragon installation without having too many libraries coming with Python default installation, but it Did not get the web ... What I want to do, it is to pack a script with the contents of the ovary, which is necessary for it to be executed and portable. Does anyone know something like this thanks are you looking for? Edit: Or maybe or?

c++ - Static Variables in Overloaded Functions -

I have a function that does the following: When the function is called Is done and a true bool value is set to, it sets a constant force value for the right The function is called string and is crossed, if the static bool value is set to true , It will do something with that string This is my concern - is there a steady variable between two overloaded functions Will it remain? If not, then I could just build a different function that was designed to keep track of the Bull value, but I try to keep things simple. No, it creates two separate stable variables - one for each function is the name of any C ++ function named after its explicit name and its parameter types. , And the name of the stable (at least) strikes it, instead of adding another function, you may want to consider stabilizing the variable in relation to the class that maintains the function, although this is exactly the same behavior Does not give it, or anyone Anonymous namespace puts it in: namespace {int m...

user interface - How to provide Input to Dialogs designed by Qt Designer -

I am starting a QT and working with QT Designer to develop some small UI elements. I used to use these GUI elements in my code and read many legacy approaches to read. I'm starting a bookmark feature that looks to some extent. The problem I am facing now is, how can I show all existing bookmark folders in the drop down (folders are in QVector) then my main problem is how can I do some input in the UI element. I think I am clear, please tell me whether further clarification is required or not. Sorry for adding links, rich formatting is not working in my browser. Edit: As there are some suggestions, I have to go through the code, but in that case it is possible to create all other components such as text edit, add cambodia using labels, buttons and codes. Because I have already developed code and folder feature for bookmarks in existing things. Thanks for the suggestions Finally I came up with the solution I was using multiple succession of UI files generated by QT Design...

Workaround iPhone's browser not honoring the <label> element -

Most recently it went on and I thought it would be useful to share. HTML & lt; Label & gt; element is supported in a strange way by the iPhone (v3) browser, try it: & lt; Input type = "checkbox" id = "chkTest" /> & lt; For label = "chkTest" & gt; Click me! & Lt; / Label & gt; "Click me!" Labels have no effect, checkbox is not checked. & lt; Label & gt; The absence of support in touch devices for the elements torn me and I tried to solve this problem using javascript. Surprisingly, when I did the following by looking at a zero javascript like this: gt; & Lt; Label = "ChkTest" onclick = "javascript: zero (0);" & Gt; Click me! & Lt; / Labels & gt; More information: Also works with an empty handler: onclick = "" Deactivating JavaScript will disable the label again, even if the empty handler is used. following the following CSS rule...

Objective-C runtime reflection (objc_msgSend): does it violate the iPhone Developer License Agreement? -

क्या ऐसा कोड (संभावित) iPhone डेवलपर लाइसेंस अनुबंध का उल्लंघन करता है? क्लास क्लाज़ = NSClassFromString (@ "WNEntity"); आईडी इकाई = [क्लैज अस्तित्वःइटमैज: @ "आईकॉन पेज"]; SEL setPositionSelector = NSSelectorFromString (@ "setPosition:"); Objc_msgSend (इकाई, सेटपॉझीशन चयनकर्ता, CGPointMake (200, 100)); मैं कोड पर काम कर रहा हूं जो कि गतिशील रूप से कक्षाओं को एक्सएमएल से आवंटित करता है और उनको objc_msgSend के द्वारा कॉल विधियों को आवंटित करता है। यह मेरे ऑब्जेक्ट्स का तरीका बहुत ही सुविधाजनक है, लेकिन यह मुझे चिंता करता है क्योंकि मुझे पता नहीं है कि यह ठीक है या लाइसेंस को गतिशील रूप से निष्पादित करके कोड निष्पादित कर रहा है या यहां तक ​​कि निजी (?) एपीआई फ़ंक्शन भी बुला सकता है। अगर वे निजी थे, तो क्या वे दस्तावेज नहीं बनेंगे, सही? क्या कोई इस पर कुछ प्रकाश डाल सकता है? क्या आपके पास ऐप के समान कोड का उपयोग करने वाले को मंजूरी दे दी गई या अस्वीकार की गई एक ऐप है? मुझे पूरा यकीन है कि यह ठीक है लेकिन मैं इसे किसी और से सुनना नहीं चाहता! :) ...

java - JTable's and DefaultTableModel's row indexes lose their synchronization after I sort JTable -

जावा नेटबेन्स // resultsTable, myModel JTable resultsTable; डिफ़ॉल्टटाबलमोडेलमॉडेल; //javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel myModel = (DefaultTableModel) resultsTable.getModel (); तालिका के आइटम पर क्लिक करने की // घटना स्ट्रिंग मान = (स्ट्रिंग) myModel.getValueAt (resultsTable.getSelectedRow (), columnIndex) मैं विभिन्न सूचनाओं की एक तालिका देखने के लिए JTable और DefaultTableModel का उपयोग करता हूं और मैं तालिका के चयनित इंडेक्स के एक निश्चित स्तंभ के मान प्राप्त करना चाहता हूं। मैं ऊपर लिखे गए कोड को ठीक से छोड़ देता है जब: मैं जीयूआई के प्रकार का उपयोग करता हूं (फील्ड नाम पर क्लिक करें I मेज पर सॉर्ट करना चाहते हैं) तालिका ठीक से सॉर्ट की जाती है, लेकिन इसके बाद जब मैं एक पंक्ति चुनता हूं, तो वह पंक्ति का मान हो जाता है जो कि सॉर्ट करने से पहले था इसका अर्थ है कि सॉर्टिंग के बाद (जेटेबल जीयूआई का उपयोग करके) 'मैमोल्ड' और 'परिणामटेबल' ऑब्जेक्ट्स की अलग पंक्ति अनुक्रमित हैं। मैं उन दोनों को कैसे सिंक्रनाइज़ करूँ? आपको JTable पर 'XXXXX कन्वर्ट' ...

javascript countdown timer with cookies -

I have a countdown clock that will show a target amount for the amount of USD1000000 and gradually count The duration of the day. I found this snippet: $ (function () {var cnt = 75000000; var count = setInterval (function () {if (cnt> 0) {$ ('# target ') $ (' # Target '). (" KSHS " + cnt + "target & lt; / strong & gt; ); Cnt--; other {clear} .html ("get strong & gt; target!"; / Strong> gt;))}}, 4000);}); The only problem is that whenever you refresh the page the counter resumes, which essentially means it will never end. I like that when the user continues the counter and continues the page / refreshes I have read that JavaScript cookies can be used for this, just do not know how How to do any help? Take a look at this:

java - Why am I getting the error SQLException: [Microsoft][ODBC Excel Driver] Too few parameters. Expected 1 -

I am using the following code to upload keywords; Numbers in an Excel file I have as a primary key to the code is keyword_id I have two columns in the Excel file I Lkkiward and 2kkount My code is: while ( ()) {System.out.println ("inside"); String keyword = rs.getString (1); Int count = rs.getInt (2); System.out.println ( "SEARCHABLE_KEYWORDS values ​​(" + keyword + "," + count + "Insert"); ( "+ + + +", "+ + + + Count '' '' ') ;););););) System.out.println (keyword + "+ keyword +" calculated "+ count);} but I am getting the following error: java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft] [ODBC Excel driver] very few parameters sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbc on Sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbc.createSQLException ( Sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbc.SQLExec Direct (JdbcOdbc.) Is expected on .standardError ( .Java: 3151) sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcStatement.execute (JdbcOdbcStatement.ja...

osx - Mac C run in window -

Is it possible to run compiled C and C ++ files on Mac without opening and running in the terminal? E.G. Is there a separate GUI that I can use to execute compiled programs? Terminal IS is a GUI; This gives you access to the shell, while you are still in the window system. I do not know what you want this GUI that the terminal is not doing for you. You will still need to provide the file path to this other program, after which it will load for execution, and still will need to open the standard input / standard output. If you have a source code, however, you can use an IDE that works well for it, but there are many people.

jquery - autocomplete -

I am using auto integer I I have been successful in getting the data in the form given below, but in the autocomplete list, I do not see the added space after Supplier , I tried to trim everyone from the script, But it does not solve my problem. Please suggest. Exon: Supplier HJR / VAKJ-1 This is a jQuery or auto- There is no complete issue. It works as HTML: the source code is irrelevant by the whitespace design. To apply the blank space that appears on the screen, use it: their HTML entity name, & amp; Nbsp; / Code>, their numbered unit & amp; # 160; By changing the space characters directly from or Chr (160) . It depends on your server side software how to do this, but it is quite easy. Ex:: HJR / VAKJ-1 For example: For example: Exxon: & amp; Nbsp; & Amp; Nbsp; & Amp; Nbsp; And & nbsp; Supplier & amp; Nbsp; & Amp; Nbsp; & Amp; ; Nbsp; HJR / VKJ-1 Be sure to use a fixed width font for the presentation, or you wi...

multithreading - Python Threading, loading one thread after another -

I am working on a media player and am able to load in a single and run it. As seen in the code below. foo = wx.FileDialog (auto, message = "open .wav file ...", defaultDir = os.getcwd (), defaultFile = "", style = wx.FD_MULTIPLE) foo .ShowModal () qi = foo.GetPaths () self.playing_thread = threading.Thread (target = self.playFile, args = (line [0], 'msg')) self.playing_thread Start () But the problem is, when I call the above code multiple. Attempt to create WAV files in a loop. Such is that while play_thread.isActive == is true, create and Start () threads, then load .isActive == incorrect, pop queue [0] and the next .wav file. The problem is that my UI will stop and I have to end the program. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Since wx.python is using, use a delay, see wx demo A complete example for. Complete the least example: import wx import wx.lib.delayedresult as ingg import time category player (wx.frame): def __init __ (self) : Se...

c# - Windows service and default code page/culture setting? -

I am writing a service that will read files from a directory, read the contents of the file and process the content I am having problems with Swedish characters that are read from the file because they are translated into "garbage characters" after reading. Do anyone know whether the code page / culture setting is being used by the Service Control Manager, or maybe you use "best practices" to handle Swedish characters in the context of Windows service programming. Do you know about any article about? Any help is appreciated. / P> This is probably something that you read the file and how the file is encoded. For example if the file is encoded with UTF-8 and it needs to be read with your ASCII then special character will be garbage. For example: using (var fileStream = new streamminder (@ "path to file", encoding. UTF8)) {Console.Write (fileStream.ReadToEnd ()); } You can change encoding.UTF8 to match the encoding used to create the fi...

java - Is there a way to reduce the amount of boiler-plate code associated with a CriteriaQuery (in JPA 2.0)? -

That I have a unit named Named Entity, which has just an ID and a string field called "name" (assuming the unique obstacle in it is true). Here's what NamedEntityManager can look like: Public class NamedEntityManager {// Instruments using your Framework EntityManager entityManager; // DB Public Interpreting all existing institutions & lt; NamedEntity & gt; Type NamedEntity from QueryAll () {CriteriaBuilder Builder = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder (); CriteriaQuery & LT; NamedEntity & gt; Query = builder.createQuery (NamedEntity.class); Return unit Magerager.createQuery (query) .getResultList (); } / / Retrieve the specific unit named a specific entity by using the public NamedEntity queryByName (string name) {CriteriaBuilder Builder = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder (); CriteriaQuery & LT; NamedEntity & gt; Query = builder.createQuery (NamedEntity.class); The root of the & lt; NamedEntity & gt; Root = query.from ...

javascript - Selecting text between Brackets in an input field with Jquery -

के साथ $ ("# TextInputElement")। चयन करें () मैं एक इनपुट पाठ क्षेत्र में किसी पाठ (चिह्न) को चुनने में सक्षम हूं। अब मैं केवल उस इनपुट फ़ील्ड में कोष्ठक के बीच में टेक्स्ट का चयन करना चाहता हूं। चयन करने के लिए मेरे पास नियमित अभिव्यक्ति है मैच (/ - [^ -] * - /) , लेकिन मैं इसे कैसे केवल कोष्ठक के बीच इनपुट फ़ील्ड के अंदर ही चुन सकता हूं? [noselect] textToBe चयनित [/ noselect] thx आपको क्रॉस ब्राउज़र तरीके से उन्हें कैसे उपयोग करें यह दिखा कर createTextRange / setSelectionRange का उपयोग करें

javascript - Search HTML Table with JQuery -

I have a table and a specific column is required in a particular line. & lt; TR & gt; & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; & Lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; & Lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; Td square = "important_column" & gt; & Lt; A href = "/ bla / blah / link" & gt; Important information & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Td> & Lt; TD & gt; & Lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; Td class = "need_link_here" & gt; & Lt; A href = "/ I / watt / this / link /" & gt; Link & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Td> & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; / TR & gt; So if the link in "important_column" is the same as searching for text. Get the link text in the "need link_here" column & lt; A & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; Text between - How to do in JQuery? You can use to see that an element is in...

wpf - XamDataGrid Collection Column -

Is there a way to bind XamDataGrid from the collection column in DataSource? What am I trying to do to show all the items in a specific column collection in a grid area? (Using the appropriate template). Hope it all makes you understand. Let me know if you need to clarify things a bit more then tell me. I got the answer in the end. To host the collection, I used only one wrapper class and binded the ropper class property column instead of the collection property. After that, making the right template is very easy. Here's an example: & lt; Style x: key = "validation style" target type = "{x: type igDP: CellValuePresenter}" & gt; & Lt; Setter Estates = "Template" & gt; & Lt; Setter.Value & gt; & Lt; ControlTemplate TargetType = "{x: type igDP: CellValuePresenter}" & gt; & Lt; ContentControl DataContext = "{TemplateBinding Value}" & gt; & Lt; ItemsControl ItemsSource = ...

Easy ways to investigate unknown Python APIs -

While studying a snippet of unknown Python code, I sometimes varName Method () pattern. To find out what is it, I will study more code, to find out where its varName was instantiated, to find its type. So if an example of varName class class name proves, then I knew methodName () class name . Sometimes varName == self and methodName () is a method of this class, or a method somebody Inherited from other classes, if the present square is in sub-sections of some other classes. There can take as input a quick way / tool 'methodName' you can scan all installed Python modules and to which class that can show methodName () ? This is the closest thing Aipyathon related to I if I type a class name, dot ( ".") Tab, it can show the class members, I have a class Instead, I could use the name of an object (which is an example of a certain class) and it will also work as soon as I choose the name of one of the options provided, I '?' Or '?...

c# - How do you get a flat listing of all files in IsolatedStorage? -

I need to get a list of all the files in the given IsolatedStorage folder. The isolatedStorage root contains sub folders and these Need to be included in the list. General System. IoO classes can not be used with IsolatedStorage. This is who I came with - it works but I would be interested to see that What are the better options: using the system. Colllections.Generic; Using System.IO; Using System.IO.IsolatedStorage; Using System.Linq; Public Static Class IsolatedStorageFileExtensions {/// & lt; Summary & gt; /// The list of all files in different networks is found repeatedly /// & lt; / Summary & gt; /// & lt; Comment & gt; Based on & lt; See cref = "" /> gt; & Lt; / Remark & ​​gt; /// & lt; Param name = "isolated storage file" & gt; & Lt; / Param & gt; /// & lt; Returns & gt; & Lt; / Returns & gt; Public static list & lt; String ...

iphone - Basics of in-app email? -

What classes are I looking at? I want to allow the user to do something in the "order" via email in the app. I would like to use a model view to show an email form that is already accessible. Can anyone please explain the process of sending in-app email or send me the appropriate documents? (This is a view controller who sees a user writing as an email)

language agnostic - What is the cost of memory access? -

We believe memory access is fast and stable, but on modern architecture / OS, it is not necessarily true. / P> Consider the following C code: int i = 34; Int * p = & amp; I; // something that May and P may not include ... {3} later: * p = 643; What is the estimated cost of this final assignment in CPU instructions, if i is in L1 cache, i in L2 cache, i is in L3 cache, I is appropriate in RAM, i has been pushed to an SSD disk, to i Has a traditional disc been thrown out? And where else can i be? Of course the numbers are not complete, but I'm only interested in the order of magnitude. I tried searching for a web, but Google did not bless me this time. This exact time is different from the CPU family and version: These numbers There is a good guide: L1 1 NS L2 5 ns ram 83 ns disk 13700000 ns And as an infograph, you order magnitude To: (src)

Obtaining the Button Clicked after a Clicked() is emitted in Qt (C++) -

I was thinking, clicking once () is emitted by a button, there is no way to find out How does the button exit without overloading the click () function? (I have a bunch of buttons with almost the same function, but different text, which is the defined element of each button). Thanks in advance! sender () function to get QObject that send you clicked () Given code gives this a QObject * . Use qobject_cast to insert qobject * to QPushButton * . Documentation.

c# - Multiple websites, Single sign-on design -

I have a question, a customer who I was working recently, has several websites with different login mechanisms She is slowly trying to migrate to the Single Sign-On system for her websites (all mvc .) I see here on my options, here is a list of requirements: It is to be safe (duh) It needs to support more user-user qualities than normal, name, address stuff (such as money or credits for a user) It must give a centralized user management web console for its convenience (I think it will be a small project at the top of the design design, I choose to go for it) Repeat the entire product Without the need to integrate with existing websites (I think it depends on the existing product implementation). The person has to deal with emailing when he registers (to activate his account) User has to deal with activating, when he activates me In the email the link will click (I understand that 5 and 6 require some form for email templateing system so that different e-ma...

XAML-based applications - Event Naming Conventions for C# -

For event handling, I'm starting to see several coders: Click on XButton + = OnXButtonClicked () ... Zero OnXButtonClicked () {...} Where did this On_ conference come from? It does not seem right in terms of methods. I am starting to see this too and I wonder what other people thought: XButton.Click + = HandleXButtonClick () ... void HandleXButtonClick ( ) {...} While using Intellisense, Visual Studio handles them in this way: XButton.Click + = XButton_Click; ... Zero XButton_Click (Object Sender, RoutedEventArgs E) {...} I am seeking some advice on these naming conventions and I would appreciate some advice. Because this is usually always a personal way, this name actually depends on you and your team is. Event handlers are used only within your private API, and there is an implementation description, which is not partially in the context of naming, there is no official guidance. It's being said, I can choose something just that you and your team u...

c++ - How do I correlate build configurations in dependant vcproj files with different names? -

I need a solution file that requires a third party library (open source). . The solution is "debug" and "release" is a debug from the third party and the release uses both the DLL and the configuration configuration for stable libraries using the typical configuration name - their name "debug" and "no Are released " Before I tell the solution to build dependency and how do I correlate which configuration for dependent configuration That is, MyProject:. Debug_shared or 3rdParty: debug_static update:. I do not want to correlate from one to many, I just want to take one and stay with it. So in my case I will correlate debug in the main project to 3rdParty. Shared_debug How do I do this When do I call for creation? The solution for debug is that I want to build third party accessories as well. In the IDE there is "Configuration Manager" where you can leave the project configuration with configuration solution config...

setting up Google Webpage Optimizer where text and conversion pages are the same -

I have a site where there are both landing and thank you pages index.php page dynamically loaded with various content. As I am generating JavaScript and trying to validate it, it tells me an error that JS is not installed on the thank you page, which makes sense, because its content has not yet been loaded. I was wondering how can I handle this issue? Any suggestions? Thank you! You will need to make offline verification of the conversion page.

tsql - Using ADO.NET Entities LINQ Provider to model complex SQL Queries? -

मैं ADO.NET संस्थाओं या LINQ से SQL , जटिल प्रश्नों को मॉडल करने की क्षमता है मुझे सचमुच मैपिंग की ज़रूरत नहीं है कि संस्थाएं या LINQ से SQL मेरे लिए कर रही हैं - मुझे मॉडल जटिल अभिव्यक्ति की क्षमता की आवश्यकता है जिसे T-SQL में अनुवाद किया जा सकता है । मेरा प्रश्न यह है कि क्या मैं बहुत अधिक का दुरुपयोग कर रहा हूँ? क्या मैं मॉडलिंग क्वेरी के लिए इकाई फ़्रेमवर्क का उपयोग कर सकता हूं और बस? क्या मैं? मुझे पता है कि मैं अपनी खुद की कस्टम LINQ को एसक्यूएल प्रदाता लिख ​​सकता हूं, लेकिन मेरे पास उस वक्त के समय में संभालना संभव नहीं है। जटिल टी-एसक्यूएल प्रश्नों के मॉडल के लिए सबसे अच्छा तरीका क्या है? आप OOP दुनिया में सशर्त समूह बाईस, ऑर्डर, जॉन्सन, यूनियन आदि को कैसे प्रबंधित करते हैं? इस प्रकार की नौकरी के लिए स्ट्रिंगबिलल्डर का उपयोग करना बहुत ही बदसूरत और कठिन लगता है ताकि हमारे पास अभिव्यक्ति पेड़ के साथ मौजूद संभावनाओं को बनाए रख सकें जब मैं एक जटिल एसक्यूएल क्वेरी के मॉडल के लिए स्ट्रिंगबइल्डर का उपयोग करता हूं, तो मुझे दोषी महसूस होता है! मुझे वैसे ही महसूस होत...

c# - ideas on building a strongly typed class to manage URLS for mvc -

I want a strongly typed URL class whenever I need a URL to link, redirect, etc. I do not like: Redirect Taoactine ("Action", "Controller"); A site with a 50+ view means that any naming change is going to break the allocation of things. I also want a user to freenly api so that I can: MyUrls.ControllnerName.ActionName How do I Can i get Is this possible? Take a look at (part of MvcContrib). It provides you the typed helpers for tasks, controllers and ideas. Excerpt from project document: T4MVC is a T4 template for ASP.NET MVC applications that strongly supports typed helpers, tasks and ideas By eliminating the use of literal stars while referencing, it helps to maintain your MVCC code further, and gives you Intelligence where you do not normally have it. Instead of: You can type it:

jquery - manipulate content inserted by ajax, without using the callback -

I am using Ajax to insert a series of information blocks through a loop. Each of the blocks has a title, and they have long details which are hidden by default. They act like an Eordian, show only one description at a time in all the blocks. The problem is opening details on the first block, I would really like to do with javascript which was looped in them. Is it possible to manipulate the elements made of an AJAX call without using the callback? & lt ;! - Example code - & gt; & Lt; Style & gt; . Placeholder, .long_description {display: none;} & lt; / Style & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Script & gt; / * Yes, this script is in the body, do not know whether it is in the case of * / $ (document) .ready (function () {$ (". Placeholder"). Each (function () {// divs Use blocks block block = $ (this) .html (); // if div is an ID for AJAX POST $ .post ("/ service_app / dyn_block", 'form =' +...

.net - Automated fake mailbox -

The idea that I'm ready to start developing a new automated email application is that the customer (or other external Users) send email to the mailbox and then an automated process will teach them, remove their information and put it in some database. It is a requirement that the standard format of email is to be parsed (standard subject, etc.) Obvious thing There is a simple mailbox that will be selected from time to time to establish a process, for example, via pop-3, the messages that get the message are processed, however, for me, It would be great to be able to. Then I was thinking, is there any way to set up a process that works as a fake email box? Do you know about the implementation of any open-source such as I can extend? I would like to have written something in C. # Thank you in advance for your help, Burning Perhaps the easiest to set up is a local mail system with Mail Recovery Agent (MRA) and Mail Delivery Agent (MDA). A common combination is for MRA and M...

ruby on rails - belongs_to with multiple models -

I am a rail nuke and have a question. I have a feed aggregator that is organized by this general concept: Feed category (books, electronics, etc.) Feed site section (home page, book page, etc.) Feed (feed themselves) Entry Such: class category & lt; ActiveRecord :: Base has has_many: feeds have has_many: feed_entries ,: through = & gt; : Feed, limit = & gt; 5 validates_presence_of: name attr_accessible: name ,: id end class section & lt; ActiveRecord :: Base has has_many: feeds have has_many: feed_entries ,: through = & gt; : Feed, limit = & gt; 5 attr_accessible: name ,: id end class feed & lt; ActiveRecord :: base is_to: categories belong_to: class is_many: feed_entries validates_presence_of: name ,: feed_url attr_accessible: name ,: feed_url ,: category_id ,: section_id end class FeedEntry & lt; ActiveRecord :: Base is_to: feed is_to: range belongs_to: section validates_presence_of: title ,: url end understand? Now, in my index page, I b...

Android Notification Bar Number -

I am able to successfully display the count of information numbers on the Android emulator. However, when I use it on a real Android phone it does not display anything. Any suggestions on why may be a different reason? Try setting it up with the first number 1, then go get higher here: number field This value indicates the current number of occurrences presented by the notification. The appropriate number is on top of the status bar icon If you want to use this area, then you have to start with "1", when the notification will be created first. (If you change more than zero in zero during an update, the number is not visible.)

Selecting a Java framework for large application w/ only ONE user -

I am creating a large application that will be hosted on an AWS server. I am trying to choose a web framework to assist with code organization, template design and generally presentation aspects. Here are some points of consideration: Security / login / user authentication is required I allow more than just an administrator to access the web app I can add capacity in the future, but this is not a public website. AJAX support will be helpful, some widgets that I do not want to restart again. One is the object of a tree, where the user can expand expansion / contract items in the list, create new branches, add / edit objects. This would be better in some dynamic view instead of everywhere done in HTML. Generally, it is only to provide applications with a face for control, management, and monitoring. I'm considering: Wicket Spring Seam GWT Strip and goes into the list, as I said, 'I'm sure you all know that I basically plan to use GWT But then I s...

.net - When is it worth using a BindingSource? -

I think I understand what the binding source class does - i.e. the data source and a UI control It implements the IBindingList interface and hence also provides support for sorting. And I have used it many times, without a lot of problems but I am wondering if I want to use it as often as I would like to use it. Perhaps an example would help. Let's say I have a simple textbox on the form (using WinForms), and I would like to paste that text box into a common property within a square that gives the string. Is the binding source useful to use in this situation? Now we say that I have a grid, and I want to pair it in DataTable. Should I now use a binding source? In the latter case, maybe I will use a BindingSource, as a DataTable, which I can collect, the binding source will be the data itself, when a row is added to the correct events If it is removed, then the fire will fire so that the grid automatically updates. But with the initialization of a string in the first letter,...

c++ - Porting Windows socket program to Unix: Alternative for winsock32 APIs in unix -

In socket programming, how will the client receive a socket CLOSE event from UNIX thread when the connection is closed? Is there an API that will inform UNIX thread about the CCCE incident? As a Windows we have the WSNU NetworkAventApps API that receives event information for the specified socket descriptor. Will there be an equal API in Unix Socket Programming? Please provide support for queries. You can track closure events while reading. Read Return 0 (Definitely speaking about "Berkeley Sockets"). // Edit: Use poll or to wait for some events to happen (Data Arrival, Socket Closing. ..).

java - Speech recognition in Android -

I am working on speech recognition and some sample programs are required. Can anyone guide me? will show me which code you'll need I edit You can also download an easy abstract class from you. You will need this effect (parasitization as you see fit): Get the public intro recognizer (string promptuuse, extracted maxResultsToReturn) {intent = new Intent (RecognizerIntent.ACTION_RECOGNIZE_SPEECH); Intent.putExtra (RecognizerIntent.EXTRA_LANGUAGE_MODEL, RecognizerIntent.LANGUAGE_MODEL_FREE_FORM); Intent.putExtra (RecognizerIntent.EXTRA_MAX_RESULTS, maxResultsToReturn); Intent.putExtra (RecognizerIntent.EXTRA_PROMPT, promptToUse); Intent to return; } Then you need to send your motivation like speech recognition activity, collect public zodiac sign (string prompt) {intro detection = receive Do Recognizer (Quick); Try {StartActivityForResult (Identifier, Boligator.VOICE_RECOGNITION_REQUEST_CODE); } Catch (ACTIVITY FOOTDOWN APPLICATION ACT NOTOUND) {log. W (D.OoLG,...

algorithm - count char in java -

इस कोड में क्या गलत है? import; Import java.util। *; सार्वजनिक वर्ग char_digit {सार्वजनिक स्थिर शून्य मुख्य (स्ट्रिंग [] args) IOException फेंकता {int count = 0; जबकि (सच) {char t = (char) (); अगर (टी == '0') {ब्रेक; } गणना ++; } System.out.println (गणना); }} चलाएँ: abcdef 0 12 समस्या यह है कि आप सफेद स्थान वर्णों की गिनती कर रहे हैं साथ ही, जब आप कंसोल में एन्टर करें बटन दबाएंगे तब डाला जाएगा एक त्वरित तय यह है कि जांच को निम्नानुसार उपयोग करना है: यदि (टी == '0') {ब्रेक; } और अगर (! चरित्र.विशेष स्थान (टी)) {count ++; } आप क्या करना चाहते हैं पर निर्भर करता है, हालांकि, कोई भी आपके उद्देश्य को बेहतर ढंग से प्रदान कर सकता है का उपयोग करना अत्यंत असामान्य है, और खासकर यदि आप char पढ़ रहे हैं, तो एक रीडर अधिक उपयुक्त है। संबंधित प्रश्न

python - Use Regular expression with fileinput -

I am trying to change a variable stored in another file using regular expression. I have tried: Fileinput for row in r = re.compile (r "self \ .uid \ s * = \ s * ('\ w {12})') .input ([''], inplace = True: print line.rale (r.match (line), sys.argv [1]), format file Variable: self.uid = '027FC8EBC2D1' I am trying to pass in a parameter in this format and the regular expression is verified To do that sys.argv [1] is the correct format and to find the stored variable in this file and find it with new variables The Rtisthapit. Anybody can help Thanks for the help. You can use re.sub which will match the regular expression And do one at a time: r = re.compile (r "(.uid \ s * = \ s *) '\ w {12}'") Fileinput For line in .input ([''], inplace = True): Print R. Sub (r "\ 1 '% s'"% sys.argv [1], line),

google maps in android -

I am the new user of the Google Maps API in the Android OS. I have made a small application in which I am using Google Maps. I want to add a functionality, when I should double-click on the map (multi-touch) in the map. Is there anyone who has any idea how to do this or if it is possible please provide a code example. thank you in advanced. BR, muted code I did something like using a map API Although in the app I did this in an overlay item, the principle should be the same. You can use the TouchList and gesture detector to detect touch events and touch events. Note that this is not all the actual working code, you need to adopt it so that it fits in your implementation. ... class Expands MyDetector SimpleOnGestureListener {@Override Public Bullion onDoubleTap (MotionEvent event) {mapView.getController () .zoomInFixing ((int) event.getX (), (int ) Event.getY ()); Return super. OntubeTap (}} // Maybe it's in your init or something GestureNector gDetector = new gest...

c# - Memory leak in WPF app due to DelegateCommand -

I just wrote the desktop app in WPF and used the C # MVVM pattern. In this app I used representative command implementation to wrap ICommands properties highlighted in my model view. The problem is that these delegations prevent my model view and view from being garbled after the closure of the Delayed Comand View. So, until I finish the whole application, this difference remains. I give a profile to the application. I think that it is about the delegation that how can I survive this situation to maintain the model in memory and it is in the nature of the MVVM pattern, or is it about my implantation of the pattern ? Thank you. Edit: This is the small but full part of how I implement the MVVM pattern First of all: CommandDelegte class Category delegate group: ICommand {personal action & lt; Object & gt; Executed; Private Prickett & lt; Object & gt; CanExcute; Public Representative Representative (Action & lt; Object & gt; Execute, Execute & Object;...

c# - Detect whether or not a specific attribute was valid on the model -

I created my own recognition feature from the system. Companent MODEL. Data Annotation Verification, I want to be able to find out from my controller, whether it was valid on specific feature model or not. My setup: Public class MyModel {[Required] [CustomValidation] [Some other validity] Public string SomeProperty {Received; Set; }} Public class CustomValidationAttribute: validation attribute {public override bool} IsValid (object value) {/ custom verification logic here}} Now, how can I find out from the controller Did the validity of CustomValidationAttribute be successful? I'm looking at ModelError's exception property in ModelState, but there is no way to add a custom exception to my CustomValidationAttribute. I have now tried to test a specific error message in ModelState: Public ActionResult Postmodel (Maymold Models) {if (ModelState.Where (i = & Gt; i.Value.Errors.Where ((E = & gt; E.ream Message == Custom Validation Attribute. Chever Message)... - How to get parameters out of an ascx back to the main aspx page -

I have an ASPX page that provides an essex page with filtering capabilities. Parameters are passed within the Esx page: & lt; Tr & gt; & Lt; Td class = "label" & gt; Platform & lt; / Td> & Lt; Td square = "field lookup" & gt; & Lt;% = Html View ("Site", blank, URL, "Sites")%> & Lt; / Td> & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; Td class = "label" & gt; Data & lt; / Td> & Lt; Td square = "field date" & gt; & Lt;% = Html.TextBox ("s.Date", DateTime Today.tostring ("yyyy-MM-dd"))% & gt; & Lt; / Td> & Lt; / TR & gt; I need to be able to get those parameters on the main ASPX page, because there are those actions that are called there. How can I access these parameters? The default of the default is available on the page and all partial views on this value Should be able to achieve. If not, you c...

resize - Using jQuery To Get Size of Viewport -

How can I use jQuery to determine the size of the browser viewport, and if the page has been resized So to get it back? I need to make this IFRAM size in this space (each margin is coming slightly). People who do not know, the browser viewport is not the size of the document / page. It is the visible size of your window before scrolling. To get the width and height of the viewport: var Viewportwidth = $ (window). With (); Var vorteights = $ (window). height (); Resize the position of the page: $ (window). Resize (function () {});

How to go about converting this classic asp to -

I have some classic ASP code that needs to be changed in So far, I have tried to get it through Detroitder and Repeaters and there is no luck because the menu has 4 different record sets through it, going with the menu before going to the next record. Can you please tell me which method you will use to convert this code ... i.e. Datreaders? Dataset? e.t.c? Thank you Aha ... it's a bit slow and repeat code. (I'm sorry to be blunt ...) You can read all the data using datatelle (dataset and an SQL Data Adapter) so that you can reuse it and you do not have it To run a query in each level and each item in the menu. In this way you can call a single database instead of a lot of them, and the database call is exactly the bottle neck in this code. You can use recycling to get different levels instead of repeating the same code repeatedly. To create elements of the menu, you have several options, one is to put a placeholder in the page and adding them to each...

javascript - PopUp Blocker code detection not working -

I have started a popup blocker in FF and Chrome. I have a piece of code to check the popup: function checkpop () {var myTest = ("about: blank", "", "directories = no, Height = 1, width = 1, menubar = no, resizable = no, scrollbar = no, position = no, title bar etc = no, top = 0, location = no "); Var popupsblock = ''; If (! MyTest) {popUpsBlocked = true; } Else {popUpsBlocked = false; } Return popups off; } The page's work is "OK" but when I'm using it with Hyper Link Onclick, it does not work, a popup is being opened. & lt; A onclick = "checkPopUp ()" href = "#" & gt; Test & lt; / A & gt; Browsers allow popups during "click" event loops in different user controls Browsers have different configuration options, but the default behavior is usually that a "click" is considered to be user willingly to request functionality from a page.

sql - n-grams from text in PostgreSQL -

I am looking to create anagram from text column in PostgreSQL. I currently split the (white-space) data (sentence) into an array in a text column. Enter the code here from the regexp_split_to_array (syntax, e '\ s +'), the name of the table Once I have this array, How do I want to go about this: Create a loop to find anagram, and write in another table in each table Unnest Use I can get all the elements of all arrays on different arrays, and maybe I can think of a way to get an N-gram from a column I am, but I opened it to the sentence limitations which are wise to preserve me. Sample SQL code for PostgreSQL to emulate the above scenario Create table table (syntax text); Insert table (syntax) value ('this is a long sentence'); Include the tablename (syntax) values ​​('I'm currently grammatical, I'm killing this monster book BTW!'); Insert in the table (syntax) value ('Just tons of grammar, the problem I bought in Taiwan, and ther...

Drupal get a CKK field from a node object -

I am using the rule module to send an email I need to include a CCK field from my node in the email I Rule Module provide $ node object. How do I get my field from this object so that I can get it out in the email? Debug by dumping the node object you can: Var_dump ($ node); or (my preference) You can use the dBug.php script to include that script and create new debug ($ node) ; This will make the dump easier to read. However, in your node object there will be the CCK field marked as field_ (name). So if you had a CCK area called a telephone, then it would be in the node object with its properties as field_telfone. If these fields are unavailable, the node may not be fully loaded. I have seen that this will happen. If yes, then you can do this: $ full_node = node_load ($ node-> nid); Var_dump ($ full_node); This will be a fully loaded node object, then point to the correct field in your email script / tip, though you are doing it, and if there is a val...

c - program "is not up to date" execution error in wedit lcc-win32 -

I am trying to compile a simple Hello World program in C with LCC-win32 / wedit, and I Unlocked with little Windows C programming #include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; Int main (zero) {printf ("hellow \ n"); Return 0; } When I compile the program then the console output is: Badit Output Window Build: Tuesday 15 June 09:13:17 2010 c: \ lcc \ lib \ lcccrt0.obj .text: '@ 16 _RtlUnwind' c undefined reference: \ LCC \ lib \ lcccrt0.obj .text: '_signal' c undefined reference: \ LCC \ lib \ lcccrt0.obj .text: undefined reference '_raise' c: \ LCC \ lib \ lcccrt0.obj .text: 'for undefined terms _exit' asctoq.obj .text: 'for undefined terms _strnicmp' defaulttrap.obj .text : '__imp___iob' defaulttrap is the undefined reference. Obj Ktext: undefined reference '_fwrite' defaulttrap.obj .text are: undefined reference '_itoa' defaulttrap.obj .text are "undefined @ 16 _MessageBoxA 'defaulttrap reference: u...

html - Create a "inset" effect using CSS in websites -

I'm quite impressed by the "inset" effect in many recent websites, some examples are and Line in the center. Nowadays, many websites use these types of lines / effects. I tried to get it with the boundaries but the color combination is not working at all and it is not fair. Do other websites use images for these? Is it easy? Example CSS: Post-text "itemprop =" text "> this Do not know what this will help, but using 1 Px borders which can be made from a little light and dark with the background of the 2 adjacent elements. For example: gt; Top & gt; & lt; title & gt; Untitled & lt; / title & gt; & lt; Style Type =" Text / CSS "& Gt; Div {ba Ckground: # 555;} .top {border-bottom: # 333 solid 1px;} .bot {border-top: # 777 solid 1px;} gt; & lt; / head & gt; & lt ; Body & gt; & lt; div class = "top"> this gt; div class = "bot" & gt; atithis & ...

language agnostic - Regex not being greedy enough -

I've got the following regeses that were working perfectly until the new condition was created ^. * [? & Amp;] U (?: RL)? = (? & Lt; url; gt; *) $ Actually, it is used against the URL, to catch everything after u =, or URL = URL = Unfortunately, a strange case came out / P> Ideally, I need a URL "", instead, just edit it "" Although it is not beautiful ^. * [? & Amp;] (? & Lt;! [? & Amp;] U (?: RL)? =. *) U (?: RL)? = (? & Lt; url & gt; *) $ problem The problem is not that . * is not greedy enough; It is that other . * which appears first also is greedy. To illustrate this problem, example. Consider the following two samples; They are similar, except for the reluctance of \ 1 in the second rule: \ 1 greedy, \ 2 greedy \ 1 reluctance, \ 2 greedy ^ ([0 - 5] *) ([5- 9] *) $ ^ ([0-5] *?) ([5-9] *) $ Here we have two capturing groups . \ 1 capture [0-5] * , and \ 2 capture [5-9]...

printing - Print out PDF with javascript -

I need to print multiple PDFs with Javascript. Is it possible to do this without rendering each PDF in a separate window? Is possible and window.print () ? Without calling , I would like to be able to do something like print ('My_pdf_url') . Edit After some search, I have come to the conclusion that there are no other methods than the one described above. It is far from the right solution, but it Works in simple cases. Edit I ended up merge PDF to a monster PDF on behalf of the server and then send this single PDF to the user, who can choose to print it is. "When it comes to web page internet there is no way that you send directly to the default printer You can set up a Javascript command. " If you are viewing intranet / local network vs. Internet:" Internet explorer options about javascript (called jscript) for browser and operating system There is a bit more info in Javascript The personal computer on the network running the intranet can be...

javascript - Different width result in different browser $("#div1").width()? -

I am using jquery to set the width of the control: - $ ("# Div1") width () .; There is a difference between the width of IE8 (Compatibility View) and Firefox. The width is not the same. For example: 1887 FF: 18 9 How to deal with it? I think the differences in the browser's display are due to their different assumptions of the CSS box model is. IE Firefox interprets in other ways (for example, padding property is treated differently).

xcode - My iPhone App doesn't work in iOS 4. Why? -

I have created an iPhone app that displays some video. I created it with Exod 3.2.2 with iPhone SDK 3.1.3 and worked fine. But a few days ago I downloaded the last version of the iPhone SDK for iOS 4. This project is fine, no wrong, no warning has been received, but when I run the action the video was not working, the image was not loaded but the sound works. I do not understand this. Here is the code that I have used. NSBundle * bundle = [nsbindal main bundle]; NSString * moviePath = [Bundle PathforesResource: @ "Pruba" type: @ "MP4"]; NSDRAUL * Movie URL = [[NSRR file URLTHTH Path: MoviePath] has been retained; MPMoviePlayerController * TheMovie = [[MP3 MPV Player Controller Alok] initWithContentURL: movieURL]; TheMovie.scalingMode = MPVScachingModelFilm; [Movie play];

jQuery.ajax(): discard slow requests -

I did a search with the jQuery.ajax () method. It receives new result data from the server on every keynote event. The problem is, when I'm typing too fast, e.g. At the request of "FOBR" and "FOOB" requires more time than the "FOOBR" request, results of "FOBA" are shown. It is impossible to handle it with timeout parameters, I think Does anyone have to solve this idea? You can store and request a new start when the last request: var curSearch; $ ("# MyInput") key (function () (if curSearch) curSearch.abort (); // Cancel previous search search = $ .ajax ({... AJAX option ...}); // Start a new one, save a reference)); The method returns the object, so hang it on, and when you start the next search, cancel the previous one.

How to determine IP used by client connecting to INADDR_ANY listener socket in C -

I have a network server application that has been written in C, the listener is forced through INADDR_ANY so that it Even the IP could accept the connection through the address of the host on which it was installed. I need to know which server of the IP addresses the customer used when setting up their connection - in fact, I have to know whether they were through the loopback address Or not? > The sample of the partial code is as follows (I can post the whole thing if it helps): Structure Structure sockaddr_in serverAddress; ServerAddress.sin_family = AF_INET; ServerAddress.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; ServerAddress.sin_port = htons (port); Bind (listener, (Structured Soceder *) and server address, size (server address)); Listen (listener, CONNECTION_BACKLOG); Socket socketed; Static Structure sockaddr_in Client Attendant; ... socketfd = Acceptable (Listener, (Straight SOCADAR *) and Client Address, and Length); The solution to my specific problem (thanks to...

can I use MongoDb in server-less mode? -

I am planning to use MongoDb for the backing store to build a WPF app. Mostly, just to get some exposure for NoSQL, ideally I want to create a mangaudub database, by connecting it with LINQ, by putting it in the root folder (or ./data) of your application - without running Mongo. is. I've done something like this with SQLite recently and it's a great change from XML for data collection. Is it possible with mongodibi? I have seen that all the samples are running mongod.exe when you need to connect to the database. And the data is always stored in c: \ data \ db Answer, yes - the DBPit switch and ( Need to use "upstate")

java - Database connection timeout -

I have read so many articles on the Internet about this problem but there is no clear solution. Please tell me a definite answer to why I am getting the database expired. The app is a GWT app that is hosted on the Tomcat 5.5 server. I use spring and the session function is created in AppContext.xml as & Lt; Property Name = "AdminPassword" value = "$ {admin.user.password}" /> & Lt; Property name = "god username" value = "$ {}" /> & Lt; Property Name = "God Password" Value = "$ {god.user.password}" /> & Lt; / Bean & gt; All tasks work the next day untile: information | Jvm 1 | 2010-06-15 14:42:27 | 2010-06-15 18: 42: 27,804 Warne [JDBCpress Repeater]: SQL Error: 0, AscaleState: 08S 001 Information | Jvm 1 | 2010-06-15 14:42:27 | 2010-06-15 18:42: 27,821 Error [JDBCExceptionReporter]: The last packet was successfully received from the server 38729 seconds ago. Last packet wa...

WCF Router with Conversion from BasicHttpBinding to WsFederationHttpBinding -

I use the Stock WCF MessageRouter example for doing message messages between any number of Silverlight clients and back and web services Am It's working well. Now I need to solve this problem that some of my web services require SAML federation and WsFederationHttpBinding is used. Assume that I can solve the problem of SAML receiving the token for the user correctly I would like to be able to take the message coming in the router on the original HttpBinding and in any way In which outgoing WsFederationHttpBinding with SAML token to route the message to its final destination. I'm assuming that the serial object in the body is the same in both cases (I know that it is encrypted in the WsFed case, but I hope the clear text of the encrypted body is the same ). What I would like to do is to create a customer at WSFederationHttpBinding endpoint, and instead of starting with an object, instead of using the BasicHttpBinding message, the existing message body is in the hands...