
Showing posts from March, 2010

Blackberry: (Java) Submit data to a webpage -

I have a working application that gets a GPS long / watt from a Blackberry device, now I have to submit it to a webpage. I am trying. Open URL (""+gps .logogram () +" & Latitude = "+ GPS .litatatat ()); More functions Public Zero OpenURL (string URL) {{HttpConnection c = (HttpConnection) (URL, Connector.READ, true) ; } Hold (IOException e) {System.out.println ("Error:" + E.Streatin ()); }} It crashes the application without any error message, why anyone can recommend this? Do I have to set it up in my thread? I was hoping to submit to the website every 60 seconds. Unfortunately you can not give a link to the BlackBerry now a URL and hopefully it will work To give this information after URL you need to know which connection method to use it. See and show you how to choose a connection method.

ruby on rails - Hash inside YAML file? -

I want to include the list inside a hash and a YAML file that I am parsing with the following command: APP_CONFIG = YAML.load_file ("# {RAILS_ROOT} /config/config.yml"} My YAML file looks like this: Feed: [[url = & gt; 'Http://' ,: label = & gt; 'Default'}] But it does not seem to work. Thanks, Yuval EDIT: Sorry, guys. I'm still not clear about how to do this and I suspect that this is part of me due to some obscure phrasing. I asked a better-phrased, more detailed question. Thanks! You can mark it like this Feed: - Url: '' label: 'default' Note that the spaces are important here. "-" Should be indented by a single location (not a tab), and after a single location. And url & amp; Labels must be jagged in two places (if not tab). In addition to this it can be helpful:

jQuery - Dynamically adding validation rule to multiple textboxes -

I'm dynamically trying to add a verification rule to several text boxes. Here's the JS: // Valid form $ ("# SubmitForm") valid () .; $ ("Input [id * = hours]"). Rule ("add", {number: true, message: {number: "please enter valid hours"}}); This rule applies to the first textbox on page with "hour" on ID, but then it does not apply to any other. Does anyone know what's wrong here? Thank you, Justin You can add each matching the wildcard selector Item rule, such as: $ ("# submitForm"). Valid (); $ ("Input [id * = hours]"). Each (function () {$ (this). Rule ("add", {number: true, message: {number: "Please enter valid hours"}});}); Hope it helps!

database - What's the best way to migrate a Django DB from SQLite to MySQL? -

I need to migrate my db from sqlite to mysql, and different tools / scripts are very easy for me. It seemed good to me but it seems that having a concern takes 3 years .. Can you recommend a solution that is known to have Django 1.1 To be reliable with .1? Execute: python dumpdata & gt; Datadump.json Next, change your to mysql database. Finally: Python loaddata Datadump.json

model view controller - Zend Framework-where should this root.php file go for MVC? -

I am changing the web app to use the MVC structure of the Zend Framework. I have a root.php file Which contains most database information, and some stable variables used in the program I'm not sure some of these apps Should be in a model that is called by the init () function in a controller, or in bootstrap or what? Any Help & lt ;? Php / *** / configuration file * / ## Defines the site configuration ## ("SITE_ROOT", dirname (__ FILE__)); Define ("SITE_URL", "http: // localhost / monkeycalendarapp / monkeycalendarapp / public"); Define ('db_host', 'localhost'); Define ('db_user', 'root'); Define ('DB_PASS', "xxx"); Define ('DB_NAME', "xxxxx"); Define ("PROJECT_NAME", "Monkey Mind Manager (Beta 2.2)"); // Define site title ("CALENDAR_WIDTH", "300"); // Define Left Mini Calendar Width ("CALENDAR_HEIGHT", "150"...

How to change file contents in PHP? -

I save a file in some information about users (such as bar user login page, last visit Time, and so on) I want to read this information from the file, and update it (counting 1 on the counter, and change the previous visit time). My question is: Do I do the file without opening twice? I open the content for the first time, and then reopening it again and overwriting the content with the updated content. Thank you! Yes, you open it only once: Write data (eighlight) Read data (Fred) Close file (fclose) mvc - Should I make a ImageHelper in this situation? -

Hi, I am working with a project ( mvc) where I need to show a picture on a site. They have jquery and & lt; Div & gt; & Lt; Img / & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; I'm relatively new on MVC as if surrounded by a div, I'm not sure how best it is to work in yet, should I do an image hanger so that I & lt;% Html.ImageJquery ()% & gt; as I can see or do I just want to make it plain in view What are your thoughts on this? I will go to HTMLHelper with an extension method, so that it's value as the 'src' parameter and Accordingly, the image tag is created accordingly. Regarding the rendering of UI elements, I have read a blog post on 'conditional rendering' , which I thought you would find interesting Please check the link below. Thank you, Vijay.

connection - Transfer data from android phone to another server -

I wrote an application for Android Phone (Nexus 1) which collects some information regularly at some interval. Now, I want to transfer information collected from certain servers regularly using GRPRS because information is collected on the phone? You can use very different methods for this ... some things first in my mind To get the website: (via URL) ... written in java / ee or php ... Bluetooth: If your device is always connected to your server, you can use it this will help you, if you specify, you will How to work "server" Week are ...

c# - Why is it not possible to evaluate lambdas in the immediate window? -

Is there any special reason? Is it not possible or is it not implemented yet? Maybe a third-party adin that allows lambda evaluation? Update: I found this project at the codeplex. It seems that it has been left for some time, but it can be a proof of the concept. Do anyone know any other instant window expansions? For example, can you run for the / foreach statement in C #? Microsoft has written some blog posts answering your question: and you will find the answer there.

php - After 30 seconds, update MYSQL database -

I was looking at SO and Googling here, though I can not find anything that fits my description. If I have not refreshed the page after 30 seconds then I want to update the database. I want to email a person about a form submitted by a different user (I I can do this) if the person has not visited the page within the last 30 seconds (I can do this). Make the page I tried to do which should be refreshed every 30 seconds, and so I thought that if I did something like that after 31 seconds, then edit the database (so that Refresh the page, the database editing will take place). I'm sorry if it sounds complicated, then perhaps there is a better way to do this, but I'm not sure how. The big picture is 'I' trying to make a 'type of on-duty' type, so if the person is not actively viewing the page, will receive. The page will have a table of all entered form results. You can update the database by creating a database and every time the user refreshes the...

c# - pinvoke to clutter function -

I'm trying to panic in a clutter function. The function is defined in the docs cluster acct * cluster_text_n_frame_file (constant gainer * filename, zero ** error); I have such code: [DllImport ("")] Private static extern IntPtr clutter_texture_new_from_file (string File name, intPtr error data); And I call it like this: IntPtr texture = cluster_text_new_frame_file ("myImage.jpeg", IntPtr.Zero); However, when it is called in Mundwell on Ubuntu, I get the following error. Actually, I would like to report the error of working, so I can get the result of panic, but first of all I want to unix There is a need to supply a transport error. ErrorData parameter should be marked as "ref inputtip", although I do not think that This error should arise because the parameter should be allowed to tap, otherwise, try to run it out of the monoardwell. This type of error may be the result of the default in your progra...

database - Is existed web markup languages with possibility insert sql query? -

What I really want - simple db with simple user interface Like MS Access, but for the web and it can be without drag drag, but with the markup language is described. For example, if I want to create a list report, then I need to write something like this: & lt; Table query = "select from mytable" & gt; & Lt; / Table & gt; This simple data is required for applications, in such applications no programming logic is necessary. Just working with DB to change DB data and show it. Adobe Cold Fusion supports SQL queries in CFML pages. There are also open-source implementations like Railo. The Java server also supports the SQL Tag Library in the face core set. Every implementation supports it, but the open source Apache cocoon provides unmatched features.

internet explorer 9 - Embedding Javascript in My Application -

I want to embed javascript in my application. I know that all this open source javascript engine like v8, trasomonic Can I do with spiderman? But, learning how to embed scanning through the source code is not easy, most are not well documented. Is something original in Windows? Is the JScript engine already in contact with the user (probably via COM)? Will JScript Engine (one with compilation capability) be available for embedding by desktop appliance in IE9? Embedded JavaScript engines are available for some languages, which are specially designed for scripting engines or stand-alone interpreters Designed to be used as the most popular one is probably for Java but also for the Net

css - Point one style class to another? -

मेरे पास एक सीएसएस वर्ग है: .foo {background-color: red; } फिर मेरे पास एक सूची के लिए एक वर्ग निर्दिष्ट है: .list1 li {background-color: tan; } क्या एक शैली वर्ग को किसी दूसरे को इंगित करना संभव है? ऐसा कुछ: .list1 li {.foo; } सुनिश्चित करने के लिए कि कैसे स्पष्ट करने के लिए - मैं बस चाहता हूँ .list li style .foo वर्ग के लिए जो भी मैं परिभाषित करता हूं। धन्यवाद आप उपयोग कर सकते हैं: .foo, .list1 li {पृष्ठभूमि रंग: लाल; }

How to Lock the data in a cell in excel using vba -

I want to prevent others from editing cell contents in my Excel sheet using VBA. Is it possible to do this? You can choose which cells you do not want to preserve (user-editing To be eligible) by setting the lock status of false state: worksheet ("sheet 1"). Range ("B2: C3"). Lock = false Then, you can protect the sheet, and all other cells will be preserved. To do this, the code is still allowed to modify cells in your VBA code: worksheet ("sheet 1"). Protect the user interface only: = true or call worksheets ("Sheet1"). Defense (User Interface Only: = True)

c - "Use of uninitialised value" despite of memset -

I assign a 2d array and use the memeset to fill it with zero. # include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; #to & lt include, string.h & gt; #to & lt include, stdlib.h & gt; Zero main () {int m = 10; Int n = 10; Int ** array_2d; Array_2d = (int **) malloc (m * size (int *)); If (array_2d == NULL) {printf ("\ n malloc could not be arrayed 2d \ n"); Exit (1); } For (int i = 0; i & lt; m; i ++) {((array_2d) [i]) = malloc (n * sizeof (int)); Memset (((array_2d) [i]), 0, sizeof (n * sizeof (int)); } For (int i = 0; i & lt; 10; i ++) {for (int j = 0; j & lt; 10; j ++) {printf ("(% i,% i) =" , I, j); Fflush (stdout); Printf ("% i", array 2D [i] [ja]); } Printf ("\ n"); }} Then I use Valgrind [1] to check memory errors I get the following error: conditional jump or move on unmanaged value (values) Depends line 24 ( printf ("% i", array_2d [i] [j]); ). I always thought that there is a function to start the MEMAX ...

Force validation of ria entity in Silverlight 4 -

I have a situation in which I will load invalid data. I am using a data format to edit the data and I need to apply a verification that the user can not normally edit the fields that are invalid, but before saving the unit I would like to inform the user that they need to edit. But the recognition does not seem to change until the property actually changes. Is there any way to force a unit to run a client-side verification rule? Shane holder I found this exact problem I used to see my viewmodel INOTifyDataErrorInfo was implemented on the base class), and the validation reference is validated in this way ... // Existing verification errors have already been registered. CurrentUser.ValidationErrors .clear (); Var validation result = new list & lt; Validation reset & gt; (); Validation content vcontext = new verification (current user, blank, empty); // user valid; The result is added to our verification list. Result Valuerator. TrialValidateObject (CurrentUser, vcon...

How to call IronPython function from C#/F#? -

To use this kind of follow-up questions C / C ++ function from Python , SWIG for example is the easiest solution, if we have a python function, is also possible with the Python C API follows: def add (x, y): return (x + 10 * y) we can come up with the rapper to use the Python C. double Add (double a, double b) {PyObject * X, * Y, * pValue, * pArgs; Double res; Paraj = PETplay_New (2); X = Py_BuildValue ("D", A); Y = Py_BuildValue ("D", B); PyTuple_SetItem (PARGS, 0, X); PyTuple_SetItem (PR, 1, Y); PValue = PyEval_CallObject (pFunc, pArgs); Res = PyFloat_AsDouble (Pivotal); Py_DECREF (x); Py_DECREF (Y); Py_DECREF (pArgs); Return ridge; } How about IronPython / C # or F #? How to call IronPython from C # / F # function? Or, is there a SWIG equivalent tool in IronPython / C #? How to call the IronPython function with C # / F #? I think I can use "engine.CreateScriptSourceFromString" or similar, but I need to find the way to call the IronPyt...

Canonicalizing XML in Ruby -

I am working on SAML gateway using Ruby / Rail and I am trying to write some code which is valid My problem: The signature depends on a canolaized version of XML that is washed and then signed and I am having trouble finding Ruby Lib / Gemstone which will be XML per canonical I know Come on, that's a mess but I'm more interested P would be if Nokogiri things like support the functionality of this type (the Nokogiri Docs, do not). I have googled extensively but I thought, "Before coming here ask if someone has any good insights or not, I try to write my own version or the current C14 Reuse the N-R library. Give these two gems one shot: I wrote them for the SAML project. The first patches to add bindings to the canonical functions in the original Library are libxml-ruby. Ruby is binding for xmlsec later. The work that works is proof of verification, which was necessary for the project, but it seems that it also fits your needs. I have used xmlsec I reco...

hibernate - JPA DAO integration test not throwing exception when duplicate object saved? -

I'm in the process of Hibernate test as the unit is built with a DAO Spring / JPA provider. Before running the test , DBUnet put a user record with the username "PowerUser" - the user key is in the user table. Here integration testing method: @Test @ExpectedException (EntityExistsException.class) public void save_UserTestDataSaveUserWithPreExistingId_EntityExistsException () {user NEWUSER = new UserImpl ( "power"); NewUser.setEmail (""); NewUser.setFirstName ("new"); NewUser.setLastName ("user"); NewUser.setPassword ("secret"); Dao.persist (NEWUSER); } I do not normally verify that recorded at the beginning of this method in the database if it's relevant, but if I have a dao.flush () function: javax.persistence. PersistenceException: org.hibernate.exception.ConstraintViolationException: Could not execute JDBC batch update I assume that you are using the Transactional Integration Test...

How do you update a Django Form Meta class fields dynamically from the form constructor? -

I want to dynamically update Meta.fields . Is it possible to do this form constructor? I tried the following but the year form is not visible during the generation. Only names and titles are displayed. Category author (models.Model): name = ... title = ... year = ... class partial official form: model meta: model = author area = ('name ',' Title ') def __init __ (self, * args, ** kwargs): self.meta.fields + = (' year ',) No, this will not work, the meta is parsed - surprisingly - metaclass, even before you go to __ init __ . The way to do this manually self.fields : def __init __ (self, * args, ** kwargs): super (Partial author, self) .__ init __ (* args, ** kwargs) self.fields ['year'] = Forms.CharField (whatever)

Binding update adds news series to WPF Toolkit chart (instead of replacing/updating series) -

I'm currently adding a chart to my app to use the chart class Using this MVVM, I am binding a column serial of item source in my chart for a property on my own vendor, here is the relevant XAML: & lt; Charting: Chart & gt; And lieutenant; Charting: Columnist items source = "{binding score distribution.class scores}" IndependentWallUppace = "Classname" Detaptant Walletpath = "Score" /> & Lt; / Charting: Chart & gt; Property on the View MODEL: // NB: Voicemodel exam from Josh Smith's bindable object public class ExamResultsViewModel: BindableObject {// .. Private ScoreDistributionBallsSecurity Distribution; Public Score DistributionB-Class Scandalousization {Return Assistance Distribution; } Set {if (_scoreDistribution == value) {return; } _scoreDistribution = Value; RaisePropertyChanged ((= = ScoreDistribution); }} However, when I update the score distribution property (setting it to a new score distribution ...

animation - jQuery switchClass -

Is it possible to undo a switchclass infection? I want to, as soon as you press it to get an element gradually to the class A , and gradually after the mouse is moved it will again However, the function seems unclear, and does not help to call .stop (0,1). does not seem to help, in fact, it seems to break it. I have a live example Yes, this is a 404 page, but it is not important to get the navigation slowly or to lose a square, but it just jumps. The script can be found. Is such an infection possible? Edit: I am using this code: $ ('# navbar li: not (.current) a' ). Hover (function {$ (this) .Parent () .stop (1.0) .addClass ('current', 1000);}, function () {$ (this) .Parent (.) Stop (1.0) .removeClass ('current', 1000);}); Is it because of the change of the class of li can not its children be infected? EDIT2: Yes, that 'fixed' it. The real bug can now be seen in all its glory (being stabilized in an intermediate state). ...

views - Wrong label for a nodereference in Drupal content-type -

We have content types manufactured using CCK. One of the fields is the node reference. The node picker is using a view to create the options. A few days ago, everything was working well. Today, it seems to use ideas like all the node reference fields, the selection options are displaying the wrong label. Every label in the option is `` A, '' but the actual node number is correct, the form actually works, only the labels are incorrect. We still have a big list, edit / save, disable / enable, reboot, clean cache, cloning view, reconstruction of view, new view, etc., but we still have a big list. If we create a new content type with a brand node reference field, then we get the problem. Some backup / restoration exercises, we have determined that the problem is actually in the database and not in the code. We can restore our last good backup, but we will lose a good amount of work which we can do in parts of the database. We have enabled mysql query logging, and ...

python - Parse items from text file -

I have a text file that contains data inside {{}} tags. It will be recommended to parse data, So can I just use the data inside the tag? The example text file will look like this: 'This is a bunch of text that {{really}} is not useful in any [[pathways]}. I need some things from {[to]}. ' I would like to end in a list with' really ',' path ',' get ',' to '. I think I can use split to do this .. but it seems that there can be a better way. I have seen a ton parsing library, is there anybody I want to do? I use regular expressions, the answer assumes that none of the tag characters {} The tag does not appear within the characters. import re text = 'This is a bunch of text that is not useful in [[really]} any [[route]} from me [from]} some things ]} is required. For 're Python's regular expression using Python mode: Pre-> re.findall ('' '# # # curly breech opening [#] after an open square bracket ...

osx - MacPorts / Terminal: `Unrecognized action "sudo"` -

I am trying to install Image Magick on MAMP. And I am deeply deep in my depth. I have installed the MacPortes, and have opened the terminal. I have typed in sudo port -v self updating but I received the response from the terminal unrecognized action "sudo" I am disturbed and have become confused, but nothing can be found which creates a slab of understanding. Is any smart person looking generous? You are running port on interactive mode, and you are not in your system shell, to port program sudo Not to be recognized as one of its commands, and I guess you did not run your port command with sudo, so that you are not able to do much, try the following: Click on your terminal. Press the command + Q (command is the key to your space bar) Open your terminal once more and do not run anything else the command suggested: sudo port -v auto-update If you get the same thing, you can type again or again in the Mapsport interactive session, type CTRL ...

java - JDBC character encoding -

I have a Java web application that is running MySQL on Glassfish 3 and JPA (EclipseLink). The problem I am experiencing is that if I lose the integrity with the code to the codes with codes, the update () method, string ; '?' is shown instead of a few characters. The server, page, and database UTF-8 . P> After posting form data, the next page shows the data correctly, in addition to Netbeans debugging "looks" that the string property of the current entity is correct Stores the price, do not know if NetBusiness Debug can be trusted; It may be properly decoded, but this is wrong. This is JDBC, not JPA which determines the encoding: jdbc: mysql: // localhost: 3306 / admin? Encoding = UTF8

Populating JavaScript Array from JSP List -

OK, maybe someone can help me with a problem that I'm trying to solve. Basically I have a JSP page which is available from a list of country items (from the method reference data to the spring portlet SimpleFormController, not completely relevant but just mentioning in the case). Each country has a set of province objects in the object and each province and country has a name field: the public category country {name of the private string; Private set & lt; Province & gt; Provinces; // gates and setters} public class province {name of the private string; // Gates and Searns} Now there are two drop down menus in countries and provinces in my JSP and I want to filter the provinces of the country. I am following it to select a chain in JavaScript. Now I want a dynamic way of creating a JavaScript array from my content and before anybody mentions AJAX, it has gone out of the question because our project uses the portlet and we can use the DWR Like wanting to stay awa...

iis - Maintaining ISAPI Rewrite Path with the ASP.NET tilde (~) -

मेरी टीम ASP.NET 3.5 से ASP.NET 4.0 तक उन्नयन कर रही है। हम वर्तमान में http: // localhost / & lt; account-name & gt; /default.aspx से http: // localhost / & lt; virtual-directory & gt; / default मैप करने के लिए Helicon ISAPI rewrite का उपयोग कर रहे हैं .aspx? खातानाम = & lt; खाता-नाम & gt; जहां एक खाता स्ट्रिंग चर और & lt; वर्चुअल-निर्देशिका & gt; एक & lt; account-name & gt; है वर्चुअल निर्देशिका (स्वाभाविक रूप से)। http: // localhost / & lt; account-name & gt; / ... (जो मैं चाहता हूँ) को हल करने के लिए टिल्ड (~) को नवीनीकृत करने से पहले यह करना है) और टिल्ड अपग्रेड करने के बाद http: // localhost / & lt; वर्चुअल-निर्देशिका & gt; / ... को हल करता है, जिसके परिणामस्वरूप एक त्रुटि होती है क्योंकि & lt; account-name & gt ; क्वेरी स्ट्रिंग की आवश्यकता है। मैं रिश्तेदार पथ के साथ सब कुछ बदलने की राह को नीचे से बचना चाहूंगा क्योंकि हमारे सिस्टम में कई विशेषताएं हैं जो पूरे यूआरएल का इस्तेमाल करते हैं रिश्ते...

javascript - Jquery .html replacer just empties my selector, what's wrong? -

$ ("# autoNames")। Html (फ़ंक्शन (इंडेक्स, html) {var start = "& lt; स्क्रिप्ट भाषा = 'जावास्क्रिप्ट' प्रकार = 'टेक्स्ट / जावास्क्रिप्ट' & gt; var नाम = ["; var end = String (');' + '& lt;' + '/' + 'स्क्रिप्ट' + '& gt;'); Var परिणाम = start.concat (jsonService, end); $ ("# autoNames")। Html (परिणाम); वापसी झूठी;}); मैं अपने जीवन के लिए यह समझ नहीं सकता कि यह काम क्यों नहीं करता है मैंने पहले से काम करने के लिए html फ़ंक्शन का उपयोग किया है, लेकिन किसी कारण के लिए यह केवल मेरे ऑटोनाम टैग को खाली करता है ... और मैंने परिणाम परिवर्तनशील पर एक चेतावनी () डाल दिया है और चीजों को उस स्ट्रिंग में मौजूद है ... कोई सुराग? धन्यवाद जब आप फ़ंक्शन को उस फ़ंक्शन को पास करते हैं तो आपको क्या वापस करने की आवश्यकता होती है चाहते हैं कि इसे इस तरह सेट करें: $ ("# autoNames")। Html (फ़ंक्शन (इंडेक्स, html) {var start = "& lt; script type = 'text / javascript' ...

c++ - When are temporaries created as part of a function call destroyed? -

Is a function call temporarily created as part of an argument, as long as the function ends Even if the temporary is not passed directly in the ceremony? There is actually no chance that there was a coherent, here's an example: class A {public: a: x (x) {x} Printf ("Constructed A (% d) \ n", x);} ~ A () {printf ("destroyed A \ n");} int x; Int * y () {return and x;}}; Void foo (int * bar) {printf ("foo ():% d \ n", * bar); } Int main (Int arc, four ** argv) {foo (a (4) .y ()); } If A (4) was sent directly to foo then surely foo The call has ended, but instead I am temporarily calling a method and losing any of its references. I simply think that the temporary A will first be destroyed before foo , but the test with GCC 4.3.4 shows that it is not; The output is: Created A (4) foo (): 4 Destroy A The question is, GCC What is the concept of behavior ? Or a compiler is a compiler that allows to delete a to call a foo befor...

utf 8 - utf8 codification problem C#, writing a tex file, and compiling with pdflatex -

I have the next code written in C #. It is making a text file using UTF-8 ... The problem is that it appears that the actual valid UT-8 is not a file, because when I use PDFtex, it does not recognize letters with letters to write a real UTF-8 file One way to know? When I use TexmakerX to create a utf8 file with the same latex code, pdfletics does not complain, so the problem should be in generation. StreamWriter writer = new streamwiter ("hello.tex", false, encoding.UTF8); "+" \ \ "\" \ N "+" \ \ "\" \ n "+" \ \ "\" {\ n "+" + "\ N" + "\ n" + "\ n" + "\ maketitle" + "\ n" + @ "\ section {canción}" + "\ n" + @ "canción" + "\ n" + @ "\ end { Document} "); Writer.Close (); This may be a problem with unicode byte-order mark (BOM) . You can see it using a custom: using (stream author authors = new ...

Community "Groups" feature (Ruby on Rails) -

Are there any good examples / plugins that are capable of creating users within community applications? For example, I would like to create a group class and add it to things like Communications Engine (essential), users should be able to create and manage groups that other users can join (like Facebook pages ). Thanks! Plugins may be helpful to add specific functionality to an app, but using those plug-ins Beware of what the proposals are more than necessary. The community engine looks like it offers a significant number of features, but it may be in addition to those group aspects that you want to add. What specific ideas you have before investing in the integration of the existing library, this can be white boarding, the integration of something that is not completely fit, will endeavor more effort.

python - Django/jQuery - read file and pass to browser as file download prompt -

I have asked the question about passing files from the browser so that the user got a download prompt though these files are actually functions At the end only the string was made and it was easy to pass them to the source attribute of the IFrame for the desired effect. Now I have another ambitious requirement, I have to pass the previous files of any format in the browser I have tried to use the following code: Def return_file (request): try: bob = open (urllib.unquote (request.POST ["file"]), "RB" response = HttpResponse (content = bob, mimetype = "application / x-unknown") response ["Content-dispute"] = "attachment; filename = nothing.exles" returns http response (counter Except): Return HTTPPRPS (sys.exc_info ()) With its original setup, the following was enough to give the desired download prompt to jQuery: jQuery ('# download'). Attr ("src" "/ return_file /"); However this will not wor...

php - Find element all of whose children have a given value -

उदाहरण के लिए, मेरे पास यह XML है & lt; तत्व & gt; & Lt; a & gt; & Lt; p & gt; 6 & lt; / p & gt; & Lt; p & gt; 5 & lt; / p & gt; & Lt; p & gt; 6 & lt; / p & gt; & Lt; / a & gt; & Lt; a & gt; & Lt; p & gt; 5 & lt; / p & gt; & Lt; p & gt; 5 & lt; / p & gt; & Lt; p & gt; 6 & lt; / p & gt; & Lt; / a & gt; & Lt; a & gt; & Lt; p & gt; 5 & lt; / p & gt; & Lt; p & gt; 5 & lt; / p & gt; & Lt; p & gt; 5 & lt; / p & gt; & Lt; p & gt; 5 & lt; / p & gt; & Lt; / a & gt; & Lt; / तत्वों & gt; मुझे एक xpath क्वेरी की आवश्यकता है, जिसके लिए मुझे पैरेंट टैग वापस करना होगा, यदि उसके सभी बच्चे 5 के बराबर हैं (एक [3] इस मामले में)। ऐसा कुछ // b [text () = "5"] .. .. लेकिन सभी बच्चों के टैग की जांच के साथ कृपया ध्यान दें कि बच्चों के टैग की संख्या नोड से नोड से भ...

project hosting - Mercurial: Share a repo without putting it on a server? -

I am working with many others in a student group We use Mercurial as our version control system We want, but some of our files can not be placed in online public presentations such as Google projects or codeplacks. I know Mercurial has a bundle, is there any way we can host a repo on our machine? The command can be used to repo the package if I do this, and send the bundle to someone else, and they want me to change back, what is the best way to do this? Send me a bundle? I have a shared hosting account on a server. Is there any chance I could walk away from that box? How do I know this? Central repo is not needed The advantages of an distributed version control system One of the developers has their own stores on their machine, and you can connect to each other's machines or if the exchange of the changes is possible by connecting. If one of your machines is accessible to each other, it can serve as a "central" repository if you think it will reduce t...

.net - Make a Button Appear Focused When Not -

Find and Replace in the Visual Studio dialog is a complete example that is trying to complete. "The text field has a keyboard focus, but the" Find Next "button looks blue, as if it has a keyboard focus, even if it is not. How can I fulfill myself? I have tried to mess with the Focus Manager and Focus Scops, without much luck. I suspect that I can bark the wrong tree? I have yet to realize what I need to do IsDefault = "True" Duh was set!

calculate calories on blackberry -

I develop an application that searches the distance between two points and calculates the speed, but we This distance requires burn calories after walking. That I measure it I am developing an application that provides a distance between two points and calculates the speed of motion between these points. We need the number of calories burned after running this distance. How do I measure it? This question is very good topic and it would be better that dietitian / nutritionist, but distance and speed Besides, the weight of the person is the biggest factor. For the constants in the equation, I suggest you and try to decide what works best for you.

java - regarding object recycling -

I have a question about what is wrong with the code given below: ArrayList tempList2 = New ArrayList (); TempList2 = getXYZ (tempList1, tempList2); // method getXYZ getXYZ (ArrayList tempList1, ArrayList tempList2) {Some argues and tempList2 returns objects to TempList2; } The code will be executed but it seems to pass the tempList2 for getXYZ method arguments, this object is recycling. My question is, is the tempList2 recycling Arraylist object right? My question is, is the tempList2 array object object recycling correct? I do not quite know what the meaning of "recycling" is? This does not appear to be a case where the application is recycling the object so that it can be avoided by allocating new objects. (The common meaning of "recycling" in Java is.) If getXYZ is often called with the object with a tempList2 So one way to collect stuff in only one list is the fact that getXYZ a ArrayList opens the possibility that a different Arr...

Is there any way to reference entity framework in silverlight? -

मेरे पास SOA आवेदन है 1. डेटा परत: इकाई फ़्रेमवर्क 2. सेवा परत: डब्ल्यूसीएफ 3. प्रस्तुति परत: सिल्वरलाइट अब, सिल्वरलाइट में मैं डाटा लेयर से डेटा प्रकार का उपयोग करना चाहता हूं। मैं संस्था के ढांचे के लिए एक सीधा संदर्भ नहीं जोड़ सकता क्योंकि चांदी की एक अलग सीएनएलआर प्रयोग कर रहा है। इसलिए मैंने एक सर्विस रेफरेंस जोड़ा है, जिससे उम्मीद है कि यह संदर्भों में thoses प्रकार recreates होगा cc. हालांकि, यह अभी भी काम नहीं करता है सेवा कॉल एक त्रुटि संदेश "रिमोट सर्वर ने एक त्रुटि लौटा दी है: NotFound।" यह केवल तभी होता है जब सर्विस फ़ंक्शन में एंटिटी फ़्रेमवर्क डेटा प्रकार की वापसी प्रकार होते हैं। अगर कोई फ़ंक्शन स्ट्रिंग की तरह एक सामान्य प्रकार देता है, तो सब कुछ काम करेगा इसलिए मुझे यकीन है कि समस्या अनुवाद प्रकार के कारण होती है क्या किसी को पता है कि एक सिल्वरलाइट प्रोजेक्ट में, संस्था के ढांचे में परिभाषित डेटा प्रकारों को कैसे संदर्भित किया जाए। बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद! मेरा मानना ​​है कि वर्तमान सिलेटेड अभ्यास जब एक सिल्वरलाइट क्लाइंट के लिए अपने इकाई डेटा मॉडल ...

user interface - Refresh Button in java -

I need to create a simple refresh button for a GUI Java program, I have the button, but it works properly not doing. I'm not sure what the code should do to make the code work. Any help would really be appreciated. I have been guessed the following code: ` refeshButton.addListener (new button listener adapter) {@Override Public Zero (button button, EventObject e) {/ {SendDataToServ1 ("Refresh");}} Public Zero SendDatetosAssurance 1 (String Action). ("Text" + button.get text), if (button .gettext (.) Equals ("refresh")) {System. Out.println ("Action: ----->" + verb); Async Callback & lt; Com.viji.example.domain.Record & gt; Callback = new async callback & lt; Com.viji.example.domain.Record & gt; () {Override public nullity on failure (system loading) {System.out.println ("failure");} success on public zero (com.viji.example.domain.Record result) {CompanySampledetails ( Results, 1); }}; If (action.trim (.) Eq...

After what point a JavaScript library is considered as a FrameWork? -

I'm confused with the definitions. Can you please define the minimal "instability" of the JavaScript library so that it can be considered as a software framework? Thanks The difference between a framework and a library is very strange In my opinion, generally, software frameworks are largely and usually "take up" your application (because they provide the basis, or "framework" for your application). On the other hand, a library provides a collection of tasks that you can choose and choose. There is nothing to isolate the structure from some libraries in Wikipedia: Inversion of control - in a framework, unlike libraries or general user applications , The flow of control of the total program is not from the collar, but the framework. Default behavior - One framework default behavior This default behavior should really be some useful behavior, not an option. Extensibility - A typical framework can be created by providing the user wi...

sql - Get latest record from second table left joined to first table -

मेरे पास एक उम्मीदवार तालिका है, जो कि उम्मीदवारों को केवल id फ़ील्ड और मैं इसे प्रोफाइल तालिका में शामिल हो गया। तालिका प्रोफाइल में 2 फ़ील्ड हैं, जैसे candidate_id & amp; नाम । उदाहरण के लिए तालिका उम्मीदवार : आईडी ---- 1 2 और तालिका प्रोफाइल : candidate_id नाम ---------------------------- 1 फ़ूबार 1 फ़ूबार 2 फ़ूबार 3 मुझे एक सिंगल क्वेरी में एक उम्मीदवार का नवीनतम नाम चाहिए जो नीचे दिया गया है: का चयन करें सीआईडी, पी.नाम से उम्मीदवारों सी छोड़कर जुड़ें प्रोफाइल पी पी पी .candidate_id = सीआईडी ​​ग्रुप द्वारा पी.नाम द्वारा सीआईडी ​​आदेश; लेकिन यह क्वेरी रिटर्न: 1 फ़ूबार 2 फ़ोबबर 3 ... इसके बजाय: 1 Foobar2 2 Foobar3 समस्या यह है कि आपका प्रोफाइल तालिका यह पता लगाने का एक विश्वसनीय माध्यम नहीं है कि नवीनतम नाम मान क्या है प्रोफ़ाइल्स तालिका के लिए दो विकल्प हैं: एक दिनांक समय कॉलम जोड़ें: IE: created_date एक auto_increment परिभाषित करें कॉलम पहला विकल्प सबसे अच्छा है - यह स्पष्ट है, जिसका मतलब है कि कॉलम का उपयोग बि...

.net - When implementing a how to i get access to the various environmental variables of the build? -

एक को लागू करते समय कैसे मैं बिल्ड के विभिन्न पर्यावरणीय चर तक पहुंच प्राप्त कर सकता हूं? मुझे पता है कि मैं इसे कार्य एक्सएमएल & lt; MyTask TargetPath = "$ (TargetPath) के भाग के रूप में पास कर सकता हूं "/ & Gt; लेकिन मैं कार्य के उपभोक्ता को मजबूर नहीं करना चाहता हूं कि अगर मैं कोड में वेरिएबल का उपयोग कर सकता हूं। मैंने यह कैसे किया है सार्वजनिक स्थिर वर्ग BuildEngineExtensions {const BindingFlags bindingFlags = बाइंडिंगफ़्लैग्स। नॉनपॉलिक | बाईंडिंगफ़्लैग्स.फ्लैटनहैरराकी | बाइंडिंगफ़्लैग.इंस्टेंस | BindingFlags.Public; सार्वजनिक स्थिर IEnumerable GetEnvironmentVariable (यह IBuildEngine बिल्ड इंजन, स्ट्रिंग कुंजी, bool throwIfNotFound) {var projectInstance = GetProjectInstance (buildEngine); Var आइटम = प्रोजेक्ट इंस्टेंस। आईटम्स। जहां (एक्स = & gt; स्ट्रिंग। एक्लल्स (एक्स। इटम टाइप, कुंजी, स्ट्रिंग कॉमपारन। इन्वैलरियंट कल्चर इग्नोर केस)।) ToList (); यदि (आइटम। गणना & gt; 0) {वापसी आइटम। चयन (x = & gt; ...

jquery - Showing multiple elements onClick -

HTML: & lt; ul आईडी = "मोड" & gt; & Lt; li & gt; & lt; a href = "# टैब 1" & gt; टैब 1 & lt; / a & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "अतिरिक्त" & gt; tada & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / li & gt; & Lt; li & gt; & lt; a href = "# टैब 2" & gt; टैब 2 & lt; / a & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "अतिरिक्त" & gt; tada & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / li & gt; & Lt; / ul & gt; & Lt; div id = "tab1" class = "tab-content" शैली = "प्रदर्शन: कोई नहीं" & gt; सामग्री 1 & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div id = "tab2" class = "tab-content" शैली = "प्रदर्शन: कोई नहीं" & gt; सामग्री 2 & lt; / div & gt; jQuery: $ (फ़ंक्शन () {var मोड = $ ('# मोड'); var arrow = $ ('& lt; span $ '(' ली ए ', मोड) .bind (' click.mytabs ', function () {$ (' li ', म...

c# - VB.Net Sending byte array from client to server -

I am new to and I'm struggling to get out of the way to send data to VB6, I am doing it to send. Please note if this is the right way to my clients, please: Send Part: Private sub button 1_Click (ByVal as the sender in System .Object controls the button 1. System.EventAge as the Word E.) Click Dim as arrNo (3) arrNo (0) = 1400 arrNo (1) = 1000 arrNo (2) = 1200 arrNo (3) = 1350 as the integer for Dim I = 0 arrNo.Length - 1 Dim outstream () byte = bitcounter. Gatebaytes (arrNo (i)) debug.print (arrNo (i)) serverStream.Write (outstream, 0, outstream.Length) serverStream.Flush () Next End Sub In VB6, an integer was 2 bytes. Use short in VB.NET to move the flush to the for loop, the rest looks fine.

conversions in C++ -

I have this snippet of code: header Class A {Private: integer player; Public: A (int initPlayer = 0); A (Consta and;); & Amp; Operator = (Constant & amp; amp;;); ~ A (); Zero foo () const; Friend a and a Operator = (A and I, Const A and member); }; operator = a & amp; Operator = (A and I, Const A and member) (i (member player); return i;} and I have a line in my code: i = * pa1; A * Pa 1 = New A (A2); Initially I was int How can I fix it Thank you in advance, I have an error should be non-static job The assignment operator for the class should be a member of the member, not a friend. A & amp; operator = (Constant A and Dasy) {it- & gt; player = member. Player); Return * This; } If you want to convert a single square object to an integer, then assign the designated conversion function such as TOInt (). With all your questions, it can be easily answered by reading a C + + text book. This will answer your last questions.

c# - Difference between HtmlTable and TagBuilder("table") -

What is the difference between the two, and what would I gain for one or the other when I would build my HtmlHelper Table in HtmlTable table = new HtmlTable (); and: Tagbuilder table = new tag builder ("table"); This is more or less similar to this question, But I think more specifically about the difference between the two I am here. The main difference is that HtmlTable is typed and named for all properties Provides & lt; Table & gt; Valid HTML properties of element (such as width , height , cellspacing , etc.) Contains the rows property, which is a typed archive of HtmlTableRow objects that are used for each & lt; Tr & gt; represent the element. TagBuilder is a more general API that is definitely an HTML & lt; Table & gt; , but you will need to do more work in a lesser type of security A concrete example where HmlTable help in this way That does not have the TagBuilder setting in the element on wid...

bash - How to check if a process id (PID) exists -

In a Bash script, I want to do the following (in the phonetic code): If [a process exists with $ PID]; So what is the proper expression for conditional statement to $ PID FI ? To check the existence of a process, kill -0 $ PID but as @onwind said, still going to kill it, just kill $ PID Or you'll have a running position. If you want to kill the kill text output and do something based on the exit code, you if doing so Can! $ PID & gt; Killing / Dev / null 2 ​​& gt; and 1; Then "SIGTERM could not be sent to process PID" & gt; & Amp; 2f

c++ - push_back private vectors with 2 methods, one isn't working -

I have a doubles class with a private vector. To access or modify these values, first I void classA :: pushVector (double i) {this-> vector.push_back (i); } Double Class A :: Gatevector (Int i) {Return vector [i]; } It works for a while until I can not get it until I had to overload many operators for it, so I changed it to change Try and set the value instead of vector directly, i.e. zero square A :: set vector (vector & lt; double & gt; vector) {this- & gt; Vector = vector; } Vector & lt; Double & gt; ClassA :: getVector () {return vector; } Now, it is said that there is a class B in which there is a private class A element, which obtains and determines how to read and write. The problem was when I tried to return a value to the end vectors in class A. zero classB :: setFirstValue (double first) {this-> getClassA () GetVector () push_back (first); } This vector is nothing but it remains unchanged and I do not know why ... any thoughts? ...

Subversion WebDav troughs download windows on file view -

Upon upgrading our god machine to Ubuntu 10.10, we run into a small problem with WebDav SVN. Now when we access a file, it sends the bin file type as a header, which sends the browser to show the download window instead of displaying the file. I did not manage any such problems and no configuration is this. Any ideas? Thank you. I manage to fix it by adding Httpd.conf for the location tag in / p> forteotype text / plain

To get the parent node of a treeview in the TreeViewDragDropTarget in Silverlight -

After I have created a TreeViewDragDropTarget like this, & Lt; / Common: HierarchicalDataTemplate & gt; & Lt; / ControlsToolKit: TreeViewDragDropTarget.Resources & gt; & Lt; Control: TreeView X: Name = "MainTreeView" BorderThickness = "1" ItemTemplate = "{StaticResource hierarchicalTemplate}" background = "transparent" cursor = "hand" BorderBrush = "{x: null}" VerticalAlignment = "top" /> ; & Lt; / ControlToolKit: TreeViewDragDropTarget & gt; What I am doing is leaving some text in the preview node. I want to find the original node of drop target. How do I do this? "itemprop =" text "> after this post check this post. You must use the drop-event of the tree view control.

sql server 2005 - Dynamic order by without using dynamic sql? -

मेरे पास निम्न संग्रही कार्यप्रणाली है जो कि टेम्पलेट नाम, निर्मित और अपलोड किए गए पर आरोही और अवरुद्ध हो सकती है। निम्न सपा जब कोई रन नहीं करता है तो रिकॉर्ड करता है। यदि मैं कॉलम के नाम से 2,3,4 की जगह लेता हूं, तो मुझे एक त्रुटि संदेश मिला "nvarchar मान 'टेस्ट टेम्पलेट' डेटा प्रकार 'में कनवर्ट करते समय रूपांतरण विफल रहा।" कृपया सॉर्टिंग कैसे प्राप्त करें । बनाएं प्रक्रिया [dbo] [usp_SEL_GetRenderingTemplate] (@facilityID INT, @sortOrder VARCHAR (5), @sortExpression VARCHAR (100), @errorCode INT उत्पादन) के रूप में सेट NOCOUNT पर शुरू। अब से 'डीईएससी' एलेक्स 'एएससी' का चयन करें टेम्पलेट आईडी, टेम्पलेट, नाम, बनाया गया, ([प्रयोक्ता] .नामनाम '' + [उपयोगकर्ता] .FirstName) टेम्पलेट्स भीतर से UploadedBy के रूप में [उपयोगकर्ता] पर [उपयोगकर्ता] .UserID = Templates.CreatedBy कहां facilityid = @facilityID में शामिल होने के मामले से जब @sortExpression = 'TemplateName' और @sortOrder = 'एएससी' फिर 2 जब @sortExpression = 'Cre...

java - Class Methods Inheritance -

I was told that there was no legacy of static methods in Java, but when I try the following test package test1; Public square Main {/ ** * @ Ultimate Command Line Argument * / Public Stable Zero Main (string [] Args) [TB .ttt]; TB.ttt2 (); }} Package test 1; Public class TA {Static Public Boolean (ttT) {System.out.println ("Test Inheritance A"); Back true; } Stable public string test = "Class A"; } Testing package 1; Public class increases TB TA (static public zero TTT2) {System.out.println (test);}} It has been printed: Test Inheritance A Class Then Java is legacy (and field) inherited (if you try to call class method, this class goes along with the legacy series in search of methods Is it ever a matter? And is there any such legacy Oo languages ​​that are class Are there ways to mess up like this? So apparently static methods have been inherited, but they can not be overheaded, so the part of the C # is this problem? In Java, fields an...

gcc - Windows based development for ARM processors -

I'm a whole newbie for the ARM world, write me a code, compile it, and then download and execute ARM emulator. Should be able to I need to use the GCC 4.1.2 compiler to compile the C code. Can someone point me in the right direction for the following issues? What tool series to use? What emulator to use? What are the tutorials or guides on setting up a tool series? Creating a GCC cross compiler yourself is very easy. GCC Library and C Library and other things that are not too much, is an embedded library and so hard it depends on how you want to get embedded. I have little use for GCCLB or C library, so for me Enhancing your own work After several years of doing this, maybe it's an age thing, now I'm just getting the Code Shower Tool. Lite version works great, such as Yaguaro, Devkitum, Waterman or something like (a site example site) all work fine. Emdebian is also a good pre-built toolchain. A number of these places, if not all, know how they have creat...

java - Remote Web Services -

I am new to web services. I have a need in my project. I use the web services of our vendor in my project. What he has shared with me is a WSDL file and there is a document about the details of various tasks. Question: - 1: What is the need to consume these web services in my java project? I have been advised to use axis 2, eclipse with Tomcat 6. 2: Do I need to ask about some other files / information from the WS vendor or YSDL file, enough to consume these web services? 3: Do I need to write a Java WS client (using the Angus 2 plugin) or write another website which will talk to the Vendor Web Service? Please suggest the best way possible. I'm sorry, if the question seems like a naivety .. Axis is a solid alternative to such an application. You need to create an axis client based on the WSDL provided, then you import and use the methods you generate. You can see the details of this process here (read the whole page or start from the linked section): You may also need...

c# - How do I change "Specific Version" default value when adding a reference? -

When I add a reference to my project, I usually want to use the specific version = FALSE. This is because our automated build version number will be set. I think the default behavior should be correct is there any way to change it? The error prone to manually changing that value (and I finally breaks the build). One way to change the default is if you are using TFS, The rules can apply, but I'm not sure that the check-in rule can be implemented in .csproj or .sln files.

c# - Scheduler for -

Does have any timely control? What do I need: Column Display: User Rows Display: Months and Days Clicking on the cell will open popup In the popup we can: - Select a status in the dropdown list, if the status is "Closed" => Two Calendars (Start date and end date) - Then apply a color for the selected period. I know that I will not get precise control, but I want a component which will be nearest Thank you for your help will be precious for me. There is no default control for scheduling in ASP.NET, not The link provided to the code project however is very good, and is an open source version of Will not it work for you?

data binding - Asp.Net - Can a LinkButton.CommandArgument be typed? -

ठीक है, इसलिए LinkButton को ItemTemplate के अंदर पुनरावर्तक इस तरह घोषित - & lt; asp: linkbutton आईडी = "प्रतिबंध हटाएं" runat = "server" CssClass = "restrictionDelete" पाठ = "हटाएं ..." OnCommand = "LnkDeleteRestriction_Command" CommandName = "Delete" CommandArgument = "& lt;% # कंटेनर.डेटाइटम% & gt;" & gt; & lt; / asp: LinkButton & gt; अब, .. पुनरावर्तक प्रतिबंध वस्तुओं की एक सूची के लिए बाध्य है जब lnkDeleteRestriction_Command निकाल दिया जाता है I कि मैं CommandEventArgs.CommandArgument डाल सकता हूं जो कि मेरी प्रतिबंध प्रकार के लिए एक ऑब्जेक्ट है। यह ऐसा प्रतीत नहीं होता है, मुझे स्ट्रिंग के रूप में पूरी तरह से योग्य प्रकार का नाम मिलता है। क्या मैं एक टाइप कमान तर्क प्राप्त कर सकता हूं और यदि नहीं, तो यह एक ऑब्जेक्ट क्यों है? पहले से धन्यवाद, हां, और शायद यह पाने के लिए टॉस्ट्रिंग को बुला रहा था स्ट्रिंग में, गलत मान को संचयित करना।

Rails 2.3: using another models named_scope inside another named_scope -

मान लें कि मेरे पास दो मॉडल हैं: class टिप्पणी & lt; ActiveRecord :: बेस is_to: उपयोगकर्ता नामित_सस्कोप: about_x: conditions = & gt; "Comments.text '% x%' जैसे)" एंड क्लास उपयोगकर्ता & lt; ActiveRecord :: बेस has_many: comments end मैं कैसे उपयोगकर्ता नाम के लिए name_scope को जोड़ सकता हूँ class उपयोगकर्ता & lt; ActiveRecord :: बेस है has_many: comments_scope comments: comments_about_x,: इसमें शामिल है = & gt; : टिप्पणियाँ,: comments_named_scope = & gt; : About_x end मुझे क्या करने की अनुमति देता है all_user_comments_about_x = User.comments_about_x तर्क मैं अक्सर है के बारे में टिप्पणी मॉडल about_x नामित स्कोप तर्क का उपयोग करने की आवश्यकता है, लेकिन मुझे "comments.text 'की तरह'% x% ')" मेरे कोड के चारों ओर बिखरे हुए नहीं होना चाहता। मुझे उम्मीद है कि यह मतलब होगा:) धन्यवाद आपको बस उपयोग की आवश्यकता @ user.comments.about_x मुझे व्यक्तिगत रूप से लगता है कि name_scope पर उपयोगकर्ता s ...

PHP XML encoding -

I need a function that is â € "chr (0x20ac) or chr (8364) in and # 8364 without any static map I tried to use the htmlentities () , but it only works for the symbol and it & Amp; ; Euro; . Answer in a round about the question of IraqMaxwell, which is actually trying to do It was not possible to have it. I have assigned this process to the user because of the need to use the html unit instead.

c# - Increment a value from AAA to ZZZ with cyclic rotation -

itemprop = "text"> I need a method code which is to increase a string value from AAA to ZZZ with rotational rotation (ZZZ after the next value This is my code: public static string increase value (string value) {if (string.IsNullOrEmptE (value) || value.Length! = 3) {string Msg = string.Format ("wrong value ('{0}' is not between AAA and ZZZ)", value); Throw New ApplicationException (msg); } If (value == "ZZZ") {return "AAA"; } Char pos1 = value [0]; Char pos2 = Value [1]; Char pos3 = Value [2]; Bull growth Pos2 = false; Bull growth Pos1 = false; If (pause3 == 'z') {pos3 = 'A'; Salary increase Pos2 = true; } Else {pos3 ++; } If (increment Pos2 & pos2 == 'Z') {pos2 = 'A'; Increment Pos1 = true; } And (if increment Pos2) {if (pos2 == 'Z') {pos2 = 'A'; increment Pos1 = true;} Pos2 ++;}} If (increment Pos1) {pos1 ++; } Return Pause 1. Toastring () + Pause 2. Toastring () + Pause 3. T...

java - Tomcat server (from XAMPP package) cannot be started from Eclipse -

I'm using Windows 7. I have installed Eclipse and have been updated to include WPT. HTML server and tomac have been installed with XAMPP package. They move properly and they can be accessed through localhost. But I found out that the Tomato server could not be started. Eclipse always fails to start the report. on org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.main ( because: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: org.apache.tomcat.jni.Pool.create (j) org.apache.tomcat.jni.Pool.create (Native method ( on org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11AprProtocol) on .init ( Apache on org.apache.catalina.connector.Connector.initialize ( J Org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService.initialize ( .catalina.core.StandardServer.initialize ( on org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.load ( / 355) on org.apache.catalina.startup...

asp classic - Multilangual website using ASP and a database -

I want to consult something about There are 3 languages ​​in my website using the table database with Hebrew (main), English and Russian I fields: ID, field_name, 1, 2, 3 . Where there are 1 2 3 languages. On entering website language 1 (Hebrew) is selected automatically until you choose second. Saved as Session ("Current Language") . I received the name Langstead whice a field and prints the value according to the language session ("current language") in : set language language languages ​​strings = server.ct object ("ADODB.Recordset") language words. ActiveConnation = MM_KerenDB_STRINGLanguage terms. Source = "SELECT fieldName," & multilingangual "languageStrings.CursorType = 0 Bhashatrestings. Cursor location = 2 Bhashatrestingskloktaip = 1 Language: Strings. Open () do not have time to sub Langstring (Fildnam) (Language of stuff. Iof) if (languageStrings.fields .item ( "fieldName"). Value = fieldName) Exit...

count - Mathematica: get number of arguments passed to a function? -

How do I get the number of arguments passed to a function, such as plus [2,3,4, 5] There are 4 arguments in it I was thinking that the length of the function and the logic can be included in a list. Intention is to repeat the operation based on the number of arguments for a function. Probably a simple solution or work, but I have not crossed it yet. Any other ways or suggestions are also welcome? Here's a way: In [1]: = Foo [args ___]: = length [{args}] in [2]: = foo [1,2,3,4] outside [2] = 4 Define a function, the pattern args ___ (with 3 underscores underscores) will match 0 or more things. You can not use the length on length and anything is intelligent, so you have args in the list Should be wrapped> ( {} ) first. However, belisarius is right. For many overridden tasks, using built-in high-order functions such as map and fold will be easier and more efficient. Edit to add: The way mathematical expressions are created at the top of the bo...

php - For each result in MySQL query, push to array (complicated) -

OK, what I'm trying to do here. I am running a MySQL query for the most recent posts. For each of the returned rows, I have to push the line ID in an array, then within that ID in the array, I have to add more data than the rows. A multi-dimensional array. Thus my code is far away. $ query = "SELECT * positions by ID DESC limit 10"; $ Result = mysql_query ($ query); While ($ row = mysql_fetch_array ($ result)) {$ id = $ row ["id"]; $ Post_title = $ line ["headline"]; $ Post_text = $ row ["text"]; $ Post_tags = $ row ["tags"]; $ Post_category = $ line ["category"]; $ Post_date = $ line ["date"]; } As you can see I have not done anything with arrays yet. Here is an ideal structure that I see, just you are confused. Master Array I think that you can call it only we will call this array $ posts. Within this array, I have an array for each row returned in each of my MySQL queries. Those arrays have $ pos...