
Showing posts from May, 2011

objective c - iphone UIPicker question -

I indicates a picker that users choose a gender and age group (17-21, 22-26, etc. .) these two options would be brought in later determined that when pressing the user button, but I think that method writing button troubles. This: code I have so far - (IBAction) buttonPressed {NSInteger genderRow = [genderPicker selectedRowInComponent: 0]; Nssting * gender-licensed = [gendapekaradata object-indux index: genderro]; NSInteger ageRow = [agePicker selected ROYInComponent: 1]; NSString * Age selected = [Age PickerData objectAttacks: ageRow]; If (genderSelected == "guy" & amp; & amp; ageSelected == "17-21") {Calc2ViewController * calc2ViewController = [[Calc2ViewController alloc] initWithNibName: @ "Calc2View" bundle: [NSBundle mainBundle]]; [Self.navigationController pushViewController: calc2ViewController Animated: Yes]; [Calez 2 Weekcontroller release]; Calc2ViewController = Zero; } Select } When I run the program, and these two groups (m...

iphone - how can i disable label or label from ib after displaying text on to it -

Hello I would like to ask an intersection question that I would like to disable or remove the label from my view when I disable some event octures Anyone can give me a syntax, I hope I get the answer if If you want to do this in your program, just use label.hidden = yes or label.enabled = NO , if you want to do this only If you want to Oshit (keeping its text, if dim)

c++11 - Question about r-value in C++0x -

Ravelus IMHO C ++ is significantly improved, but at the beginning 'it looks quite please see the code given below: / P> #include & lt; String & gt; Std :: String & amp; Amp; Foo (zero) {std :: string message ("hello!"); Return std :: step (message); } Zero times (const std :: string and message2) {if (message2 == "Bye Bye!") Returns; } Int main () {bar (foo ()); } The last owner of the message2 original message object returned by foo () No? No, it is not right that you fall for the general trap when searching for an attitude reference Found in the accepted answer to the fat! (And I also made this mistake, in my last test with RFT) If you do not want to shoot in feet while dealing with RFT, then internalize it: In most cases, a rvalue referenced in a function returns a general reference as a function of stupidity in returning. Because rvalue references are ... references! So if you return a reference - RAWWUL or "me...

.net - I'm having trouble pushing my source code from my local drive to CodePlex using Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate -

The codeplex gave me relevant information for the proper connection, and I am connected to my repository using the team> from the team foundation Join VS 2010 Ultimate Here I am looking for: How can I make code on my machine, which is the repository on CodePackle? The easiest way to get started is to right-click on your solution in the Solution Explorer Tools window and select "Source Select the command in the control "command. After that, open the "view pending changes" tool window from the Main Visual Studio menu, select other windows, pending changes. Lastly, click on "check-in" to check-in your files.

sql - Put indexes on a table with lots of BOOL/TINYINT? -

An old mentor once asked me to index things that you can call WHERE For use. Should I put an index on BOOL / TINYINT ? In the table I am working in, one of them is significant amount, and often the results are filtered anywhere with 1-20 bullion conditions. A condition in which an index can be useful on boolean fields (or other low cardinal fields) . If the values ​​are relatively less than one (for example, 10 TRUE values ​​out of ten million) and if you are searching for those values ​​quite a few times then an index would be useful.

c# - Error CS1002: ; Expected -- I have a semicolon. :( -

Trying to create a new instance of "mortgage data" object. Used to use Professor: Classname InstanceName = New Classname (arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); I used mortgage data somethingsomething = new mortgage data (ID, principal, APR, word); Error getting CS1002:; Expected with the class name after the new name is outlined with Red. I am using Visual Studio 2008. Not sure what to do. For new instead of type new . C # Keywords are case-sensitive, and always in the lower case!

sales - MYOB Import "amount paid" -

I think an anomaly has been found with MYOB (I have actually found many discrepancies, this is just another one doing what is doing. I am generating a file with all invoices from the web system - no problem. If there are 3 invoices and the account is coded, I am having a problem Example "INV", " DATE "..." AMOUNT "," In Tax Amount "..." Amount Paid "8421, 12/06/2010 ... 60, 66 ... 66 8421, 12/06/2010 ... 120 , 132 ... 132 8421, 12/06/2010 ... 96, 105.6 ... 105.6 8421, 12/06/2010 ... 84, 92.4 ... 92.4 When I import this file, the remaining balance of the invoice is still outstanding and the issue that appears is that it is only importing the first line of "payment of amount" ... depending on the words given above Second In words: Invoice 8421 is imported with 4 lines The total invoice amount is $ 3 9 6 paid The amount (which is imported) is $ 66 The outstanding is definitely not expected to be the first l...

wpf - Binding DataTemplates (or another aproach) -

I have a problem trying to generate dynamic data after generating data in WWF. I have the following scenario: TabControl - Dynamically generated tab through data template- In tabs, I have dynamic content generated by the Datatappletlet which I want to bind (ListBox). The code is as follows: : TabControl & lt; TabControl height = "252" horizontal align = "left" name = "tab control 1" vertical alignment = "top" width = "458" margin = "12,12,12, 12" content-template = "{static resource tab element content}" & Gt; & Lt; / TabControl & gt; :: tab to generate tabItems template for control & gt; Datamapplet x: Key = "TabTime Content" & gt; & Lt; Grid & gt; & Lt; Grid.ColumnDefinitions & gt; & Lt; Column width = "*" /> & Lt; /Grid.ColumnDefinitions> & Lt; Grid.RowDefinitions & gt; & Lt; Roadfinion height = "*" /...

java - How to split a String array? -

Replace a current row (string containing commas), replace white space with "" (trim space) and Finally, split string elements into arrays. Why does not this work? string [] textLine = currentInputLine.replace ("\\ S", "") .split (","); I think you want to replace. Instead of and replaced all ("\\ s", "") will remove all the spaces, not just unnecessary ones if it is not what you want You should replace All ("\\ s +", "\\ s") or something like that.

sql - Self join to a table -

मेरे पास टेबल है कर्मचारी ========== ======== नाम वेतन ================= एक 10000 बी 20000 सी 5000 डी 40000 मैं चाहता हूँ वे सभी कर्मचारी प्राप्त करें जिनके वेतन ए के वेतन से अधिक है मैं किसी नेस्टेड या उप क्वेरी का उपयोग नहीं करना चाहता इसे एक साक्षात्कार में कहा गया है और संकेत स्वयं का उपयोग करने के लिए किया गया था। मैं वाकई यह समझ नहीं सकता कि वह कैसे हासिल कर सकता है। चुनें e1। * से कर्मचारी ई 1, कर्मचारी ई 2 जहां = 'a' और e1.salary & gt; E2.salary आत्म जुड़ने का उपयोग चुनें e1। * कर्मचारी e1 से e2 पर कर्मचारी ई 2 से जुड़ें। नाम = 'ए' और ई 1 सीलरी & gt ; E2.salary

Html 5 video tag and codecs problem -

I have an MKV file. This video codec is AVC and audio codec is AC3. How can I put it in html5 video tags? I use & lt; Source src = "01.mkv" type = "video / x-matreska" codecs = "a_ac3, avc" & gt; But this does not work in Safari 5 or chorome4. Your & lt; Source & gt; The tag is malformed. You must enter the codec information inside the value of the type attribute instead, such as: & lt; Source src = "01.mkv" type = 'video / x-matroska; Codecs = "a_ac3, avc" & gt; The type attribute contains the full MIME specification, and for some codes codecs is an optional parameter. & lt; Video & gt; There is no separate codecs attribute on the tag.

sql - Is The Transaction Log Truncated When Doing a Backup In Full Recovery Mode? -

If we create a backup and DB is in full recovery mode, the database transaction log is automatically minimized ? Or we need to make 2 different backups, let's say 1 in a complete recovery mode and a different one for the log file. Only the fraction in the T-Lodge will be inactive, when the transaction log will be backed up in the database - one part ( VLF) is marked only in idle form if there is no outstanding transactions within the VLF. A full backup, whether fully logged-in mode or any part of the T-lock inactive in bulk log mode, will not be marked. Paul Randall first dedicated a complete post to this question:

Ideal timeout period for dns lookup -

In my rail app, I do a nslookup using Ruby Library resolv . If it is too long to solve the site like in some cases such as 20 seconds (mostly for non-existent sites) because it applies due to recession So though I have to start a timeout period for DNS lookup. What would be the ideal timeout period for the DNS lookup so that the actual site's resolution fails. Will something be fine like 10 seconds? You can find some tests among users, compromising with the correct number of accountability / execution. In addition to that, you can adjust the time on the basis of network traffic. For example, for every successfully revolue , how long do you take to reserve it? And every hour (for example) you can calculate the average and set its value doubled as a timeout (remember that "average", broadly speaking, "middle"). This way, if your latency is high on some point, it automatically adjusts itself to increase the timeout period.

How to iterate through table using selenium? -

I have a table called User Management that contains information about the user. This table is updated whenever a new user is created. If I create two users then I have to check whether two users are actually created or not. The table contains IDs, username, firstname, lastname, bidit.TTC. ID will be generated automatically here I'm running Selenium-Testing Script. Using Selenium, how do I get the username of two users I have created? Should I repeat through the table? If so, how to do it through the table? Use ISelenium.GetTable (string) to obtain the contents of table cells . For example, selenium.GetTable ("UserManagement.0.1"); will return the first row of the table and the contents of the second column. You can then claim that the correct username or username appear in the table.

c# - Unable to Hide Update Button in GridView Editing -

I am using the command field edit button to edit the gridview row. But unable to do the basics. This gridview is in the update panel. When I press the edit button it shows updates and canal buttons, but when I press the update button it updates the DB, but the update button does not edit the back one. Cancel while working as it is needed, it goes back to the back button when the cancer is suppressed, What worng I am doing Thank you. You've written the following line of code in the rowwording event secure Zero GridView 1_routing (Object Sender, GridViewUpdateEventEurge E) {GridView1.EditIndex = -1; BindGrid (); }

Event Listener in PHP -

I want my web server to notify me via a php page, when on another TCP server There is an event for which the PHP page has successfully connected to via a socket. This event wants to send messages to the web server like a TCP server, etc. Is there any way to complete this and / or any reference to how to do it? Make sure: $ fp = fsockopen ("tcp: // ", 8888) or die (" not connected "); While (! FIF ($ FP)) {$ pc = fread ($ handle, 8192); If ($ PC === False) Stellen ($ PC) == 0) break; // A new packet has arrived / you should read in a variable and wait for another packet // Until you know that the message has been completed / (depends on the protocol) collect_in_result ($ pc) ; If (message_is_complete ()) {if (check_event ()) {// take action}}} - How to reset IIS (or otherwise clear cache) when restarting a web application? -

I am working on an ASP.NET app that keeps too many data cached. When I restart the app then this data is cached, so I have to reset the IIS if I run the code that receives the data, otherwise it is taken from the cache. Is there any way I can automate it? one to iisreset is running Advanced (Vista / Win7 / Win2008) ) Command Prompt will restart IIS and all hosted applications. It is very fast if you keep the command prompt open: Repeat the up arrow and the last command.

java - Packages for import; -

I have a problem when using the following import function. Any one can help you how to solve it Import; Import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; My intent is to send a Tweet using Android. does not exist

linux - Writing a script in Java? -

I am working with a telecommunications company. I am familiar with the Java programming language but now I have to write a script with a Linux operating system. I have to write a script to get data from another computer and check some situations. If you really need to write a "script" and need it, then how can I do this using Java? To run on the Java runtime, I would suggest using it. "Script" I mean, A scripting language, script language or extension language is a programming language that allows the control of one or more software applications. If you have to use Java directly, then you just have to write a command line program. I recommend using (java simple logic parser), you will need it. And the way you go, you have to bundle this Java code as an application. There is a post here so that anywhere you set up CLASSPATH voodoo without having to deploy your application anywhere.

What was your favorite feature that was introduced in PHP 5.3? -

I am trying to compile a list of features introduced in PHP 5.3 I would like to see it as a time permit. I want to do it in the order of utility of the facilities. The question is subjective, this is the point. I want to end with a list that was liked by the community. This list is expected to be useful for many people who need to do historic research in the years 2012 or 2013 and I am not capable Please give a specific feature name on the north, thanks in the past! late stability! In the end, some sensible ways to "general" heritage (similar to C or Java). For example, I have created a base class that hides all the busted details of accessing the database, object relational mapping, caching etc. Columns names Parental relationship / div>

c# - Default Timeout values for WCF Endpoints -

Does anyone know the default values ​​for the time of service termination in the WCF Web service? According to MSDN, sendTimeout is 1 minute and the timeout received is 10 minutes:

Objective-C NSMutableArray - foreach loop with objects of multiple classes -

I have NSMutableArray * in the datastructure-class "Foo", which is the "super 1" And "Bar 2" that array bar gives 1 and 2 time objects to get recursive parent-children-structure just like a tree of sub-squares. To use objects in the array, I use the loop through them using the foreach loop in Objective-C: (Foo * aufoo in children) {...} / Code> But often I just need to loop through objects in a specific class array, in this case I want to do one thing for each object of class 1 in array children. (For the time in the object 1 * for the children) loop through all the objects and not only with Class Bar1 what is the need to get me what I need? You have to loop all the objects and check inside a type loop. for (id aufoo in children) {if ([aufoo iskindoff class: [bar 1 class]]) ...}}

c# - Asp.Net MVC - Binding of parameter to model value! -

It seems that the model binding is causing problems for me. Originally I have a product called product operation. For the purpose of this question it has 2 fields ID (int) PK product ID (F) I have a standard route set-up context.MapRoute ("Product_default", "Product / {controller} / {action} / {id} ", New {controller =" product ", verb =" index ", id = urlparameter. optional)); and if the URL wants to add an option, then / product / option / add / 1 The above URL1 contains ProductID, I have the following code to see the empty model, [Add HttpGet] Public ActionSult (return) (see "View"), see "return" New ProductOptionModel () {ProductID = id}); } Now in my opinion, I place a hidden field )% & Gt; It is used to determine (on submitting) if we are editing or adding a new option, however, in the model the binder starts replacing the INID. (Which takes action when moving out of 0) with ...

javascript - Remove double http:// from input using jQuery -

I have a text with a default value of http: // . Now when the user pastes a URL (if they do not know what they are doing, like most people) it comes out like this: http: // http: // . I have visited a site, as soon as you have http: // http: // , it removes one by javascript. I'm not familiar with javascript, so anyone help me? I do not want to clear the field only on focus. You do not need Ajax to do just that simple javascript trick to do this. jquery (document) .ready (function () {jQuery ('idofurtextfield'). Blur (function () {jQuery (this) .val (jQuery (this) .val (). Replace (/ (http: \ / \ /) 1 /, '$ 1'));});});

flex3 - Is it possible to run the Flex SDK compiler on FreeBSD? -

I want to look like some bad things to run the Flex SDK Compiler Toolken on our FreeBSD integration server in compiled Flex artifacts. (Yuk, I know!). Is this possible? Any success stories? What do I need to do to do this? It is worth noting that we have access to data visualization components under license, so we will also need support for building those with them. Forgive my ignorance here - but does FreeBSD fundamentally differ from other * Nix based OS ? The compilation * is supported on the Nix server, and works quite well - to help with compiling data visualization components and including it. Only one issue that you can run, is performing a Flex Unit test on a headless server, for which you need it. Sorry if I miss the boat but never had the power on FreeBSD versus Standard Linux.

How to force SQL Server 2008 to not change AUTOINC_NEXT value when IDENTITY_INSERT is ON? -

I have a question about the IDENTITY_INSERT found when you turn it on, SQL Server highlights this automatically AUTOINC_NEXT value Changes the value to identity form. So if you've got only one row with id = 1 and enter the row with id = 100, while IDENTITY_INSERT is turned on, then the next row will have an ID = 101. I should reseed it without the need of 2 Such behavior is already present in SQL Server Compact 3.5. Is it possible to force SQL Server 2008 to not change the AUTOINC_NEXT value when inserting with IDENTITY_INSERT = ON? I am not aware of any way to stop this behavior - after all, it is a prudent task , still! If you have already defined the value x (whatever the value may be), then you should not lose the value of your seed less than x otherwise, you It is bound to be recognized in the recognition of a value in the column which is already there - it is not good to be! But if you want, you can become a seed again after your involvement with your ident...

Exceptional C++[Bug]? -

मैं असाधारण सी ++ हर्ब सटर पढ़ रहा हूं। वस्तु 32 तक पहुंचने पर मुझे निम्न पाया गया है नाम स्थान A {struct X; Struct Y; शून्य एफ (इंट); शून्य जी (एक्स); } नाम स्थान बी {शून्य एफ (इंट आई) {एफ (आई); // जो एफ ()? }} यह एफ () खुद को कॉल करता है, अनंत रिमार्सन के साथ। इसका कारण यह है कि एक ही दृश्यमान एफ () बी :: एफ () ही है। हस्ताक्षर एफ (एएनटी) के साथ एक अन्य कार्य है, अर्थात् नाम स्थान ए में एक। अगर बी ने लिखा था "नामस्थान ए का उपयोग कर"; या "ए :: एफ;" का उपयोग करते हुए, ए :: एफ (एएनटी) उम्मीदवार के रूप में दिखता है जब एफ (इंट) की तलाश होती है, और एफ (i) कॉल ए :: एफ (इंट) और बी :: एफ (इंट) के बीच में अस्पष्ट होता। चूंकि बी ने ए: एफ (एट) को दायरे में नहीं लाया था, फिर भी, केवल बी :: एफ (इंट) को माना जा सकता है, इसलिए कॉल बीबी :: एफ (आईएनए) को हल करता है। लेकिन जब मैंने निम्नलिखित किया था .. नामस्थान ए {स्ट्रेट एक्स; Struct Y; शून्य एफ (इंट); शून्य जी (एक्स); } नामस्थान बी {नामस्थान ए का उपयोग कर; शून्य एफ (इंट आई) {एफ (आई); // कोई त्रुटि नहीं...

Android -- Object Creation/Memory Allocation vs. Performance -

This is probably one of the simplest of my current projects which has about 20 textages / images, which I have access to: (TextView) multiLayout.findViewById ( setText (""); // or ((ImageView) multiLayout.findViewById ( Set visibility (see. INVISIBLE); My question is, am I better off than a demonstration point of view, just tell these object variables? Also, am I continuing to lose some performance for the "search" process which goes as part of the FindViewById (...) method? (Ie does ViviIB (...) use to look for some kind of hashtable / hashap, or does it apply the repeated search on the hierarchy?) Currently, my program is 2.5 Does never use more MB RAM, will it affect 20 or more object variables extraordinary? I do not think so, but I thought I would ask. Thank you. Yes, it would be right to cache the contexts of the view ListView 'S tag / holder is about that for pe...

map - Google StreetView Mountain Biking -

I'm working on a DIY Google Street View for mountain biking. I was thinking that someone had any ideas Was that how do I get good results? I'm looking for help as much as possible to get imagery and what type of camera to use to help stitch images together. Interesting ideas. At first, I did not mount the camera on a bike, they used to move in pieces. You have to walk, I'm thinking of some type of stdicum (commercial or home-made) to maintain the level of the camera. Another solution would be an aluminum pole connected to the level of the sense of bull-eye, as well as with the rotated camera. Every few feet you have to keep it on the ground, it must be taken manually, and the camera must be triggered. It will slow down, but it will also be cheaper.

c# - Explicitly persist states in Workflow 4.0 rather than everything -

I am running with a workflow application that ran in a problem from my SQL instance store When I exit my application, I am calling a unload () on the WF app to continue it. I did not think about this during the design time, but it makes sense, it continues an RG which was passed in the instanced workflow applications constructor. When the application runs, everything works in the workflow to be expected. When I call unload () , I feel that serials are not eligible and it needs [DataContractAttribute] . Workflow My applications are custom logger objects that I wrote so that I can log on WF disk in a similar way that I like. How can I stop the workflow app from continuing with this argument and continuing to do everything? I am sure that something can be done with the extension, but I have difficulty finding information on them or finding instances of perseverance for my scenario. You can not sort the variables, which are not sorted with a [non-localized] attribute...

c# - Getting attachments from a mail account with .NET -

I have to get an attachment from an account for .NET to a free library (like Gmail, or others) via imap4 (Not necessary), and save them to a folder. Ideally this will allow me to get a list of them, and download only a few given people (filtering based on extension, name, and / or size) and get free . I have already done a trial version of this, but I am not quite suitable for trying to try to buy an unlimited version of this library (I do not know that this functionality is limited Was one of those with time). --- [edit - hygi] --- I am using the following code: New POP3 client Dim cl () cl.UserName = "" cl.Password = "mypassword" cl.ServerName = "" cl .AuthenticateMode = Pop3AuthenticateMode.Pop cl.Ssl = False cl.Authenticate () // takes a little while, but even goes a wrong password gets the Pope 3 messages = cl.GetMessage (1) // gives me an exception: message = "pop 3 connection is closed ...

iphone - How to get X,Y,Z rotations of vertices on a sphere at the origin? -

Hey, I have a field in the world of my game, and I want to keep a plane for each dipping on each area in this area. Purposes. The planes should be centered so that they lie flat against the area (perpendicular to the objects) lie. The area is located in the original, so all the corners are related. If I think my mind is right then I should be able to do this that the position of the vertical and some simple trigonometry I have tried some combinations, but there is no happiness yet. I appreciate some help on this. Thank you. Here's my code: float xRot = RADIANS_TO_DEGREES (sinf (vertex.x / PLANET_RADIUS)); Float yRot = RADIANS_TO_DEGREES (coffee (Vertex. / PLANET_RADIUS)); Glottef (exciter, 1.0, 0, 0); Glottaffe (yRot, 0, 1.0, 0);

finance - How can I calculate the historical volatility of a stock in MATLAB? -

I would like to make some mock historical option data, and the historical volatility of historic stock needs to be calculated. Is the function designed to do this? Any formulas? The only built-in functions I found: Blog Li> (on the link from ShinTakezou's comment above)

Query Entity Framework 4 -

Is it possible to run a query on EF 4.0 data reference and get all objects of a certain type? Say in reference books, styles & amp; Writers but I only have one common parameter, is it possible to get all kinds of it using only this T? I do not think this is: ( var x = In context from z, select CreateObjectSet

spring - Saving owned/child objects in Hibernate -

I have a hard time wrapping my head around the hibernate object work here is a small part of what my model looks like : JobOpening: @ManyToMany (speed = FetchType.EAGER, cascade = CascadeType.ALL) @JoinTable (name = "jobOpening_questionSet", joinColumns = @ JoinColumn (name = "jobOpenings_id"), inverseJoinColumns = @ JoinColumn (name = "questionSets_id")) @IndexColumn (name & from = "question_sets_idx", basis = 0, nULL = false) public listing lt; QuestionSet & gt; GetQuestionSets () {Return Qtr; } QuestionSet: @ManyToMany (mappedBy = "questionSets", bringing = FetchType.EAGER) publicly set & lt; JobOpening & gt; GetJobOpenings () {Return Job Openings; } @OneToMany (cascade = CascadeType.ALL, fetch = FetchType.EAGER) @IndexColumn (name = "Prsn_aksks" base = 0) @ the columns (name = "questionet_id", nullable = false) public List & lt; Formquestion & gt; GetQuestions () {return que...

visual studio macro to execute a file from the solution -

I wrote a small tool that sits in my solution (as a project), which runs in the background And helps me the main project I would like to run the tool with a macro, but I do not know how to get the construction path and execute it in the background. Any VB Macro Experts? To answer your question partially, apparently you can get a macro You can get the solution path from: System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName (DTE.Solution.FullName) I found this in some macros listed . Since you say that you have got a project within that solution, you can try it from there and make progress. It is difficult to give more information without much information about your exact scenario.

java - How to convert RGB to BGR? -

It is probably easy, but I am trying to convert from one source to RGB strings for output in BGR Provides colors. I am finishing my brain and transit and long decode and long.txtstring strings in Java. Feel free to throw the alpha value (RGBA-> ABGR) there too, though I think I can increase principles. I think the hex is in specified form in long and integer: 0x hexagitates 0x hexagetates # hexdegit 24 bit colors (8 bit for each of R, G, B): string RGBS ource = getRGBSource (); // int = Integer.decode (rgbSource) to get a string version of your function; Int red = (in & gt; & gt; 16) & amp; 0xFF; Int green = (in & gt; & gt; 8) & amp; 0xFF; Int Blue = (In & gt; & gt; 0) & amp; 0xFF; Int'l = (blue

regex - How to do a proper search/replace using GREP Regular Expressions in a text editor? -

I am trying to run some regular expression (GRP) on the text file of approximately 4K lines. The main part that I should replace should look like this: 1, "an internet-ready resume", 1,2, "", " And I should look at it like this: gt; title & gt; An Internet-Ready Resume & lt; / title & gt; & lt ; Category & gt; 1 & lt; / category & gt; So far , This is what I was trying to gain: [0- 9] {1} \, \ "* \", [0- 9] \, [0 -9] \, \ "\" \, \ " You should start doing one. Many useful resources are online so you can see: You do not have to avoid everything (such as commas or quotes) asterisk * it does not mean anything , but zero or more times any letter is . character. . * means any number multiple times (or anything ) if you need to make those places where you The atoms of what you are looking for need to set those atoms using (& lt; atom content & gt;) where ...

Memory management technique for Objective-C iVars/properties -

क्या निम्न कोड अनावश्यक कुछ कर रहा है? @ इंटरफेस मायक्लास {NSArray * myArray; } - (शून्य) प्रतिस्थापित ऐरे: (NSArray *) newArray; @ इम्प्लिमेंटेशन मायक्लस - (शून्य) प्रतिस्थापित ऐरे: (एनएसएआरआरई *) नयाअरेरे {यदि (मायअरे) {[मायअरे रिलीज]; MyArray = शून्य; } MyArray = [[NSArray alloc] initWithArray: newArray]; } @end क्या होगा अगर मैं निम्नलिखित परिवर्तन करता हूं: 1) मेरी एरे एक प्रॉपर्टी बनाई गई: @property (nonatomic , बनाए रखने) NSArray myArray; 2) को असाइनमेंट बदल दिया गया: self.myArray = [NSArray arrayWithArray: newArray]; क्या यह मुझे सशर्त हटाने की अनुमति देगा? आप सशर्त की जरूरत नहीं है; आप शून्य (एक रिलीज सहित) संदेश भेज सकते हैं, और कुछ भी नहीं होगा। आपको एक नया सरणी आवंटित करने की भी आवश्यकता नहीं है; आप को बनाए रख सकते हैं इसके बदले आप को पास कर सकते हैं यदि आप वास्तव में एक NSMutableArray प्राप्त करने के बारे में चिंतित हैं, तो आप एक कॉपी बना सकते हैं मैं यह करूँगा: - (शून्य) प्रतिस्थापित ऐरे: (एनएसएआरआरए *) नयाअरेरे {[मायअरे आटोरेलेज]; ...

tcp - How do I handle partial write completions from overlapped I/O using I/O Completion Ports -

Windows I / O समाप्ति बंदरगाहों पर, मैं यह करता हूं: शून्य फ़ंक्शन ( ) {WSASend ("1111"); // ए WSASend ("2222"); // बी WSASend ("3333"); // सी} अगर मुझे "लिखना पूर्ण" मिला है जो WSASend (ए) के 3 बाइट्स को बताता है, तो क्या यह संभव है कि उसके बाद मुझे "लिखना पूर्ण "है जो मुझे बताता है कि कुछ या सभी बी एंड amp; सी भेजा गया था, या जब तक मैं ए एस के बाकी डेटा के साथ कोई WSASend () कॉल जारी नहीं कर सकता तब तक टीसीपी उनको पकड़ लेगा? या क्या टीसीपी स्वतः इसे पूरा करेगा? मैं 10 से अधिक के लिए आईओसीपी के साथ क्लाइंट और सर्वर सिस्टम विकसित कर रहा हूं साल अब और मैंने सामान्य उपयोग में आंशिक लिखित पूर्णता कभी नहीं देखी है। आप उन्हें प्राप्त कर सकते हैं, लेकिन यदि आप करते हैं तो संभावना है कि आपके सर्वर को वैसे भी रोक दिया गया है; आपको शायद ENOBUFS की एक त्रुटि के साथ एक लिखित पूर्णता मिल जाएगी, जिसका अर्थ है कि आपने गैर-पृष्ठांकित पूल समाप्त कर दिया है या लॉक किए गए पृष्ठों की सीमा पार कर ली है। IMHO आपको अपने संसाधनों का प्रबंधन क...

c++ - What's wrong with my code? (pdcurses/getmaxyx) -

This gives me an access violation on the getmaxyx line (the second row in the main job) and gives me two warnings: Link: Warning LNK 4049: Locally defined symbol "_stdscr" imported link: Warning LNK 4049: Locally defined symbol "_sp" imported #include & lt; Time.h> # Include & lt; Curses.h & gt; #include "Ball.h" #include "Paddle.h" #include "config.h" int main (int argc, char * argv []) {int maxy, maxx; Getmaxx (STSCR, max, max); Pedal * pedal lift = new pedal (0, key_l_up, key_la_down); Pedal * paddlelight = new pedal (maxx, key_r_up, key_r_eded); Ball * ball = new ball (pedal left, paddle right); Int key = 0; Initscr (); Cbreak (); Noecho (); Curs_set (0); While (key! = KEY_QUIT) {key = getch (); PaddleLeft-> OnKeyPress (key); PaddleRight-> OnKeyPress (key); } Andwin (); Return 0; } It has been a long time since using my curse, but I think you need to make calls like initscr () any other cur...

kubuntu - How to show my .deb package in a particular section -

I created my own .deb package for the media player I developed, but when I made it my Kubuntu 10.04 It is successfully installed but "Multimedia" is not shown under any special section, so please let me know how my deb package can be shown in a particular section because I am going to release it on the Internet so that the whole User rules can download it can use it. For example, after installation under the multimedia section from my VLC media player. - Thank you Check the DP (Debian Policy) under Debian A file "Menu" is required / More menu policy:

c# - Unit tests logged (or run) multiple times -

मेरे पास यह सरल परीक्षण है: सुरक्षित रीडॉनली इलोग लॉगर = लॉग मैनेजर। गेटोॉगगर (मेथडबेज) .GetCurrentMethod () ReflectedType)। निजी स्थिर इंट गणना = 0; [टेस्ट] सार्वजनिक शून्य TestConfigured सफलतापूर्वक () {logger.Debug ("परीक्षण विधि में" + गणना ++); } log4net इस तरह सेट है: [TestFixtureSetUp] सार्वजनिक शून्य सेटअप () {log4net.Config.BasicConfigurator.Configure (); } समस्या यह है, कि अगर मैं एक बार में nUnit में इस परीक्षण को चलाता हूं, तो मुझे आउटपुट (अपेक्षित) मिलता है: 1742 [TestRunnerThread] DEBUG टेस्ट सोमिंग (रिक्त) - परीक्षण विधि0 में लेकिन अगर मैं nUnit.exe पर फिर से (या अधिक) रन को दबाता हूं तो मुझे निम्न मिलता है: टेस्ट सोमिंग (रिक्त) - परीक्षा विधि 1 में और इसी तरह (अगर मैं इसे 5 चलाता हूं) 1 9 42 [टेस्ट रीनर] डेब्यूग टेस्ट टेस्ट सोमलिंग (रिक्त) - टेस्ट मेथड 1 1742 [टेस्ट रीनर टे्रफ] बार, मुझे 5 पुनरावृत्त लाइनें मिलेंगी)। अब, अगर मैं एक ही परीक्षा को अकेले पुनर्सहर्पर से चलाता हूं तो आउटपुट ठीक है और दोहरा नहीं। हालांकि, अगर मैं एक ही कक...

caching - ASP.NET - How can I cache user details for the duration of their visit? -

I have created a repository that gets user information public event GetUserByOpenID (ByVal as openid string) User IUserRepository.GetUserByOpenID Dim User = (as the tool of U. dc.Users where u.OpenID = OpenID in the selection) .FirstOrDefault Return the end user function And I would like if users log in to be able to pull those details down And if the cached data is zero. What is the best way to create a user object that includes all user details, and keep it on the entire site for the duration of its journey? I was trying it out in my Global. ASX, but I'm not really happy session variables I would rather have an object with all the details inside. Private Sub BaseGlobal_AcquireRequestState (ByVal, in the form of this object, in the form of ByVal E. System.EventArgs) handles Me.AcquireRequestState sessions ("username") andalso User.Identity. IsAuthenticated then retarded UrbanNow.Core.IUserRepository = New UrbanNow.Core.UserRepository Dim _user New Urban...

Finding Windows printer driver name using API -

I think the name of the driver for a Windows printer does not seem to find an API call. Note that I'm not talking about the printer's friendly name in the printer folder, I'm talking about the name of the actual driver as shown on the "Advanced" tab when you see printer properties: When I select the username for the printer, then I am finding the "Generic / Text Only" driver to print. It does not seem that it should be difficult, but I have not found it in DVMODE structure or at any place, for that I have thought about it. Thanks for the help! What do you want pDriverName field PRINTER_INFO_2 Structure You can get it from EnumPrinters , then you have to compare PRINTER_INFO_2 :: pPrinterName and its corresponding name DEVMODE .

sql server - What are prepared statements? -

What are the statements made in relation to the relational database? How do they help and why should I consider using them? A ready statement is a query that was parsed by the former database and every time you parse the query from scratch And can run more queries with different parameter values ​​without the database to plan. You use it at the same time, from time to time some data is different.

webserver - TCP Server to push data to a Web Browser -

I have a TCP server that is linked to a web page from a web browser. Through a web browser, it is easy to send a request to the TCP server via a web page, but is there any way that TCP server can push the server data from the browser without a request from the browser? ? My initial idea was that it is impossible because a browser is stateless but I was told that there are ways to do this ... any thoughts? Thank you! You will need to use experimental HTML 5 Websites for ideas, or other

iis - index.html vs default.html -

I have used index.html and default.html for both home pages on the sites I have created. Days I mostly use index.html, but I'm not sure why ... stability I think I am quite convinced that the IIS takes care of them only, but I am thinking that if thank you! Itemprop = "text"> The index is conventional, and for more server default Has been configured to look for it.

c - Books and shellcode examples -

I've read "The Art of Exploitation" and "Gray Hat Hacker". Examples of these books are examples written for x86 systems. I Centrino laptop and an MD 64 PC. I can not create an example of work for stack based overflow 64 Using ASLR -BB system, executable location security to execute such attacks Makes it more difficult. This can explain to you why you failed to work them. I suggest reading x86-64 buffer overflow exploitation for more information.

c# - How do you override operator == when using interfaces instead of actual types? -

I have some code: How should I implement operator == so that it can be said Could that be the variable interface of IMyClass? Public Class MyClass: IMyClass {Public Stable Bull Operator == (MyClass a, MyClass b) {if (ReferenceEquals (a, b)) back true; If (Object) A == blank ((object) B == empty) return false; Description is false; Public stationary BULL operator! = (Myclass A, Micalus B) {return! (A == B);} } Class program {static zero main (string [] args) {IMyClass m1 = New MyClass (); IMyClass m2 = New MyClass (); MyClass M3 = New MyClass (); MyClass M4 = New MyClass (); Console. The light line (M1 == M2); // does not go into the custom == function, why not? Console.lightline (m3 == m4); // custom == go to function}} The key is that you ' for operator No operator defined = (IMIClass X, IMIClass Y) so can not say anything to the compiler operator == (MyClass x, MyClass y) Because it does not know that m1 and m2 actually MyClass . As far as I kno...

mysql select where count = 0 -

In my DB, I have a "sales" table and a "sale_itum". Sometimes, something goes wrong And the sales are recorded, but there are no sales items. That's why I'm trying to get sales from my table "sales", which has no row in the sales_ item table. This is mysql query that I thought would work, but this is not: SELECT s * Natural sales of sales by sales_item si WHERE like '' ((Isset ($ _GET ['Date'])) $ _GET ['Date']: Date ("YMD")). "% 'And s.sales_id" ". ((Azette ($ _ GET [' shop '])? $ _GET [' store ']: substream ($ _kuki [' shop '], 0, 3) "% 'Hogging count (CIS_s_ITM_ID) = 0; Any ideas? The table comes from the surname V Where does it come from? Table definition showing would be a great idea;) This should include a left: SELECT SELECT1 Table 1 LEFT JOIN table2 ON ( = Table2.table1_id) Table 2 WTA 1_ID IS Null Table 1 Your sal...

App Engine and MySQL -

I just want to ask if we can access an external MySQL server from Google App Engine ... The only way to communicate with other hosts is to provide HTTP and HTTPS requests only. So, you're not out of the box. However, if you really need access to an external MySQL server database, you'll need it for the web API (for example, grief, soap Web-services) should be considered. This way your data will also be available via URLFET

Adding tables to sql server result in Domain\ -

Our app uses migratordotnet to modify the backing SQL Server 2005 database. This 99% works great but we are running into a problem. We have a client who is using an active directory group for SQL Server login and when new tables are added, they make them the domain \ LoginTable_name. What needs to be allowed to add tables to the AD Group, such as dbo.table_name? This does not happen with the configuration of all of our clients, so I must have lost something. Make sure that the default schema for that login / group is set to dbo

objective c - Obj-C enum "Incompatible Types in initialization" -

I seem to be having problems with enum type initialization which seems simple to solve, but I do not know that How do it Suppose I declare the following enum type: typed numeric nxsound type {nxsandtipone, nxsandtypefant, nxsandtapbackgroundmuse}} nxsound type; I declare a feature method to return an NSSToundType enum type, as if it is an NSString object (note: NXSound is an object that has a NXSoundType attribute called "Type"): - (NXSoundType) nxSoundTypeFromIdentifier: (NSString *) nxSoundIdentifier {NXSoundType type = NXSoundTypeNone; (Self.nxSounds in NXSound * nxSound) {if ([nxSound.identifier isEqualToString: nxSoundIdentifier]) {type = nxSound.Type; }} Return type; } So far, so well. But the following call is not working: NXSoundType type = [self nxSoundTypeFromIdentifier: @ "kNXTargetGameSoundIfEffectTic"]; What's wrong? Thank you in advance. I resolved the problem. Despite the compiler error message, this problem was not related...

Perl, "closure" using Hash -

I want to have a substrate as a member of a hash, which is capable of accessing other hash members. For example sub setup {% a = (txt = & gt; "Hello World", print_hello = & gt; sub {print $ {txt}; }) Back% A} My% obj = Setup (); $ Obj {print_hello}; Ideally this will produce "Hello World" Edit Sorry, I Failed to specify the requirement I should be able to do this $ obj {txt} = "bye"; and then output to $ obj {print_hello} bye If you need to be able to modify the call code in a hash, you need to return the hash from the reference. This does what you asked: Use strict; Use warnings; Sub self_expressing_hash {my% h; % H = (msg = & gt; "Hello", express_yourself => sub {print $ H {msg}, "\ n"},); Return \% H; } My $ h = self_expressing_hash (); $ H & gt; {Express_yourself} - & gt; (); $ H- & gt; {Msg} = 'Bye'; $ H & gt; {Express_yourself} - & gt; (); However, this...

dbf - How do I replicate a table to all nodes in a DB2 DPF instance? -

I have a DPF example with some large tables, which have been split, and many small tables which are not . For reasons I should perform a small table that is fully present on each node of the partition, how do I make these small tables completely in each node? Do you try to search? Google is for specific documentation for "db2 repeated tables" and the first hit replication MQTs. That said: Repeated MQTs should be an exception. I have been working with DPF (EEE) for more than 10 years, and the number of times MCT needs to be repeated is very small. DB2 sends the broadcasting dimension table data to database partitions where the fact tables are located, and this data is cached locally.

php - How to store values from foreach loop into an array? -

Values ​​need to be stored in the array from the foreach loop, the code below does not work. Does only store the last value, have tried $ items. = ..., but if he is not walking, then any help would be appreciated. & lt; Php foreign currency ($ group_membership $ i = & gt; $ as username) {$ items = array ($ username); } Print_r ($ item); ? & Gt; loop and declare an array out of $ items $ item [] to add items to the array: $ items = array (); Forex Currency ($ group_membership $ username) {$ item [] = $ username; } Print_r ($ item);

sorting - Sort List based on dynamically generated numbers in C++ -

I have a list of objects (in this case "move") that I sort by their calculation evaluation Want to So, I have a list, and a bunch of numbers that are "connected" with one element in the list. Now I want to be the topmost and most lastest person with the first element of the list element with the least connected number. Once the item has been ordered, I can leave the related number. How do i do this This is my code that looks like (kind've): list & lt; Move & gt; Moves = board.gatelegalmows (board.turn); (I = moves.begin (); i! = Moves.end (); ++ i) {// ... a = max; // & lt; - Number associated with the current motion} I would suggest a type. A new vector of the associated value pairs (I suggest to give a vector for more efficient sorting) and make an indicator for its item. Sort the pairs of vectors and then recreate the list from the sorted vector. Since operator & lt; is defined on std :: pair , compared with the first item of...

Java swing: how to know the state of the mouse from outside the component receiving the event? -

I want to know the position of my mouse button (press or not), from outside the target component. I do not want to use a glasspin to block incidents. The MouseInfo Class can give me the location of the mouse, but its position is not. How to recover mouse position from anywhere in an application? Thank you. The mouse position changes only when mouse events are generated, so you need to listen to mouse events. I think you can add a global mousestist to track yourself based on the last mouse generated event. See for an example using AWTEventListener.

javascript - Perform function on form submit -

Hope this is a very simple question! I will listen to the code working in jQuery for a specific form on one page and display a warning when it will happen .. Ie: The form does not have its own ID, so I am targeting a particular form DIV ID $ ("#content form"). Submit (function () {Alert ("Laurem Epsom Dollar?");}); What would the syntax do to javascript without using jquery? For example, I have this code (below) and how it is mandatory to listen for a compulsory form to submit. var submit form = document GetElementById ("content") .getElementsByTagName ("form"); Thanks! To do this in a cross browser, in a destructive way, it takes a bit of code: var submitconf = document.getElementById ("content"). GetElementsByTagName ("Form") [0], Callback = Function () {Warning ("Laurem Epsom Dollar?"); }; If (window.addEventListener) {submitform.addEventListener ("submit", callback, incorrect); /...

SharePoint 2010 - Client Object Model -- Approve File -

Does anyone know what the replacement for the SPFile.Approve () method in the client object model is? This method is not in class Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.File. try this: item.set_item ('_moderation status) ', 0); Item.update (); Context.load (item); Context.executeQueryAsync (Success Function, Failure Function); It works for me in a simple scenario.

regex - How do I best do balanced quoting with Perl's Regexp::Grammars? -

Using the Damien Conway, I use different balanced quotes ( 'foo' , "foo" , but 'foo' ) - Such as feet, quotes, double quotes, and not as double dollars. This is the code that I am currently using. / P> & lt; Token: pair and gt; \ '& Lt; Textual & gt; \ '| \ "& Lt; literal & gt; \" | \ $ \ $ & Lt; Textual & gt; \ $ \ $ & Lt; Token: Textual & gt; ; [\ S] + It usually works fine and allows me to say something like this: & lt; Rule: quotes & gt; Coat & lt; To exclude needle notation for .as & gt pair token, my question is how do I improve the output? {"'=> 'Coat AS', '', 'Quote' => {'' = & Gt; 'Coat AS', '', 'Pair' => {'Literal' = & gt; ',', '' = & gt; \ ', \' '}}}, Here, obviously between pair , quote, and literal There is no wish to have a better w...

Git Extensions guide? -

To use Git extensions for basic tasks such as checkout, checkin, undo check-out, etc., a quick- The initial guide is. Especially for users coming from Microsoft's world? "post-text" itemprop = "text"> I'm not sure what it means to start early, but it is very user-friendly if you are thinking how to check the branches. , See chapter 6, page 18.

MySQL Full Text Search Boolean Mode Partial Match -

I found the Boolean mode of MySQL full text search useful, but there are some things that I can not see for example imagery Do that I have a full text column that contains the words "Steve Javascript Tutorial - Part One". Imagine that I want to match it for each of the following searches: "Tutorial", "Javascript Tutorial", "Java", "Java Script", "Script" Imagine that Each of those searches is specified in variables in any language only (I always use PHP). How can I modify that Steve's article will return all those searches? MATCH (article_title) AGAINST ('$ variable' in 'BOOLEAN MODE' * ') This is impossible;) When you search for "tutorial", the entry will not be found, because the entry in the database is singular and the search term is plural in the database (and on search) Before inserting, you should make a form of "Word Stimping." When you do this, your expr...

html - How to Vertically Center Images on a Line? -

If images are smaller than the height of the line, then what is the best way to symbolize the center on the line? For example (easy to read style inline): & lt; Div style = "row-height: 20px" & gt; & Lt; Img style = "width: 12px; height: 12px;" /> Blah blah blah & lt; / Div & gt; This example also shows why vertical-align: middle does not work. I want the IIG to be centered against Diva's text. That is, even if the text is wrapped in several rows, the image will be centered against a line. Ideally, the solution will not include setting the merging / padding on the image and it will still work unless I am not line-height Address. I have read what: (related to cases where the image is large, does not apply here) The reason for your problem is that the image is centered vertically in comparison to the surrounding text, it can be clearly seen on an extended screenshot where the surrounding text Has been included: T... mvc - Entity Framework not populating context -

I am starting with the discovery of some unit structure, I thought it was time that everyone was complaining Were. I am running on an issue where the institutions do not return any object reference. I have created the model with three tables from one database that link to each other. Course Instructor Trainee As relationships you are expecting: One course is related to multiple CanTeach entities and an instructor is also from many CanTeach institutions Can relate to I have added an Odata service in my project which also uses the same model. That's why I can run a question like in the connector where a.Instructor.FirstName == "Barry" new {name = a.Instructor.FirstName + "" + a.Instructor.LastName Select, Course = a.Course.Name} Using LINQPad without OData endpoint against the endpoint. However, when I do a simple query public trainer GetInstructorFromID (int id) {return reference.Enstrator. Where (i = & gt; == ID). FirstOrDefault (); }...

oop - Why is it possible to have an interface without a return type in PHP? -

Why is it possible to create an interface without specifying the return type? Why does not it waste this interface? This makes it more obvious: interface run {public function getInteger (); } Class applies MyString {public function myNumber () {} public function getInteger () {return "no number"; In every interface in Java, integer , string or zero I know that PHP is unfortunately typed in a loose Language but is not the solution to that problem? Is return type like Integer ? The signal type for function / method arguments or return values ​​is only supported on PHP7.0 or later Check the details here: If you are using PHP5, then the current approved practice is to use comments to indicate "contract". / ** * does something * @ layer intact ** / public event getInteger () {return 1; } If the code "contravenes the contract," then I suggest finding and repairing the original codec and filing the bug and / or setting it yourself i...

How do I access a DIV from javascript, if ASP.NET mangles its ID? -

I have a web page that has a "div" element on the page, to reference the div Javascript is: document.getElementById ('divId') . Now, the document.getElementById ('divId') return is taped, unless another developer changed the page again to use the ASP Master page. It appears that when you use the master page, prepares some characters in the names of elements of the content, how can I know when the page is loading, then what is the identity of the divis? Update Allow me to give a specific example to clarify this question: ID divNotice in my page. After using my page master page, I think that when I print the source on the page which is the Divi ID ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_divNotice My question is, how should I know that when If this is done with the framework, what will be the div id? I think this is what you are looking for. document.getElementById (' To get the ID of your element such as html Used on the page .clientID...

DES_KEY_SZ delphi -

I'm coding Opera Retrieval tool in my Delphi I'm using c ++ I already existed but I did not get DES_KEY_SZ in that code. I think they are present in the DSH, but I could not find the same depth. ( Anyone can help me des.h, where the DES_KEY_SZ macro is defined. The size of des_cblock , which has eight unsigned characters In other words, DES_KEY_SZ = 8 . You are going beyond just the missing identifier of other errors, Although there are some useful DES functions in the code shown to you. Unenipate the data Please, try to use.

SQL Server: Permissions on table -

SQL Server 2008: What types of roles can I determine for what kind of permissions You can get all permissions. Filter in the database and filter for your table: Select sys.database_permissions from pay permissions, state, Sys.database_principals pay per pay.grantee_principal_id = pr.principal_id where the square is equal to 1 and pe.major_id = object_id ('& lt; table_name & gt;') and pe.minor_id = 0; In addition to this you have been created in role permissions (db_owner, db_datareader, db_datawriter etc).

iphone - UIScrollView scroll problem -

I have a UIScrollView and there is a text field at the bottom of the screen when I select the textfield then the keyboard text from the file Is displayed above i UIView in the UIScrollView is not enough to scroll enough and some space is free for the keyboard. That's why I have tried to expand the UIUU programmatically. What does this have to me: Prefix: (BOOL) textFieldShouldBeginEditing: (UITextField *) textField {UIScrollView * scrollView = (UIScrollView *) [[see itself] viewWithTag: 2]; UIView * contentview = [[see for yourself] View DetailsTags: 3]; CGRect Rect = contentview.frame; Rect.size.height = 650; Contentview.frame = rect; [ScrollView Set Content Size: contentview.frame.size]; // first try rect.origin.y = 450; [ScrollView scrollRectToVisible: animated rect: yes]; // Second attempt CGPoint point = CGPointMake (0, 450); [ScrollView Set Content Offset: Point Animated: Yes]; Yes come back } Thanks. You can register to get your view controller and then view c...

Replacing SUMIFS in Excel 2003 -

So, I need to find an Excel 2003 option = SUMIFS, which only 2007+ (apparently) . The summary data table with a list of the revenue is used to prepare, where the field type (fixed in each revenue line, email or outreach) and field Fund (ABC, QRS and XYZ) it happens. . Type funds total count average stable ABC $ 12,390.88 171 $ 72.46 Email ABC $ 6051.32 65 $ 93.10 outreach ABC $ 8,835.00 138 $ 64.02 High QRS $ 12,925.44 79 $ 163.61 Email QRS $ 9305.44 99 $ 93.99 outreach QRS $ 1,799.00 49 $ 36.71 High XYZ $ 4,912.20 36 $ 136.45 Email XYZ $ 75.00 2 $ 37.50 Outreach XYZ $ 0.00 0 # DIV / 0! This formula is `= SUMIFS ( 'revenue'! G: G, 'Revenue'! AH: AH, sheet 2! A2, 'revenue'! AI: AI, sheet 2! B-2) ` where G is the amount of dollars, and AH are matched AI type or fund column How do I work in Excel 2003? The way I made it to a column to create a column was finished adds two columns required for the test (Abistitik, Abisimel, etc.) by doing so I ...

video - Differences between iPhone/iPod Simulator and Devices -

Since I started developing iPod / iPod I have come between some differences between the simulator and the response of the actual device. Maybe I will have to go through some other disagreements, I have to understand this, maybe other people have not met these problems here and can benefit from knowledge, and maybe you know some problems / differences which You were So that's what I came. The simulator is not case-sensitive, devices are case-sensitive. This means that a default.png or Icon.png will work in the simulator, but not on one device, where they must give the name Default.png and icons. PNG (If it still Simulator has different codecs to play audio and video If you use MPMoviePlayerController lets you play some video on the simulator, while on the device it will not work (simulator and ringing for the device Use handbruck-> preset-> iPhone and iPod touch to create videos). If you play audio with AudioServicesPlaySystemSound (& soundID) you ca...

java - Cannot validate xml doc against a xsd schema (Cannot find the declaration of element 'replyMessage') -

I am using the following code to validate an XML file against the XSD schema package com.forat.xsd; Import; Import; Import javax.xml.XMLConstants; Import javax.xml.transform.Source; Import; Import javax.xml.validation.Schema; Import javax.xml.validation.SchemaFactory; Import javax.xml.validation.Validator; Import org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler; Import org.xml.sax.SAXException; Import org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; Public class XSDValidate {public zero valid (string xmlFile, string xsd_url) {{SchemaFactory factory =} SchemaFactory.newInstance (XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_NS_URI); Schema schema = factory Envascama (new url (xsd_url)); Validator Validator = Schema. Newfounder (); Validation Handler Handler = New Validation Handler (); Validator.setErrorHandler (handler); Validator.validate (getSource (xmlFile)); If (handler errors found == true) {System.err.println ("verification error:" + handler .excepti...

Ruby on Rails wildcard routing such as /foo.htm /foo.php /foo.something -

I am trying to create a routing situation where by default, any URL such as: / FO / some /foo.php /somethingelse.xml /something.something.else etc. There will be all the routes for an administrator, assuming that they do not route anywhere. I can work with the following codes in my routes: map.myroute '/: file_or_folder' ,: Controller => 'My Controller' It works fine as long as there are no dots in the URL: / something but this is a work of: / Any thoughts? Dots are not allowed by default, for which you can match file_or-folder You can specify a regex, such as: map.myroute '/: file_or_folder',: admin = & gt; 'Mycontroller' ,: file_or_folder = & gt; /.*/

css - Can we use like this <body class="all" <!--[if IE 7]>class="ie"<![endif]--> > -

क्या हम इस तरह & lt; body class = "all" & lt;! - [यदि IE 7] & gt; वर्ग = "यानी" & lt; [endif] - & gt; & Gt; ? मैं एक सीएसएस को एक फाइल में रखना चाहता हूं। आप इसका उपयोग कर सकते हैं: & lt; body class = "all" & gt; & Lt;! - [अगर आईजी] & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "यानी केवल" & gt; & LT; [endif] - & gt; & Lt; div id = "content" & gt; & Lt; p & gt; ... & lt; / p & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt;! - [अगर आईजी] & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & LT; [endif] - & gt; & Lt; / body & gt; इस तरह से सीएसएस चयनकर्ता, IE के दोषों / अंतरों को संबोधित करने के लिए सामान्य से अधिक विशिष्ट है #content {/ * गैर- IE ब्राउज़र के लिए / } Body.all .आईई केवल # सामग्री {/ * के लिए IE} / ... और 'सामान्य' को ओवरराइड कर देना चाहिए 'code' #content नियम और कभी नहीं होगा गैर-आईई ब्राउज़र्स द्वारा लागू किया जा सकता है, चूंकि चयनक...

apache - Redirect with htaccess for images onto another server without redirect looping -

I currently have a host that is hosted on my main site; I have nginx mirror / cache on another server If the files are set up to be requested, it is not already specially in images and flawee videos. For example: www is my main site. I am imgserv.domain from Apache I want to ask to redirect to .com ( indicates any other server IP) Basically redirect everything to some file types and preserve the structure of the URL, like FLV etc. I tried something but I'm getting a redirect looping error. Can someone help me? Thank you! This is what I have. Riveted enigen on rewrite conduit% {HTTP_HOST} ^ www $ [NC] Redirect Match 302 ^ (. * ) \. Gif $$1.gif Redirect Match 302 ^ (. *) \. Jpg $ http: // imgserv.$1.jpg RedirectMatch 302 ^ (. *) \ .png $ htt...