
Showing posts from April, 2011

Parsing google feed with linq to xml -

I am trying to parse the XML feed which I get through LINQ 2 XML via the Google Contacts API I am This is what the feed looks for: & lt; Feed xmlns = "" xmlns: openSearch = "" xmlns: gContact = "http: // schemas / contact / 2008 "xmlns: batch =" "xmlns: gd =""> & Lt; ID & gt;< / Id & gt; & Lt; Update & gt; 2010-06-11T17: 37: 06.561Z & lt; / Update & gt; & Lt; Category Scheme = "" = "" /> & Lt; Title type = "text" & gt; My Contacts & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; Link rel = "optional" type = "text / html" href = "" /> & Lt; Link rel = ...

How to pass values between pages with gridviews -

I have enabled selection on my gridview. The question is, can I cross the values ​​with the button but this is useless because I have select linkbutton. So how can I cross the variable with them? Shows how to work in GridView in LinkButton and pass / transfer variables or data on other pages and Depends on it by populating another gridview using QueryString and QueryStringParameters. What's more, no code is needed, very good.

.net - Reflection: How to get the underlying type of a by-ref type -

I was surprised to know that the "referee" and "out" parameters are not marked by a special feature, even then ParameterInfo. IsOut, ParameterInfo.IsIn (both of which are always false as always I can see), parameter attributes.In and ParameterAttributes.Out instead, the "Ref" parameter is actually represented by a particular type of "Type" object And the "out" parameter is only an extra special There are referral parameters with ta (which I do not know yet, what kind of feature is). Anyway, to create a sub-ref logic, you say Type.MakeByRefType (), but my question is that if you already have a referee type, then you return to the original type How come? Hint: It is not built in the system type: type = int (int); Console.WriteLine (t.MakeByRefType () UnderlyingSystemType == T.); // FALSE Call.

sql - Implementing a "special" Access database to Expression Web -

I got just one question about the combination of the result of a SQL. It was done with "Concat Related" Now I want to apply it in Expression Web 3. I have used the access in SQL: SELECT, land.official_name, vaksiner.vaksiner Join INNER from the ground (vaksiner Join INNER at land_sykdom = land_sykdom.sykdom) on land. Kort = Land by order.office_name; Select and select DISTINCT ID, official_name, concat related ("voxkar", "curievicarro", "id =" & [id]) From AP CurieversionRao; The last one has been saved as vaksine_query This is the SQL I want to add to the expression web: SELECT Vaksine_query id, vaksine_query.official_name, vaksine_query.vaksiner Vaksine_query from WHERE = "?"; Expression Web gives me an error message "Insert" undefined function in the expression 'Insert'. What about you The related user is defined function, and it w...

java - Problem in inferring instances that have integer cardinality constraint -

I created an RDF / OWL file using the proposition 4.1 alpha. I also created a defined class in the proposition called a cheapphone, this class has a restriction that is shown below: (hasPrice has some integer [ Whenever, the price of the phone is below 350, it has been estimated as cheap phone. There is no problem registering it in PROPOSY 4.1 alpha. However, I can not guess this by using Jena. I have also created a defined class named Smartphone. This class also has a restriction that is shown as below: (has3G value is true) and (is the Internet standard Whenever, a phone 3G and the Internet, it is estimated as a smartphone, in this situation, it is not a problem both in Proteus and Jena. I started thinking that there is a problem with Jena's default information engine. The code I which uses in Java is below: Risner Logicator = RegenerationRegister.GetoLRJSON (); Logic = arguments Bind Schema (Ontomodel); OntModelSpec ontModelSpec = OntModelSpec.OWL_MEM_MINI_RU...

java - When to use Spring Integration vs. Camel? -

As an experienced spring user, I was assuming that spring integration will most understand a project recently, which requires some (JMS) messaging. Capabilities () After working for a few days with the spring integration, it still feels like too many configuration overheads that allow you to quantify the amount of channels that configure some request-feedback (listening on various Jms queues) Given is communication communication. So I was looking for some background information about how camel spring is different from integration, but it seems like the information is quite empty, I found: (very neutral (comparison of camels with other solutions, October 2009) (Matt Ribble, October 2008)) We choose camels on spring-integration because the fluent API is really good, we actually do it in Spring Projects And used to configure the part of the spring to configure it. Programming APIs are clear and there is a large group of sensible components. We fired at a small scale and ...

Secure Streaming CDN Video Content -

I am using Amazon CloudFront to stream paid video content to my users and I have a problem securing video. Has been there. Wowza makes a secure token, but using wowza will be more expensive. Is there anyway that I can improve the security of my content using Cloudfront or other CDN? Thank you! See a complete guide to securing cloudfront streams using signed URLs. This indicates that it automatically expires after the scheduled time to generate the signed URL to use Python. Enjoy!

c# - Dataset Binding stored procedures update/insert/delete -

I am currently having problems because DB has changed. I am using a dataset for the C # application, and a user management system is for security issues, like our current DB design the app User login in DB returns a session ID On the use of any other stored procedures, the session ID must be specified. However, DB does not request before session. Since I am using a dataset, I updated / inserted / removed the stored procedures with the "table adapter configuration wizard". Force order for existing stored procedures (select stored procedures to call and specify any necessary parameters) Now, it seems that I have been using sessions to delete / update / archive the operation ID must be specified. How do I specify session ID parameters here? It seems that I have to choose a return parameter variable with a select statement. Yes you specify a session or GUID parameter to delete your / insert / stored processes. This will provide certain types of locking so t...

drupal - How does one control select lists using form API? -

I know that this is a new question, but I am running in a deadline and a 3-day drupal experience Will not cut $ ... ['gender'] = array ('# type' => 'select', '# title' => t ('gender: *'), '# option' => array (t ( 'Men'), T ('women')), '#required' => TRUE, '#weight' => 2,); How do I assign values ​​to values? For example, men -> 'm' and feminine-> 'f' How can I give a default caption to the selection box "Please select gender ..." thanks guys Try this: $ options = array ('', = & gt; 'Please select gender.', 'M' => 'Male', 'F' => 'Female',); $ Form ['gender'] ['# option'] = $ option; In your verification work (after submitting the form), you should ensure that the user is not a value that is not "".

jquery - displaying the file data in correct format - में def showfiledata (अनुरोध): खोलने के साथ ("/ home /tazim/webexample/tmp.txt ") के रूप में च: read_data = () f.closed वापसी_dict = {'दायर किया गया': read_data} json = simplejson.dumps (वापसी_दिखा) रिटर्न एचटीटीपीआरपीएसपैशन (जेएसएनएन, माइम टाइप =" एप्लिकेशन / Json ") टेम्पलेट में: & lt; html & gt; & Lt; शीर्ष & gt; & Lt; स्क्रिप्ट प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट / जावास्क्रिप्ट" src = "/ jquerycall /" & gt; & lt; / स्क्रिप्ट & gt; & Lt; स्क्रिप्ट प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट / जावास्क्रिप्ट" & gt; $ (दस्तावेज़) .ready (फ़ंक्शन () {$ ("बटन")। क्लिक करें (फ़ंक्शन () {$ .ajax ({type: "POST", url: "/ showfiledata /", डेटाटाइप: "जेसन", सफलता : फ़ंक्शन (डेटा) {var s = data.filedata; $ ("# someid")। Html (s);}});});}); & Lt; / स्क्रिप्ट & gt; & Lt; / head & gt; & LT; बॉडी & gt; & Lt; form method = "post" ...

.net - Is File good for Interprocess communication -

I have an EXE and DLL running in different process DLLs send me a lot of data to EXE, which is 50 characters Will vary from 2000 characters and more (data is recorded in DB records). I thought about two options to do this: Use SendMessage- What data will be sent in batch? Use an intermediate file You can use a named pipe. As long as communication between your two processes is very less, it will fix it, it is very easy to configure, and quite fast. Here's a suggestion to use shared memory as another answer buffer. It also works, but there is a possibility of more effort. If you take a lot of data between the processes, then it is only worthwhile.

jquery image slider with image strip dragging -

I want to create an image strip slider using jquery. To get a preview of the selected image I have used the jcarousel plugin for my Image Gallery and the Light Box Plugin. Now, my work is done when any picture is selected, I can pull it anyway. That is, I will drag and select the image in any direction within that image container. If anyone can help me on this ??? Update Dragable ({connectToSortable: 'ul # mycarousel', axis: 'x'}); // Together Var Connect Toucerable = $ ("IMG"). Dragatable ("options", "connectorosable"); // Setter $ ("IMG"). Dragable ("option", "connectoritable", 'ul # microcell'); thanks

oop - Purpose of getters and setters? -

संभावित डुप्लिकेट: जब आप अपने चर को सार्वजनिक कर सकते हैं और एसेटवाराएबलएक्स (एटवेयरेबल वाई ()) के रूप में ऐसी लाइनों की परेशानी से बचने के लिए गेटर्स और सेटर्स का उपयोग क्या है ? कार्यान्वयन विवरण छिपाने के लिए यदि आप अपनी संपत्तियों को सार्वजनिक करने का विकल्प चुनते हैं, तो बाद में वे जिस तरह से काम करते हैं, उसे बदलने का निर्णय लेते हैं, आपको सभी संबंधित कोड को बदलना होगा। Getters और setters के साथ, आप अक्सर आंतरिक कार्यान्वयन विवरण बदल सकते हैं दृश्यमान एपीआई को बदलने के बिना (और इस तरह से किसी भी कोड को बदलने से बचें जो प्रश्न के वर्ग के एपीआई का उपयोग करता है)।

css - Firebug or IEDevtoolbaar styling inline or from stylesheet -

Is the firebug or IEDWoo toolbar able to differentiate between inline / external stylesheet styles? If not, is it possible to write a device that is capable of inline styling different from stylesheets? "post-text" itemprop = "text"> Firebug can do this In the style panel, it displays, and applied with stylesheets All styles that go are crossed with override styles

javascript - what is the purpose of numeric/boolean/string objects as opposed to primitive values? -

In javascript you can call function as function or as constructor. For example, you can: myObject = new number (13); MyPrimitiveValue = Number (13); or simply myPrimitiveValue = 13; Can you please tell me the difference between the results under which in the appropriate circumstances is string desirable in the form of a number, a boolean or an object? For example, the ability to set new properties (this is something that you can do on objects but not really on primitive values) is a bad idea for objects with approx / objects / boolean / string. Why do I need a numerical / boolean / string object? You have to create objects for at least the original data type. From the Microsoft documentation: "The number object is a cover for numerical data. The primary purpose for the number object is its assets in one object and string is passed to the string method The number object number is the same as the data type, however, they have different properties and method...

Soft reset of magnetometer in Android -

I have noticed that by shaking or tapping the phone (a SE Xperia X10 Mini) several times the magnetometer is again Is there any way to do software-wise in a more controlled way? I do not think so. This seems to be some kind of "hardware reset": When the magnetometer is confused with the magnetic field (a loudspeaker is usually sufficient), then it requires physical movement to return to the "plain position".

c# - Expose webHttpBinding endpoint in a WCF service -

I created a WCF service and highlighted three endpoints which are basic HttpBinding, wsHttpBinding and webHttpBinding. This is a test service for my experiments with WCF, but whenever I add a service reference using the .svc file, I only get two (basic and ws) endpoint, it does not seem that the third reason ( WebHttpBidning) The endpoint is exposed for some reason. To regenerate this problem, create a WCF application project, delete Service1 service, add new item> WCF service name TestService, and change config file to: & lt; System.serviceModel & gt; & Lt; Services & gt; & Lt; Service name = "WcfTestService.TestService" behavioral review = "Test service service" & gt; & Lt; Host & gt; & Lt; BaseAddresses & gt; & Lt; AddAddress = "http: //localhost/WcfTestService/TestService.svc" / & gt; & Lt; / BaseAddresses & gt; & Lt; / Host & gt; & Lt; Endpoint address = "original...

Draw text on a loaded pdf file with Zend Framework -

I am trying to load an existing PDF file, and fill it with database information. In addition to loading the file and writing data on the page loaded, everything is working. It does not write text on the page loaded, if I add a new page to apply drawing to all pages, all the added pages are written, except for one loaded. Below is the code I am using: $ pdf = Zend_Pdf :: load ('.documents / agreements / _root / gegevens.pdf'); // Load PDF $ pdf- & gt; Pages = array_reverse ($ pdf- & gt; page); // reverse page $ pdf- & gt; Pages [] = new Zend_Pdf_Page (Zend_Pdf_Page :: SIZE_A4); // Add a page (A4) $ font = Zend_Pdf_Font :: fontWithName (Zend_Pdf_Font :: FONT_HELVETICA); // Set fonts foreach ($ pdf- & gt; pages as $ page) // Apply settings = Text on each page (total 2) {$ page- & gt; Set font ($ font, 36); $ Page- & gt; SetAlpha (0.25); $ Page- & gt; Draw Text ('LALALALALA', 62, 260, 'UTF-8'); } $ Pdf- & gt; Save ('. / Doc...

drupal - "Connection timed out" error on a deploy with deployment module -

Deploying content locally between two site examples works fine when it moves an example to a remote server That gives me the following error message: Module: login details: Remote user result: Error message: Connection timed out My Apache Access log entries are as follows: ./ node_operations / deploy_now / 86 HTTP / 1.1 "302. / Admin / build / deploy / logs / details / 6 HTTP / 1.1" 200 Deployment module version: 6.x-1.x-dev Service module version: 6.x-2.2 Does anyone have an idea that causes this problem Can be made ? If you are looking at the timeout then the firewall may be blocked. You set fire to Telnet on the Dev box You can test and you can actually connect to the target on port 80 - because the deployment module uses xmlrpc to push content. If all are working there, you can see the Drupal Watchdog log.

javascript - How to detect that a point is inside a Polygon using Google Maps? -

मुझे पता लगाना है कि एक google.maps.LatLng एक Google के अंदर है चीयर्स, "> अन्य समाधान: बहुभुज वर्ग के लिए एक जावास्क्रिप्ट Google मानचित्र v3 एक्सटेंशन यह पता लगाता है कि एक बिंदु उसके भीतर रहता है या नहीं ...

sql server - Naming of boolean column in database table -

I have the 'Services' table and the following column details are given below. Need user verification for the service? Does this service require user's email activation? Does the user need mobile activation? I intend to enroll these columns as below. IsverificationRequired IsEmailActivationRequired IsMobileActivationRequired / p> I will (and do) the "IsVerificationRequired" Uses I try to add something to mean the name of my column, so it is clear (value-date, date of inclusion Above, Isaiktiv, Hajj Chejhbrgar, Prodakshn_am etc.). and You have 2 states in contrast to only "product name". - Automatically hyper-link URL's and Email's using C#, whilst leaving bespoke tags in place -

I have a site that enables users to post messages in a forum. Currently, if the user types a web address or email address and posts it, it is considered similar to any other lesson. There are tools that can supply the web and email address with a lot of link to the user (tag / markup through some absurd) - these are sometimes used but are not always In addition, an unconscious 'image' tag can also be used in the context of images hosted on the web. My purpose is for both those who use these existing tools to create hyperlink addresses, but also to complete those who only type a web or email address , And then automatically convert it to a hyperlink address (as soon as they submit their posts). I One or two regular expressions that change a plain string web or email address, however, I do not want to explicitly manipulate such a address which is already used for site spoing tagging. Being controlled through, and that's where I'm stuck - how any web or email a...

ruby number to human-readable string conversion -

I should have a list with id for each list item #one , #two etc. Is this the most effective way or do I remember a built-in Ruby function here? -num_array = ["one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven"] -file [: primary_level] .each_with_index Do Primary_item, idx | % Li {: id = & gt; "# {Num_array [idx]}"} Manly converts digits into words is.

iphone - Using same name for Core Data object as a Private Framework Object -

I get the application on the basis of a core data for the iPhone and I'm getting the following warning: ObjC [2472]: class property implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Notes.framework/Notes and /var/mobile/Applications/B69194FF-448F-48AD-A78D-DDB8935F/ Goes AmcCalc One of the two will be used. Which is an undefined When I started working on this application Come back with SDK 3.0 I do not get this error, how do I present this with? Thank you! Bijern This is a naming collision as well as the flexibility provided by the runtime bindings Needs a global name space. This means that the name of any symbol in the app can collide with any other symbol. Symbols for class characteristics are classified as part of their internal name, so they rarely collide. More often you have been missing from the two classes with the same name In this case you have the same name as the class notes Framework source app if I correct the error format manner s...

xslt apply-templates in second level -

I & lt; Panel & gt; Can not wrap tags as separate items at the second level as the expected result is shown in the bellow. Instead, I get all the 1.x element values ​​in XSLT in a node I have written. Please help me source xml & lt; Root & gt; & Lt; Step id = "1" & gt; & Lt; Content & gt; & Lt; Text & gt; 1.0 sample first level step text & lt; / Text & gt; & Lt; / Content & gt; & Lt; Content /> & Lt; Step & gt; & Lt; Content & gt; & Lt; Text & gt; 1.1 sample second level text & lt; / Text & gt; & Lt; / Content & gt; & Lt; / Step & gt; & Lt; Step & gt; & Lt; Content & gt; & Lt; Text & gt; 1.2 SAMPLE SECOND LEVEL TEXT & lt; / Text & gt; & Lt; / Content & gt; & Lt; / Step & gt; & Lt; Step & gt; & Lt; Content & gt; & Lt; Text & gt; 1.3 sample second level text & lt; / Text & gt; ...

flex - Flash Player 10.1 crash on shared object access -

Since my Flash Player plugin is updated from 10 to 10.1, when I reach the shared object, The debugger of the flex builder is showing, and so prints a stack trace like this: to call it SharedObject.getLocal ("someString") to call Is I / path / to / my / 27] (...) is one For the string another time , though it does not always crash, using the other browser on the same machine (Flex Builder is not configured as a preferred debugging browser), the flash player is silent lives. The code is wrapped in the try / catch (error) block which does not catch this error. I'm using Flex SDK 3.5 and Flex Builder 3 on Max OS X 10.6.3. Has anyone seen this? Thanks, Simon Here's a job: package scolab.core {import; / ** * Flash 10.1 imposes a dirty bug that crashes FlashPlayer and the browser when a shared object is used continuously * We work around this problem with a fixed accessor which ensures that The shared object is used...

iphone - Using UIKit from C/C++ -

Questions can be asked in advance, but I want to understand that the framework of the iPhone is limited only to objective-use Or can it be accessed with the C / C ++ code? For example, is it possible to use standard iPhone control with C / C ++ code? Are NSArray accessible from NSSet standard C / C ++ code? If they are, can any one link to some examples, how to do this? You can combine the objective with C ++ just by the name of your source file Change to .mm . . Some foundation classes like NSArray and NSSet are toll free bridges for Core Foundation Objects like CFRRRE and CFSAT. The latter is a pure C library that you can use without OBJC. UIKit is a pure purpose C framework such as objc_msgSend , such as id from pure C function such as C and C Can use UICT with ++ may UIView = objc_getClass ("UIView"); SEL alloc = sel_registerName ("alloc"); ID view = objc_msgSend (UIView, alloc); // ... but it is not reliable, e.g. objc_msgSend (see s...

javascript - How to get the response of XMLHttpRequest? -

I would like to use XMLHttpRequest to load the content of a remote URL and the HTML of the accessed site is a JS Stored in the variable. Say if I want to load and warn (HTML), how do I do this? You can do this when XMLHttpRequest.readyState XMLHttpRequest .DONE . . Here is an example (not compatible with IE 6/7). var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest (); Xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {if (xhr.readyState == XMLHttpRequest.DONE) {Warning (xhr.responseText); }} ('GET', '', is true); Xhr.send (zero); With IE 6/7 not only for better crossbrother compatibility, but also to cover some browser-specific memory leaks or bugs, and with the firing of Ajay related requests For clarity, you can use. $ .get ('', function (response text) {warning (feedback text);}); Note that you will have to keep in mind while not running on a local host. You may want to consider creating a proxy script on your domain.

linq to sql - Should I return IEnumerable<T> or IQueryable<T> from my DAL? -

I know this can be the opinion, but I am looking for the best practices. As I understand, IQueryable & lt; T & gt; implies IEnumerable & lt; T & gt; , so in my pulse, I currently have a legal sign such as: IEnumerable & lt; Products & gt; GetProducts (); IEnumerable & LT; Products & gt; GetProductsByCategory (Int cateogoryId); Product GetProduct (int productId); Do I get to IQueryable & lt; T & gt; should be used? What are the pros and cons of the approach? Note that I am planning to use the repository pattern so that I will get one such class: public-class product repository {DBDataContext db = New DBDataContext (& lt;! - - Connection string - & gt;); Public IEnumerable & lt; Products & gt; GetProductsNew (int daysOld) {returns db.GetProducts (). Where (P = & gt; P. addatetime & gt; date time.Now.AddDays (-daysOld)); }} Do I have my IEnumerable & lt; T & gt; to IQueryable & lt; T...

wpf - How can I bind a List as ItemSource to ListView in XAML? -

I am learning WPF and want to make a collection similar to a linked list where I can add or remove strings. And I have to put a ListView , which listens to that collection with databasing. How can I share a simple list in XAML in ListView ? My idea (not working) is something like this: & lt; Window x: Class = "TestApp.MainWindow" xmlns = "" xmlns: x = " 2006 / Xaml "title =" main window "height =" 350 "width =" 525 "& gt; & Lt; Window.Resources & gt; & Lt; Linkedist X: key = "myList" & gt; & Lt; / Linkedist & gt; // false & lt; window. Resources & gt; & Lt; Grid & gt; & Lt; ListView height = "100" horizontal alignment = "left" margin = "88,134,0,0" name = "listview 1" vertical alignment = "top" width = "120...

iphone - How to access UITableViewCell's UITextView from the UIViewController? -

I have created my own UITableViewCell XIB file with a UITextView inside, though, I do not know how to use its attributes Use and use its outlet with UIViewController. What is the way to do it? You can access it by dragging it to the subviews of the cell Look outside the array and cast it to UITextView : how you created your view hierarchy , It determines ObjectAtIndex . UITextView * textView = (UITextView *) [cell.subviewsObjectAntindex: Jindex];

c# - Can I get the item type from a BindingSource? -

I want to get the type of item that is tilted to a BindingSource or is configured for. BindingSource.DataSource property can be set on an item, list, or type. If this is a type, it's clearly not a bound item yet, but I still want to get the type. For the list, I do not need item type, list type. I currently have a custom list type for a business listing, which implements the IILITIT type-type interface, which I had created to solve this problem some time ago. I now want to get this work in a more normal fashion so that it will work with any list. I have seen a good way to do this through the API docs, but by now I have not done any luck. I'm doing some reduction or could it just be something I should not be doing or not? "itemprop =" text "> I ran recently System.Windows.Forms.ListBindingHelper. GetListItemType () and GetListItemProperties () This class is everything that I was looking for.

protocol buffers with C++ client and C# back-end? -

How can you add C # back-end to the C + + front-end with an HTTP or web-service counter? ? There are three parts; The server (looks like C #), clients (such as C ++) and transport Take them apart, and start with the most important: Transport: The big decision here is what size data you want. You mention protocol buffers, so we can say binary - but this can be: A raw octet-stream (think: downloading an image from a web-server) A SAP web service is returning a stream or byte [] MTO returned the same SOAP web service Any work should be done; Depending on the equipment available to choose, the important thing is that the wire gets a share of binary. You also need to think about the data definition at this point; You can define your schema, and most protocol buffers include a tool to generate mail classes in the implementation. Server: Depending on the above choice, this is either a handler ( IHttpHandler ) or a web-service class. Either way, their job is to act... - 398 row datalist slowing down modal open? -

Hey people, I have got a strange gesture. I have a fortune who is loaded on pageload, in which 2 columns have a name and date. And 398 lines. IE 7 and above (and the problem of the previous version) When I open a model by clicking on a button, it takes approximately 5 seconds to open it. However, if I do not force this dentist then it is very fast .. In addition to this it is only happening in IE, Chrome, Firefox and Opera, Josh & asp: datalist id = "dListObitOneLiner" runat = "server" style = "margin-left: 5px;" On-Sylased Index changed = "dListObitOneLinerSelectedIndexChanged" Repeat column = "1" datatyfield = "obitid" & gt; & Lt; ItemTemplate & gt; & Lt; Asp: LinkButton id = "linkbObitOne" runat = "server" text = '& lt;% # Eval ("DeceasedName")% & gt; CommandName = "font-name =" aerial "font-size =" 8pt "ForeColor =" Black ... - VB 2010 Express - Review Order Form -

मेरा वर्तमान प्रोजेक्ट एक प्रोग्राम लिखना है जो मूलतः एक पिज्जा कंपनी के लिए कैश रजिस्टर है उपयोगकर्ता पिज्जा में टॉपिंग, पेय और पक्षों के साथ प्रवेश करता है। जब मैं उपयोगकर्ता को चेक आउट करने का निर्णय लेता है तो मुझे "समीक्षा ऑर्डर फ़ॉर्म" जोड़ना है। यह फ़ॉर्म उस उपयोगकर्ता के हर चीज को पॉप अप करेगा और उसे सूचित करेगा। वहां से उपयोगकर्ता उपयोगकर्ता के आदेश के अनुसार आवश्यक परिवर्तन करता है और पुष्टि करता है। मैं सोच रहा था कि कोई मुझे उपयोगकर्ता के आदेश दिए गए सभी मदों को प्रदर्शित करने के लिए कोई सुराग दे सकता है। मेरे पास उपयोगकर्ता द्वारा चयनित सभी मदों की सूची है मैं पूरी तरह से एक अलग रूप में स्क्रीन पर सभी मदों को प्रदर्शित करने के तरीके पर अनिश्चित हूँ। असल में आप प्रत्येक आइटम को संग्रह में उपयोगकर्ता के आदेश संग्रहीत करना चाहते हैं। तब जब आप समीक्षा करना चाहते हैं, तो आप संग्रह के माध्यम से केवल पुनरावृत्त करें और संग्रह में प्रत्येक आइटम को आउटपुट करें। - HTML Encoding with TinyMCE -

I am using tinysay on my web site for posting comments. I have to make sure that the input is before I insert it into DB. The TinyMce client encodes its HTML on the side. # In my other questions, people have suggested that the encoding should be done on the server side and not in the customer side. What can I use on the server side to make sure the input is secure? I just can not use the HttpServerUtility.HtmlEncode method because it will ruin the content of TinyMce. Check the codeplacks that clean up "Antivirus" and "HTML" capabilities in the

Jquery find behavior in firefox 3.5.9 -

मेरे पास मेरे पृष्ठ पर HTML कोड का निम्न भाग है: & lt; tr & gt; & LT; टीडी & gt; & Lt; div & gt; & Lt; इनपुट प्रकार = "छिपा हुआ" नाम = "परीक्षण" मान = "" & gt; & Lt; इनपुट स्वतः पूर्णांक = "बंद" वर्ग = "एफएफबी-इनपुट वॉटरमार्क" & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "एफएफबी" & gt; & Lt; div class = "content" & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / टीडी & gt; & Lt; / टीआर & gt; जावास्क्रिप्ट में मुझे jquery का उपयोग करके & lt; tr & gt; तत्व प्राप्त होता है और इस तरह इनपुट की खोज करने की कोशिश कर रहा है: tr .find ('div input: hidden') लेकिन कुछ भी नहीं लौटाया गया है। जब मैं इस तरह ढूंढता हूं: tr.find ('div input [type = hidden]') सब कुछ ठीक काम कर रहा है इस तरह के व्यवहार का कारण क्या है? मैं इसे फ़ायरफ़ॉक्स 3.5.9 में ही देखता हूं, 3.6.3 में नहीं, jQuery 1.4.2 ...

iphone - Should repeated use of the camera crash an app? -

I have an app that creates a slideshow from user images. They can catch with their library or take a picture. I have found that the use of grabbing an image from the library is fine. But repeated use of taking a picture causes uncertain behavior. I have been getting accidents but mostly what happens "didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo", which spoils things after seeing a reloading. I have a leak and after each picture is taken it is being released properly. I am resizing the image and saving it in the data base. Is there any other happening in this situation? Did the camera not call it often? Is This combination is not consistent, it takes a picture, removes the camera and , Then user A, B or C (they are done for selection on many things), they can take another picture, remove the camera and release it. ..atc ... and this happens many times when they complete all data entry. After selecting the camera, I call this code. . I'm not releasing the image picker in deal... mvc - RESTful WCF Data Service Authentication -

I want to apply a RET API to an existing ASP.NET MVC website. I have managed to install WCF data services so that I can see my data, but now the question is how to handle authentication. The data service is now certified through the creation of the site, and it is okay when access to the service from AJAX forms. However, this is not ideal for a cool API. What would I like as an alternative to form authentication that the username and password in the user's URL is embedded in the web service or simply as the request parameters for. For example, if my web service is usually http: // localhost: 1234 / api.svc I would like to be able to access this URL using http: // localhost: 1234 / api.svc / {login} / {password} So, my questions are as follows: Is this a sensible approach? If so, how can I apply it? It seems that there is a slight redirection request so that the login and password are attached as GET parameters. I also know how to inspect the HTTP...

Where do I put constants file for Codeigniter (PHP)? -

I have a list of constants (I'm using them as an enum), defining some statements And some only global variables I think that to put them in the MVC framework, so I can use them for my model and my controller who needs to refer to it? It should not be left in Config / Stunts.FPP because they should not be called except for this model and its controllers using it. Editing 1: Explanation To be more specific, I have my message_model model and it has a bunch of constants, which I call Message_model_constants.php . Where should I put message_model_constants.php and there is a way to include it automatically by the controller that loads message_model when message_model Does not (and I do not want to) auto-loaded. EDIT 2: I do not really want to automatically weight the constants use the model Responding to Brennan Nowak, you can simplify your code by loading your configuration, in this file format, you can only control your controllers The model has to be l...

Instantiating File from a remote url in a rails controller -

क्या ऐसा कुछ करने का एक तरीका है: ('http : //hostname/ ') एक नियंत्रक के अंदर? की आवश्यकता होती है 'ओपन-यूरी' फ़ाइल = ओपन (यूआरआई.परसे ('')) file.size = & gt; ; 8558

unix - How to run a tcsh shell command and selectively ignore the status? -

I have a TCS shell script which I want to stop at the most time with an error on the nonzero situation, But in some cases I want to ignore it. For example: #! / Bin / tcsh -vxef cp file / that / maybe / does not exist # This status to ignore the CP file / that / maybe / does not exist /; Echo "This does not work" is a CP file / that / should / exists # if this condition is noose, then "post-text" itemprop = "text"> to stop it Do not know about TCS, but with Bash, you can use it to do this. When the -e flag is set, the bash will exit immediately if any sub command fails (see manual for technical details). If not set, it will continue to execute. So, you can do something like this: set + e cp file / that / may / not / exist # script error set-A cp file / that / maybe / not / exist Regardless, keep moving. # Scripts will exit "this line has not reached"

wordpress - License similar to the MIT license but without the ability to sell? -

I am trying to decide how do I license my Wordpress topics publicly? I know that GPL has been recommended for wordpress theme makers, although I think it may not be sufficient for me because I want them to use businesses, if they want to. I really like MIT license, the only thing I get is the freedom to sell that part. I do not want someone to take my theme and sell them on some theme farm sites, they should be free for everyone, although I do not want to publish any changes under MIT, It seems that this freedom should remain intact. Is there a license that I fits in the terms specified here? I am not a lawyer, so I am having trouble reading through the complex language of the license, I do not care whether the license is GPL compatible, but the GNU GPL license is not what I want. If MIT does not have any similar license, but with the specified conditions, should I need a license under modified MIT? If so, can someone help me in writing this? Thanks a lot! You can take the M...

javascript - regular expression repeating subexpression -

मेरे पास निम्न पाठ है & lt; pattern name = "pattern1" / & gt; & Lt; सफलता & gt; सफलता का मामला 1 & lt; / सफलता & gt; & LT; विफल रहा है & gt; विफलता 1 & lt; / विफल & gt; & LT; विफल रहा है & gt; विफलता 2 & lt; / विफल & gt; & Lt; अज्ञात & gt; अज्ञात & lt; / अज्ञात & gt; & Lt; पैटर्न का नाम = "पैटर्न 4" / & gt; & Lt; पैटर्न का नाम = "पैटर्न 5" / & gt; & Lt; सफलता & gt; सफलता का मामला 3 & lt; / सफलता & gt; & Lt; पैटर्न का नाम = "पैटर्न 2" / & gt; & Lt; सफलता & gt; सफलता का मामला 2 & lt; / सफलता & gt; & Lt; अन्यटैग & gt; कई अन्य टैग हैं। & Lt; / otherTag & gt; & LT; विफल रहा है & gt; विफलता 3 & lt; / विफल & gt; & Lt; पैटर्न का नाम = "पैटर्न 3" / & gt; & Lt; अज्ञात & gt; अज्ञात & lt; / अज्ञात & gt; और नियमित अभिव्यक्ति & lt; विफल & gt; [\ w | \...

c++ - DirectX 10 Resource Leak -

At the end of my DirectX application, "Direct 3D device has zero-zero reference number, which means that some objects were not Released. " The application is large and is not written by me, how can I go about debugging resources I'm not leaking? "post-text" itemprop = "text"> The first step That's to stop using directX debug DLL. (IIRC, when you install DirectX SDK, there are optional items, so you may need to install them.) When you run your application the next time, DirectX leaks you Should be given more information about Specifically, you want to look for such a line: D3DX: set HKLM \ Software \ Microsoft \ Direct3D \ D3DXBreakOnAllocId = 0x1c17 Debug Allocation ID ^^^^^ ^ Or, like this: Direct3D9: (warning): memory address: 00,385,580 lAllocID = 1 dwSize = 000047f8, (PID = 00,000,474) Allocation ID ^ Once you have an allocation ID, you can set the Break AllocID setting in the DirectX control panel, in your program Durin...

html - how to animate a menu item into a large div (window) using jquery's animate? -

I'm pretty sure this can be done with jquery animation API very easily, but I understand it enough Not out What I want to do is this: I have a menu item at the top of the viewport, on which users will click. When the user clicks on it, you will see something that looks like a "popping" division from the menu and floats to a particular place on the screen. When I say that popping means I do not have anything fancy - this means that it appears from the menu item and I settle somewhere else on the screen that I had specified. But the important part is that this animation is really fast fast enough, where you do not really need to wait for the window, but slow enough, so that the animation can start seeing the menu item items and a Ends in a new place where the window is actually visible, and the height and width visible with the specified Hope all means? jQuery ('width: 200, height: 200, left:' + = 500 ' }, 1000, work () {}). (Hide) (CSS) ( Width ...

ruby on rails - Can generate scaffold put the controller in a namespace? -

I want to create a scramble in a rail app, to design a model normally, but to be a controller inside the admin nomenclature needed. Is this possible? for the first time I did it, I ran script / generated Blog and then reapply the controller, ideas etc. My favorite solution at this time is: generate script / scaffold administrator :: blog and then model, unit test and migration refactor; This is less work. If there is a better answer then I will accept it.

How to get the linux folder and file icons and names in java? -

I am creating a tree of folders and files in Java, Windows and OSX system icons and names return with the following code : new JFileChooser (). GetIcon (file f); New JFileChooser () GetName (file f); Is there a possibility to get the name of the mouse and the Unix system? Thank you. Can not add a comment, then posting as an answer: All those answers will make your hands filthy in C or C ++. Java really does not really feel tangled and ...

bash - How can we execute linux commands from php programs? -

मैं वेब ब्राउज़र में निम्न कोड का आउटपुट देखना चाहता हूं: कोड: & lt;? Php $ var = system ('fdisk -l'); "$ Var" गूंज; ? & Gt; जब मैं इसे किसी वेब ब्राउज़र से खोलता हूं, तो वेब ब्राउज़र में कोई आउटपुट नहीं होता है। तो मैं यह कैसे कर सकता हूँ? कृपया मदद करें! धन्यवाद Puspa आप passthru का उपयोग कर सकते हैं, जैसे: $ somevar = passthru ('गूंज' परीक्षण 1 '' '); // $ somevar अब == "परीक्षण 1" या गूंज पासस्ट्रू ('गूंज' परीक्षण 2 ''); // आउटपुट "परीक्षण 2"

Do P2P networks have disconnected components? -

Can someone please provide any paper / reference link that talks about disconnected components in P2P network Does it? I found it works with various P2P networks including Kademlia, the basis of BittoNET DHT is. It defines probability metric instead of talking about connectivity, but I think that two things are related (with high titration, the graph is probably connected). From paper: ... we consider the measure of regularity, which is given as the expected number of routerable nodes pairs divided by the number of possible nodes between the living nodes. ...

WPF ListView groups repeat column headers -

Is there a way to repeat column headers within each group of a listed view? list View? I am using an example on which an expander control is used to display each group. I would like to display column headers inside the expanders for each group instead of at the top of the list group. I have not tried to do this, but you have to include GridviewHarrowView inside your group header You may be able to: & lt; GridViewHeaderRowPresenter DataContext = "{Binding View, Relative Soros = {Resale Source FindAncestor, ListView, 1}}" Column = "{Binding Column}" Column Header Containerstyle = "{Binding Column Header Container Stale}" Column Header Template = "{Binding Column Header Template}" Column Header Template Cyclier = "{Binding Column HeaderTemplatePluginator}" Allows columnReader = "{Binding Permission Columns Redline}" columnHeaderContactMenu = "{Binding Calls Mastercontent menu} "column headertooltip =...

JSF and usage of gdata maps or js maps api -

I am creating JSF component for the map server and I was wondering whether to update the gdata map API or It is possible to upgrade the map which is not a user map or I have to make javascript binding for JSF. Regards Primase has a Google Map component with AJAX support, Example: Maybe you can use it as a starting point instead of making it one from scratch.

perl - Too many DB connection with mod_perl2 moose application -

I have a mod_perl2 based web application for which a connection to a mysql database requires a moss role of the SQL connection attributes Simplified, the role appears as follows: Package project :: Role :: SQL connection; Use Moose: Role; Use the DBIKS :: connector; 'Connection' = & gt; (Is = & gt; 'rw', lazy_build = & gt; 1); 'DbH' = & gt; (Is = & gt; 'rw', lazy_build = & gt; 1); 'Db' ​​= & gt; (Is => 'RW', default => 'Alcatel RSA'); 'Port' is = & gt; (Is = & gt; 'rw', default => 3306); 'Host' = & gt; (Is => 'RW', default => '10 .125.1.21 '); 'User' = & gt; (Is = & gt; 'rw', default = & gt; 'tools'); 'Pwd' = & gt; (Is = & gt; 'rw', default => 'Alcatel'); #Make sure the connection is still alive ... first DBH = & gt; Run (my $ self = shift; $ self-> co...

regex - PHP regular expression subpattern behaviour -

I want to match both source and title attributes of an image tag: Pattern: & lt; Img [^ & gt;] * src = ["| \ '] ([^" | \'] + ["| \ ']) | title = [" | \ '] ([^ "| \'] +) Target: So, my matches are: Do avoid the third of these matches Is there any way to do this? I am using PCE in PHP 5.2.x If you really Try what you want: src = "(. +?)" | Title = "(. +?)" I also advise you to do some games which is an online regx in Flash ... it improves your knowledge Can help regions and many expressions already built by the community with it.

logging - SSIS Pipeline performance counters -

I have buffer memory, use buffers, buffer spool, etc. for my SSIS pipeline. I created a new log and added all the counters in it. Files are logged in every 15 seconds, but the people who log in are the value of 0 - no execution time or the amount of beings counted. Something is wrong, but I do not know what ... and Google-ing, I can meet some people with this problem, but there is no real solution to this. Any idea is apreciated. Thanks! Have you applied all the latest service packs?

Convert date from access to SQL Server with SSIS -

I want to replace a database with SSIS using SSIS. I can not change the date / time column of Access DB. SSIS says something like: Conversion between DT_DATE and DT_DBTIMESTAMP is not supported. (This has been translated from my German version, it may vary in English version). I have the date / time column in the log, I have datetime in SQL Server. I have an OLE DB source for Access DB, a SQL Server target and data conversion in the dataflow chart of SSIS. In the data conversion I change the column from the date [DT_DATE]. They are connected in this way: AccessDB -> Conversions - & gt; SQL DB What am I doing wrong? How do I change the entry date column in the SQL Server date column? It seems that you add a specific conversion to convert this column to the right type. This is DT_DBTIMESTAMP, which you need to change, not DT_DATE. For example, by using the derived column presentation, you can use this type of expression: (DT_DBTIMESTAMP) YourDateColumn ...

javascript - execute a method on an existing object with window.setInterval -

Is it possible to run the method on an existing object at window time .setInterval method i set some global variable and By calling the method of this global variable in the interval, I can imitate it, but I wanted to know that it is possible using the method directly. Best regards, Keshav Yes, you can do it. You need an assistant function to create your existing object "bound" new function: var someRandomObject = {someMethod: function () {//. . whatever }, // ... }; // This "bind" function is a "toy" version of the bind (object, method) {return function () { (object); }; } Var interval = set interlabel (bind (some rand object, somewhatand object somemath), 1000); Now when the interval timer calls your method ("some method"), "this" indicator will reference the object. That version of "Tie" is simplified. Libraries such as prototype, functional, jquery etc. typically provide a more robust ve...

c# - "this" in function parameter -

I remember building any type of this type Is not it - can someone tell "this"? I thought that by proclaiming something public, it means that there is no need to make the classroom immediately - so what is "this" in this case? This syntax is to declare the extension methods, a new feature of C # 3.0. An extension method is part code, part compiler is "magic", where the intellisense in the compiler visual studio shows that your extension method is actually available as an example method on the object in question is. Let me give an example. The string class, named Gobble Gobble, lets create an extension method: public static class string extension {public static zero} GABBLE GOBBLE Strings) {Console.Out.WriteLine ("Gobble Gobble," + S); }} The name of the class is just my naming convention, it is not necessary to name it in such a way, but as a method it must be stable. After declaring the above method, you can type it in V...

php - How to get the duration of the video uploaded? -

I am using ffmpeg to convert videos into desired formats and generate thumbnails .. I want to find the total duration of the video to appear in the main page with thumbnails. Whether I have uploaded it at the time and database to store the duration for ffmpeg I can use P> Is DB required to save the duration or is there any other method? Take a look at this: Below are some answers to that page The snippet of code that works for a certain user. I have to admit that I have not tested it, so it is entirely up to you: $ videofile = "/ var / video / user_videos / partofvideo.avi"; Ob_start (); Pistol ("/ usr / bin / ffmpeg -i \" {$ videofile} \ "2 & gt; and 1"); $ Period = ob_get_contents (); Ob_end_clean (); $ Search = '/ duration: (. *?), /'; $ Period = preg_match ($ search, $ period, $ match, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, 3); // Test Echo match $ echo [1] [0]; Hope it helps

windows - How can I work out what events are being waited for with WinDBG in a kernel debug session -

I am a full WinDbg novice and I have a Windows XP problem trying to debug that a customer has me Where our software and certain third party software logging stop windows from being closed. I have reproduced this problem and have verified that when both of our software and client software are installed (although not required to log on to the logoff), logoff problem occurs. I have seen that WM_ENDSESSION messages are not reaching windows When the user tries to log off and I know that third party software uses a kernel driver. I have been looking at the processes in WinDbg and I'll send you that csrss.exe usually a WM_ENDSESSION message to all windows when I ran: The process 82356020 6 I can look at the piles of csrss.exe to see: WARNING: The following frames may be incorrect in any known module in the frame not IP. 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0x7c90e514 THREAD 8246d 998 Cid 0248.02a0 Teb: 7ffd7000 Win32Thread: e1627008 Wait: (WrUserRequest) UserMode Non-...

Convert hex to utf in Python -

I have hex string and I want to change utf8 to insert myfq into it. (My database is utf8) hex_string = 'kitap ara \ xfet \ xfdrmas \ xfd' .. .. result = 'kitap araştırması' I How can i do this Good relation with everybody. Python 2.6, & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Print ('kitap ara \ xfet \ xfdrmas \ xfd'.decode (' iso-8859-9 ')) kitap araştırması & gt; & Gt; & Gt; 'Kitap ara \ xfet \ xfdrmas \ xfd'.decode (' iso-8859-9 '). Transcript ('utf-8') 'kitap ara \ xc5 \ x 9ft \ xc4 \ xb1rmas \ xc4 \ xb1'

navigation with jquery -

Can you do that, as you can with MooTools In jQuery? So you can navigate this way and use the left / right key? Be sure you can. Simply capture the key down event for the document $ (document) .keydown (function (evt) {evt = evt} event; switch (evt.keycode) ) {Case 37: // your left keycode // Now in each case statement you can load a new page through // Ajax and see the animate of // // You can do something different Case 39: // Your Right Keycode Case 38: // Your Keycode Case 40: // Your Downloaded Keycode}}) Edit: a car below In Atmk solutions with whom you can run. Basically this solution creates some divs and fade them out and using the left and right arrow keys. & lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" src = "" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; $ (Document) .ready (function () ...

database - SQL - Optimizing complex paged search querys -

I am currently developing an archived procedure for a complex search in a large database because there are several thousand entries, which Can come back i want to use paging Although it is working, I think it is very slow I have read many questions and articles about the receipt of SQL queries and to optimize the performance. But most 'optimization' was only useful for very basic requests such as 'Give items 20-30 to table 20'. Since our world is not so simple and I want to ask more complex questions, get some help from customizing the following query: create process [SearchItems] @ SAttr1 BIT = 0, @ SAttr2 BIT = 0, @ SAttr3 BIT = 0, @ flag1 BIT = 0, @ flag2 BIT = 0, @ param1 VARCHAR (20), @PARAM2 VARCHAR (10), @SkipCount BIGINT, @TakeCount BIGINT, @SearchStringsNVARCHAR (1000) Announcement @SearchStringsT as table (in Val NVARCHAR (30)), select @SearchStringsT * from dbo.Split (@SearchStrings, ','); Include Table1.ID = Table2.FK1 interiors on table 2 a...