
Showing posts from April, 2010 - Custom Filter on Dynamic Data Website -

I want to be able to search on a column of a foreign key for any other table I do not type in the ID I want (which is the foreign key). I want to search by name. For example, you have the product table and the manufacturer table, on the product gridview, I want to find the manufacturer name - no manufacturer id. But the product is Product Id of Gridview. Thank you! If you make a foreigner, there are 2 tables in the table, the relationship between the 1 column which Not in 'filtered', will be used as 'EntityName' . In my case, I have: The table product, which is mentioned by the product table (product.product.product.product); The table product SQL is referred to by the scoopirus table (Product Id = Scoopris. The table in ProductSku has the following fields: SkuId, ProdId, PartName, ... and the 'SkuId' field instead of the 'SkuPrice' table for the dynamic data page The value of 'ProductSku' and ProductSku.PartName...

iphone - XCode can't find base SDK -

XCode 3.2.3 Beta 3.2 does not allow the creation of under. I have opened a project that was done in the previous XCode. For some reason, the base SDK is reported to have disappeared even after changing the 4.0. This is not the problem in other projects from former XCode. What can I do? It was great to hear! - .pbxproj can help in editing in your .xcodeproj . Values ​​are for SDKROOT in the XCBuildConfiguration section.

php - What are the differences between a GD and a GD2 image? -

Reading the document for , and I noticed that the tasks are described as follows: Output GD2 image in browser or file Output GD image in browser or file What is GD2, and what is a GD image? What is the difference between those image types? GD is an old C library, GD2 is updated one. Php uses gd2.

iphone - how can i display a string in textView -

I have found some data, I'm converting it to a string, but it is not being displayed in the textView Can anyone help me with this aStr = [[NSString alloc] initWithData: data encoding: NSASCIIStringEncoding]; [mTextView setStringValue: aStr]; Is there any other way to do this? MTextView is a type of outlet here. NSTextView This does not mean that it is a UITextView , in which case you can use [mTextView setText: aStr] . If this is a NSTextView , then perhaps you instead of [mTextView SetString: aStr] ?

iphone - Why am I getting this warning about my app delegate and CLLocationManageDelegate? -

इस बिल्कुल सरल UIViewController subclass विधि का निरीक्षण करें: - (IBAction) launchSearch {OffersSearchController * खोज = [[ऑफ़र्ससर्च कंट्रोलर एलोक] इनिट वाइटएनआईबीएन: @ "ऑफ़र्सस्चर्च वीव्यू" बंडल: शून्य]; EverWondrAppDelegate * del = [UIApplication साझाअनुप्रयोग] .delegate; [Del.navigationController pushViewController: खोज एनिमेटेड: हाँ]; [खोज जारी]; } उस पंक्ति पर जहां मुझे * डेल मिलता है, मुझे एक कंपाइलर चेतावनी मिल रही है जो पढ़ता है, टाइप 'id & lt; UIApplicationDelegate & gt;' 'CLLocationManagerDelegate' प्रोटोकॉल के अनुरूप नहीं है । वास्तव में, मेरा ऐप प्रतिनिधि उस प्रोटोकॉल के अनुरूप है, और जो मैं कर रहा हूं उसके साथ ऐसा करने के लिए कुछ भी नहीं है। तो उस संदेश के साथ क्या हो रहा है? द्वितीयक प्रश्न: कभी-कभी मैं अपने नेविगेशन नियंत्रक को self.navigationController के माध्यम से प्राप्त कर सकता हूं, और कभी-कभी मैं नहीं कर सकता, और मेरे ऐप पर जाना पड़ता है प्रतिनिधि की संपत्ति इसे पाने के लिए मैं यहाँ कर रहा हूं। इसे आज़माएं: ...

sql - LINQ Joins - Performance -

How am I keen on how to fix LINQ (LINQ to SQL), behind the scenes in relation to how SQL Server works. SQL Server generates an execution plan before executing a query. The execution plan is basically an expression tree, which believes that the best way to execute the query is. Provides information about each node, sort, scan, select, join, act or not. On our 'Join' node in our execution plan, we can see three possible algorithms; Join the hash, join, and join nested loop. SQL Server will select the algorithm for each encore based on the required number of rows in the inner and outer tables, how do we get involved (some algorithms do not support all types of joining), even if we order data , And maybe there are many other factors. Join the Algorithm: Join the Nested Loop: The best for short input, can be customized with the ordered inner table. Join the merge: Best input from input medium for medium to large input, or ordering an output is required. Join the hash...

windows - Why do ZeroMemory, etc. exist when there are memset, etc. already? -

Why do ZeroMerry, and similar calls are present in the Windows API when the mailset and related calls already exist in the C standard library ? Who will call me? I think the answer is "depends" what? in C and C ++, zero memory () and MEMSSET () is the exact same thing. / * winnt.h * / #define RtlZeroMemory (destination, length) maseet ((destination), 0, (length)) / * in winbase.h * / #define zeromomy RTL ZormanMori Why use ZeroMemory () then? But I like it in memet () C or C ++ programs.

ajax - Jquery getJSON Not Working Cross Site -

I have a piece of javascript that captures JSON data when executed locally though everything seems to work well When I try to use it from a different site, it does not work. Here's the script. $ (function () {var aT = new AjaxTest (); aT.getJson ();}); Var AjaxTest = function () {this.ajaxUrl = ""; This.getJson = function () {$ .getJSON (this.ajaxUrl, function (data) {$ .each (data, function (i, piece) {warning (piece);});}); You Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you! to: Security restrictions, most "Ajax" requests are subject to the same basic policy; The request can not successfully obtain data from a different domain, subdomain or protocol. The script and the JSONP request are not subject to the same basic policy restrictions. You will need to use the same basic policy to avoid it. JQuery can make it seamless (see the rest of the documentary doc...

sql server - SQL Agent Command Line Not Saved -

I have an SSIS package, I am trying to schedule. I create a new job under the SQL Server Agent, on JobStep's command line tab, I "edit the command line manually". The changes are kept because I switch from tab to tab in the job phase, but whenever I exit and save my job I am on SQL Server 2008.

django - How to obtain and/or save the queryset criteria to the DB? -

I would like to save a search criteria for DB for reuse Has a query: Client.objects.filter (state = 'AL') #I am simplifying the problem for readability. In reality, I can do very complex queries, including many filters, included and Q () objects. I I would like to save the DB, not the results of the query (i.e. different - separate client records in which the state matches the field 'AL'); But the query itself (i.e. the criteria used to filter the client model) The ultimate goal should be "saved filter" which can be read from DB and used by many of the dynamic DJ applications. At first I thought that I can sort queries and save it. But sorting a query actually executes the query - and then I am finished with a static list of clients in Alabama at the time of the serialization. I want to make the list dynamic (ie every time I read queries from DB It should execute and recover the current list of clients in Alabama). Edit: Alternatively, is it...

When did people first start thinking 'C is portable assembler'? -

यह प्रोग्रामिंग भाषाओं की लोकप्रिय संस्कृति में 'स्वीकृत अवधारणा' प्रतीत होती है, जो 'सी पोर्टेबल एन्डेबलर' है। मैंने सबसे पहले 15 साल पहले सुना था। लेकिन यह वास्तव में लोकप्रिय संस्कृति का हिस्सा क्यों था? ध्यान दें: अगर आप सहमत नहीं हैं कि 'सी पोर्टेबल असेंबलर है', तो कृपया इस प्रश्न को छोड़ दें। यह प्रश्न 'प्रोग्रामिंग की लोकप्रिय संस्कृति' के बारे में है मैं इस प्रश्न पर एक टिप्पणी जोड़ूंगा, जो आप उन लोगों के लिए वोट कर सकते हैं जो उस कथन से असहमत हैं। "post-text" itemprop = "text"> परिचय से सी प्रोग्रामिंग भाषा का पहला संस्करण: सी एक अपेक्षाकृत "निम्न स्तर" भाषा है इस लक्षण वर्णन निराश नहीं है; इसका मतलब यह है कि सी एक ही प्रकार की वस्तुओं से संबंधित है, जो कि अधिकांश कंप्यूटर करते हैं, अर्थात् अक्षर, संख्याएं और पते। [...] फिर से, क्योंकि भाषा वर्तमान कंप्यूटर्स की क्षमताओं को प्रतिबिंबित करती है, सी प्रोग्राम काफी कुशल होते हैं, इसके बजाय विधानसभा भाषा लिखने के लिए कोई मजबूर नहीं होता है। [.....

cocoa - DrawRect on the iPhone vs. the Mac -

I am an experienced iPhone Dev working on my first Mac app. The one thing that is actually throwing me is the difference between the UIVVI and NSV. It seems that I can not set the background color of an NSView through the interface builder because I can do it with a UIView. It also seems like I can not do this by sending a setbackgram caller: this message. All the examples I have seen overriding direct: Is it really the only way to do this in the sub-section of NSW? What is the conceptual difference here, and why is it like this? Note: I'm just trying to set background color to default gray Re: Alex's Answer: Not only this, it is big; Or rather; ... it is not not that it is large, the fact of the matter is that UIKit simple is much less generic than the UIView NSView; The general method is that Apple is pushing for applications containing content on the iPhone, using open or core animation, by exiled to UIView, and for large, simple container accessories. In this cont...

Suggested method of Internationalization in MySQL? -

I have a website at Kohana and I'm planning it for multi-language now i i18n folder And the way I know the way inside each language folder - there is some kind of string.php file .. but I want to be in a dynamic way (on DB) so that whenever I want to change the value through the website Are there. Is there a general table schema commonly used for multi-lang material? OK, you probably can copy a "resource" file into your database, / P> You can work in a table as a list for your wires, with two columns, such as another table with supported languages ​​ language ID, name 1, LangConstant ID, Constant_N name 1, Hello_Staining English 2, Spanish and the actual data With table: occurred D, language, constant, value1, 1, 1, "hello world!" 10, 2, 1, "Whole Mundo!" and you can do a query like: from SELECT Value from Lang_Constant_values ​​where language = (select from id id where name = 'english' ) And continuously =...

c - Preventing threads from writing to the same file -

I am implementing an FTP-like protocol in Linux kernel 2.4 (homework), and I have this assumption that if The file is open to write any later attempt to open it by another thread, unless I actually try to do it and it is searched How do I get it Stop it? PS: I am using Open () to open the file. PS2: I should be able to reach the existing files. I just want to stop writing them together. You can keep a list of open files, and then to see before opening a file check Whether it has already been opened by another thread. There are some problems with this approach: To make sure the list is thread-safe, you need to use mutes such as a synchronization primitive, etc. Once your program ends with them, the file will need to be removed from the list.

symfony1 - setting up routing for the first time -

I'm trying to set up URL routing on my server for the first time, I'm sure that mod_rewrite is enabled. Do any other configurations require me to change or set up? Should the routing.yml file be read automatically? routing. IML is not related to Apache. Let's say that you point to Apache's proper directory and on the appropriate index, the Symphony should handle the rest.

python - Model inheritance and RSS Feed framework -

I am using model succession to manage a model: Import the DB import model from Django Django.contrib.sites.models from django.contrib.auth.models Import the site from imagekit.models to import the user image imported datetime class entry (models.Model): date_pub = models.DateTimeField (default) = Datetime.datetime () = Model. URLField (blank = true) comments_allowed = models.BooleanField (default = true) class IKOptions: spec_module = 'journal.icon_specs' cache_dir = 'icon / resized' image_field =) via author = Models.For EignKey (user) 'icon' class post (entry): title = model.carfield (max_long = 200) description = model. TextField () Slug = Model. Slufffield (Exclusive = True) Def __unicode __ (self): Returns Self Title class photo (Entry): Alt = models.CharField (max_length = 200) Description = models.TextField (empty = true) Original = Model ImageField (upload_to = 'Photo /') def __unicode __ (self): return self class class coat (entry): block...

wcf - how to create nettcpbinding of this custombinding -

I'm new to the WCF programming model and I want to use netTcpBinding . Before I ask my question below, this is my custom binding: & lt; Custombunding & gt; & Lt; Binding name = "original" & gt; & Lt; Security AuthenticationMode = "UserName Forms Certificate" / & gt; & Lt; BinaryMessageEncoding / & gt; & Lt; HttpsTransport / & gt; & Lt; / Binding & gt; & Lt; / CustomBinding & gt; When I create a service reference using a simple console application, then it gets the certificate and I am asked to use it and in this way I have the webservice I can use ... But when I change bindings with netTcpBinding with TransportWithMessageCredential then the service is in search of certification and can not Find it like this: & lt; NetTcpBinding & gt; & Lt; Binding name = "sdfsd" & gt; & Lt; Safety Mode = "TransportWithMessageCredential" & gt; & Lt; Message ...

python - Union on ValuesQuerySet in django -

I'm looking for a way to get a team of queries in the Digengo. What I have read, query1 | Query 2 to take the union ... This does not seem to work when using values ​​() However. I leave the use of values ​​until I take the union, but I need to use the annotate to take the sum of a field and filter it on it, and since there is no way of "group" I have to use values ​​() I The other suggestions that I had to read were to use the Q objects, but I could not work in any way. Do I need to use direct SQL or is there a way to do this? What do I need: q1 = mymodel.objects.filter (date__lt = '2010-06-11'). Value ('Field 1', 'Field2') Anotate (volume = sum ('volume')). Out (Volume = 0) q2 = mymodel.objects.values ​​('field1', 'field2'). Annotated (volume = sum ('quantity')). (Volsum = 0) query = q1 | Q2 but it does not work and as far as I know that I need a "value" part because there is no other way to...

google app engine - StringProperty, None vs. Empty String -

वर्ग व्यक्ति (db.Model): first_name = db.StringProperty () middle_name = db.StringProperty () last_name = Db.StringProperty () p1 = व्यक्ति (प्रथम_नाम = 'जोन', अंतिम_नाम = 'स्मिथ') p2 = व्यक्ति (प्रथम_नाम = 'जोन', मध्य_नाव = कोई नहीं, अंतिम_नाम = 'स्मिथ') p3 = व्यक्ति (प्रथम_नाम = 'जॉन ', Middle_name =' ', last_name =' smith ') p1 और p2 मध्य_नाव = कोई भी नहीं है पी 3 में middle_name = empty स्ट्रिंग कौन सा काम बेहतर है? एसक्यूएल में, मैं कॉलम सेट नल डिफॉल्ट के लिए सेट करता हूं '' वे पूरी तरह से अलग हैं एक (कोई नहीं) एसक्यूएल न्यूल के बराबर है इसका मतलब यह हो सकता है कि उनका कोई मध्य नाम नहीं है या आप इसे नहीं जानते हैं। '' का मतलब है कि उनके पास मध्यम नाम का लंबाई 0 है। यह लगभग कभी मामला नहीं है।

python - Best practice- How to team-split a django project while still allowing code reusal -

I know that it seems vague, but please explain to me - I am starting a new project, it There will be two main components: "ACME Products" (Gmail, Meebo, etc.), and "Site" (Marketing, Induced Landing Page, Marketing, Induced Craft etc.), for assistance. will basically load stuff in the url / acme / * Uber Cool Ajke application, and all other URIs will load the goods on other sites. Issue: The "The Site" component is out of my hands, and will be managed by a consultative team that will work with marketing, and my team and I will work perfectly on the ACME product. / P> Question: How the Django project can be installed in this way: Separate release. (They may push new marketing pages and functionality without worrying about the status of our code. Probably different substations "Projects") Whatever Uniform-Focus-Flying Flying Still allow some code again. My main concern is that the ACME product should be rock solid, and there...

visual studio - Which hardware for using Vs.NET 2008/2010 decently? -

(hope to be non ot) Hello, I vs. vs. on effect with an Acer. I'm a little worried about running the 2008 An Intel T-2350 I know, this hardware is not the "last" and we can find the best on the market. So I'm thinking of buying a new notebook. For your experience, what kind of processor can I buy? I found, in Italia, the Acer notebook between 350-500 euro between T-4400 and 2-3 GB RAM. Is it good that I do not want to wait 10-20 seconds to switch to source code from " design" (good working experience by making vs with good)? Any answer is appreciated I think it is Depends on the weight of the solution you are working on. Switching from SSP design to source code is really slow. Personally, I had a bad experience and I did not get productive using Design View. I actually used VS 02008 in machines with good hardware configuration and this 'switching' is still slow, it should be a bug. In this you can find the 'official...

iphone - UIImageView is resizing -

One issue with changing uiimageviews time to run my size I have a view over a dozen contained in a uiscrollview dozens allow uiimageviews images is set at design time Uiimageview visible all the same size mode way right set of run-time images visual aspect fill all uiimageviews a different view But I only have 9 uiimageviews I selected these uiimageviews from the first scene The will display nine images. Three images below and three images are below design time uiimageview is the same size on the first scene. Uiimageview image is assigned to an image that is loaded into an array. All uiimageviews are of the same size and they also have set mode to fill the aspect. Image is assigned at run time using image 1.image = xxx. Where XXX is an image stored in an array. However, on this second scene, the pictures are not all the same size, the height of the image dynamically changes the same image displayed in a different uiimageview on the scene will be different size. It is the height...

linux - Is it possible to run php exec through cygwin? -

Hey guys, I have a php command command which works on my remote Linux server, but my windows (WAMP package) does not work on the local server. I really want to create a similar workstation so that I can test locally and then update my remote server. If someone has any suggestions or solutions other than converting to Linux, then I would appreciate it. & lt ;? Php $ safe_path = escapeshellarg ('fake-virus.txt'); $ Command = '/ usr / bin / clamscan --stdout' $ safe_path; $ Out = ''; $ Int = -1; Exec ($ command, $ out, $ int); $ Int echo; If ($ int == 0) {// All good; } Else {echo 'o'; // Virus ;; }? & Gt; I really want to create a similar workstation so that I am locally Please test and then update my remote server This is the wrong way to install cygwin . Just use virtualbox , which you can get from , and a Ubuntu VM can run very easy (and good).

Is there an equivalent in CDI(WELD) to build definitions (as done in Guice modules) and then create an Injector? -

I like Guice to manually manipulate each module of his own with his own binding done in the coding To make straight forward is straight forward. On the other hand, the CDI believes more from the side of magic, rather than access to programming sext binding. I am wrong or can get the same effect with WELD. Any code sample would be appreciated ... Clarification I was hoping to create I used to be a dynamic system I am building and I need to be able. I scan the weld dynamically classpath etc. instead of bind type (like interface), constants etc. and find the types and register. I believe that the CDI is static, the javax.inject package does not include any interface that allows anyone to implement the types of programming. Clarification Part 2 The basic premise of the original question was this simple observation that cooked in annotation and the rules set for the help of the injector can not be changed. I basically wanted public access to the same interface that the CDI C...

Missing web application template in Visual Studio 2010 -

मैंने Visual Studio 2010 (अंतिम) स्थापित किया है। जब मैं न्यू प्रोजेक्ट-> विज़ुअल बेसिक (या सी #) -> वेब पर क्लिक करता हूं, तो मुझे एकमात्र विकल्प मिलता है जो अजाक्स कंट्रोलएलएक्सेंडर, अजाक्ससर्वर कंट्रोल और एएसपी.Net सर्वर कंट्रोल है I मुझे एएसपी.Net वेब एपलीकेशन के विकल्प को कैसे दिखाना है? बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद। आपको क्या करना है, स्थापना को फिर से चलाने (रखरखाव मोड होना चाहिए), और विज़ुअल वेब डेवलपर जोड़ें। वह शायद स्थापित नहीं है, यही कारण है कि आप किसी भी वेब टेम्पलेट नहीं देख पाएंगे लेकिन एजेक्स कंट्रोलएक्सटन टेम्पलेट्स। यदि आप देखते हैं कि यह स्थापित है, तो वे / installvstemplates (यानी "सी: \ प्रोग्राम फ़ाइलें \ Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0 \ Common7 \ IDE \ devenv.exe" / installvstemplates) के साथ devenv.exe चलाने की कोशिश करते हैं। उम्मीद है कि मदद करता है!

database - Modeling complex hierarchies -

To get some experience, I am trying to create an expert system that answers questions about the animal kingdom can give. However, I have gone into a problem model domain. I originally considered a hierarchy of animals such as - the only -bird-karnavar-hawk-hierbivore-bozai-mammals-cranavara-herbivores I thought that would allow me to easily create questions like "give me all the birds", but it would be very expensive to say "give me all non-vegetarian", so I can see the hierarchy again Written: -command -Carnivore -Bird-Hawk-Mammals -Assign -Hiribers-Bird-Blaz -Salalfpers But now I will be very slow to "give to all the birds". This is a simple example, but I got it when I was thinking that I really do not know how to model complex relationships, in terms of answering a specialist system, so strictly in nature As per the above given questions, a guided, cyclical graph seems like it can solve a mathematical problem, but it is stored in a re...

listview - Sharepoint Filter -

मेरे पास दो सूचियां हैं, स्थिति नाम (स्ट्रिंग सक्रिय (हां / नहीं) कार्य नाम (स्ट्रिंग) स्थिति (लुकअप मेरे पास निम्न स्थितियां हैं (यह क्लाइंट द्वारा किसी भी समय बदला जा सकता है): नया, सक्रिय = हाँ ओपन, सक्रिय = हाँ हल नहीं किया गया, सक्रिय = नहीं हल, सक्रिय = नहीं मैं बनाना चाहता हूं कार्य सूची के लिए एक दृश्य, जो सभी सक्रिय कार्यों को दिखाता है ... मैं इस बारे में कैसे जाना होगा? धन्यवाद! अल्बर्ट क्या आप एक गणना वाले फ़ील्ड के साथ कुछ कर सकते हैं (यदि एक बयान बनाएँ) और उसके बाद अपना दृश्य फ़िल्टर करें यह?

playing videos in flash player -

I am working on a project. My project requires Video TV (Playing Video Flash Player) is my reference site I need a Flash Player of that type Is it worth doing? Can you guide me to plaz ... Using either flappliers, is described by Fracalysis R, or can use the Flash component Are "five players" You can also google "free flash player", and you will probably find something that meets your needs.

iphone - Core data and special characters (UTF-8) -

I have an iPhone application that uses core data with the SQL database in the data below. Writing content to a file, but in special characters like A, A and O files are corrupt (they appear just fine in the application). To insert data, I'm not using any special encoding. I'm just taking NSString (entered by UITFfield by the user) and putting it in my constant items while saving the file, I use the following code: [csvString writeToFile : Filepath atomically: Yes Encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding Error: & amp; Error]; I tried to add a BOM ("\ xef \ xbb \ xbf") at the beginning of the text but it is still corrupt. Any person has an idea where the problem can be? Examples of contaminated characters: one becomes, Your example is Correct Correct UTF-8 characters are considered as ISO-8859-1. How are you viewing the file? Are you certain that the viewer you are using is actually interpreting the file as UTF-8?

java - Is there known issues for JWS applications on Windows 7? -

I have a JWS application that works perfectly on Windows XP but fails to start on Windows 7 . The problem is that Java is not able to find the native library which is embedded in a JR bundle: Enter the dissatisfied link: no xxxxxx.dll in java.library.path The problem is not in DLL (for example missing dependencies), because if I put it in C: \ windows \ system32 \, then the JWS application works. So I want to know that there are some known issues that can tell Java 7 is not able to load / load a well-served country library on Windows? After the investigation, the problem was not caused by Windows 7, but related to the wrong signature of a JAR file was.

jquery - Restrict Special Characters -

Jquery का उपयोग करके विशेष वर्ण को प्रतिबंधित कैसे करें? हाँ! अधिक विशिष्ट रहें .. आप शायद सोच रहे होंगे।

git - Master repository and local repositories in the same machine -

I'm new to Git. I have created a master repository in a Linux server using the same server 5 of every 3 users Is being done by groups. I want to make a local store for each group. And members of the group should make a local store for each of them in return, play with the material and modify the local store of the group. How should I go about doing this? You can copy the master repository by running git clone --bare / path / to / master / repository To create 5 different local copies of the master repository where you want to copy, in different paths 5 Want to multiply Then members of each group can run git clone / path / to / group_local / repository to make a personal copy of the local repository of their group Are there. Therefore, whenever you clone a repository, you have three "levels" of the repository: unless you do not use - bare : master, local, Personal. option will set property of remote.origin.url clone to reference GIT origin. Thi...

tacit programming - Why do I not get the correct answer for Euler 56 in J? -

I have solved the problems of Project Euler problems, mostly going back to Haskell, now I am going back and studying in J. As I am trying to solve in Jask Currently, I am trying to solve I should emphasize that I already know what the correct answer is , because I have it in Haskell It has a very easy, trivial problem already resolved in the I will not answer here. Here's my solution in Jammu: points =: ("." 0) @ ":" 0 each Digit =: adverb: 'u @: marks '0' NB I use it, so I made it a mechanism. Cartesian =: Adverb: '((# ~ #) U ($ ~ *: @ #))' & gt; / + / Each Digit x: ^ Cartesian>: 99 99 This produces less number than desired result. In other words, this is somehow wrong. Because it is very straightforward and completely brutal force, I wonder. The reason for this is that you are expanding application precision ( x: ) The game is too late. Switch to expanded precision, the first thing you do (like i. X: 99 ) and yo...

java - CMS for a fairly large Mobile Website - Please Help Select -

I am looking for: - A mature, scalable and certified CMS solution With support for Mobilization (Android and iPhone) Good amount of optimization by using Java / .NET Select from the box component Many. Please help with recommendations. ps Are there any mobile CMS providers who work in the SaaS model? I think that you have to create your own CSS for mobile stuff

algorithm - question on find value in array -

I have seen such a problem a few days ago Find two array elements that are in these array One of the common solutions is one of the solutions was a large array and then uses binary search algorithms and another algorithm - brute-force algorithm other than ) (int i = 0; i & lt; array1.length; i ++) {for (int j = 0; j & lt; array2.length; j ++) {if (array1 [ I] == array 2 [j]) {// code here}} Its complexity is (array1.length array2.length); And I'm interested in the complexity of the first method, too? Because we should first sort the array and then use the search method The complexity of binary search algorithms is log_2 (n), that means the total time array will be. Length log_2 (n) and about the sort? Please explain to me which is better a o (m log n) solution > arr1 for length of o (m) , and length of arr2 be o (n) . Sort / binary search algorithm O (M log N) . In this way, the pseudocode is as follows: sort order (arr2) # n For every ...

qt - What's wrong with this piece of code for saving contacts? -

I am using the latest Nokia QT SDK. I have tried to add contacts, it is not being added .. What is missing in it? // Create a Contact Manager for the default contact backend; QCactact Manager * cm = new cachetector manager ("simulator"); // QContactManager * cm = new QContactManager ("memory"); // I tried it, it does not work too // Create an example example contact QContact; // Add contact name; QContactName name; Name.setFirstName ("John"); Name.setLastName ("do"); Example.saveDetail (& amp; Name); // Add Contact Email Address // QContactEmailAddress Email; // email.setContexts (QContactDetail :: ContextHome); //email.setEmailAddress(" "); // example.saveDetail (& amp; email); // Finally, save contact details- cm- & amp; SaveNews (& amp; Examples); Deleting cm; thanks http: // doc Qt / qtmobility-1.0-tp / qcontactmanager.html # availableManagers Check the list of available...

iphone - Quartz 2D: draw from a CGContext to another CGContext -

मेरे पास एक CGBitmapContext ( bitmapContext ) है और मैं कुछ आयताकार भाग ( ) = यूआईजीआरएफ़िक्सगेटकूर्ंटकॉन्टेक्स (); CGImageRef cgImage = CGBitmapContextCreateImage (बिटमैपकॉन्टेक्स); CGContextClipToRect (संदर्भ, rect); CGContextDrawImage (संदर्भ, CGRectMake (0, 0, चौड़ाई, ऊंचाई), cgImage); CGImageRelease (cgImage); क्या यह इष्टतम है? यह करने का सबसे अच्छा तरीका क्या है? वैकल्पिक रूप से एक उप-छवि, जिसे मैं केवल कम इष्टतम होने की कल्पना कर सकता हूं।

widget - Send a public broadcast from an AppWidget in Android -

I have a widget for a music player and want to send the broadcast by pushing different buttons. What do I want to do, when a button is pushed, the widget sends a public broadcast to another broadcast broadcaster so that it can handle different tasks. In my activity class with the broadcast receiver: Private Broadcast Receiver Broadcast Receiver = New Broadcast Receiver () {@ Override Public Records on Revive (Reference Reference, Intent Intent) {string action = intent. Gate action (); If (action.equals (Constants.ACTION_NEXT)) {log d. ("Receiver", "ACTION_NEXT"); }}}; @ Override Safe void onStart () {super.onstart (); IntentFilter Filter = New Intent Filter (); // Widget Action filter.addAction (Constants.ACTION_NEXT); Register receiver (broadcast receiver, new intent filter (filter)); } In my widget: Update on Public Zero (Reference Reference, AppWidgetManager appWidgetManager, int [] appWidgetIds) {Remote Visual View = New Remote View (Ref. GetPacka... mvc - JQuery. Why can't I insert an html img tag in a textarea? -

टेक्स्टएरिया ऐसा दिखता है: & lt; textarea id = "messagecontent" नाम = "संदेश कंटेंट "& gt; & lt; / पाठ क्षेत्र & gt; JQuery ऐसा दिखता है: $ ("# insert")। Live ("click", फ़ंक्शन () {var t = "& lt; img Width = '' + result.width + "'height ='" + result.height + "'alt ='" + result.descr + "'src =' / छवियाँ /" + परिणाम। संदेश + "'/ & gt; $ ("# MessageContent")। Html ($ ("# MessageContent")। Html () + t); $ ("# MessageContent") फ़ोकस (); $ ("# backgroundPopup")। FadeOut (" फास्ट "); $ (" # पॉपअप कॉन्टैक्ट ")। फेडऑट (" तेज ");}); // live मैं साधारण पाठ सम्मिलित कर सकता हूं, लेकिन कोई भी HTML टैग सम्मिलित नहीं कर सकता। आप यहां एक & lt; textarea & gt; के मान सेट करने के बजाय यहां का उपयोग करना चाहते हैं (अन्यथा मान एन्कोडेड नहीं है, या ठीक से उपयोग किया जाता...

jQuery without domready -

To find a way to add this code, later & lt; Head & gt; (or some & lt; link stylesheet & gt; ) and before & lt; Body & gt; Generated (created). $ ('body'). Attachments ('& lt; style type = "text / css" & gt; \ // some // multiline // style & lt; / style & gt;'); a & lt; Body & gt; without domready () , so it looks better to use head instead or something else add can also be changed is. There is no direct access to the html file editing, so why am I using javascript. Why is it needed? When we use the domready () script, then adds a style after the page is created, the block with the new style jumps from the previous decor to the new one - Not good Thanks. & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; Document.write ('& style; style = "text / css" & gt; \ // some // multiline // style & lt; / style & gt;'); & Lt; / Scrip...

iphone - resize an image without UIScrollView -

I want to resize an image without UIScrollView in IIS application. How do I want to use Touch? Thank you I usually load an image instead of UIImageView UIWebView , Then you automatically get a zoom / resize behavior.

The use of insert in ada? -

Can someone tell me how to insert in the Aida language? I tried the net but I just could not figure it out. If someone could provide me with an example then this would be a great help. In advance thank you Mady I have ever written Never before done (often have to do anything but with a simple Put_Line ) it knocked together: with Ada. Trusting Fixed; With ADA Test_io; Use Ada.Text_IO; The process is included Base: Stable String: = (1. 8 = & gt; '') & amp; "Aaaaaa" & amp; (1 = 8 => ''); Start Put_Line (ASCII.HT and '|' and Base & amp; ';'); 1 for J. .. 24 Loop S declares: string: = base; Ada.Strings.Fixed.Insert (S, first => J, New_Item => ccc) starts; Pat_line (integer 'image' and 'ASCII. HT and' '' & 'and' '' '); End; End loop; Inserting the end; and output is | Aaiae | 1 | CCC AHAIA | 2 | CCAC AAAAAA | 3 | CCAC AAAAAA | 4 | CCAC AAAAAA | 5 | CCAC AA...

python - How to convert string "0671" or "0x45" into integer form with 0 and 0x in the beginning -

I wanted to create my own encryption algorithm and decryption algorithm, the encryption algorithm works fine Changes the value and octal representations But when I tried decryption, then the problem occurred because it is the string type in the following code as intrate ('0671') = 671, 0671. Is there any method to convert "Ox 56" to an integer form ?????? Note: The following string is optional octal and four hexagonal values ​​of hexa. ///////////// DECRYPTION // / (0, F4): G = L [i: i + 4] // for print gk /// L = "01630x7401620x6901560x67" f = len (l) k = 0 d = 0x = [] = k + 1 if (k% 2 == 0): p = g print p other: p = int (g ) There you are ( s string); print p int (s, 0)

ruby on rails - Dynamic class_name for has_many relations -

मैं गतिशील class_name विशेषता के साथ has_many संबंध बनाने की कोशिश कर रहा हूँ वर्ग श्रेणी & lt; ActiveRecord :: बेस है has_many: ads, class_name = & gt; (लैम्ब्डा {रिटर्न स्व.टैम_प्रकार}) या वर्ग श्रेणी & lt; ActiveRecord :: बेस है has_many: ads, class_name = & gt; Self.item_type end लेकिन मुझे त्रुटियां मिलती हैं: स्ट्रिंग में संसाधित नहीं कर सकता या अपवादित विधि # & lt; क्लास के लिए `item_type ': 0xb62c6c88 & gt; संपादित करें मेरे पास दो अलग-अलग प्रकार के विज्ञापन हैं लीज़ एद , RentAd उन्होंने एक तालिका विरासत का उपयोग करके कार्यान्वित किया फिर मेरे पास नेस्टेड सेट के रूप में विज्ञापनों का category है। मैं दैनमिक रूप से यह निर्दिष्ट करना चाहूंगा कि किस प्रकार के विज्ञापन श्रेणी वस्तु से संबंधित हैं किसी भी मदद के लिए धन्यवाद! प्रोक कनवर्ट नहीं किया जा सकता स्ट्रिंग में का मतलब है कि रेल स्ट्रिंग अपरिभाषित विधि # item class = 0xb62c6c88 & gt; के लिए अपेक्षित है; का अर्थ है कि आपने item_type को वर...

java - Problem While Deploying Application in GlassFish -

I have to deploy an application called "mrs-ws-server.war" in glassfish. I used both of them: 1) Package file to be uploaded to the server 2) Local package file or directory to address: This generated Does the following error: Exception when loading the app: java.lang.Exception: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Containerbase. AddChild: Start: org.apache.catalina.LifecycleException: org.springframework. Transaction.CannotCreateTransactionException: The hibernate session can not open for a transaction; Nested exception org.hibernate.exception.GenericJDBCException: connection can not be opened What should be the solution for that? There are one. Is there any other information in server logs that can help someone?

messaging - Message Queues use and interesting features -

I understand the basics of a message queue system, but I do not know about different systems. There seem to be many open source and non-open source solutions. What are some of these and which are the most unique features? [Multicast, p2p, alternative message structures, device detection, etc.] In addition, is any of these systems scalable enough for the grid or heavy usage of large amounts of data? I am an expert in a specific brand MOM so I can not give a complete answer, however, for 3 days There is no other answer after that, so I take at least one knife on it. What are some of these and who [are] the most unique features? [Multicast, p2p, alternative message structures, device detection, etc.] I'm not sure what you mean by "detecting the device" but in WebSphere MQ The rest of the things are ASIT API, file-to-message, message-to-file, rich user-defined message metadata capability, 1-step commit, 2-step committment, tunnel on HTPS, encryption on wire...

c# - Retrieve sitemap from database -

How to retrieve sitemap from databse in Can anyone provide any links that explain the process? Here are some articles for you to get your own Sitemap Provider:

Silverlight textblock binding question + MVVM -

I am trying to create a simple text block control and I am trying to insert one from my ViewModel string . Example "Hello, my name is XX , bla, bla." ( XX is a property from my ViewModel) & lt; TextBlock Text = "Hello, my name is {binding selector name}.", Bla, bla. " / & Gt; Is this possible? Regards, Adrian

security - Flex Blaze DS not passing OpenSSO authentication cookie? -

I have a set of custom web services These services have been protected by the OpenSSO on a Glassfish server when I open a browser I try to call up the Restime services directly, the OpenSSO prevents the request, then after requesting the user's credentials, the request for the reest service requests. The OpenSSO uses a session cookie on next requests (unless the session is invalid) I'm sure the piece is working properly. We want to call these services from a Flex client to enable PUT and DELETE operations, we set up the blaze to proxy the lush requests for the REST service from the Flex client. When the security of rental services is disabled, this piece works great. We are now trying to secure the entire application. We have kept Flex SWF in war and deployed glassfish. We have kept security around this resource and when a user tries to download SWF (via an HTML link in the war), then OpenSSO prevents the request, after which the application on successful authorization ...

Custom HTTP Request headers in HTML -

Do anyone know that it is possible to send custom HTML HTTP request letters without using JavaScript (no xhr wrapper) Would it be possible to define them as a meta tag in the head? Or can they be defined somewhere? & lt; Meta http-equip = "x-something-custom" name = "custom value" / & gt; This works, however, it is a RESPONSE header. I need to set a request header. I'm not looking for hidden areas in forms, but actual raw HT headers manipulation with actual tags. Is this possible? Does anybody know that without sending a custom HTTP request headers in HTML possible What is Javascript to use? No, this is not possible. What is this, a functional requirement for which you think this solution is? Expand, then we can come up with a suitable solution.

php - Duplicate a image variable GD library -

What is the easiest way to duplicate an image variable in PHP Normally you just $ veronne = $ varold . But with the GD library variable if I have mentioned above and then edited $ variant then $ varold will also be affected. Obviously, there must be a way to reopen the file or to create a new image and copy it into it. Is there any easy way? Your attempt is not working to handle GD image (a memory pointer) both $ Varnew and $ varold will also store the same pointer, thus pointing to the exact image in memory. You will have to use the image again or maybe worse than the file.

iphone - How do you specify a really large character in UIButton? -

I have a series of buttons in which there are suit signals on them I currently use these suite symbols as a bitmap I provide In the preparation of the iPhone 4, I want to use the lesson instead. Although the interface builder saves the button for whitespace under the symbol, so I can not get the image to fill the button completely. Any signals to the interface builder behavior? Use transparent suite symbols that are all equal sizes like

iphone - getting plist from documents directory instead of Bundle -

I'm trying to point out the document directory instead of the bundle, I have the following code: - (id) initWithLibraryName: (NSString *) libraryName {if (self = [super init]) {libraryPlist = libraryName; LibraryContent = [[NSArray alloc] initWithContentsOfFile: [[NSBundle main bundle] pathForResource: LIST OF LIST OF LIBRARY: @ "plist"]]; I know that I need to use the following points in the directory of documents to the app: NSArray * paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains (NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask , YES); NSString * document directory = [path item overindexx: 0]; My question is how do I insert this pointer in the above example? [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource: list of library type: @ "plist"]; is equally: [document directory stringbapping path comparison: [List of libraries StringPaypingPath Extension: @ "Plist"]]; Except that the bundle call will return to zero if the file does not exist You c...

uialertview - How to create an alertview with search bar in iphone? -

I want to display an alert view on it with a search bar option. Please help me, how can I create a search bar in an alert scene? Any sample code would be more helpful to me. Thank you I created a search bar and the text box has its subview Has been added in the form. UIAlertView * myAlertView = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle: @ "" Message: @ "" Representative: cancel selfButtonal: zero other buttonlets: zero, zero]; UISearchBar * myTextField = [[UISearchBar Alok] initWithFrame: CGRectMake (30.0, 35.0, 180.0, 35.0)]; UIButton * searchbtn = [[UIButton alloc] initWithFrame: CGRectMake (230.0, 35.0, 40.0, 35.0)]; [MyTextField setBackgroundColor: [UIColor whiteColor]]; [MyAlertView SetbackGram Color: [UIColor grayColor]]; [Searchbtn setBackgroundColor: [UIColor grayColor]]; [MyAlertView addSubview: myTextField]; [MyAlertView adsviewview: searchbtn]; If there is any other better way please tell me.

sharepoint 2007 - field content type from an SPListItem? -

How do I get field content types (like ImageFieldContent, etc.) from a SPListItem? Try oItem ["ContentType"] to get the content type of an object. TosString () (where oItem is your SPListItem object) To obtain the type of columns within a SPListsItem you must loop through the oItem.Fields and receive FieldViewType. E.g. foreach (SPField offfield in oItem.Fields) {Console.WriteLine (oField.FieldValueType); } Note: Field Value type: Field type has its own value type, returns the value type of the field. To see a complete reference here

Installing Monodevelop from the SVN on Ubuntu 10.04 -

I wrote the following script to install the svn version of MonoDevelop #! / Usr / Bin / env bash PREFIX = / opt / local check_errs () {if [[$ $? -a 0]]; Then exit "$ {1}" Download 1 FIC () {if [! -d $ {1}] So svn cum$ {1} and (cd $ {1}; svn update) fi} Download Mono Download MCS Download Libgdiplus ( CD mono ./ prefix = $ pREFIX makeup set check_errs) (CD libgdiplus ./ prefix = $ pREFIX makeup set check_errs) Download monodevelop export PKG_CONFIG_PATH = $ {pREFIX} / lib / pkgconfig (Cd monodevelop. / Configure --prefix = $ PREFIX - make check_errs a check_arls) Everything works fine until making the last step for monodequal packak, where the script error The release is: ./ MonoDevelop.WebReferences / MoonlightChannelBaseExtension.cs (320,82): error CS1061: Type `System.ServiceModel.Description.OperationContractGenerationContext and '' a definition for SyncMethod included could not be found...

postgresql count -

Can it be done in PGSQL? I have a scene that I made where the host name, IP, and datacenter from a table, and ifdesc and if data from another table. View output looks like this: hostname | IP | Datacenter | Ifdesc | Ifadminstat | Ifoperstat | ---------- ---------------------------------------- -------------------------- R1 DC Gigabit Ethernet 1/1 2 1 R1 DC Gigabit Ethernet 1/2 2 2 R 1 DC GigabitEthernet1 / 3 2 2 r1 DC GigabitEthernet1 / 4 2 1 r1 DC GigabitEthernet2 / 1 2 2 r1 DC GigabitEthernet2 / 2 2 2 r2 DC GigabitEthernet1 / 1 2 2 r2 DC GigabitEthernet1 / 2 2 2 I for each router (for example, for all the interfaces on each blade "ifadminstat = 2" and "ifoperstat = 2 "need to get the count .. For r1, how many interfaces on blade 1 (GigabitEthe rnet1 / 1-48) is "ifadminstat = 2" and "ifoperstat = 2". I try to count the results presented Postgresql HP using P website. ...

Installing .net Framework 4 and keeping 3.5 -

If I set frame 4, will this structure be replaced by 3.5? I still work on many applications using 3.5 Framework, which I'm not planning to migrate in the near future, but I want to use Framework 4 for new projects. No, it will be there and there will be no reason for any confrontation. .NET 4 and Visual Studio 2010 .NET 3.5 and Visual Studio 2008 are allowed to escape from the shore.

actionscript 3 - Determining linkage dependencies in Flex applications -

There is a big flex project with two of my applications. Many codes are shared between these applications, however, Smaller code is not required which is big, I'm trying to ensure that the code that is not required by small applications is not being compiled into it. Is it an easy way to determine which files are being compiled in my project, a special application? Ah, I managed to find a solution immediately after posting it. The Flex compiler supports a one-link-report flag that creates an XML file that describes all the link dependency for the application in your project. FLEX2 documentation: FLEX 3 documentation:

installer - How to make it easy for users to install my software? Does the programming language matter? -

I am starting for intermediate programmer and I have learned some Java and C #. I want to start thinking that I can leave the world. Some basic things like calendar software, which may be free, want to make the user installation process quick and easy. To install the Java program, I have to tell them to install Java. To install the C # program, I have to install the .NET. I'm worried that it could leave some potential users who just want to double click on an XE file, choose a directory and do a lot. So, I think this is a question or two: 1) Is there a programming language that allows users to set up the installer without installing other things goes? OR: 2) Is there a way to install an installer looking at the system to see if it has Java / .NET / whatever, and then Java / Net / which is in the installation, if it is not already present in it? I am surprised that Microsoft has not yet mentioned its setup project in Visual Studio Integrated and like Netscape, there...

Is this the right way to organize my database tables? -

So I'm creating a website that allows users to create a contact list. So their users are the list of users, and there are contacts in the list. I think I need 3 tables for this, but I want to make sure. The curriculum will be hosted by a user, and then a "list of lists" table containing the user name and list name, along with the primary key as well as the complete list of whatever we want to engage with lists . Finally, for a lack of a better word, the user name / list name will be re-listed in the list table, then contact ID and notes and as such the user attaches that contact to that specific list. I hope this is a clear explanation. For some reason I feel uncertain about this arrangement. For one thing if the website becomes popular then the list table can increase in billions rows. And it also sounds a little weird that the information of all the information is jumbled all in the same table. I think I can make different tables for each user and even for each ...

c# convert string that has ctrl+z to regular string -

I have such a string: some_string = "A simple demo of SMS text messaging. " + Convert To face (26)); What is the easiest way to get rid of me? Please note that sometimes some strings have 26 and sometimes not, and it can also be in different positions, so I have to know that the most versatile of getting rid of all four and What is the easiest way? If it can be in different situations (not just the end): someString = someString.Replace ("\ u001A", ""); Note that you have to use the return value of change - the string is irreversible, so any methods that view Changing the material actually returns a new string with the appropriate change.

join - mysql - combining columns and tables -

I have a site where I have a database for all accounts and whatnot, and the tasks done by another user Site to archive Each user has its own table, but I want to add data for each user group (all users who are "connected together") and the data that happened at that time. / P> What I have here; & lt ;? Php $ query = "SELECT` TALKING_TO` from` nnn_instant_messaging` Where 'AUTHOR` =' '. The name displayed' 'and' TALKING_TO '! = '' "; $ Query = mysql_query ($ query, $ CON) or die (" _error_ ". Mysql_error ()); if (mysql_num_rows ($ query)! = 0) {$ table_str =" "; $ Select_ref_clause =" ( "; $ select_time_stamp_clause =" (while ($ row = mysql_fetch_array ($ query)) {$ table_str. = "` Actvbiz_networks`. "" $ row [ 'TALKING_TO']. "`, '; $ Select_ref_clause. = "` Actvbiz_networks`. "$ row [ 'TALKING_TO']." .REF`, '; $ select_ti...

iphone - Subscribe to a WebCal URL in iOS 4.0 -

In my iPhone app, I have this button, which opens a webclub: // The URL in UIWebView is as follows: #define kHostName @ "webcal: //" - (IBAction) putInCalendar: (ID) sender {NSURL * url = NULL; Url = [[NSRL Alok] initWithString: kHostName]; NSURLRequest * Request = [[NSURLRequest alloc] initWithURL: url]; [WebView loadRequest: request]; [Request release]; [Url release]; } In iOS 3.x, this gives a sequence of "Subscribe to Calendar" etc., what happens if you open the same URL in Mobile Safari : The related event is added as an iPhone calendar's subscription. Either way, in iOS 4.0, it does not work from within my app, though it works on opening URL in Mobile Safari in iOS 4.0. Can someone explain to me why this is not working, but even better: What would be the appropriate iOS 4.x approach for this functionality? I got a look at the new program kit which has been added to...

java - How to create client socket using domain name -

Hi I'm using Java socket programming. I make the client socket must pass the IP and port. But I want to make the client socket to have a domain name and port would make it possible. Instead of my domain name internally referenced by a static address means that the IP address I want to have Thanks Sunil Kumar Sahoo

Development enviroment for .NET -

I'm about to develop a development environment for a small developer company (3-4 developers + some testers) Our development platform is ours. NET and Oracle My question is how to make the entire environment structured. How many servers do I need? Should the developer have one server and one for testers? I want a build server (teamcity) Where to put Subversion? Will the developers of Visual Studio be on the laptop? Do I need a database for development and to create an additional server? What else can be helpful? Yak, a loaded question. Maybe your developers can help you so that the environment is better suited but random people sleep?

svn - Subversion post-commit hook to sync rep with FTP server ( for a website ) -

I have installed a repository on my computer locally, what I am trying to do is locally send a website But is able to work on his computer and can see changes using something like MMP. When I make a change, though I would like to synchronize my repo with live website source files on a remote FTP server. I did a bit of excavation and I know people use post-cut hook but I'm not sure how to configure it or even how to do it locally establish. I am also not convinced that it is possible to do this in my computer from an FTP. Is there any great help and I have to do this how I am trying to find out how many hours I am trying to do, to do this to know. Thank you very much. Examples in the hook are directories for deleting servers on the basis of your platform ('Nix or window)' For now to sync ... I think that you really want to trigger a checkout on a remote server. Again, it depends on the stage but the idea is the same on Rsh / ssh 'Nick? Another idea would...

java - How to find if String contains html data? -

How do I know if a string is HTML data or not? The user provides input through the web interface and it is quite possible that he could either use a simple text or HTML formatting. You can use regular expressions for HTML tags.

java - What is the difference between "text" and new String("text")? -

What is the difference between these two statements? string s = "text"; String s = new string ("text"); new string ("text"); clearly creates a string specific example from a new and referenced form of the object; string s = "text"; string continuous pool can reuse an example if someone is available. You will want to use very little any time new string (other string) constructor from the API: : Launches an newly created string object, so that it represents the same sequence of characters as the argument; In other words, the newly created string argument is a copy of the string. A clear copy of the original is not required, unless the wire is irreversible, the use of this manufacturer is unnecessary. related question what does the difference mean? H3> Check the following snippet: string s1 = "foobar"; String s2 = "foobar"; System.out.println (s1 == s2); // true s2 = new string...

c# - how can i write line by line in txt data? -

I try to write line with line data but if I run my application Script.txt Write the last text 1 data in Private Zero Button 1_Click (Object Sender, EventArgs E) {System.IO.TextWriter tw; Tw = new streamer ("C: /Script.txt"); Tw.WriteLine (textBox1.Text); Tw.Close (); } "post-text" itemprop = "text"> If you need to enclose the line but not replace all the contents, then "true" is the second parameter for the creator of StreamWriter In: tw = new streamer ("C: /Script.txt", true);

How to make javascript for font sizes fully language dependent? -

I have a multilingual weblist with English and Arabic. Javascript for Fontsis is not included in css. Different fontesize in both languages ​​is 16 and 12. When English to Arabic is displayed as large as English letters (like date and baggage), and when Arabic letters are very small when switching from English to Arabic. I would really like to make this JavaScript fully dependent on the language so that the English version can be shown in Arabic version, in the same version as the English version and for Arabic. & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; & Lt ;! - & lt; {$ Xoops_js} & gt; // -> Function set style (tag) {var element = document. GetElementsByTagName (tag); For (var i = 0; i & lt; elements.length; i ++) {var element = element [i] = 'bold'; = '[en] 12 [/ en] [R] 16 [/ R] PX'; If (element.className == "nochange") { = "ltr...

dojo - keep data-attributes in dijit widgets -

I have started using HTML5 data - attributes in my application, but when It is applied to an element which is a digit widget, it disappears. & lt; Button dojoType = "dijit.form.Button" data-id = "5" & gt; Number 5 & lt; / Button & gt; Is Duo really doing this parsing and is keeping it somewhere? Or is it just completely removed because dojo is not compatible with HTML5? By answering it, I see the custom data - attributes on the surrounding element Was able to keep

jquery - How to Add Horizontal line in Javascript -

I would like to add a horizontal line to a dynamic populate table. How do I do it? Below is a snippet. function addNewRow () {$ ('# displayTable tr: last'). ('& Lt; tr & gt; & lt; td style = "font-size: small;" Class = "dataField1" & gt; & lt; / td & gt; & lt; td style = "font-size: Small; "class =" dataField2 "& gt; & lt; / td> & lt; td style =" font-size: small; "class =" datafield 3 "& gt; & lt; / td & gt; & Lt; / tr & gt; '); Var $ tr = $ ('# displayTable tr: last'); $ Tr.find ('dataField1.') Text ($ ('# txtName') (Val.).). $ Tr.find ('dataField2.') Text ($ ('# txtAddress') Val ().). $ Tr.find ('Datafield3') Text ('document.write (" & lt; td colspan = \" 2 \ "& gt; & lt; bells \ / & gt; & lt; / td & gt; & lt; \ / Tr> "};} stop do...