
Showing posts from June, 2015 - Handle Enter Key on Website (ASP and VB) -

So I have several asp control websites when I enter the entry form, the search function runs because it The first thing found on the page is How do I handle the enter button so that the active text box is for the login form, the Loginbutton code actually runs instead of searchbutton. The last problem is that login controls are in a loginview so that the hierarchy shows that the asp: text box and asp: Just a note that all controls are asp and all code is preferred in VB. Thank you You want to set the default button on the form like this: Page.Form.DefaultButton = "LoginButtonId" MSDN Docs: Additionally, see this question for a question related to this issue in Firefox:

android - Return back to the parent activity from subactivity -

My app supports twitter and ohth requires to open the browser. When a user clicks on a stock on Twitter, the main activity creates another sub-activity (Twitter Activity) to handle Twitter certification issues. Here is a flow graph that shows how activities are currently implemented, MainActivity is the main and tweet for Twitter. startActivity () OAuth Int'l Callback Finish () Men --------------- & gt; Tweet ------------ & gt; Browser -------------- & gt; Twit -------- & gt; Browser As you can see, to stop () after the TwitterActivity call ends, it will now return to main activity, but the browser instead. How can I return it to main activity? Thank you very much Try setting the attribute for the browser's activity in the manifest.

c# - !(ReferenceEquals()) vs != in Entity Framework 4 -

As long as no one overrides a particular behavior defined for the object, ... compare the references. Sets in property, I have usually used patterns private MyType myProperty; Public MyType MyProperty {set {if (myProperty! = Value) {myProperty = value; // NotifyPropertyChanged}}} However, if the if statement is replaced in the code generated by the entity framework (reference references (myProperty, value)) The use of referenceEquals is more clear (as I think all C # programmers do not know that == does the same thing Is not override if it is). / P> Do I have to save between two different types? Are they probably accounting for the possibility that Poko designers have == ? Can override? In essence, if I have not overridden, then == contextExcus () instead! Cementix: ReferenceEclocks () should be used if you think the objects are the same (check the identity). Object. If you think the objects have the same value (parity check) == () used on...

php - How to output multiple rows from an SQL query using the mysqli object -

Assuming that the mysqli object is already instantiatied (and connected) with global variable $ mysql, here is the code I am trying to work together to work with Listing of class {private $ mysql; Function getListingInfo ($ l_id = "", $ category = "", $ subcategory = "", $ username = "", $ status = "active") {$ condition = "` condition` = '$ status' "; If ($! Below ($ l_id)) $ bet = "And` L_ID` = '$ l_id' "; If ($ ($ category) empty down! = "And` category` = '$ range'"; If (below! ($ Subcategory)) $ bet = "And` subcategory` = '$ subcategory'"; If (empty! ($ Username)) $ bet = "AND`Username '=' $ username ''; $ result = $ IT- & gt; MYSCL- & gt; query (" Select where $ a bet is from ") Choose or die ('Error fetching the value '); $ This-> listing = $ result-> fetch_array () or die (' object could not be c...

xaml - Silverlight Not Rendering On Navigation -

I am trying to create a site that requires login, it was completely built in silver light So my first page, home.xaml is loaded in mysite.aspx and it is basically a login page. After the login, the user is redirected to another page user.aspx. In that page, I have embedded another Silverlight control named nav.xaml. Thus now when user.aspx is loaded, it should load the Silverlight control. I am app Programmed XMLVB as if it loads nav.xaml in the routout, when the page request is user.aspx. But for some reason this is not working for my app.xaml.vb code: Private Sub Application_Startup (ByVal object, as byVal e StartupEventArgs) Me.Startup handles if E.InitParams.ContainsKey ("ReqPage") then if iiitparam ("rake page") = "user page" then in the menu.RootViews = new NAV () end or if i Root Viojial = New Home () End If End In In IE, half Nav.xaml is sung but nothing has been given in Firefox. So is Vatsa going on? Pls help! Resolved property o...

Performance profiler for a java application -

I need to customize the Java application. It creates some third-party calls I need some good tools to accurately measure the time taken by individual API calls. To give an idea of ​​complexity - the application has a data source file that contains 1 million rows, and processing takes about an hour to complete. As part of the processing, it creates some third party calls (including some network calls). I need to know which calls are taking a long time, and on this basis, find out a way to optimize the application. Any suggestion would be appreciated. I recommend this is a great monitoring / framework tool that bundled with Oracle / Sun JDK has gone. Just fire it, join your application and start CPU-profiling. A great screencast shows you how to work with it. Screen shot: Blockquote> Runs the ongoing program profiles, and profiling data This standard option is provided for standard output as a feature that is useful in program development and is not intend...

sql server - sql strictly equals, is there something? -

Possible duplicates: Basically I need to check something like this choose * from those users where name = @name, pass = @pass The problem is that the string in the 'PASS' = 'PASS' SQL (MS SQL-Server) is somewhat more stringent to compare It is under your collation, which is It seems that the case is insensitive. For example, the standard code is Latin 1_General_CI_AS , where ci means the case is insensitive. You can force a different fusion for a different comparison: Select those users where name = @name and COLLATE Latin 1_General_CS_AS = @pass COLLATE Latin1_General_CS_AS Incidentally, you should not store passwords in your database - you should greet them and make them.

what javascript or how to build this chart/graph? -

I think my chart / graph (2 and 3 one, I do not know this is affected by the 2 thoughts chart / graph) Does anyone know how to make it? Or do they use any Jassiri script to make it? MacCure may be right, even if you use a SVG library to attract vector graphs Should consider, though. Although Raphaël is my favorite library, there are still many others.

c# - How to Integrate C++ compiler in Visual Studio 2008 -

Can anyone help me with this issue? I am currently working on my project for my final year, graduation degree. And we are developing an application to evaluate the student's programming assignment (for the first year student level) I just use the C ++ compiler by using the C + code in the C ++ compiler I want to know about integrating. In our case, we are loading a student C ++ code in text area, then by clicking on the button we want to compile the code. And if there are any compilation errors, then it will be displayed around the text area. (The interface is attached to it.) And finally it is able to execute the code if there are no compilation errors and the results will be displayed in the console. We were able to do this with the code using the inbuilt compiler using the code C # (the C # code will be loaded in the C ++ code code area). But still are not able to do the C # code. Can someone recommend a way to do this? VS to external compiler Is it possible to i... mvc - test is null in the controller upon post -

I have the following code and after the post, the test value is always zero in the controller. What's wrong with the following code: Model: public class suitcase {public string color {get; Set; } Public string [] size {get; Set; } Public listing & lt; String & gt; Cloth {get; Set; } Public listing & lt; Test & gt; Test {receive; Set; }} Public class test {public string name {get; Set; } Get public int id { Set; }} View: & lt; Fieldet & gt; & Lt; Legend & gt; All about my stuff & lt; / Legend & gt; & Lt; Div class = "editor-label" & gt; & Lt;%: HTML.LabelFor (model = & gt; model color)% & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "editor-field" & gt; & Lt;%: Html.TextBoxFor (model = & gt; model color)% & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Br / & gt; & Lt; Div class = "editor-label" & gt; Width, height, depth: & lt; / Div & gt; ...

java - Creating component in Swing where text field takes only date type value -

I want to create a component in the swing where the text field only takes the date type. You can use JFormattedTextField , set your format for the date can do. Works outside of JRE without using anything, but it can not be the most useful option. Otherwise what user has said and use JXDatePicker of SwingX or DateComboBox .

python - centos libjpeg error _imaging -

I am trying to work with my libjpeg python. I have followed myself to get this and to run on my 10.6, this tutorial worked as a charm Now that I am receiving it on my server I am stuck in it, I believe that it was already I downloaded libjpeg 8b, removed. To create / configure podo pseudo form P> worked fine and actually says jpeg support available Then ran the imaging installation, worked fine. Now when I run into Python and execute import_imaging I get a traceback Traceback (most recent call final): ImportError: in file "", line1, can not open the shared object file: No such file or directory Can anyone have an app? I am working with a lot of mistakes. I now have a dynamic app demo app, which includes MODVASSEE, GIT, DJJO-South, DGEZO-ImageKit, Rackspace CDN, Apache, MSSL etc. I have found that so many people are on this issue, although all the answers have only taken me half way, I have tracked my work and have p...

C++ delete syntax -

I have come into this abnormal use of 'deletion'. Just wanted to know whether the following line removes both pointers or only the first? Here the comma is a comma operator, not a separator. Only the first pointer, ptr1 has been removed. The second indicator, ptr2 , is just one-none expression. Delete has a higher preference than operator , operator, so the expression is written as written: (remove ptr1), (ptr2) and not as it was written: delete (ptr1, ptr2) If , to delete , then only the second pointer will be deleted.

Comparing 2 arrays in Perl -

Comparison of 2 arrays (A and B) can provide a good / good solution in Perl, an array B is found in (and only available once in the array)? view:

flex4 - Flex 4, rotation transition, use shortest route? -

मेरे पास इस ऑब्जेक्ट फ्लेक्स 4 में है & lt; s: समूह id = "shanks "Width =" 243 "height =" 243 "x =" 243 "y =" 243 "रोटेशन। क्लासिक =" 0 "रोटेशन.केंट्रो =" 72 "रोटेशन.लाइस =" 144 "रोटेशन। लीडो =" 216 "रोटेशन । यूरो = "288" क्लिपआणि सक्षम करेंसक्रोलिंग = "गलत" & gt; & Lt; mx: छवि स्रोत = "{circleUnder}" x = "- 243" y = "- 243" / & gt; & Lt; / s: समूह & gt; यह एक चक्र है जिसमें प्रत्येक 72 डिग्री के 5 बराबर भाग हैं। तो प्रत्येक राज्य जो आप देख सकते हैं 72 डिग्री से रोटेशन बढ़ जाती है मेरे पास रोटेशन के लिए एक संक्रमण है जब राज्य इस प्रकार बदलता है: & lt; s: संक्रमण & gt; & LT; रों: संक्रमण & gt; & Lt; mx: एनीमेटेप्रॉपर्टी लक्ष्य = "{shanks}" प्रॉपर्टी = "रोटेशन" / & gt; & Lt; / एस: संक्रमण & gt; & Lt; / एस: संक्रमण & gt; यह एक चक्र है, इसलिए आप राज्य ...

Is it possible to create a branch from a tag in TortoiseSVN without first checking out the tag from SVN server? -

There is about 100 MB code in our trunk directory and we make tags from the trunk directory. Generally, this is not a problem because the tag does not take any place until you need to use it for anything. Since the branches are made from tags in SVN, how can I create a branch from a tag, which was checking the tag first? It appears that before I can use Tortoise> Branch / Tag, to create a branch, I have to update the turtle from Windows Explorer to bring the tag down on my local machine. It seems logical because we do not change the tag folders, and for this I check the 100 MB code, to create only one branch, and then look at another 100 MB code in the branch folder, where the change will actually be made. Ideally, I can create a branch directly in the repository through a repo broker - but I can not see an option for it. Am I missing something? Creating a branch is just a matter of copying the desired directory to another location, it is directly in the repo browser Ca...

jsonp - Can I use IP addresses to limit API access -

I have a small API that is only for apps I have created API service for my app on a separate domain I call it jsonp and in return get json. So I just want my app to be able to access it. Can I just list a series of IP addresses for my app and allow them? Is it a better way to stop requests from someone else than my API? The best way to implement IP-based filtering will be at the web-server level. Here is a brief introduction if this happens then your web-server.

c++ - How to fit a custom graph to the boost graph library template? -

I'm rusting on the C ++ template and I'm using the Boost Graph Library (a deadly combination). I have searched the web and can not find any direct directions about taking custom graph structure and fit enough for the BGL (Boost Graph Library), which I can overcome the boost graph algorithm. Anybody familiar with the library to help me? EDIT: So, the main problem I am facing is where one source is where where the total requirements of maping arbitrary graphs in a BGL graph are actually new to templates, so for me BGL's specification / examples are difficult to read. Maybe I should look for a general source on a template? My suggestion will be to completely use BGL unless you already have it written on it There is not a significant amount of code left. I was recently testing it for future use on a large graph analysis project, and it was not nearly useless due to the highly complex and poorly designed API. There is no simple task in BGL, only complex people, and ...

.net - Avoiding mass propagation of properties and events for exposure to ViewModels -

I am developing an MVVM application which is evolving at that point where I am ready to start collecting a user interface. ( My client code is fairly functional) I'm running on this issue now That I am trying to get my application data where I need it so that it can be consumed by the visual model and then forced to do the scene, unfortunately, it seems that I have some structural oversight , Or I just have to face the reality that I The excessive amount of model errors require raising to inform the promotion of events and scenes that have changed their properties. I should go to some examples of my problem: I have a class "unit" contained in a class "test", "session" contained in "test manager" which is " TestDataModel "is used by" TestViewModel "which is the database by my" testview ".... WHOA Now, consider that there is a property of the unit (under Herarići) which is called "the result" ...

unicode - Python encoding for pipe.communicate -

I'm calling pipe.communicate from Python module from Python 2.6. I get the following error from this code: pop-in pipe = popin (cwd) pipe.communicate (data) For an arbitrary cwd , and where data has Unicode (specifically 0xE 9): Exec Exception: The 'ASCI' codec character U can not contain the '\ xe 9' in position 507: Orderal non in range (128) traceback (most recent call final): ... stdout, stderr = pipe.communicate ( Data) file "/ system / libraries / frames / python. Frameworkwork / version-2.6 / lib / python2.6 / ", line 671, return the dialog in itself ._communicate (input) file" / system / library / framworks / python framework /versions/2.6/lib/python2. 6 / ", in line 1177, _community bytes_written = os.write (self.stdin.fileno (), part) this is happening, I think, because pipe.communicate () ASCII is expecting an encoded string, but data is unicode. Is this a problem? Brian ...

.net - Associating Worksheets with their Names using OpenXML SDK 1.0 -

I am using Microsoft's OpenXML SDK version 1.0 to perform some basic parsing of .xlsx files. I can get and parse worksheets, and I can get a list of worksheet names, but I can not understand what name works with which worksheet. I understand that & lt; Sheet name = "my sheet" sheet id = "1" R: id = "rid1" /> Elements such as in the workspace are linked to a specific worksheet through the relationships defined in the XL / _rels.xml , but I can not see where any relationship related information is coming to the API is. I am using C #, but any example would be just as helpful. I think this dead should be simple, but I can not understand it. It also seems that this can be simpler in SDK v2.0, but the upgrade is not an option at this time. Hey ... yes, it became dead simple Workbookpart class one Worksheet Pars uses the property on which I was hung, but it also exposes a GetPartById (relationshipId) method. Workbook f...

rotation - Changing anchor point in DirectX c++ -

I would like to build a turret, which can rotate in all the axes. So the base depends on the actual Y values ​​in the Y axis and in the barrel X / Z axis, such as the common turret, whose half-ball base is and the barrel cylinder. What is the best way to do this in Simple DirectX? (I'm not using any ready pack, because I do not want to use it). I thought the base and barrel would be the best way to form the base in different models, and then rotate them. I think that is a better solution because in the big games, like space shooters you can see in a battle of Terror's Hunders and the effects are quite large. So I think it might slow down a bit? I am not an ideal producer .... what I say with a grain of salt. .. You can still make a model entirely, but it can be connected to your bone inside the barrel model. This is an easy way to provide a model with multiple rotation (i.e. rotating the whole thing around y and then rotate the barrel up / down). As far as big ...

c++ - IDL-like parser that turns a document definition into powerful classes? -

I am looking for an IDL (or whatever) translator, which is classified as a DOM- or JSON- Li> Provide a change history to enable an underscore / re-action Large data portion on disk In separate processes to view and modify the document (or Even on different machines) Allow multiple editors The thing which comes to the nearest yet is Blender 2.5 DNA / RNA system, but as a separate library Is not available, and is badly documented. I try to make sure I am not sure that such a lib is presently in existence, so I know that my time is not wasted when I start designing and writing. This editing is going to provide a great foundation for writing UI components. is the closest product that I could think of. I do not know if you can do the serialization on the disk with ICE, but I can not think of a reason why this will not happen. The problem is $ $$ I have not personally licensed them, but ICE is the biggest player in this domain. Then you have a pyth...

java - Are JPA / Hibernate Exceptions not translated? -

Using a JApa / Hibernate, a battery of DAO integration tests has ended, and many of them expect an exception to throw. However, I have noticed that hibernation has to be ignored by the good hierarchy of exceptions provided by JPA space and instead it always throws the general personality exception, which wraps their hibernate specific exception. Am I doing something wrong or is it a bug in Hibernate? You can use the @Repository and configure your repository with the spring, then You can use Spring's DataAccessException hierarchy, which is translated very well both from JPA and Hibernate by Spring.

indexing - Create ordering in a MySQL table without using a number (because then it's hard to put something in between) -

I have a long list of items in a monthly table (say, some million items), let's call it mytable And it's mytable.itemid field. Items are ordered, and can be re-ordered by the user by drag and drop if I add a field named mytable.order and put the number in them, then it creates problems Does: What if I want to move an item between 2 other items? Then all the order fields need to be updated? It seems like a nightmare. Is there a way in adding a command to a table, which changes each item according to a number, accordingly, and separates the order of the SQL queries every time? You can create triggers or stored functions to properly remove order value, or all associated records And insert new people into new orders. - How to WelCome control in Webpart code? -

मुझे पृष्ठ पर एक वेबपॉइंट रखना होगा वेबपटल को स्वागत नियंत्रण शीर्षक बदलने की आवश्यकता है। मुझे "वेलकम यूज़र नेम" को "यूज़रनेम" में बदलना होगा। मैंने कोशिश की, लेकिन उसने वेबपटल में काम नहीं किया अगर किसी को इस नियंत्रण को बदलने का विचार है मेरे साथ साझा करें यही कारण है कि लेख एक तरह की एक बहुत व्यापक पूर्वाभ्यास यह करने के लिए है -। शायद अपने केंद्र को निर्धारित करने के लिए जहां आप इसे लागू करने में गड़बड़ हो सकती होना चाहिए? एक वैकल्पिक (hacky) प्रणाली ने CEWP का उपयोग कर या मास्टर पेज कि के लिए खोज करेंगे संशोधित पेज में कुछ Javscript डाल करने के लिए किया जाएगा स्वागत स्ट्रिंग और इसे हटाने सुझाव -। के लिए खोज नहीं है "आपका स्वागत है", अपने कंटेनर के लिए खोज जो (इस तरह एक छोटे से लग रहा है कुछ विशेषताओं स्पष्टता के लिए बाहर छीन & lt; अवधि title = "मेनू खोलें" & gt; & lt; div id = "zz7_Menu_t" ... वर्ग = "एमएस-SPLink एमएस-SpLinkButtonInActive" & gt; & lt; a accesskey = "एल" id ...

c++ - Pure virtual destructor in interface -

This is my problem. I'm making C ++ DLL, which is largely dependent on exporting the example object, so I I send my real examples back as an interface through some exported factory method. The interfaces I use are completely virtual, so I also need a pure virtual constructor, and I applied one (with empty body, as I did it google). All are thoroughly prepared, except ... I can not see if real killers have been called or not - because when I did something like std :: cout & lt; & Lt; "Hello Destructor"; I never get to see it. I have some obvious "obj" (edit: and it is called "free object" inside DLL), it is not the problem. Am I missing something? Is there another way to delete my object through the interface? EDIT: Again, I do not have memory management inconsistency, it's all within DLL but the right destroyer does not start right now. You should not match and should not match new and Delete on DLL borders Instead,...

android - java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget? -

Friends, I am using the following code to display a bitmap on the screen and the next And the previous button New Code HttpGet httpRequest = null; {HttpRequest = new HttpGet (mImage_URL [Val]); } Hold (exception e) {return 0; } Http client httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient (); HttpResponse response = (HTTPPS) httpclient.execute (httpRequest); Bitmap bm; HttpEntity unit = response.getEntity (); Buffer httptextf buff html entrant = new buffed htpnt (unit); InputStream = bufHttpEntity.getContent (); Try {BM = BitMap Feature Encodestream (is); } Hold (exception before) {} is.close (); Old code URL aURL = new URL (mImage_URL [VAL]); URLConnection conn = aURL.openConnection (); Conn.connect (); InputStream = Faucet; Try {is = conn.getInputStream (); } Grip (IOE EXPRESS E) {} BuffhendInputStream BIS = New BufferInputStream (); BM = Bitmapfinder Ecodestream (bis); Bis.close (); is close(); Img.setImageBitmap (BM); And it was giving me error decoder-> decode return...

Change a registry value in VB.NET -

After I have searched a lot to find a solution for my problem, but I can not find any specific solutions is. I need to change a value that is stored under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ APP_NAME . It is not possible to use .NET's registry functions, because they are not strict restrictions. The following snippet should resolve my problem:. Smoothed RegKey RegistryKey as a dim, in the form of ver as decimal RegKey = My.Computer.Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey ("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ APP_NAME", this is true) regKey.SetValue ("IP", "") RegKey. Close () Unfortunately, when I try to set the value, I get a NullReferenceExeption. What should I do? I have imported Microsoft.Win32 and RegistryKey does not accept any manufacturer. Remove the "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" key from the text, which is already covered by the localmachine member in your code. Used to be. Beware that this code will not work ...

iphone - Getting the x,y location while using the UIScrollview -

मैं iphone सिम्युलेटर 3.2 का उपयोग कर रहा हूं। जब मैं UIScrollview को Imageview पर रख रहा हूं, तो एक्स, वाई निर्देशांक कंसोल में प्रदर्शित नहीं होते हैं कृपया मुझे इस समस्या को सुधारने का समाधान दें। कोशिश करें (UIScrollView *) theScrollView.contentOffset यह एक CGPoint है।

php - Problem with Json in Jquery -

I have a small survey, but when I submit it, it says that the message is zero, I Do not know where my error is. If you can help me then I confirm it. Thanks My form with jazzery and ajax function & lt ;! DOCTYPE HTML & gt; & Lt; Hmtl lang = "pt-pt" & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Title & gt; Formul & amp; Aacute; Rio & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" src = "" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Hour / & gt; & Lt; H3 & gt; Formulario & lt; / H3 & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" charset = "UTF-8" & gt; Click on $ (function () {$ ('# submiter'). (Function () {$ .ajax ({type: "POST", url: 'validar.php', datatype: 'Jason', success: function (Msg)) {Warning ('Mensagem' + msg....

ajax - Does jquery require timestamp on GET Calls in IE7? -

Please refer to the jQuery code below, it is used to endorse some search results paginate: function () {$ ("#wishlistPage .results") HTML (.jpg "); var url = BASE_URL +" wishlist / wish list_pagged / "; $ .ajax ({type: "GET", URL: that URL, data: {sort_by: $ ('# componentSortOrder input: hidden'.) Val (), offset: My.WishList.offset, per_page: 10, timestamp: New date () GetTime ()}, success: work (transport) {$ ("# wish list page results"). Html (transport);}});}, on my problem page The point is not to point out, the point is when I have to call this function, when something goes on the other side of a page that removes some search results, it results in the older IE7, the other browsers are ok Works if timestamp is added: new date (). Match-time () part fixed it IE problem I know why this happens in jQuery? Do I need to include URL in timestamp parameter to avoid caching in all jQuery Ajax calls? In short, yes IE...

java ee - How to get deployed jars in Jboss -

How do I get a list of jars posted in Jebos? I want to compile some classes, runtime in EJB, but they can use some deployed jars, so I need to specify the spacepace during compilation. It is possible to list applications deployed using this

CRC error detection problem -

I need to detect the CRC error in my system due to the generation polynomial I do not know that the maximum of detective error How is the number determined (and also undetectable)? Say I have got it, say, the following is x (x) = x ^ 4 + x ^ 3 + 1. 2 ^ 15 are potential transmission - 11-bit word protected by this CRC You can. How to get the number of transmission with detectionable and undetectable errors? Thanks for the reply! Cheers

html - jQuery noob: $("this").parent().attr("id",newId); troubles -

I have this code that I'm trying to change the ID of on.hover. & lt; Span id = "slidingproduct" & gt; & Lt; A href = "{link controller = order action = addToCart id = $ product.ID returnPath = true}" rel = "nofollow" class = "addToCart" title = "bastille" onclick = "addToBasket (); return back;" id = "Fly_to_basket" & gt; & Nbsp; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; I tried to use this jQuery, but this ID does not change. $ (function () {$ ("# fly_to_basket") Ever ("id", slidingprod (1));}) $ ("# fly_to_basket"). Hover (function () {$ (this). Attr ("onclick", addToBasket (1));}); What am I doing? thanks :) your comment is going away I have to change slidingprod to id slidingprod (1) There are no valid characters for the bracket ID string. : The id and the NAME token should start with a letter ([AZAZ]) and...

Python vs. Java performance (runtime speed) -

संभव डुप्लिकेट: प्रत्येक भाषाओं की सभी विशेषताओं की उपेक्षा करना और गति पर एकमात्र ध्यान केंद्रित करना, कौन सी भाषा बेहतर प्रदर्शन-वार है? आपको लगता था कि यह जवाब देने के लिए एक सरल सवाल होगा, लेकिन मुझे नहीं मिला सभ्य। मुझे पता है कि अजगर के साथ कुछ प्रकार के संचालन तेजी से हो सकते हैं, और इसके विपरीत, लेकिन मुझे इसके बारे में कोई विस्तृत जानकारी नहीं मिली। क्या किसी ने प्रदर्शन अंतर पर कुछ प्रकाश डाला है? जावा पायथन से अधिक तेज है आसानी से। पायथन कई चीजों के लिए अनुकूल है; गति जरूरी उनमें से एक नहीं है। संदर्भ

Why does this simple bash code give a syntax error? -

I have the following bad code, which has been copied and pasted from "Basque cookbook" (1 version): #! / Bin / bash VERBOSE = 0; If [[$ 1 = -v]] veerbose = 1; Shift; FI When I run it (bash 4.0.33), I get the following syntax error: ./ line 4: Conditional binary operator expected ./ line 4: syntax error with `= -v './ line 4:` If [[$ 1 = -v]]' ' Is this simple as a wrong impression in the Bash cookbook, or is there any version incompatibility or is there something else? What will be most obvious? I have tried different combinations of changing operators, but I am not really familiar with Bash scripting. Uses spaces to bash the scripts line: Should be [[$ 1 = -v]] : if [[$ 1 = -V]]

rotation - iPhone multi-touch move, scale and rotate, how to prevent scale? -

I have existing code to track multi-touch status and then rotate, rotate and scaling items - An image in this situation - appropriate. The code really works well and is perfect in itself, although for this special work, I only need movement and rotation. What is happening in this period? Have spent time learning to know, but mathematics is not my strong point, so want to see if someone can help? - Along with incremental conversion (Cagefin transform): *) Touch {NSArray * sortedTouches = [[touches all objects] Sorted Selector: @Selector (compare address) ]; NSInteger numTouches = [Sorting counting]; // if no touch (numTouches == 0) {Return CGAffineTransformIdentity; } // Single touch if (numTouches == 1) {UITouch * touch = [sortedTouches objectAtIndex: 0]; CGPoint startpoint = * (CGPoint *) CFFGet value (touchbointpoints, touch); CGPoint movepoint = [Touch Location Invoice: self Superviv]; Return CGAffineTransformMakeTranslation (current Point.x - beginPoint.x, currentPoint.y -...

oracle - How can I get values from one table to another via similar values? -

मेरे पास excel नामक सारणी है, जिसमें 3 कॉलम हैं, name , आईडी , और पूर्ण_नाम । नाम भाग मेरे पास एकमात्र है और मुझे id और पूर्ण_नाम भरने की आवश्यकता है। दूसरी तालिका जिसमे डेटा है वह tim_pismena कहा जाता है और इसमें 2 कॉलम हैं जिनकी मुझे ज़रूरत है, id और pismeno_name (वास्तविक नाम महत्वपूर्ण नहीं हैं, लेकिन मैं सिर्फ स्पष्टता के लिए उन्हें लिख रहा हूं)। pseudooracle कोड :) का चयन है कि मुझे दूसरी तालिका से मूल्यों हो जाता है में कुछ इस तरह से किया जाना होगा: का चयन करें, tim_pismena tp से tp.pismeno_name जहां ऊपरी (tp.pismeno_name ) की तरह ऊपरी ( '% (एक्सेल में से नाम चुनें)%') में और जब एक डालने के साथ प्रयोग किया, अंतिम परिणाम की तरह कुछ होना चाहिए नाम आईडी full_name हैप्पी जो 55 बहुत मजेदार जगह हैप्पी जो, है ना? का प्रयोग करें बयान विलय 1 मर्ज 2 में एक्सेल TGT 3 का उपयोग tim_pismenae src 4 पर (ऊपरी (src.naziv_pismena) की तरह '%' || ऊपरी (tgt.ime) || '%') 5 जब मिलान 6 तब 7 अद्यतन 8 सेट = 9 , tgt.full_na...

internet explorer 6 - Printing in IE6 completely different to other A-grade browser printing -

Do anyone know the best practice print document for printing a website in IE6? I have a specific page that needs to be printed and it comes out well in other browsers except IE6, where it is being cut in large quantities on the right side of my page. Thanks I found the most stupid-proof method to make some printable By providing a print button that is linked to a PDF version of the document. The main task is to create PDF, but it can be quite easy with the right tool. I use the python app to generate a page and generate it. A PDF version may require some tweaking, so you need a special stylesheet to fix some things. In addition, you are leaving IE fixing it can help to add print stylesheet: & lt; Link rel = "stylesheet" href = "print.css" type = "text / css" media = "print" /> and overriding some of its more extraordinary positioning methods. If you are focusing, then drag it back to the left, cut out the external ma...

c# - Generating unmanaged C++ via CodeDom -

I'm looking at CodeDom to generate a non-programmed C ++ code, it seems that the The default implementation of CppCodeProvider is only capable of creating Managed C ++ / CLI. Is there any option out there? Thank you! It is not about to fly. A very serious impedance does not match between the classes in the system. Codedom, such as codeatament et al, and the structure of an original C ++ program, there is no way to model something in the form of non-square member work, not supported in managed code. Or header files including perceptions Or single pass compilation atketa

c# - How can solve "Cross-thread operation not valid"? -

I try to start multiple threads but I can not return it for error: cross- Thread operation is not valid: The 'ListBox1' thread was created to control external access from another thread. MyCodes: Public DataTable dTable; Public datatyla dtRowsCount; Thread T1; Thread Start ts1; Zero ExcelToSql () {// SelectDataFromExcel (); Ts1 = new threadstart (SelectDataFromExcel); T1 = new thread (ts1); T1.Start (); } zero SelectDataFromExcel () {string connectionString = @ "provider = Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0; data source = C: \ source \ address.xlsx; extended properties = "" Excel 12.0; HDR = Yes; "" "; OleDbConnection Excel Connection = New OleDbConnection (connectionString); String [] sheet = new string [] {"cepa1"}; ExcelConnection.Open (); // This code will open the Axel file. OndeB Command DB Command; OleDbDataAdapter Data Adapter; // progressBar1.Minimum = 1; Fresh (Sheets in Sheets) {DB Commands = New Oledib Commands ("...

Adding a Button to a WPF DataGrid -

I want to create a DataGrid control in WPF that has a button in the first cell of each row Clicking on this button will show RowDetailsTemplate or SubRow. / Div> Create DataGridTemplateColumn to include the first button: & Lt; DataGridTemplateColumn & gt; & Lt; DataGridTemplateColumn.CellTemplate & gt; & Lt; DataTemplate & gt; & Lt; Button click = "ShowHideDetails" & gt; Details & lt; / Button & gt; & Lt; / DataTemplate & gt; & Lt; /DataGridTemplateColumn.CellTemplate> & Lt; / DataGridTemplateColumn & gt; When the button is clicked, enter DataGridRow of DetailsVisibility : to zero Update ShowHideDetails (for object sender, RoutedEventArgs E) {as (VisVis = Sender view; Vis! = Empty; vis = as VisualTreeHelper.GetParent (VIS)) if (vis DataGridRow) {var line = ( DataGridRow); Line. Detailed Description = Row Detailed description == Visibility. Visible? Visibility Collapsed: Vi...

iphone - OAuth2 Flow for Mobile Devices -

We are currently working on an API that will be consumed by different types of different devices, we use the OAuth2 device Because it defines multiple streams which were not available in the original OAuth space. My question is, which flow will work best for mobile devices like iPhones or iPads? How does an application like TweetDeck use? Looking at the Web, it looks like using the "Username and Password Credentials Flow" (Browser Token Exchange) like the TweetDeck client. Can anyone provide more information on this topic? Request Android (mobile device users) and clients (app on mobile). In this case, it seems reasonable that this belief is in existence. Basically it happens that the authentication is sent to the server instead of the entry token. > div>

cocoa - How to get notified when window order or position on Mac has changed? -

My program needs to be changed to window order and status. Just like when some window moves above the other or moves somewhere. Can this be done with Cocoa (Window Service, Notification API)? Are these windows related to your app? If this is the case, just register for the following notifications: NSWDDIDI IDBIBMINNotification NSWDDIDI IDRSignManificationNsWWWWWind NotificationNSSWandDODIEdisationNotification If Windows is not related to your app, you may have to use a timer .

NUnit in TFS 2008 and .NET 4.0 -

Is there a way to set /framework:net-4.0 in nunit-console.exe.config? Or any other way to run NUnit tests? I thought that only NUINT is applicable to GUI, it clearly applies to it. So to answer my question, what you have to do is call it & lt; Startup & gt; & Lt; Supported serial version = "v4.0" /> & Lt; / Startup & gt; Nunit-console.exe.config and you do not need to specify it as a command argument. - Can the SQlMembershipProvider be used with umbraco -

Do anyone have an example of this, umbraco stinks a little from what I've read, but I ' / P> You can do it at the front of the members, but not in the back-end . It is very easy to do this, just change the provider section in web.config I have used umbraco with SQLMbsShipProvider, as well as I have implemented myself by custom subscription providers.

python - how to perform square root without using math module? -

I want to find the square root of a number without using the math module, because I have to call the function 20k times and the function Every time the function is called when want to slow performance down by adding mathematical modules Is there a fast and easy way to find the square root ?? Importing the math module only happens once, and you probably are not much faster than the math module Will find There is also an old stack overflow question about it. It is not clear which method is fast. Do not ignore the probation for the SQLRT, but if you are doing some heavy calculations then it can be easy.

generics - How to determine if a List is sorted in Java? -

मुझे एक ऐसा तरीका चाहिए जो एक सूची & lt; T & gt; जहां T लागू करता है तुलनात्मक और true या गलत पर निर्भर करता है कि सूची को सॉर्ट किया गया है या नहीं। क्या है जावा में इसे लागू करने का सबसे अच्छा तरीका है? यह स्पष्ट है कि जेनेरिक और वाइल्डकार्ड का मतलब ऐसी चीजों को आसानी से संभालने में सक्षम है, लेकिन मैं सभी को उलझा कर रहा हूं। यह भी जांचने के लिए एक अनुरूप तरीका है कि सूची में है या नहीं रिवर्स ऑर्डर। अपने शानदार वर्ग के माध्यम से इस कार्यक्षमता को प्रदान करता है। एक आदेश एक Comparator ++ है इस मामले में, यदि आपके पास कुछ प्रकार की एक सूची है जो Comparable लागू करती है, तो आप लिख सकते हैं: बूलीयन सॉर्ट किया गया है = ऑर्डरिंग। नैसर्गिक ()। IsOrdered (सूची) ; यह किसी भी iterable के लिए काम करता है, न सिर्फ सूची , और आप आसानी से null को संभाल सकते हैं यह निर्दिष्ट करना है कि क्या उन्हें किसी भी अन्य गैर- null तत्वों के पहले या बाद में आना चाहिए: ऑर्डरिंग। नैसर्गिक ()। NullsLast ()। IsOrdered (सूची); इसके अलावा, जब से आपने उल्लेख किय...

Why does adding two values in nVelocity always returns zero? -

I am trying to add two values ​​to velocity and it always returns to 0. What am I doing wrong? #set ($ tmpPrice = $ orderItem.ExtendedPrice + $ discountAmount) Both $ orderItem.ExtendedPrice & amp; The $ discount allowance is that decimal numbers, such as: 99.99 try $ tmpPrice = ($ OrderItem.ExtendedPrice + $ discountAmount)

Is there a universal way to get a nice textual representation of a variable in VBA? -

In VBA, is there a good way to represent the text of a variable / object? Like different string of Java.valuef (...) methods. There is nothing beyond the CSRR, whose limitations you have seen are only one thing you can do Well, write it yourself. Fortunately, VBA has made enough of enough operators to make it easier ('ISARRA, Iseremic', 'Vertip' etc.). (And it surprises you, "Why not just make 'CSRR' more powerful? '' ...) The work given below is an example. They are for Excel / VBA code, Therefore, you probably do not care about the implementation of the routine of their name, which is for format arrays, etc., but they should give you the original idea. 'string public function fmt ( Argus) as the diagnosis of the edition itself IsObject (arg) then fmt = fmtObj_ (arg) otherwiseif IsArray (Arg) then fmt = fmtArr_ (arg) 'Note that this test should come after IsArray () Since IsMissing () Returns' empty array The parameter is ...

multithreading - Java synchronized method lock on object, or method? -

If I have 2 synchronized methods in the same class, but each one has access to different variables, 2 Thread can reach those 2 ways at the same time? Does the lock occur on the object, or in the synchronized method is typically found in the form of the variable? Example: Class X {Private int A; Private int b Public synchronized ADA () {a ++; } Public synchronized zero (ADB) {b ++; }} You can use the same example as 2 thread square X to x.addA ( ) and x.addB () At the same time? If you declare the method as synchonized (as you are typing Public synchronized zero AA () ) you synchronize on the entire object, so the two threads reaching a different variable from this thread will block each other. If you want to synchronize only one variable at a time, two threads will not block each other while reaching different variables, you can call them synchronized () blocks were a and b object references that you will use: public zero addA () {synchronize (a) { A +...

Is there a template language for ASP.NET MVC like JSTL and OGNL? -

Is there a template language like ASP.NET MVCL like JSTL and OGNL? I do not think ASPNT is equal to JSTL or OGNL for MVC. In most cases, HTML is adequate for helpers. EDIT: If the code is a problem then you should look in the SPARCView engine.

multithreading - What to use to wait on a indeterminate number of tasks? -

I'm still quite computing because I'm not even sure to use the tool for working parallel new. I have a system.Threading.Tasks.Task that has to wait for the number of tasks to end before the start of this difficult part after this task (You are never guaranteed to hit 0 dependent functions unless they are all done) may start some of their dependencies. Here's what's going on Parent thread produces between 1 and (NUMBER_OF_CPU_CORES - 1). Parent thread creates a surveillance thread Monitoring thread is a worker Depending on the task of killing or loading the work, a new task can be laid. I can figure out the steps above to step up to step 4 until I wait to run until any new worker thread is made in phase 4 finish Get work from 2? After you can pass an array of code> work after you all The task is to begin, to wait on the new task is along with it. Edit: Potential solution for the problem of your dynamically-generated tasks: Continuing a...

modeling - When is the Data Vault model the right model for a data-warehouse? -

Recently found a reference to "data" as a model for warehouses, the models I have seen before, Enon and Kimball are the writers referring to possible performance problems due to joining the need. It looks like a good model, but I'm surprised about the catch. Is there any experience report on-line? You can find a whole lot on my blog: and at Datawalth Institute dot com on the forums But to give you quick / concise answer to your question: made available: 1) The concept of loading raw data in the data warehouse 2) Understand that the data walt usually does not allow "end-user" direct access due to model. More, but the profit is more than the drawbacks. Feel free to view the blog, it is free to register / comply. Cheers, Dan Lynchst

android - Howto get Autocomplete for the Propertys in Eclipse -

Is it possible to get autocomplete or something when I work with the eclipse form editor? I write a color in strings.xm and then I want to choose it by the physicians for text color, but there is no autocomplete or something equivalent What do I understand about your question, do you want autocomplete for a content in the XML file? correct? As far as I know it is not possible, because eclipse does not parse those files, even if eclipse exactly is what you want, to do so A plugin is available After rotating quickly I found this post on the eclipse forums which you would like to try. HH,

mysql - Best practice for writing sql statements in php -

Does someone point me to a resource or shows me a good way to write sql statements in php "post-text" itemprop = "text"> use feel free to format your code Code sample: $ stmt = $ pdo- & gt; Ready ('Select ... from ... JOIN ... JOIN ... where ... and ABC =: ABC and DEF = DEF'); $ Stmt- & gt; Execution (array ('abc' = & gt; 'ABC value', 'DEF' => 'DEF value'));

arrays - jQuery Grouping Similar Items w/ Object Literal -

इसलिए मेरे पास यह संरचना सेटअप है: & lt; ul & gt; & Lt; li & gt; http: // वी = dw1Vh9Yzryo & lt; / li & gt; (विद 1) & lt; li & gt; http: // V = bOF3o8B292U & lt; / li & gt; (Vid2) & lt; li & gt; http: // V = yAY4vNJd7A8 & lt; / li & gt; (विद 3) & lt; li & gt; http: // V = yAY4vNJd7A8 & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; li & gt; http: // वी = dw1Vh9Yzryo & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; li & gt; http: // वी = bOF3o8B292U & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; li & gt; http: // वी = yAY4vNJd7A8 & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; li & gt; http: // वी = dw1Vh9Yzryo & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; / ul & gt; Vid1 को 3 बार दोहराया जाता है, Vid2 को 3 बार दोहराया जाता है, और Vid3 दो बार दोहराया जाता है। मैं उन्हें एक संरचना में रखना चाह...

c# - How can I make a single WCF method ConcurrencyMode.Multiple when service is ConcurencyMode.Single -

I have a service defined as ConcurrencyMode.Single: This service tells the client that the current What's working in: [OperationContract] String Getitrytask Description (); Is this method a way to make acceptable while another long-running job is underway, where all the methods now follow single-threaded concurrency model? You can not create an example mode of reference mode. If you really need a single threaded set of calls and a multi-thread set of calls will require you to create a new service contract for this call.

php - How to Ignore query string in a URL? -

नमस्कार, मेरे पास ऐसा कुछ है: if (isset ($ _ POST ['btnProm '])) {$ Idads = mysql_real_escape_string ($ _ POST [' idAds ']); require_once ( "adPromFrm.php"); } जब कोई बटन दबाया जाता है, तो एक फ़ॉर्म दिखाई देगा .... जब मैं पेज को ताज़ा करता हूँ, तो फ़ॉर्म गायब नहीं होता, लेकिन जब मैं क्लिक करता हूं एक प्रश्न स्ट्रिंग के साथ एक लिंक (thisPage.php? Lang = fr ...), फ़ॉर्म गायब हो जाता है। मुझे पता है कि फॉर्म को केवल तभी पूछना चाहिए जब बटन दबाया जाता है, लेकिन मैं कैसे क्वेरी को अनदेखा कर सकता हूं स्ट्रिंग। आप इस व्यवहार के लिए उपयोग करने पर विचार कर सकते हैं सत्र डेटा अनुरोधों के बीच आयोजित किया जाता है, इसलिए लिंक पर क्लिक करने से फ़ॉर्म गायब नहीं होगा। ध्यान रहें: & lt; इनपुट प्रकार = सबमिट नाम = showForm value = "दिखाएँ फार्म "& gt; & Lt; इनपुट प्रकार = सबमिट करें नाम = छिपानाफ़ॉर्म मान = "फ़ॉर्म छुपाएं" & gt; के & lt ;? session_start (); अगर ($ _REQUEST ['showForm']) $ _SESSION [showForm]...

php - Using PHPUnit to test cookies and sessions, how? -

It is easy to test the raw PHP code with PHPUnit, but what about the code that relies heavily on cookies? Session can be a good example. Is there any way that I do not need to set up $ _ cookie with data during my trial? This is a way to do things. This is a common problem with code, especially PHP code. The general technique to be used in the related objects is to pull the COKI / session variable forward and use the control technology (exposure) to draw those dependencies into the scope. I think, before executing the test, only overriding super global value can be achieved with the same legacy code. Cheers, Alex

How to avoid "source !=null" when using Code Contracts and Linq To Sql? -

I have the following code using a normal data reference that works great: var dc = new myDataContext (); Contract.assum (DC. Car! = Null); Var Cars = (Select from DC Carr where C. Honor == 'Jim' c) .Oolist (); However, when I convert the filter to an extension method like this: var dc = new myDataContext (); Contract.assum (DC. Car! = Null); Var car = DC Carous Owner ('gym'); Public stable IQueryable & lt; Cars & gt; Onner (this IQueryable & lt; car & gt; car; string owner) {contract. Requirements (cars! = Null); Return cars. Where (c => c. Owner == owner); } I get the following warning: Warning: CodeContract: Unproduct Required: Source! = Void My guess is that your warning is caused by the owner parameter rather than cars To find out whether the owner is not empty, add a pre-condition to theOwner method. Public stable IQueryable & lt; Cars & gt; Together Owner (IQueryable & lt; car & gt; car, string owner) ...

Parsing email with Python -

I am writing a Python script to process the returned emails as suggested in this, I have the following Using Procmail config: : 0: | $ HOME / My script is getting an email through stdin like this: Hostname from Tuesdays June 15 21:43:30 2010 Received: (QM 8580 applicable from Network); 15 June 2010 21:43:22 -0400 received: by (20 IP-73-187-35-131. IPSUSSAVERVER. From SMTP; 15 June 2010 21:43:22 -0400 Received: With SMTP ID 19so170709fxm.3 by fxm19 & lt; ;; Mars, 15 June 2010 18:47:33 -0700 (PDT) MIME-version: 1.0 Received: SMTP ID M1 MR 2774225 MUL .26.1276652853684 with; Tuesday, 15 June 2010 18:47:33 -0700 (PDT) Received: by HTTPS; Tuesday, June 15, 2010 18:47:33 -0700 (PDT) Date: Tuesday, 15 June 2010 20:47:33 -0500 Message-ID: & lt;> Subject: By Exam 12: Full Name & lt; Userna...

How do code coverage tools work? -

How do code coverage tools like NOCover know how some parts of the code were executed and which parts were not? here Is a technical paper. My company creates a family of test coverage tools for Java, C #, C ++, PHP, COBOL, PLSQL, ... based on this principle.

osx - Umbraco, Macintosh and some working blog software -

I have a website which is using Umbraco because it is CMS. Everything is working on a PC. I'm able to use Windows Live Writer to create blogs with problems at all. My problem comes when Macintosh users try to blog I have different software packages, mars edits, Bloggo etc., but no one is working. Is anyone happy with the blog software on any Macintosh using Umbraco as backend? This is probably a little helpful: (Qumana Blog Manager)

sql - Join a single row in one table to n random rows in another -

Is it possible to join SQL Server, which can be included in table Random Random Rows from each row? For example, I have a customer table, a product table and an order table. I want to include each customer in 5 random products and put these lines in the order table. (And each client should be included in their own 5 random rows, I do not want all customers to be included in the same 5 rows) Is this possible? I am using SQL Server 2005 and it is fine if the solution is specific to that. This is a strange requirement, but I'm basically creating a small data generator to generate some random data. See something like this DECLARE @Products table (id Int, Prod VARCHAR (10)) Include the Custom Tab (ID INT) @ product selection in 1, select 'A' Select the product 2, select the products in 'B' 3, 'C' Select INSERT @ products, include the customer's choice in 'D' @ Customer Selection 2 - Select a cross product, but apply a random serial num...

perl - How can I store a DateTime::Duration object in my DBI::Class model on a MySQL database? -

I am currently using the plugin to keep my date column blooming in the datetime objects and my date-time objects are using MySQL I decrease the debt value. I want to accumulate the age of a person (I can not use DOB) and for this it can be value of year, months or days. So I'm using the date time :: duration object thing is that the plugin will fail if the value is not a valid date (and 0020-08-00 is not valid). Can I use the plugin, do I have to write my own or any other way? (BTWS MYSQL does not allow such values ​​- I do not mind that this is 'invalid' - it works for me needs and I am not planning to change my RDBMS. So I finished writing my own Inflightech column module. You can find it

java - Correct Usage of ProcessBuilder -

After researching, I have found that to use Java processbilders, the "right" way to test the two other threads The stdout / stderr of the newly created process to make, so that it is not shown here: but it left me thinking about 2 questions - 1.) Why is the basic process stdout rising and then gradually stderr? 2.) In addition, if you redirect the stream to go both to the studio, then it will be acceptable to swad stdout only to the original process, and then to worry about deadlocks Do not need to? Keep your words in mind. Because the child can write both and when you have a buffer load for stderr (the child waits for the parent Stderr , waits for parents to close stdout . if not the child's process to stdin is also needed, you should handle stdin in your main thread and read the merged output stream through an extra thread and then It can be deadlock (child can wait) to read the output stream for parents and wait for the parent to read the d...

flex - "Make" system for Actionscript? -

In working on large action scripts / flash projects, I actually started feeling the need for some kind of "make" system. , but I have not found it yet. Ability to associate SWCs with their source code and / or FLAS i.e. "This source is compiled from this source" / li> These SWC A single, big shiny button is pressed when the following: is the ability to mark my current project (either as a compilation-time or runtime library) To see if any of the source files have changed, and if Ace , Then recompits their respective SWC Recompilease and Main Relink to SWF, if necessary, main .swf To do so, to get something like FlashDevelop Not the way (but I do not know enough to make sure). Support for both code and FLA sources is preferred. You see what is based on Ruby on the make version of Mac all this stuff and much more If you have Ruby and Ruby Games installed which I think is installed by default on Mac, you can install it by typing in your ...

windows - SVN public DNS access problem -

I got a problem on the configuration of Apache under Windows. I is in the server domain if local DNS server If I check out via HTTPS, then I have no problem, if I try to checkout by specifying public DNS through HTTPS (or any other outside of the company) then failing by saying: This is not a turtle issuer, because the same problem will take me the command Eine has also found. Please check if your firewall allows exceptions to the required port in external use, perhaps in that rule There is something like "Allow in Domain Network", you have to change it to work from outside. But be careful with Windows-Server in the Internet.

flash - AS3: resizing as a result of an eventListener -

I have coded a map when a province object is clicked, then moving it to the center of the screen Should the percentage of the width, along with many different things being displayed The problem is that it needs to be double click to change the image size. It moves, and all children are displayed as they were designed to do, but the size-changing does not work on the first click. Any ideas how to fix this problem? menuItem4_mc.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick); Public function onClick (mc: MouseEvent): Zero {menuItem4_mc.width = width * .65; MenuItem4_mc.height = Height * .7; // brings the stage set setildIndex (menuItem4_mc, numChildren - 1) to Ontario; MenuItem4_mc.x = 670/2; MenuItem4_mc.y = 480/2; ...} Thanks! First try to move the positioning statement above the width and height details (X and Y reference ) It could work. If this does not happen, refer to the width and height of the forum while specifying the container instead of the movieclip. I'm...

.NET 4 GC known thresholds to trigger collection? -

I know that logic is not easy for GC triggers, but there are some thresholds to monitor it. Nobody knows what could be the Threshold NAT4 workstation and server GC? Thanks There are no set thresholds, they change dynamically because The garbage collector learns more about the allocation pattern of the program. You do not have any way to find the current limit, nor to change it. From accidental observation, this workstation appears to be starting with GC2 megabyte gene 0 pile. Which can increase up to 8 megabytes. The server is quite different from the GC workstation, it generally uses large thresholds and multiple threads to collect garbage. Then, you can not find anything, which can not be seen by display counters in Perfman.EXA