
Showing posts from September, 2015

Re-ordering C++ template functions -

I have a fixed template function in C ++, which, on a given condition, a template function in another class Makes a call. The problem is that to apply the second class, the full definition of first class is required because it creates a second class and stores it and manages it in the same fashion. The problem is that naturally, they fall as a class, and thus there is some tight interop, except that I want two classes for threading reasons. One kind, master for all threads, one child per thread, system. Any advice on how this can be implemented? Comment @ Comment: I have a problem which is slightly like this: class master {public: hair * createChild () {new child return); } Template & lt; Typename T & gt; T * Receive support (return); }}; Class child {Master * Master; Template & lt; Typename T & gt; T * GetSomething (int arg) {if (Rg) returns master-> GetSomething & lt; T & gt; (Arg); And return of return; }}; This is not a clear real implemen...

php - Radio button how to? -

What I want to do is that when you vote Y or N (two different radio buttons) and then " Vote "column (in database) = Y or N (which you have picked), if nothing else the error resonates. I know how to do this half way, I have never worked with the radio boots before, so I need you Yes: ; Input type = "radio" value = "y" id = "vote" name = "vote" & gt; & Lt; / Input & gt; & Lt; Br> No: & lt; Input type = "radio" value = "n" id = "vote n" name = "vote" & gt; & Lt; / Input & gt; I gave value N and Y, not identical ID, but same name I think it has the right, but what should I do with the PHP part of what I want to do? I mean I'll call for "vote"? ($ _GET ["vote"]) I do not think so. Here's where IM stuck Based on whether or not you use the GET or Post method almost again, you have to change the variable name properly. ...

php - Turn all titles in wordpress powered site into "Capitalized" case -

So I have a question or some tip on how to convert all the titles into the Capital Case on the WordPress-powered website. / P> I have something like this now: AAAAA BBBBB CCCCC I want it to be like this: Aaaaa BBbbb Ccccc I tried googling and searching here, but those tasks are unsuccessful so that any help is greatly appreciated! Update: I need to update the header inside the database. just to be clear. :) There is no function in MySQL for this, but you can create one like this: drop function, if appropriate; Set global log_bin_trust_function_creators = TRUE; DELIMITER | Make the function proper (SR VARCHAR (128)) Return VARCHAR (128) Deparral CRR (1); DECLARE's VARCHAR (128); DECLARE I INT DEFAULT 1; DECLARE BOOL INT DEFAULT 1; DECLARE punct CHAR (17) DEFAULT '() [] {},.-_! @ :: / '; SET s = LCASE (str); When I & lt; LENGTH (ARR) start from the beginning = substring (S, I, 1); If substitution (c, wing) & gt; 0 then set boole = 1; LEEEEE...

How to give alternating table rows different background colors using PHP -

I have a table of data that is dynamically generated on the content stored in a mysql database. How does this look like my code: & lt; Table range = "1" & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; Th & gt; Name & lt; / Th & gt; & Lt; Th & gt; Details & lt; / Th & gt; & Lt; Th & gt; Url & lt; / Th & gt; & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt ;? Php $ query = mysql_query ("Select * categories"); While ($ line = mysql_fetch_assoc ($ query)) {$ catName = $ line ['name']; $ CatDes = $ line ['description']; $ CatUrl = $ line ['url']; Echo "& lt; tr class = '' & gt;"; Echo "& lt; td> $ catName ;"; Echo "& lt; td> $ catDes & lt; / td & gt;"; Echo "& lt; td> $ catUrl & lt; / td & gt;"; Echo "& lt; / tr & gt;"; }? & Gt; & Lt; / Table & gt; If the table was stationary, now I will gi...

serial port does not exist in current context: c# -

यहां कोड है: सिस्टम का उपयोग कर; System.Collections.Generic का उपयोग कर; System.ComponentModel का उपयोग कर; System.Data का उपयोग कर; System.Drawing का उपयोग कर; System.Linq का उपयोग कर; System.Text का उपयोग कर; System.Windows.Forms का उपयोग कर; System.Threading का उपयोग कर; नामस्थान WindowsFormsApplication1 {सार्वजनिक आंशिक श्रेणी के फॉर्म 1: फ़ॉर्म {सार्वजनिक फॉर्म 1 () {InitializeComponent (); } सार्वजनिक वर्ग थ्रेडवर्क {निजी स्थिर Serialport serialPort1; सार्वजनिक स्थिर शून्य DoWork () {serialPort1.Open (); serialPort1.Write ( "एटी + CMGF = 1 \ r \ n"); //Thread.Sleep(500); serialPort1.Write ( "एटी + CNMI = 2,2 \ r \ n"); //Thread.Sleep(500); serialPort1.Write ( "एटी + CSCA = \" + +४७९०००२१०० \ "\ r \ n"); //Thread.Sleep(500); SerialPort1.डेटा पुनर्प्राप्त + = सीरियल पोर्ट 1_DataReceived_1; }} निजी शून्य फॉर्म 1_लोड (ऑब्जेक्ट प्रेषक, इवेंटएरग्स ई) {थ्रेडस्टार्ट मायट्रेड डिलीगेट = नया थ्रेडस्टार्ट (थ्रेडवर्क। डूवर्क); धागा myThread = नया...

iphone - NSNotification center may not respond to -object? -

I am trying to make an easy use of the NS Annotation Center within my iPhone application, but I think there is something in it This case is wrong. I was under the impression that it is possible to retrieve an object with a special message, or at least one reference to the object, but I get a warning using the following example code, "NSNotification center-object can not be answered" - (zero) addNewBookmark: (NSNotificationCenter *) Notification {Bookmark * newBookMark = (Bookmark *) [Notification Object]; // Some items with the bookmark object} In fact, when I compile and run the code, basically nothing that I try to do with the contents of the object is actually - (IBAction) save: sending message with sender {// related object [[NSNetification Centers Defender Center] PostNotificationName: @ "addNewBookmark" object: bookmark]; } And the bookmark object is a dictionary, I tried to use the "user input" logic and passed the bookmark object ...

c# - Right click to select a row in a Datagridview and show a menu to delete it -

I have some columns in the DataGridView, and there are data in my rows. I see some solutions here, but I do not combine them can! One way to right-click on one line, it will select the entire row and show a menu with the option to delete the row when this option will be deleted. I made some efforts, but no one is working and it looks dirty. What should I do? I finally solved it: P> Using the code given below helped me to do this work. this.MyDataGridView.MouseDown + = New System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventHandler (This. MyDataGridView_MouseDown); This.DeleteRow.Click + = New System.EventHandler (this.DeleteRow_Click); Here's a cool part Private Zero MyDataGridView_MouseDown (Object Sender, MouseEventArgs e) {if (e.button == MouseButtons.Right) {var Hti = MyDataGridViewTest (eX, eY); MyDataGridView.ClearSelection (); MyDataGridView.Rows [hti.RowIndex]. Selected = true; }} Private Zero DeleteRow_Click (Object Sender, EventArgs e) {Int32 rowTo...

UITableView in a View controller by a UIViewController and not a UITableView -

I have a button with lots of things, including buttons, a scroll view and a tableview (iPad app) . I am making this view controller with a view controller subclass but I do not know how to manage my table view. I do not know where these are: - (UITableViewCell *) TableView: (UITableView *) Table View CellForAatindapath: (NSIndexPath *) Index pathway I should add them to my view controller or would I like to create a new sub-section of the UITBi ViUI controller (and get them "for free") and setting up datasource and setting up my table representative for that class When should i Create this program? Displaying my data in I am storing that data, I just have to set UIViewController as the representative and data source of my UITableView. Bus. You do not need to create UITableViewController's own sub-class to manage that table view. So you can put all the subviews in the viewcontroller's view.

javascript - Google Chrome is doing things wrong again -

width and height value reporting for images during incorrect images After, or just after, the load time is used in this code example: If you insert a script into the $ (function () {}) function, the result is the same, but if the page runs the code after a few seconds of loading , Returns the correct result. & lt; Script & gt; Function example () {var img = $ ('img # image01'); Img.width () // 145 in both Firefox and Chrome Img.height () // 134 returns in both Firefox and Chrome} Window.setTimeout (e.g., 1000) & lt; / Script & gt; If the value is width and height in tags, then the script will be expected to both work as expected and. & lt; Img id = 'image01' src = '/ images / picture.jpg' width = 145 height = 134 / & gt; But as you can not always control the html input, this is not an ideal solution. Can this problem be compromised with a better solution? Or do I need to specify width and height for each...

Can you reccomend a podcast on OOP & Design? -

Can you recommend a web site that provides me podcasting focused on OOP; Design? This can be more advanced, then you are later but to get started on the right path Are the best. If you do not understand all the things here, do not worry too much. This is Scott Hanselman, who is talking with Uncle Bob, who is describing Solid You can also do this Look at the resources available on the fun

how to add a xml document to another xml document in java -

मेरे पास इस रूट xmldoc = & lt; root & gt; & Lt; param> gt; & lt; / param & gt; & lt; / root & gt; मुझे paramxmlDoc = & lt; पैरामीटर par = '1' & gt; abc & lt; / पैरामीटर & gt; सम्मिलित करने की आवश्यकता है I जावा में rootXMLDoc पर paramxmlDoc कैसे डालें? और मुझे इस की तरह आउटपुट की आवश्यकता है & lt; root & gt; & Lt; पैरामीटर पैरा = '1' & gt; एबीसी & lt; / पैरामीटर & gt; & LT; param & gt; & lt; / param & gt; & Lt; / root & gt; इस तरह: तत्व ई = paramxmlDoc.getRootElement (); paramxmlDoc.setRootElement (शून्य); // दस्तावेज़ और तत्व रूट XMLDoc.getRootElement () के बीच कनेक्शन का ब्रेक। AddChild (e); // अन्य दस्तावेज़ में नोड सम्मिलित करें नोट: यह स्मृति से है, इसलिए वास्तविक विधि कॉल थोड़ी अलग हो सकती है लेकिन आपको यह विचार मिलता है।

dll - Assembly version from command line? -

Is there a Microsoft device to get the assembly version of a DLL file from a command line? (I know that I can code my own device.) This is an area where power shield shines. If you do not have it already, install it, it is preinstalled with Windows 7. Run this command line: [System.Reflection.Assembly] :: LoadFrom ("C: \ full \ path \ to \ YourDllName .dll"). GetName () Version outputs this: Major Short Build modifications ----- ----- - --- ----- --- 3 0 8 0 Note that LoadFrom returns an assembly object, so that you can greatly love it. There is no need to write a program.

visual c++ - Uploading image to flicker in c++ -

I am making an application to upload an image to Flickr using VCO + Win32, Wininet. I am able to get frob, tokens properly but when I try to upload the image, the post size is getting bigger. The headers are created as follows: wstring wstrAddHeaders = L "content-type: multipart / form data; border = abcd \ r \ n"; WstrAddHeaders + = "Host: \ r \ n"; Wchar_t tempStr [MAX_PATH]; Wsprintf (L "Content-Length:% ld \ r \ n", szTotalSize); WstrAddHeaders + = tmpStr; WstrAddHeaders + = L "\ r \ n"; Hunterter H. Session = Internet Connect (HE Internet, L "", InterDEDFUBHAL_Http_PORT, Faucet, Faucet, Internal Services HTTP, 0, 0); If (hSession == NULL) {dwErr = GetLastError (); Return; } The content of the post request has been made as follows: wstring wstrboundry = l "- ABCD \ r \ n"; Wstring wstrContent = wstrBoundry; WstrContent + = "content-presentation: form-data; name = \" API...

Arrange files by creation or modification with PHP -

Is it possible to get file names from the date of creation or modification in a folder? Thank you. & lt; Php $ files = array (); $ It = new directorytitle ("."); $ Is- & gt; Rewind (); While ($ it-> Valid ()) {$ files [$ it- & gt; Milf name ()] = $ it- & gt; GetMTime (); $ Is- & gt; Next (); } Esport ($ files); $ Files = array_keys ($ files);

Getting WAP embedded video in android AND iphone? -

A recent customer asked me to "work on smart phones" on my site, which is usually too much There is no issue ... though this is a video site, and I do not know at all that even away from the bat to start, I have to work on Android (probably 2.0+) on the site and anything other than the iPhone I'm not considering allowing permission, maybe Blackberry and Winmo but beyond ... Shall I do? I am using tags, but I am sure what is, if anyone, who uses the phone, is HTML5 even adopted in their browsers? Can anyone tell me in the right direction? Am I going to go about this right, using the tag? Or there are some magical HTML elements both iPhone and Android (and BB and WMO) that allow them to play video in their original video players (like on YouTube).

c# - Add Image to Base64 Encoded ImageStream in Resources (resx) -

I am working on an old project, updating it. There is a toolstrip with a button in some part of the program, with each single image. I've found that the images are stored in a Base64 encoded ImageStream in resx for the form and can be accessed in such a way as: System.ComponentModel.ComponentResourceManager resources = New System. ComponentModel.ComponentResourceManager (typeof (Form1)); ... this.imageList1 = new system.window.form. Image list (this.components); ... this.toolStrip1.ImageList = this.imageList1; ... this.imageList1.ImageStream = ((System.Windows.Forms.ImageListStreamer) (resources.GetObject ("imageList1.ImageStream"))); ... this.toolStripButton1.ImageIndex = 0; // There are 41 images in it, so it can be between 0 and 40 I have to add another button with a new image. How can I add an image to this stream? I can not use the designer, because as soon as I load the form, as soon as the crash (I believe it uses a custom component with the unsafe code...

python - Convert url for crawler -

I'm working on crawler Usually, when I type url1 in my browser, then the browser converted it to url2 Does. How can I do this in Python? url1:ğanın dengesinin bozulması url2: Kelime = do% F0an% FDn% 20dengesinin% 20bozulmas% FD You can translate the URL properly (ISO-8859-9 in your case), separate it into parts, enter urllib.Query part and keep it together again. I.e .: & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Import urlparse & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Import urllib & gt; & Gt; & Gt; X = u'http: // Kelime = doğanın dengesinin bozulması '& gt; & Gt; & Gt; Y = x.encode ('iso-8859-9') & gt; & Gt; & Gt; # Just to show how the division of y is visible (we can handle it as a tuple): & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Urlparse.urlsplit (y) SplitResult (schema = 'hp', netlok = '', path = '/ era.asp', quer...

php - Can Symfony simply reload a page request? -

I have an app that receives requests from another app. It detects a value on the query string, checks the value against the cached value and, if it does not match, then it has to clear its cache and reload the page (install a new cache do). Unfortunately, I can not find any way to tell Symphony about redirecting the current page to the same format (protocol, URI path, query string, etc.). What am I missing? This is happening in a filter at isFirstCall () . Thank you. We did this in a filter. This is a little hack but it is an example of redirecting to a filter ... you have to test the cache itself ... class is invalid caffef filter expands Sffilter {public function executed ($ filterChain) {$ redirect = true; If ($ redirect === true) {$ request = $ this- & gt; GetContext () - & gt; GetRequest (); / ** This is a hack bit I'm pretty sure we can do it in the requested item, but we need to complete it quickly and what it really should be. * / Header ("loca...

wpf - Having trouble entering time values with MaskedTextbox -

I am using masked textbox for WPF Toolkit for .NET 3.5 SP1. I have found a maskedtexbox on a WPF page, it fills the SQL Server database right away, but when I try to edit the value nothing happens. I can choose anything but typing on it or using a deleted key or something that does nothing for the value of it I use it to enter a time value to a user or Allow to edit, such as: 9:30 AM will appear as "09:30 AM". Here is the XML I have specified: & lt; CusControls: maskedtextbox x: name = "MTBtime" mask = "90:00" LL "margin =" 5,0,0, 0 "text =" {binding element = hedetime, path = timepart, converter = {static resource nullible timecounter Converter}} "/> (This is a part of user control, I call it" heditetime ".) What I'm doing wrong and how do I fix it Can I? I do not have the source for the text box I have seen, but I could not find anything similar to myself. This may be a problem in your parti...

Magento Home Page Layout -

My page. Why does not the layout of the xml file homepage change ?? It changes the layout of other pages, but the homepage does not have the homepage, its layout is the XML file ?? Understand this. You have to change the homepage layout to match your layout by going to Admin Panel -> CMS ->. For example: My B / C page was not working .xml was using a single column layout, while the homepage was using two column layouts. - All this left above. Just match the layout

hierarchical data - how to return static variable PHP -

फ़ंक्शन build_path ($ cid) {static $ fr = array (); $ DB = नया MySQLTable; $ डीबी- & gt; टीबीएलनाम = 'दुकान_कैचर्स'; $ जहां ['cat_id'] ['='] = $ cid; $ Res = $ DB- & gt; चुनें ('cat_id, cat_name, cat_parent', $ जहां); अगर ($ res! == गलत) {$ pid = mysql_fetch_array ($ res); अगर ($ pid ['cat_parent']! == "0") {$ fr [] = $ pid ['cat_id']; build_path ($ पीआईडी ​​[ 'cat_parent']); } और {$ fr [] = $ cid; $ Fr = array_reverse ($ fr); print_r ($ fr); वापसी $ fr; }}} Print_r (build_path (100)); फ़ंक्शन पर print_r काम क्यों कर रहा है, लेकिन दूसरा प्रिंट_आर्ट नल देता है? आम तौर पर, कार्य करने के लिए रिकर्सिव फ़ंक्शन के लिए, आपको स्वयं को कॉल करते समय कुछ वापस करने की आवश्यकता होती है। इसे ब्लॉक करने के लिए अपने पहले नेस्टेड में आज़माएं: return build_path ( $ पीआईडी ​​[ 'cat_parent']);

msbuild - How to build a VS2010 C++ Project on a BuildServer -

I have a managed C ++ assemlby targeting with .NET 3.5 VS2010. Order: % windir% \ Microsoft.NET \ v4.0.30319 \ \ Framework MSBuild.exe MyProject.sln compiled solution on Meri Dev. Machine My BuildServer I get this error: Build failed "F :. \ CruiseControl.NET \ Projects \ MyProject \ MyProject .sln "(default targets) (1) ->" F: \ CruiseControl.NET \ Projects \ MyProject \ MyProject \ MyProject.csproj "(default targets) (2) ->" F: \ CruiseControl.NET \ Projects \ MyProject \ MyProjectMAPIHelper \ MyProjectMAPIHelper.vcxproj "(default targets) (3) -> F: \ CruiseControl.NET \ projects \ MyProject \ MyProjectMAPIHelper \ MyProjectMAPIHelper.vcxproj (23,3): error MSB4019: imported project" C: \ Program Files \ MSBuild \ Microsoft.Cpp \ v4.0 \ Microsoft.Cpp.Default.props "Not Found. Confirm that & lt; Import & gt; The path in the declaration is correct, and that the file exists on the disk. 0 Warning 1 error [/ cod...

How can I make the Eclipse Python debugger more reliable? -

I have found that under some circumstances the eclipse python debugger can be unreliable. For example, while stepping through the memory-hungry Python program, I've found that after a certain point the reply to the debugger fails. The whole process hangs with 100% CPU load. I've heard (unconfirmed) reports from developers, when this happens when it's not really hanging, but it's very slow, for example a step that usually takes microseconds , It may take up to five minutes I saw it with both the regular Eclipse debugger (like when you debug -> Python Run) and the pydev network debugger, the thing on which the work is going to stop That is quite arbitrary, but re-production I'm debug fully numeracy is a socket or TCP activity can disrupt a network debugger However, the point at which the failure occurs that corresponds substantially to a given workstation. Work. I get almost the same effect as if I'm using Debug-> Python running as a debug, as I li...

upload - Is KCFinder a legal alternative to CKFinder -

on one side CcFinder or the people behind it are always very vague about themselves when we license Asked for information about them, we are not really liked to use our commercial licensed products. That's why I have searched and found an option that comes with LGGL license, which is perfect for use. A business application that wants to use only the file browser and not modify it Fan Now they both look very similar and my question is whether CKFinders have a legal option for cecfinders? Or is this an accurate and modified copy? Does anyone know or know this? Yes just because KCFinder has a common name and does not mean that it is licensed for CKFinder Violates In order to do this, it will have to reuse the CFFDr code, and the author says that he is developing the caseifier "because I was not able to find useful options for commercial CKFinders." There is no reason to believe that he has copied any code. If he was, the writers of CKFinders would have defin...

objective c - UIWebView get HTML Source -

I'm trying to get the HTML source of a UIWebView without downloading it again (aka another download, Such as [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL: (NSURL *) URL] or an NSURLRequest launch. Browsing the UIWebView header and documentation, there is no way to access the current loaded NSDT of the source. The inverse thing you should do is, Load ata object and then Load UIWebView from that object using - Load Data: MIMEType: textEncodingName: baseURL:

How can i detect mouse pointer on my wpf user control? -

I am using some animation behind my user control code. double height = canmain. ActualHite - Marquee List. Actualheart; MarqueeList.Margin = new thickness (0, height / 2, 0, 0); Double animation double animation = new double animation (); Double animation From = Merclists. Actual Wide; Double animation For = can. Actual. Dual animation. Repeat Bihar = Repeat Degree forever; Double animation Period = new duration (timespace .framesconday (_mirttime insecond)); MarqueeList.BeginAnimation (Canvas. RightProperty, Double Animation); I think that when I put my mouse over the user control, the animation should be stopped.

c# - WPF menus with shortcuts and custom RoutedCommand -

I'm new to WPF, so I'm missing out on something. In my main window is a simple function called StartService I wanted to add "Start Service" a menu item with the shortcut Ctrl + S in your application I do the following: in my main window class I had to define it: public static routing Command StartServiceRoutedCmd = new routing Command (); ; Menu Header = "_Start service" InputStore text = "Ctrl + S" Click = "Onstart service" /> & Lt; Window.CommandBinding & gt; & Lt; Kmmandbanding command = "{x: Static Public: Men Wando. Startsisrauted CMD}" Execute = "Onstart service" / & gt; & Lt; /Window.CommandBindings> & Lt; Window.InputBindings & gt; & Lt; Key bindings Command = "Public: Menwando. Startsisrauted CMD" gesture = "Ctrl + S" / & gt; & Lt; /Window.InputBindings> Things are working, I'm thinking that this is the right and organiz...

c# - converting string to valid datetime -

स्ट्रिंग strdate = "15/06/2010"; दिनांकटाइम डीटी = दिनांकटाइम। पर्स (स्ट्रड्ेट, सिस्टम। थ्रेडिंग। थ्रेड.कंट्रेथ्रेड्रेड.कर्चंट कल्चर। डेट टाइमफ़ॉर्मेट); मैं dd / mm / yyyy के रूप में datetime मान प्राप्त करने में सक्षम नहीं हो सकता। यह अपवाद दे रहा है 'स्ट्रिंग को वैध दिनांक समय के रूप में मान्यता नहीं है' ओली अगर यह 06/15/2010 में है तो यह काम कर रहा है डीटी में समान प्रारूप कैसे प्राप्त करें ठीक है, संभवत: आपके धागा की वर्तमान संस्कृति में एमएम / डीडी / yyyy। यदि आप डीडी / एमएम / य्याय का उपयोग करना चाहते हैं तो आपको स्पष्ट रूप से निर्दिष्ट करना चाहिए। निजी तौर पर मैं ParseExact के बजाय पार्स पसंद करता हूं, क्योंकि इससे अधिक नियंत्रण होता है मैं इस तरह से कुछ का उपयोग करेगा: दिनांकटाइम डीटी = दिनांकटाइम। पर्स एएक्सएक्ट (स्ट्रडेट, "डीडी / एमएम / याय", कल्चर इन्फ़ो। इन्विरिएन्ट कल्चर); ध्यान दें कि यदि यह उपयोगकर्ता इनपुट है, तो आप इसके बजाय TryParseExact का उपयोग करना चाह सकते हैं।

delphi vs c# post returns different strings - utf problem? -

I am posting two forms - one in C # and one in Delphi but the result string looks different: c # returns: ¤ @@ @@@ 1 @@sśmË ± Â0Đ ... Delphi returns: # $ 1 e '@@ 1 @ @@@ 1 @@@@ 1 @ 'x' # $ 009 C ... And the two things are compressed, I'm getting the error while trying to decompress the streams ... C # is 'right' - that is to say the conclusion. I'm not an expert at Delphi - I need to change some code from Delphi to C #. C # code: string gateata (hashtable a parm, string server URL) {string result = ""; WebRequest request = HttpWebRequest.Create (ServerURL); request. Method = "post"; Request.ContentType = "app / x-www-form-urxcode; charset = uTF-8"; UTF 8 Encoding Encounters 8 = New System Text.UTF8 encoding (wrong); Streamer Writer Writer = New Streamer (Request.GetRquestestStream (), Encounter 8); Leading (dictionary entry element in APARAM) {author. Type (element.key + "=" + element.Value + ...

python - regular expression - function body extracting -

For each method definition in some of this type C ++ code, in Python Script: Return_Vula classname :: Methathnam (Args) {HIHODODODY} I need to remove the three parts: method name for class name, method name and further processing. It is easy to find and remove the class name and method, but is there an easy way to remove this body of this method? With all the possible '{' and '}' inside it? Or are regexes inappropriate for such a task? & gt; & Gt; & Gt; S = "" "return_value classname :: Methhtham (args) {{{{}} {{{}}}" "" gt; & Gt; & Gt; ('Classname', 'law' name, 'myodbodie {}')]

C#.NET: Retrieve list of computers in a FOLDER in a domain -

How do I get a list of computers in a folder in a domain? I can say that my domain has Madmen.dom and I have a folder with some computers. The following code can help you to list computers in your domain and Active Directory // ActiveDirectorySearch1 // shows all computer names in an Active Directory using the system; Using System.DirectoryServices; Namespace ActiveDirectorySearch1 {class Class1} {Static void main (string [] args) Note: My domain name for testing Microsoft Purposes is DirectoryEntry entry = New DirectoryInterior (LDAP: //Microsoft); DirectorySearcher mySearcher = New Directory Finder (Entry); MySearcher.Filter = ("(objectClass = Computer)"); Console "Written" ("Computer List in Active Directory"); Console.WriteLine ("===========================================" ); Search (ResEnt ResEnt) in Foreach (MySearcher.FindAll) {Console.WriteLine (resEnt.GetDirectoryEntry) Name.ToString ()); } Console. WrightLine ("=======...

php - Can I send requests to pages in other websites using POST? -

I have two servers running jsp and php I call the PHP page to get an output from the PHP page Want to I tried to use simple Ajax and Jquery-Ajax, it does not seem to work. Why? AJAX can not request pages from the sites present in different servers. This will make it a cross-side scripting attack. Therefore, you only have to go through your server side code for PHP you can use curl to get information from other pages. Now you can use the same AJAX script and link it to the PHP page with curl. Curl documentation can be found, if you give it a google on it.

CPU Usage (%) MBean on Sun JVM -

The overview tab of a process on jconsole shows me CPU usage percentages. Is there any MBN who gives me this value? What is its purpose? There is no direct MBN within the management point that is closest to the CPU used by the entire system Can be used for. However, depending on the source code of Jaksonol

How to write specific application for facebook? -

Please help me with documentation to write specific applications for Facebook. Need to know, what language to choose? Have a Specific Facebook API? Is there a document for the API? Is the site with the sample list? All related information is needed to know a few words about the app, this app will be, which compares the user's interests. thank you in advanced. You can use any language very much, as well as one of PHP's most popular ones To get started (finally, Facebook was written in PHP), see one of the following introductory articles on Facebook App Development. Intros Facebook docs other useful stuff

android - Tunning up Activity with dialog theme -

"postprint" itemprop = "text"> I need to start a dialogue from the home screen widget, then I created an activity with android subject = "@ android: style / Theme.Dialog" the problem is, I want to make it look like a standard dialog window that (gray background, font and text Button, paddings etc on the shape, as it is here: This way my" dialog "activity looks like this: Is there a standard way (the theme?) it is to show the standard system communicate? Or do I have a copy in your own layout? & lt; LinearLayout Android: layout_width = "fill_parent" Android: layout_height = "wrap_content" android: Page This user's background = "@ android: drawable / bottom_bar" android: orientation = "horizontal" & gt; Android: Android: Android: Leaut_vet = "1" Android: Leaut_hait = "wrap" material Android: Android: Android: Android: Android: Android: Android: Android: ...

Verifying an email address exist in C# -

About email verification, Using C #, how do you Issue a VRFY command Issue a RCPT command The IMO, RCPT method is the best, and I still use it every day. Here is the required code: The class is quite heavy, you have to choose the code snippet you need from the source code.

c# - Miscellaneous Performance -

Is it easy to make any comparison of Net or an artist in C #? For example: bool? Flag = null; ... if (flag == true) ... or if ((bool) flag) ... Besides, what is the price of an artist (in memory)? If the memory service serves the compiler, then do you bool? If you want to use it in the statement bool you may prefer the blank injected operator: // If the flag == then the false return , Otherwise return the value of the flag if (flag false)

flash - jQuery youtube dimming effect -

YouTube uses "turn off lights" feature on some pages. Can be done in the same jQuery. The example minimizes the background of the whole page, but the video player is at the top. Why is it like this? And what is the easiest way to clear all the divs except for a video? You cover this whole page by creating a "blanket", it has a black background, Semi-transparent, and all other page elements to set-up Z-index. Then you set the z-index of the video player to be more than the blanket div, so it will not be covered. Something like this: #blanket {status: complete; Width: 100%; Height: 100%; Top: 0; Left: 0; Z-index: 100; display none; Opacity: 0.5; / * This will need to use a filter rule to create this work in the IE * /} # video player {status: relative / * z-index does not work until it is not in sync * / z-index: 200; } JQuery ("# ​​blanket"). Show ();

java - Javascript debugging plugin for eclipse -

I'm new to Java and I'm doing a project with Ex JS and Java. I am using Eclips JavaEE IDE for Web Developers (Build ID: 20100218-1602). Can a JavaScript debugging plugin recommend for this build? Link is appreciated Besides IE developer tools are very good I still hit F12 in IE8 Since JavaScript is the technology of the browser, you should debug it in the browser to see it real world behavior.

iphone - Problem with a NSString that equals to (null) -

I have another UIViewController named LeftSharingViewController; I want to get and I have a problem, I always want NSString (faucet) instead of the desired value. Here's my code and NSString How get I assume MainViewController: - (minus) webViewDidFinishLoad: (UIWebView *) webView {leftWebViewString = [NSString stringWithString: leftWebView .request.URL.absoluteString]; } Left Voicing Week Controller. H: #import & lt; UIKit / UIKit.h & gt; #import "Main vs Controller H" # Import & lt; Message UI / MessageIiH & GT; #important & lt; Message ii / mfmail combo viewcontroller.h & gt; @ Class MainViewController; @ Interface Left Sharing Controller: UIViewController & lt; MFMailComposeViewControllerDelegate & gt; {Main view controller * Main view controller; NSString * leftWebViewUrl; } @ Property (non-nominal, retained) Main view controller * Main view controller; @property (nontomic, write) NSString * leftWebViewUrl; @end Left...

php - How to set file permission for linux host under windows? -

For example, I want to have a 644 automatic file when I upload it to my Uploaded to Linux host, how can I do this under windows? BTW, I use FormalZilla to upload Updated: Before posting this question, I never thought that this is also impossible but, as I have many WordPress sites, I remember that I do not ever need to allow WordPress files, so I did an experiment, A new WordPress package, under the zip format (window) ) Mer to it Unsolicited Check permissions for these files I noticed that all files are okay, Impossible. Can you provide more information about uploading? FTP, SFTP, SMB? : -) For FTP, for example you can configure FTP server to give all new files 644 examples (see for ProftpD). For SFTP, the client may be able to change the permissions after uploading, because it has SSH access, after all.

jquery - How do you populate a DIV with URL from another domain? -

I know that it is not possible for the client to fill the DIV with content from any other domain, however, And it is dragging information into a DIV (no iframe) from other domains without supporting server-side code, so I accept it in any way. Thank you. To fill the content with a different script, you will need to request it via Ajax Pass the right parameters with the content and your request. with

c - get an ioctl file descriptor for ethernet port -

To use the IOctl () call in the Ethernet port in Linux, I need to get the file descriptor To ensure that For how to do it. Use the file descriptor of an open socket using the name of the file ifreq structure in ioctl () , assume that your program has sufficient permissions to do this. From Docs: Supports some standard ioctls for configuring Linux network devices. Regardless of family or type, they can be used on a file descriptor of a socket. They pass an IREAC composition: The socket should not be bound to the target device, or should be of a specific family. Open any socket FD (again, with the appropriate privileges), just open one for your specific work, wait for the return of ioctl () and close it. See Man 7 NetVoice for more, or if you do not have the proper documentation package installed (signals, packages are typically manpages-dev Or manpages-devel , depending on your disto) You can also look at the source code in the net-device package, Can be...

machine learning - Feature Selection methods in MATLAB? -

I am trying to classify some text with SVM in MATLAB and in fact it is to know that MATLAB has any way to select the feature ( Chi class, MI, ....), for the reason that I am trying different ways and I keep the best approach, I do not have the time to implement them all. That's why I am looking for such methods in MATLAB. Does anyone know? Other utilities for the classification of matlors such as, etc. If you do not have the necessary toolbox for svmtrain , then I suggest. It's free and I used it with great results.

list - Sorting Custom Objects with Parameter in .NET? -

Assume that I have a custom object fu Does any way I sort through the list I can do these objects, like list Also, this list may be able to sort with a qualified parameter. I feel that I need to define two different types. , but I'm not sure. Edit: Using the built-in list depends on how the object is sorted depends on whether the parameter has been passed or not. I can use a global variable and use it for sorting, but it creates a bad back code: It's quite easy in C # to create lambda functions for both, and you can specify the right parameter in the lambda function. I know that VB supports extensions methods, but I'm not sure about Lambda functions. // Amount of Sorting based on Natural Order: List & lt; Int32 & gt; Ints = GetInts (); Ints.Sort ((lhs, rhs) = & gt; lhs.Compare (rhs)); // Sorting Foo Objects based on some calculation: list & lt; Foo & gt; Fuses = gatefuos (); Foos.Sort ((lhs, rhs) => lhs.Compute (pValue) .comre (...

c# - Is there any reason this isn't redundant code? -

I came across this code in some existing codebase: double-rad = computer activation ( ); Double closed = Math.Abs ​​(rad); If (rad It seems that basically making just off is equal to rad . Variables are later used in code in one word. Is there any reason to leave this code? If rad is -0.0, off +0.0 You will need to inspect the code to see if it really will make a difference. It's equal to calculations and comparisons, but -0.0 is negative, which you can find out if you try hard.

Android ScrollView jumps around when resized -

मेरे पास एक ScrollView है जिसमें अनेक अन्य दृश्य (टेक्स्टदृश्य, छविदृश्य, आदि) शामिल हैं। स्क्रॉलव्यू स्क्रीन से लम्बे लंबा है। मेरे पास एक एसिंककास है जो कि http प्रतिसाद पर आधारित स्क्रॉलएव्यू के बच्चों को अपडेट करता है। मैंने एक रोचक व्यवहार की खोज की है जो मुझे समझ में नहीं आ रहा है कि कैसे काम करना है अगर मैं किसी भी बच्चे की दृश्यता को देखने के लिए सेट करता हूँ। असीन्क टास्क .पोस्टएक्सेक्यूट () के भाग के रूप में जानकारियां, सबकुछ ठीक काम करती है। हालांकि, अगर मैं किसी भी बच्चे की दृश्यता को देखने के लिए सेट करता हूं। GONE, ScrollView जब PostExecute () को कहा जाता है तो ऊपर से नीचे कूदता है। वास्तव में कितनी दूर भिन्नता दिखता है मुझे लगता है कि ScrollView को फिर से बिछाने से वह किसी कारण से ऊपर से दूर स्क्रॉल कर रहा है। तो सवाल यह है कि: क्या इस व्यवहार को रोकने या काम करने का कोई तरीका है? पी एस वर्कअराउंड के रूप में ScrollView.jump (FOCUS_UP) का प्रयोग करना आदर्श नहीं है क्योंकि इससे उपयोगकर्ता को शीर्ष पर भी बाध्य किया जा सकता है भले ही वे नीचे स्क्रॉल करना चाहते थे...

jquery an div tags used in a ordered list -

I'm not sure where my errors lie but this is my scenario ... i Handles my main link bar. There is an un-ordering list in html ... & lt; Ul id = "navlist" & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "/" id = "on" & gt; Home & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" id = "search" & gt; Search & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" id = "user" & gt; Login & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; / Ul & gt; And what I want is to call each ID and handles jQuery to each and display it in my CSS file specified ... for now, Here's my inline jquery snippet $ (document) .ready (function () {$ (" SlideToggle ("fast");})}} Now, whatever I have specified , He says that ... but it's only up to HTML As mentioned, either without an orde...

Perl script to print out cars model and car color -

Text after " I'm tying the car to make a Pearl script of the model and color printout, and the data is below. I want to know if there is anyway the car's model is moving in an area, so that I can print it any time I want to make? The data given below is a CSV file. The way I want to see data on a report is as well below ******** This is how the data looks ******** Chevy blue, 1 9 78 Washington Brown, 1 9 8 9, Dallas black, 2001, Queen's white, 2003 Manhattan Toyota red 2003, Bronx Green, 2004 Queens Brown, 2002, Brooklyn Black, 1999, Harlem it *********** how I'm trying to get to see the data report * ********* A And Model: Toyota Color: red Year: 2002 City: Queens My $ FH, Opening '& lt;', 'File Name' or Die $! While (& lt; $ fh & gt;) {Next if / ^ \ s * $ /; My @ fields = partition /, /, $ _; Print ("Car Model: $ Field [0] \ n"), Next if @fields == 1; My Information; @data {qw (color year city)} = @ fiel...

Generating very large XML files in Python? -

Does anyone know memory efficient ways to generate very large XML files (eg 100-500 MiB) in Python? is? I am using lxml , but the memory usage is through the roof. Maybe you can use the templing engine instead of creating / creating XML? For example, XML-based and supports streaming output. A very basic example: genshi.template import markup template from tpl_xml = '' '& lt; Doc xmlns: py = "" & gt; & Lt; P py: for = "I am in data" & gt; $ {I} & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; / Doc & gt; F: stream.render (out = f) as' open '(' output.xml ',' w ') with' '' tpl = markupTemplate (tpl_xml) stream = tpl.generate (data = xrange (10000000)) It may take a little while, but memory usage is low. Not for the templateing engine (for example, "natively" xml), but very fast: From Mako.template import contact context by mako.runtime import tpl_xml = ...

command line - Available IDE for CLI only Debian Linux distro -

I do not know if I'm clear from my question. I would like to ask about the suggestions of those available IDEs which you use in the Command Line Interface (CLI) only in Linux Disks. I am using Debian, I want to program in C or C ++ and I do not start Could not do because I do not have an ideal or just a simple text editor. I have no idea how to save a file created using 'edit'. Since this is working for the first time in my Linux environment, I hope you understand my point. Thanks a lot! I do not know any text-mode IDE (unless you consider Imax as IDE Which are not beyond the scope of possibility). For a text mode install, I just use Vime with the makefile from the command line. This will give you a big way to simplify the development process, because it will handle enhanced collection and linking.

orm - Should i care/have knowledge about nHibernate before choosing Fluent nHibernate? -

I was going through Flunt Naibernet Vicki and I know that Flunt Naibernet to the top Created N hibernate ... Do I have knowledge / care about nHibernate before choosing FlintNehiberNet? Any suggestion ... I say yes if you know the XML based mapping format of NHibernate , It is very easy to track errors through NH's [Fluatmapping's Container]. ExportsToOo ([eg Environmental Content Directory]) . In Edit: ASP .NET MVC example w / StructureMap StructureMap: private static void configure SQLiteInMemoryTest (IInitializationExpression init) {init.For & Lt; ISessionFactory & gt; () .Singleton (). Use temporarily Configure () Kdetabes (SQLiteConfiguration.Standard.Inmemory (). AdoNetBatchSize (100) .ShowSql) Mappings (m = & gt; m.FluentMappings.AddFromAssemblyOf & lt; MyEntity & gt; ()) Kanuwad configuration (config = & gt; {; config .SetProperty (NHEnvironment.ProxyFactoryFactoryClass, Taipf (Proksifactorfractor). Asdakshnskwalifaidnam);}) ...

Can netezza database handle procedures? -

Hi I am doing Netezza database, I am inquiring the tables through DB Visualizer. Since my table construction is complex, I am interested in using the procedures but I am unable to write it in the dbiswilizer. I am confused whether the problem is with the equipment which I use or in Nenza? Please advise You can write process in Nenza Sql (nzsql) netzza tastes original Was based on postgresqual () Contains user-defined functions and procedures () Agent workbench for Netezza is a great way to write stored procedures (). Disclaimer - I work for Agent.

svnignore - How do I create an ignore list of several items in SVN? -

I am creating an ignored list on the Windows machine using the following command line: Svn propset svn: ignore "bin" fardis.Test The directory tree structure is: \ src \ \ src \ Fardis.Test \ Src \ Fardis.Test \ bin \\ src \ Fardis.Test \ obj \ I am running that command while my current directory is \ src . It works fine, but I want to add another folder, \ src \ Fardis.Test \ obj \ to the ignore list, but it fails. I tried the following: svn propce svn: ignore "bin obj" firdis Test svn propce svn: ignore "bin, obj" Fardis.Test svn propset svn: ignore "bin" obj "Fardis.Test After issuing one of them, svn status shows that the folders None of the bin or obg is added to the ignore list. How can I solve it? svn propedit use svn propset , and put each pattern in the editor window on a separate row. Also take a look at those files and directories Alen will any working copy it generally a better way to debug m...

android - Why do we use or canvas.restore? -

I know what it does. If I never use it, then I can see the difference in alignment, sometimes I do not. My question is, if the state was saved in the past, then why did the changes made after saving it and why it was not done before it was restored? Why will the changes remain? canvas save and canvas.restore Undo things like rotation and translation Do not undo the drawing on the canvas Android canvas works similar to the HTML5 canvas, so that you can consider the need for more clarification.

entity framework 4 - EF4 querying from parent to grandchildren -

I have a model with parents, children and grandparents, in which there are many-to-many relationships Excluding one thing not yet known, use the Poko sections that work fine. When I ask the parent or child directly to use LINQ, SQL executes a COUNT in LINQ query (a .count () database And so on) - Okay. Parents have a child's property for children's access but for the problem (and now for the problem) it does not disclose a IQueryable interface, but an icon . So when I access the property of children on a particular parent all parents are reading more than the children are reading, when I have wives ( theParent.Children.SelectMany (child) = & Gt; child.GrandChildren) Account () ) Then a separate request is issued to select all the data for each child, its grandson has many different questions ! Changing the type of property of IQueryable children from ICollection does not solve it. In addition to the ways to remember me, like Add () and Remove (), EF simply d...

How can I create an editable combo box in HTML/Javascript? -

I need users to select an item from a dropdown list, but instead of entering any text Allow it, even if it does not match any item in the list How can I get it on the web page with HTML and Javascript? Select field does not display the field preferred option for users entering text and input does not text. All items should show that the user opens the dropdown, so it can not be a simple autocomplete that shows only matching items. Here's a script:, or another that is slightly different Works: Link Deleted (site no longer exists)

c++ - Strange iterator behaviour -

# शामिल करें "stdafx.h" int _tmain (int argc, _TCHAR * argv []) {string s = "क्यों नहीं एक विचार मिला है।"; ऑटो आइफ़ = s.begin (); ऑटो अंत = s.end (); जबकि (पूछताछ करना & lt; अंत) {cout & lt; & lt; * भुनाना & lt; & lt; '\ N'; यदि (* beg == 'ए') {// whithout यह निर्माण पूरी तरह से काम करता है beg = s.erase (beg); } ++ भीख मांगना; } वापसी 0; } क्यों अगर मैं इस स्ट्रिंग से एक या एक से अधिक वर्ण मिटा देता हूं तो यह कोड टूट जाता है? मुझे लगता है कि यह अंतराल द्वितीय से अधिक पते पर मिटाया हुआ ऑपरेशन के बाद वापस लौटने वाले के साथ कुछ करना है, लेकिन मुझे यकीन नहीं है और यह निश्चित रूप से सही व्यवहार नहीं है। या यह है? इस कोड के साथ कई समस्याएं हैं। s.end () के मान कैश न करें; जैसा कि आप तत्वों को हटाते हैं, इसके रूप में परिवर्तन होता है। का उपयोग न करें अंत। मुहावरेदार दृष्टिकोण beg! = End लिखना है यदि आप पिछले अंत को पुनरावृत्त करने का प्रयास करते हैं, तो परिणाम अपरिभाषित है, और स्ट्रिंग लायब्रेरी का एक डीबग संस...

Powershell Select-Object from array not working -

I have to separate values ​​in an array I'm trying to pass for any other task. Using an inner select-object function for the loop, going through each line and separating the timestamp and value fields. However, it does not matter what I do below the code only displays the first object object for each line. Another object object command does not work because of my output is a blank line for each 6 rows I How any ideas about how to achieve both values ​​ $ ReportData = $ SystemStats.get_performance_graph_csv_statistics ((, $ query)) ### -TypeName a new encoder allocation and byte array turn into a string $ ASCII = new-object System.Text.ASCIIEncoding $ csvdata = $ ASCII.GetString ($ ReportData [0] .statistic_data) $ csv2 = convertFrom- CSV $ Csvdata $ Newarray = $ Csv2 | Where-Object {. $ _ Using -ne "0k0000000000e +00" -and $ _ using -ne "Nan".} For ($ n = 0; $ n -lt $ newarray.Length; $ n ++) {$ Ntime = $ New $ [$ n] $ nUtil = $ new $ [$ n] $ util =...

jQuery & PHP: Running action in background -

So when you press on logout, you want to do something like that, you get a waiting message like "Wait" Its running ucp.php in the background? Mode = logout, and should refresh the site after its loading. How should this be done ?? I'm new to Jquery, but so far I have given my link an ID, called #lollout, and and then I did in jquery: jquery (document) .ready (function () {$ ('# tryout'). Click on (function () {logOut ();}); Function logOut () {var postFile = 'ucp .php? Mode = logout'; $ .post (postFile, function (data) {$ ("# message"). FadeIn ('slow'); }}} Now is this correct? And the line with # message, where it fades, I really do not feel right because "please wait" for me and function law Gout () {var postFile = 'ucp.php? Mode = logout'; $ ("#modern") fadein ('slow'). $ Post (postfile, function) {window.location.reload (); });}

loops - Pi help with Php (mass looping) -

My primary question is: Is this a lot of loops? while ($ decimals Or could I fit more into it? Without crashing / interrupting server I'm just thinking, besides this is there a more effective method of doing the above work? (Such as 1/3 = 0.3 to 50,000 decimal). Finally: I am doing it for PI sources (1 - 1/3 + 1/5 - 1/7 etc.) One, And I'm thinking that the better one is. (In PHP) I got one that finds pie in 4 seconds in 2000. But it's not what I want. I want an infinite series that is close to PI So every fresh user can see it closely ... But OBV Thanks a lot ... Here you have many sources to calculate : All of them are "practical" in PHP, like any other programming language. A different question is how fast they are or how fast they want to be. If the formulas become faster or slower, then this is a Math question, not about programming, so I can not help you. I can tell you that as a rule of thumb, there will be low nested lo...

wpf - How to set property only on second column of a ListView? -

Introduction I have a list view and only the second formatting Want column. The following XAML code does this: & lt; ListView x: name = "listview" & gt; & Lt; ListView.View & gt; & Lt; GridView & gt; & Lt; GridViewColumn Header = "Property" DisplayMemberBinding = "{Binding Path = Key}" width = "100" /> & Lt ;! - & lt; GridViewColumn header = "value" DisplayMemberBinding = "{binding path = value}" width = "250" & gt; - & gt; & Lt; GridViewColumn header = "value" width = "250" & gt; & Lt; GridViewColumn.CellTemplate & gt; & Lt; DataTemplate & gt; & Lt; TextBlock Text = "{binding path = value}" foreground = "cornflowerblu" automation properties .name = "{binding path = key}" /> & Lt; / DataTemplate & gt; & Lt; /GridViewColumn.CellTemplate> & Lt; / GridViewColumn ...

mysql - Opening the Table from the Database -

New to MySQL 5.1 In MySQL, where I have a database & amp; Table ..... I had attached a database in MYSQL through ODBC connectivity, how do I get table values ​​associated with that database? Also, I want to create a table from the database. The next SQL statement should be helpful: Show statistics , show tables , USE% databasename% . Use Show Database to recover the list of available databases within RDBMS MySQL. % databasename% to use USE% databasename% as the default one as manipulator later. And, finally, the Show Tables can be used to obtain the list of tables in the existing database.

.net - Reset Taskbar Flash in C# -

I have an application where an event occurred, the taskbar shines. It's working perfectly, and it was relatively easy to use a Win32 API described below: However, when I turn off flashing, sometimes in the application taskbar "Highlight" gets stuck in position . It can only be reset by clicking on the application in the taskbar, minimizing it, and maximizing it, is there a way to clear it by any user being highlighted without interaction? Instead of flashing it, you can put the overlay icon over it - Code pack from C # to code A line of Then, when you want to clear it, you can take away the overlay icon - again a line of code. Only Windows 7, though.

iPhone: cannot see any labels on my core plot graph -

I am creating a graph with the original plot, which works fine except that I'm on x and y No label is visible in Axis I can only see big and small ticks but they have no value. I'm missing something, but I do not know what that is. In addition, it is possible to add a label for each axis, for example: x (hours), y (value). The graph I'm working on is part of the first line of a listview. / P> The code is: NSArray * topLevelObjects = [[NSBundle main bundle] loadNibNamed: @ "GraphCustomViewCell" owner: zero option: zero]; (ID current object in TopLevelObjects) {if ([currentObject isKindOfClass: [GraphCustomViewCell class]]) {cell = (GraphCustomViewCell *) currentObject; break; }} CGRect frames = cell.contentView.bounds; CPLayerHostingView * Hosting View = [[CPLayerHostingView alloc] initWithFrame: frame]; [Cell ad sbewview: hosting view]; // Create Graph Thread Theme * Theme = [CP Theme Theme Named: kCPPlainWhiteTheme]; Graph = (CPXYGraph *) [Theme News...

c++ - Qt - How to place a QTextEdit with left and right margins in a QVBoxLayout? -

कैसे एक QTextEdit को QVBoxLayout ? मैं निश्चित रूप से एक QHBoxLayout का उपयोग कर सकता हूं, QTextEdit को spacings ( addSpacing (40) ) के बीच में उस क्षैतिज लेआउट में रखें और केवल तो क्षैतिज लेआउट ऊर्ध्वाधर लेआउट में जोड़ सकता है, लेकिन यह जानना चाहता है कि क्या ऐसा करने का एक सीधा तरीका है। यदि आप केवल अपने QTextEdit के लिए मार्जिन चाहते हैं और QVerticalLayout में कोई अन्य तत्व नहीं है, तो आप उसके लिए क्यूटी स्टाइलशीट का उपयोग कर सकते हैं। आपको सिर्फ QTextEdit ऑब्जेक्ट का नाम देना होगा (जैसे "माय मार्जिनटेक्स्ट एडिट") और इसे शैली, जैसे: QTextEdit # myMarginsTextEdit {बाएं-मार्जिन: 40px; सही-मार्जिन: 40px; } यदि आप क्यूटी स्टाइलशीट का प्रयोग नहीं कर रहे हैं तो अपने ऐप्लीकेशन को स्टाइल करने के लिए आप इसे केवल स्टाइल के लिए इस्तेमाल कर सकते हैं। आप इसे इस तरह कर सकते हैं (अपने क्यूईटीडएडिट वैरिएबल की कल्पना करें "टेक्स्टएडिट आईटम" कॉल करें): textEditItem.setStyleSheet ("QTextEdit {मार्जिन-बाएं: 40px; मार्जिन-दाएं: 40px}"); दूसरा वि...

c++ - ASCII definition of symbol -

I have spent hours with no luck at this. In the context of the CMD prompt, what does the white space filled with 1 with a square? E.g. I have tried using string.find () (using C ++) with various hex symbols listed in the ascii table: No such simple question yet I can not figure this out for my life! What I want to do, I just want to be able to detect that square with any 1 in the string later. thanks a lot. I ran the following C # code bit and loop 166. So I doubt that it can be useful. However, this does not mean that this can be used for the primitive ASCII-based display / drawing :) Nameshree Block {class program {static void Main (string [] args) { Int j; For (j = 0; j; l & gt; 1000; j ++) {console.light ((four) j + "+ + + +" + "\ t"); } Console. Read (); }}}

php - Describe relative angles between points (like driving directions) -

I have a list of digits with x, y coordinates, I sqrt (pove ($ x2 - $ x1 , 2) + How can I get the distance between points ($ y2 - $ y1, 2)) and Atan2 (y1 - y2, x1 - x2) . How do I calculate the relative angle between points (left, right, right)? So, if I'm at 1 point, then what is the relative direction for point 2, then 2 to 3, 3 to 4 etc. ... Thanks for any help! call If it is between π / 2 and 3π / 2, So this is straight. If this is less than 3π / 2 or less than -3π / 2, this is a left turn. If it is between -i / 2 and π / 2, then this is a perfect turn. Here's a diagram: {3π / 2} ------- {π / 2} ------- {π / 4} | + ----- [+ y] ----- + | | | | | | | | | {Π} [-x] [0,0] [+ x] {0} | | | | | | | | | + ----- [-y] ----- + | {-3π / 2} ------- {- π / 2} ------ {- π / 4}

Linking SQL Server 2000 and SQL Server 2008, is this possible? -

I am writing procs stored for a new system in SQL Server 2008, but I also need to update to an old db Required - SQL Server 2000. I searched but there is no solution for this. Is this possible? What are my choices? Thank you! If you must connect and query against a SQL Server 2000 database, then yes, it is considered It is possible that two database servers are able to communicate with each other on the same network, it is possible through the use of assumed linked servers. See more.

Image processing on bifurcation diagram to get small eps size -

I am creating a bizarre diagram (which is usually used in nonlinear mobility). Due to changes in stability in these diagrams, sudden change in topology is identified. These are sudden changes because one or more parameters pass through some important values ​​(s). Here's an example: On the above figure, some image processing has been done to make the conspiracy more visually pleasant. A partition drawing typically has hundreds of thousands of points and the resulting eps file can be very large. Along with this, the alliance will move together simultaneously and there will be a bigger blot and the details will not be as per the figures given in the above link. Reducing the size of the marker in Matlab can be of little help, although the plots show more aesthetics. Journal submission in latex format requires that the data be deposited in the EPS format. In my case, one of such data can result in about 6 MB in matlab and also in Gnuplot. For the example above, 100,000 x va...