
Showing posts from September, 2011

How to add a MIME handler to Firefox and Internet Explorer from an installer -

I'm looking to create an installer that will add a handler to Firefox and Explorer for a MIME type. The installer is using either INO (AKO NO!) Or NSIS. I see how Mozilla and Microsoft recommend handling the handler. So far I have been able to find out for Firefox how to manually add / remove / It does not matter how easy I want to hide from a user. I have seen an example where someone modifies a XML file in the configuration of Firefox, how is the founder completing this?

css - Activating Webkit CSS3 animation using Javascript -

I to move a fully deployed DIV to press a button from one place to another on the screen Looking to use WebKit CSS3, by changing my left and right CSS properties, however, all the examples that I have seen have seen that a stable CSS rule has been used to implement this transition. I do not know the new situation by hand, how do I implement this CSS3 transition dynamically? After defining the transition, it will not talk about how to change the CSS value of the element You can. Then you can simply apply an inline style with javascript and the element will be animate. So with CSS like this: left: 100px; Top: 100px; WebKit-Infection: 300 MMS Easily In 100 Mms, 200 Mms Easily Drop In-50 Mms; -Moz-transition: 300 mms easily-in 100 mms, 200 mms easily -50 mms; -O Transition: 300 mms easily-100 mms, 200 mms easily left in -50 mms; Infections: 300ms easily rested in 50ms, 200ms comfortably in 50ms; is a function like this: click the function () {varel = document.getElement...

How do you publish a picture to an event with facebook opengraph? -

I am able to publish an event successfully on Facebook but I am unable to include a picture. Should be done through the "connection" in the open graph, but I can not get a clear example to do this. Yes, the picture connection seems to be read only though, it is an HTTP post / {event id } / Painting will not hurt to see that there is only one lapse in their API documentation. My guess is that this is not available.

git - In Mercurial, when Peter "hg clone" me, and I commit and he pull and update, he gets my version, but not when I rollback? -

यही है, Mercurial में, अगर पीटर ने मुझे hg क्लोन से क्लोन किया है c: \ Mycode e: \ code उसकी ई में: \ code मान लें कि फ़ाइल code.txt है और इसमें टेक्स्ट कोड 7 है अब, जब मैं उसे कोड 11 में बदलता हूं और hg प्रतिबद्ध करता हूं, तो वह अपना कोड एचजी पुल का उपयोग कर सकता है और एचजी अद्यतन अब उसका संस्करण कहता है कोड 11 है लेकिन अगर मैं तय करता हूं कि परिवर्तन गलत था और एचजी रोलबैक था, तो मेरी रिपॉजिटरी में 7 संस्करण होना चाहिए, जबकि कार्यशील निर्देशिका में 11 संस्करण होना चाहिए। इसलिए जब पीटर एक hg पुल और एचजी अपडेट करता है, तो उसे अपने वर्तमान रिपॉजिटरी तक सिंक करना चाहिए, जो कि 7 , लेकिन मुझे पता चला कि यह मामला नहीं है - वह अभी भी 11 संस्करण प्राप्त करता है ऐसा क्यों है? क्या वह रोल किया गया वापस कोड प्राप्त कर सकता है ( 7 )? क्या गिट भी उसी तरह से व्यवहार करता है? अपडेट: मैंने सोचा कि प्रतिबद्ध उसी तरह रिपॉजिटरी को प्रभावित करता है जिस तरह से रोलबैक को प्रभावित करता है रिपॉजिटरी - प्रतिबद्ध और रोलबैक दोनों डीबी लेनदेन शब्द हैं ... और अब हम कह रहे ...

language agnostic - webprogramming -what is the learning pathway? -

I have some knowledge of CSS, jQuery, Grails, Django, servlet and jsp, yet I do not see good professional design The website is watching. What is lacking? Can I start learning jquery UI, should I meet in Adobe products such as Flash, I am quite confused. I am quite happy in the user interface part If looking good looking UI is your problem, then nobody Learning new technology will not help you much. It is as easy as designing Flex in bad UI in HDML / CSS You have to first learn the concepts of good interaction design. Start with reading some good books: Do not explain me by Steve Krug for understanding UX and original design aesthetics Filling the vacancy by Look W - if you If you need to design a lot of web forms then Read many articles from Smashing Magazine, NupiDika, a list, and similar blogs Browse the web Great design Understand the examples of May include, which makes them great. You can spend 30-60 minutes every day and you can speed up your structure / l...

xml - How do I get a less than in a javascript for loop in XSL to work? -

I am using CDATA to avoid scripts but in IE8's debugger, I still receive this message: "Expected") For the status of the loop, I am assuming that it still thinks that the status of the loop is being eliminated in & amp; lt; generated by CDATA. The basic script in my XSL template:

Rails, my stylesheet disappears magically? -

OK I just started a rail project ... when I initially load the page it is styled Because it is considered as it is considered. When I refresh the stylesheet, any code disappears without changing it, I thought it was an html / css error, but if I close my browser and open it again then the page looks fine. is. So it's not like I'm in Dev mode so I do not think this is a cash problem. It happens in both Firefox and Chromium. Just try the mumble or slim

iphone os 4.0 adding images to simulator 4.0 folder -

I have two IDs SDK 3.0 and 4.0 on two different folders, I want to add images to my iPhone Simulator 4.0 . How can I do that when selecting an iPhone / Simulator 4.0 when there is no directory like App Support / Media / Directory, please guide me how I can do this Drag and save technology does not have to work for the 4.0 simulator. It works fine for 3.1.2, but not 4.0 Any ideas why? I have The MSC directory has also been added to .THM files.

jquery - Is there a way to detect elements inside a parent element? -

I would like to take a basic element inside to detect all the elements and still check whether the child's child element And they also know for example: I want to know the list of all the IDs inside # and check each child if she has a child and as long as I do not have a complete list of all the elements Keep it I want this array in this array in an array type array ("body" => gt; {"first" = "gtc:" second1 " , "Second2" ...........}); Try it out: $ ("# First $ (" #before "). Add some recurrence function recursion (elem, arr) {var id = $ (elem ) .attr ('id'); if (id) {var children = arr [id] = {}; $ (Elem). Child () (function () {recursion (this, children)});} } Element; {}; recursive ($ ("# first"), element); Console.log (JSON.stringify (element)); and you

css - Textarea 100% height in IE -

I use my & lt; Textarea & gt; How can I get the height of 100% and IE7 / 6? Elevation: 100% works well in all other browsers but IE does not want to accept anything other than specific values. Javascript is possible solution. To achieve 100% height in IE6 for one element, Need to specify the height if you want to make the element the full length of your page, then apply the height: 100%; For both HTML and body elements / * 100% height of original element for IE 6 * / # parent {height: 500px;} #Child {height: 100%;} / * for IE6 * / html 100% of page length, body taken from {height: 100%;} #fullLength {height: 100%;} : I'm guessing That also applies to IE 7.

actionscript 3 - change combobox selection based on value in an object in flex -

How do I change the selected item in a Cambodia selection based on the selection of a datagrid object? & Lt; S: combo box id = "combo" dataProvider = "{data}" selectedEyam = "{dg.selectedItem}" /> & Lt; Mx: DataGrid id = "dg" data provider = "{data}" />

testing - Hide public method used to help test a .NET assembly -

I have a .NET assembly, which has to be issued. The construction of its release includes: People using a public, documented API methods A public but notified API of other methods, which is the only assembly Helping the test, and those who do not have to use The assembly to be released is a custom control, not an application to regress-test, I will call it a test framework / Running in the application I, who does that (advanced / use extra) Some advanced / non-documented methods of documentary API are export controls. In the manner in which I do not want to use the public, I sent them to & lt; Exclude & gt; attribute, for example: tag (supported by Sandcastle Help File Builder), and using [EditorBrowsable] /// & lt; Summary & gt; /// A & lt; Gets cref = "IEditorTransaction" /> Example, which helps in combining several DOM edits in one transaction, ///, which can be redone / rewritten as a single, atomic operation and /// & lt; ...

javascript - jQuery plug-in to remap numeric keypad -

Is there a jQuery plug-in for remapping "dot" key in numeric keypad? Its purpose is to print a decimal separator instead of a decimal, to use commas or other characters in languages, I want to mimic the behavior of some desktop applications like MS Excel. (This is hard for hard-code output characters.) With jQuery plugin you can configure which character to use numpad decimal separator.

java - Why is the output like this? -

वर्ग अन्य {सार्वजनिक शून्य विधि (ऑब्जेक्ट ओ) {System.out.println ("यह विधि में है वस्तु लेता है "); } सार्वजनिक शून्य विधि (स्ट्रिंग्स) {System.out.println ("यह विधि जो स्ट्रिंग लेती है"); }} सार्वजनिक वर्ग न्यूक्लास {सार्वजनिक स्थिर शून्य मुख्य (स्ट्रिंग एजीआर []) {एक और एक = नया और (); an.method (शून्य); }} जब मैं इसे निष्पादित करने की कोशिश करता हूं, तो मुझे मिलता है जो विधि है के रूप में उत्पादन। क्यों नहीं "यह विधि में है जो वस्तु लेता है"? ऑब्जेक्ट रिक्त भी हो सकता है और स्ट्रिंग भी रिक्त हो सकती है, यह पहली विधि क्यों नहीं लाती है? अनुसार, ओवरलोड किए गए तरीकों के ऐसे मामलों में जहां दोनों तरीकों प्रदान किए गए तर्कों को संभाल सकते हैं, अधिक विशिष्ट तर्क के साथ विधि चुना जाता है। चूंकि स्ट्रिंग ऑब्जेक्ट ( स्ट्रिंग extends ऑब्जेक्ट से अधिक विशिष्ट है), शून्य विधि (स्ट्रिंग) चुना जाता है और बुलाया जाता है।

jquery - Override one css class with another? -

I have a list, with a Li Style defined. I want to change the style of a personal element, but there is no visual effect in it. Example: . MyList li {background color: yellow; } .foo {background color: green; } & Lt; Ul class = 'myList' & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; Hello & lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; / Ul & gt; When I add an item to the list, in it. The MyList li style has been implemented properly. I now try to remove all the styles and apply the foo style to an item (using jquery): $ (item) .removeClass (); $ (Item) .addClass ("foo"); The item does not change the color to green, but it reports that the class is set to 'foo': warning ($ ( Item) attr ('class')); So I think I do not understand the CSS rules here, it seems that the li class definition is overriding only what I am doing, though I want to be reverse true, I want to override Li style with Fu, how do we do it? thanks "myList li" selector ...

Where do we use the object operator "->" in PHP? -

विभिन्न तरीकों से हम किस प्रकार ऑब्जेक्ट ऑपरेटरों को - & gt; PHP में उपयोग कर सकते हैं? पहला, - & gt; / Code>, इसका उपयोग तब किया जाता है जब आप एक उदाहरण पर किसी पद्धति को कॉल करना चाहते हैं या किसी आवृत्ति प्रॉपर्टी का उपयोग करना चाहते हैं। दूसरा,, जब आप किसी विधि को कॉल करना चाहते हैं, तो एक स्थिर चर, या किसी कक्षा वर्ग के भीतर एक विधि का पैरेंट क्लास का संस्करण कॉल करें।

ruby on rails - How to run some code only once in view -

I have a partial view called '_comment.erb', and it can be called by parents many times ( For example in a loop). '_comment.erb' looks like this: & lt; Script & gt; Function aaa () {} & lt; / Script & gt; & Lt;% = comment.content% & gt; & Lt;% = link_to_function 'two', 'aa ()'% & gt; You can see that '_comment.erb' is sometimes called, then JavaScript 'AA' function will be redefined many times. I hope it can only be defined once, but I do not want to take it in the parent's view. I hope there is a way, say 'run-anse', and I can use it like this: / P> Regardless of how many times I call '_comment.erb', the code will only run once inside 'run_ones'. This is probably not the best solution to your problem, but to make an assistant, there will not be too much trouble at once: Assistant Def output_once (name, and block) @outपुट_once_blocks || = [] Unless that...

android - ksoap2 casting getResponse() -

Calling a .NET SOAP1.1 web service from android using ksoap2 lib and I have a problem of castings answering a custom object Met with For example, the code below is called right after (Soap Action, SoapInfaffe); And there is data inside it but I did not put it on a specific object in the form of soap object or vector, as I saw in many instances, I did not find anything in the cast expansion or simple. . If someone knows how to deal with it, please help public statusSetting [GetAllStatuses (string installation) {StatusSetting [] Conditions = Null; String alias = "getAllStatuses"; String Soap Action = NAMESPACE + "/" + methodName; SOAP object request = new SOAP object (NAMESPACE, methodName); Request.addProperty ("Installation", installation); SOAP Certification Envelope SOAPANANFLIFF = New Soapoilization Anaph (Softenffe. Over 11); SoapEnvelope.dotNet = True; SoapEnvelope.setOutputSoapObject (request); AndroidHttpTransport httpTran...

viewstate - Why does wrap the page in a form? -

I am a PHP developer whose ASPN Work on projects and I am wondering why each page is wrapped in a parva. It just does not make sense to me. Besides, what's with all the hidden input fields, especially "View State". A Using the viewstate is a part of being a decent ASP.NET programmer, and not because the default is used everywhere that causes a lot of bloat in the downloaded page.

jQuery: "Nested" visibility -

I have multiple & lt; Cube & gt; There is a table with elements at some given time, some & lt; Tbody & gt; Elements appear and some are hidden, and I only have to select the visible people. I see jQuery's : visible selector. The problem now is that I need to do that task before the table is hidden when it is hidden, and then : visible selector does not work Thank you. / P> You can call .filter : $ ('tabs'). Filter (function () {return $ (this). Css ('display')! == 'none';})

c++ - Convert void* representation of a dword to wstring -

I am dumb Monday, so I apologize for posting such a newbie question. I'm using the registry to return a dword value. QueryValue writes values ​​to void * pData and there is a way to get the length ULONG * pnBytes Now in wstring from pdata. Perhaps through stringstream I was getting the closest result as a hex string. I was about to convert hex representation into a single den and work from there on a wstring when I decided it was just dumb and instead of wasting another hour of my life on this problem I ask here . Why do not you use CRegKey :: QueryDWORDValue instead? Then you can swprintf_s to print it in string only (if you want).

php - sha1(password) encryption -

OK, so I have my users ". Sha1 ($ _ POST ['password'])." When they register, when entering their password it works well by looking at the database, I have no indication what their password is. Now the problem is entering. I am running some tests and when I try to log in, the password 12345 has not been matched with an encrypted password using $ password = sha1 ($ _ POST ['mypassword']) Any ideas why? Repeat the password column size on your database ... make sure it is holding the full sha1 hash (Varchar (40)) When password hashing, what is the value of the raw_output parameter? If true, then your return is a 20-character binary string; If false, this is a 40-character ASCII string. Make sure that you can store a binary value on the database if changed to use before, or after.

Develop iPhone application within a company? -

संभव डुप्लिकेट: एक डेवलपर के रूप में, मैं एप्पल स्टोर के माध्यम से एप्लिकेशन विकसित और बेचने के लिए एप्पल के साथ साइन अप कर सकता हूं। मुझे लगता है कि कंपनियों के लिए कंपनी-विस्तृत अनुप्रयोगों को सेटअप करने के तरीके हो सकते हैं ताकि उन अनुप्रयोगों को केवल एक कंपनी के भीतर ही तैनात किया जा सके, डाउनलोड किया जा सके, अपडेट किया जा सके और उपयोग किया जा सके। क्या यह सच है? यदि हां, तो क्या किसी को आईफोन के लिए कंपनी के भीतर आवेदन विकसित करने का अनुभव है? प्रक्रिया क्या है? क्या अनुप्रयोगों की तैनाती और उपयोग करने के लिए एक कंपनी स्टोर स्थापित करना संभव है? अगर इस तरह की सेवा से संबंधित कोई मूल्य है? और यह कितना संभव है? यह सही है, वहाँ एक है।

flex3 - Flex 3 LinkButton width: Distorted Skin Image -

I'm using linkButtons Burned inside a link with a background skin Some labels with links with a DetectorButton They are too long and distort the links Button skin How can I make all the episodes labeled with the same width as the humbots? You can use an item renderer to render Check the following articles and things, Arnani

WebSphere application server - name of server (server1) -

I know that all server names in the webserver application server are strongly limited to this method server1 server2 No way. You can define what you want.

clock - Is there a way to adjust the time displayed by the iPhone? -

I'm just curious ... on the status bar on the home screen and lock screen, there is a way to change the time displayed ??? I am trying to find both things on SDK 3.2 and 4, but there is no luck. Thanks for any feedback! I appreciate them :) no You generally can not influence the kind of phone-wide features, nor does Apple allow you to mislead the user in this way.

jquery - How to get calculated element width and height in YUI3? -

jQuery is easy. Hi () and. Width () Utilities To calculate the display size of a DOM element, there is also the status () to get the coordinates in it. In, I think that .getX (), .getY () and .getxy () have to get the status of utilities, but I'm not seeing anything for size (or can not see). What is a good way to get element height and width in YUI3? .getcomputedStyle ("width"). GetComputedStyle ("height")

javascript - What's the recommended way to create an HTML element and bind a listener to it using jQuery? -

At this time I get it using something like this: var MyElem = "& lt; tr id = 'tr-1' & gt; & lt; td & gt; Content & lt; / td & gt; & lt; / tr & gt;"; $ ("# Mytable") enclosed (myElem). $ ("#Tr-1"). Click (function () {// blah blah}); Traditionally, when I was not using jQuery, I did something like this: var myElem = document.createElement (. ..); Var myTable = document.getElementById ("myTable"); MyTable.appendChild (myElem); Mary Elm Click on = function () {// blah blah} In the second approach, I already have a reference to myElem and I do not want to don ( $ ("# tr-1") ), such as the jQuery approach, and so it should be especially fast in larger pages. Is not there a better jQuery-ish method to accomplish this task? You delete it below / $ ("& lt; Tr id = 'tr-1' & gt; & lt; td & gt; Content & lt; / td & gt; & lt; / tr & gt; ...

Is it wrong for a context (right click) menu be the only way a user can perform a certain task? -

I would like to know whether it is sometimes understood to provide some functionality in a piece of software which is only one Through the context (right click) menus, it seems that in most software I have worked with the right click menu, always used as a quick way to get the features available from other buttons or menus. Below is a screen shot UI I'm developing The tree view on the right shows the user's Library of Catalog. Users can create new catalogs, or add and remove existing catalogs in your library. The catalogs can be opened or closed in your library, or can be set to read only. Screen shot shows that I created the browser is. Some commands can be executed independently of any specific list (new, add). Nevertheless, other commands should be applied to a specially selected Catalog (Close, Open, Remove, Read Only, Refresh, Clean UP, Rename). At present, the "Catalog" menu at the top of the window looks the same. In this context menu, I still thin...

alias - Trying to use table aliases in SQL -

I am a graphic designer who is trying to understand tables, but it is not working. I have so far: to as as colours.colourid colourid1, combinations.manufacturercolourid colourmanid1, colours.colourname colourname1, colours.colourhex colourhex1, combinations. Qecolourid2 as colouridqe2, in the form of color. Colourid as Colourid2, colours.colour.colourname colorname2, colors.colourhex as colourhex2, colors.colourid ascolourid3, combination. Xecolourid3 as colouridqe3, colours.colourname ascolourname3, colours.colourhex as colourhex3, colours.colourid as colourid4, combination. Xecolourid4 AS Colouridq4, colours.colour name COLORname4, colours.colourhex as colourhex4, Join colors combos.coloursupplierid inner colors combinations. Color = combination the creator; Now, the idea is that in the color lookup table, the ID will pull names from the color code, hex and lookup table so that I can pull the color code, hex and name for 4 colors which I'm watching. I can get it to work...

c++ - Most efficient way to draw circles for polygon outlines -

I am using OpenGL and I was told that I have to solve every top of my profile to get lube needed. I tried it and it works great problem problem is that he crippled my application to attract a circle on every top. I'm not sure how to fix the incompatibility of my profile besides my circle, but using the display lists and trying with the array array were both slower than cruelty. Thanks See: One (probably very fancy) alternative is to draw one A single polygon that straightens the circle (say, a quad), and then use a piece program to discard the pieces. It will not be altogether insignificant to write, but I can bet that this is the fastest way. You will only pass the parameter of the division into the piece program and leave the piece apart from the center distance from the center larger than the desired radius of the circle.

.net - Why does set key not do anything in AES/SymmetricAlgorithm? -

This gives me a hard answer, I thought I was setting the key but I was not. There is no exception, nothing happens except bad results, if everything is ignored, then why is there a setter and no exception can be thrown on trying to write? What does the Setter on Key Property mean? When I am down, the basic value is not changed. After an hour when I know what's going on, I've been writing a loop to verify. I also tried AES Of [0] = val; Var b = val == aes.Key [0]; (And mess with it in urgent mode). Why is this behavior this? Array.Copy (myKey, aes.Key, aes.Key.Length); Int i = 0; Fortes (var v in aes.Key) {var b = myKey [i ++] == V; If (! B) B = B; } Well, for one thing, you are not using setter. What you're doing is using gates (which captures a copy key), and setting the key array in the setting of individual bytes (which do not affect the internal state AesCryptoServiceProvider ). If you want the setter to work correctly, then create a new byte arr...

c# - trying to set a dropdown in MVC -

I'm almost resolved but need a little push. What do I have here: I have an active field in the database which is a little field (True / Folce) I have used this type of form Dropdown list has been added: In my controller, I just have this code to generate true / wrong in the dropdown: list & lt; String & gt; ActiveList = new list & lt; String & gt; (); ActiveList.Add ("this is true"); ActiveList.Add ("wrong"); ViewData ["ActiveList"] = new selection list (active list); I want to actively bind to the field in the database and want to select it in the dropdown. When I see it like this I get it: So the questions are: Obviously I do not pay attention to the value of the value of the text Is it giving me this issue? And how do I select the value in the database? Any help would be appreciated. Here are some suggestions for you. First of all, the name of your dropdown list is "lstActive", so if you...

arrays - In Java why would one want to put the brackets in front of the name of an aray? -

मुझे बताया गया है कि int [] संख्या और पूर्णांक संख्या [] समकक्ष हैं। मैंने केवल पहले ही हालांकि पूर्व देखा है। क्या है, अगर कभी भी, उत्तरार्द्ध को लिखना है? वास्तव में कोई फर्क नहीं पड़ता, लेकिन, मेरी व्यक्तिगत वरीयता int [] संख्याओं के लिए है क्योंकि यह अधिक तार्किक रूप से वर्ग instance_name पैटर्न का अनुसरण करता है। सब के बाद आप वास्तव में "संख्याओं" को "संख्याओं" नामक एक "पूर्णांक संख्या" को अपमानित कर रहे हैं, दूसरा रूप थोड़ा गुमराह करने वाला है "संख्या" नामक एक पूर्णांक "ओह" और अधिकतर "ओके" और जिस तरह से वास्तव में "संख्या" की एक सरणी घोषित कर रहे हैं।

objective c - Can a UIViewController push a UITabBarController? -

If so, how do I setup my UITabBarController in IB? I have seen all the examples that the UITBBR Controller in the Application Representative. You can enter a UITabBarController where you usually have a UIViewController , but your users will be confused. Tab bar controllers are designed to be an application-wide bar, which is switched between references.

Mac OSX Programming for long time Linux geek -

I have written software on Linux since 1995 but should get speed with app development on Mac. I have no experience on that forum, of course I should get my hands on some suitable hardware. What are the good books, tutorials and other resources for experienced deities starting on Mac? Not only APIs and Apps, but how to install an app in it, debug it, and so on? Check some preproduction books:

html - 100% width table cell -

I have this table layout, I want to align the entire contents in right, so I am width: 100%; I'm using a cell with . Usually everything looks good and good. But something that I did not understand If the content in the cell, which is colspan, becomes larger than normal cell in this column (you can test it by clicking on the click button ), this breaks the whole layout. It is on Chrome, Safari 4 and 5, IE8, but OK on opera, FF and IE7. Any thoughts? & lt ;! DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "- // W3C / / DTD HTML 4.01 Transcription // N" "http: //www.w3 org / TR / HTML4 / loose.dtd" & gt; & Lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Meta http-equiv = "content-type" content = "text / html; charset = UTF-8" & gt; & Lt; Title & gt; Test & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; Style type = "text / css" & gt; Table {width: 100%; } Table TD {boundary: 1 px solid black; White-space: Abrop; } .Delimiters {w...

AIX 0403-006 Execute permission denied -

I am using a shell script on AIX. I have allowed execution to use chmod - however, I am having the following error: ksh: ./getcwd.exe: 0403-006 Execution Permission Denied . Any ideas? Assume the program that you are trying to run Runcwd.exe, run the file command on it . The file getcwd.exe This will give you the idea of ​​what type of file. If * Output says that RISC system / 6000 or 64-bit xkop is executable, then it may be compiled for Ax. * If this DOS or ALF-386 is executable, then it will not run on AX. It was compiled to run on Intel x86 compatible processors. * If this shell says executable or command text, then it should be run, but you may have to specify the shell interpreter to run it, for example: ksh getcwd. Exe In your case, it seems that you are running a script that calls getcwd.exe. In this case, the script can be executable (executable), but the executable bits can not be set on getcwd.exe. You will also need to get chmod getcwd.exe (ass...

javascript - using dojox grid in xpages -

How to use the doojos datagrid in the excise? If someone has a code snippet, please send it to me at - I'm trying with the following code, but I'm not getting anything on output: & Lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; Xp: see xmlns: xp = "" dojotheme = "true" dojoParseOnLoad = "true" & gt; & Lt; Link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text / css" href = "../dijit / themes / tundra / tundra.css" /> & Lt; Link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text / css" href = "../djox / grid / _grid / tundra.grid.css" /> & Lt; XP: this.resources & gt; & Lt; Xp: dojo module name = "dojox.grid.DataGrid" & gt; & Lt; / Xp: dojo module & gt; & Lt; Xp: dojo module name = "dojox.grid" & gt; & Lt; / Xp: dojo module & gt; & Lt; / XP: this.r...

java - Is LinkedBlockingQueue a correct choice for a producer-consumer like scenario? -

I have a consumer-consumer status that produces objects in class A type e. I have to put it in a static data structure in class A because the consumer logic should be handled in class B, in which there is no reference to the object of A. Linked the right data type to linkboxing? Or is there a better selection for this? If you are using the bound queue, you can consider one. In addition, LinkedBlockingQueue from Javadoc: Linked queues generally have higher throughputs compared to array-based queues, but Most concurrent applications have less predictive performance.

c++ - Writing OpenGL enabled GUI -

I'm exploring the possibility of writing a notebook analog that looks and feels to use a traditional notebook, But with the added benefit of customizing the page you can not on paper - to keep the governed paper here, paste the image to a grid paper, an image, insert a recording from the built-in camera, try writing handwriting on the tablet input Take some latex to clean sources, and so on. I'm very interested to see that writing a note on a computer can come anywhere near a plain paper + pencil offer (hard to do IMO) and it can always be converted into a university C ++ project, so There dual benefits There are some important things for the user interface coming from the type of project: The user will be able to zoom in, move and rotate the notebook as he wants and I think this is a very sensible representative for Open GL, so the future GUI needs to work well with OGL (preferably being presented) User interface low Less than these keyboards Should Naivbl with Ut c... - Design site map page -

I need to design my website's site map page in I am confused whether using custom site map and receiving information from the database, or getting information from the database directly and pairing it with hyperlinks ... Please help Please. The advantage of using this is that you use it with Sitemap, menu, and trivium control You can. You can also gain access, which is good if the map of your site changes based on permission. The negativity is that when it comes to queries of strings it can be quite harsh, and you have to jump from provider model hoops just to get some data from the database. If you are planning to display a Sitemap in multiple ways (menu, sitemap, etc) or require security trimming, then I will ask you to use a custom provider if you are using hyperlinks. If you do not access your original data, then follow it, and just do it.

c# - PaintEventHandler logical issue -

I am dynamically creating some image boxes, then I am specifying the following: // class variable public string color label; // Start Private Zero Form 2_load (Object Sender, Event Argus E) // Loop. Paint Label = Serialano; Size [I] Paint + = new paint event handler (ctl_Paint); // End Loop // My Event Private Zero ctl_Paint Override (Object Sender, PaintEventArgs E) {Control TMP = (Control) Sender; (Font myFont = new font ("Arial", 9, font style.)) (E. Graphics.Drustring (This colorbell, my font, brush, light goodbye, new point (62, 2)); // (Font myFont = new font ("Aerial", 10))} // Private Zero ctl_Paint (Object Sender, EventArgues E) This image is about to create a box and each Type a different serial number on one, but it ends up typing the last serial number found in all the picture boxes Edit: OK, your solution is very advanced to me but I have tried to understand it. The piece has been added to me. Then my picture box array has been changed...

design patterns - Perls Of Wisdom For a .Net Programmer -

I think that I have completely gone from the beginning to the beginning, it has been a difficult road and on which I have made many wrong turns, there is only one place in any profession where so many rock stars gather, there is something that I want to take advantage of. What do I want to ask, what is the realization of your knowledge for this. Net programmers can be anything that you should follow the value, concept, book, process, anything of that nature, it is not just specific relevant. Thank you for taking the time to read and reply One thing I'll tell everyone: This is a knowledge area. If you stop learning, your skills will grow quickly. Whether you think so well, do not stop learning.

iphone sdk 3.0 - UINavigationController back button problem in landscape mode? -

My iPhone application supports first image mode, now I want to support geo-colloid mode also. Everything is working fine in my application, except the navigation controller back button, I have used tableviews in the NavigatorConstroler, when I click the back button in the landscape mode view is popping and Its last view is loading but the animation is weird. I have given the default animation, but the landscape mode is in the scene Does anyone have to face this kind of problem ??? thank you in advanced. I understand the problem and below is the solution ... in every view controller I am in Navigation Controllers Pushing should be the following representative method. Each view controller should confirm that it is supporting the orientation change (BOOL) should be theoretteTontactation Orientation: (UINPreference Orientation) Interface Orientation {Self.orientation = interfaceOrientation ; Yes come back }

Convert HTML to PDF in ASP.NET -

संभव डुप्लिकेट: मैं एक्रोबेट चालक को वेब पेज को गुप्त वेब पेज पर कैसे उपयोग कर सकता हूं, मेरे ब्राउज़र पर एक आइकन है I वेब पेज को पीडीएफ समर्थक व्याकरण के रूप में परिवर्तित करने के लिए मैं एएसपी.नेट में कैसे इसका उपयोग कर सकता हूं। इसके लिए आपको सर्वर साइड लाइब्रेरी की आवश्यकता होगी एक अच्छा एक है जो मुफ़्त है उनके पास बहुत कुछ है।

objective c - Extending a view to the left side, animated -

I have a feeling that I want to extend the animation using the animation. All boundaries but the left should remain the same, so X position and the width of the scene are changing. I use this code: [UIView startAnimations: zero reference: zero]; [UIView Set Animation Duration: 5.0]; Self.frame = CGRectMake (self.frame.origin.x-100, self.frame.origin.y, self.frame.size.width + 100, self.frame.size.height); [UIView commitAnimations]; If I run this code, then the width of the scene is immediately set in the new value and then the view is taken to the new X point, but why? How can I change this behavior? Thank you for your thoughts! Your code is going well for me How are you running it? Calling - The set frame is the right choice for what you are doing. My custom view looks like this: #import "TestView.h" @implementation TestView - (id) initWithFrame: (CGRect) frame {if ((self = [super initWithFrame: frame]) ) {// Initial Code} Healthy Return; } - (zero) Del...

crash - jQuery 1.4.2 $.ajax with specified jsonpCallback crashes IE6/7 -

I have posted a similar thread before, but after further investigation I found out that the problem is $ .jax jsonpCallback parameter This crashes at 2 requests (cash problem?) Each time in the following simple code This code will crash IE6 and IE7 on click-me-span clicks on the second click. Now what can anyone do for this reason? I'm not sure what's going on here, but this is the situation where it comes to work Is :)

visual studio 2010 - Can TFS2010 be set up locally in order to use Test Manager but still tie into work items, bugs, & source code residing in a remote TFS2008 instance? -

We currently use TFS2008 for our source control, bug tracking, and functions. The TFS2008 server is located in the remote data center. Locally, we have Visual Studio 2010 Developer Machines installed on one of the methods to install TFS2010 so that we can run Test Manager, but still tie into items and source code working on Remote 2008 instances / databases? Yes, no more. First of all - you can not connect the work items with two examples of TFS. You can not connect between two team collections on the same Sharepoint server if you do not really need it or you If you can upgrade your TFS 2008 to 2010, stop reading. Yes - If you are a local TFS 2010 example you can setup a sync between work items and the source control of the TFS 2008 box. Note that this will be difficult because TFS 2008 probably uses MSF Playful 4.2 templates and you have an MSF AGV 5.0 template on your local TFS 2010. You have to set up mapping between work item types and for this, the zero mapping work ite...

orm - Trying to make models in Kohana, relations problem -

I have a table of hits, articles and categories - now, one hit is for a paragraph / category (where Depending on it was done). So I have a column on the hit table with a name 'parentype' - which tells me 'paragraph' or 'category' I wrote in hit model (raises ORM) safe $ _belongs_to = array ('page' = & gt; array ('model' =>> $ this-> parenttype)); Now this is not expected about complain-> parenplype about $? You must declare variable protected $ _belongs_to = NULL; and the original class constructor on the constructor is set after calling public function __construct () {parent: __ creation (); $ This- & gt; _belongs_to = Array ('page' = & gt; array ('model' => = this- & gt; carpetrepe);) }

c++ - Two separate tm structs mirroring each other -

Here's my current status: I have two TM strings, both set current Time I make changes in hours in one of the structures The change is decreasing magically in other structures .... How do I do this Prevent me from I should be able to compare and find the number of seconds between two different times - the present time and time in the future I'm using difftime and mktime to determine I think technically two TM stranks are not needed (other structures can only be loaded with raw time), but I'm interested in understanding why this happens. zero tracker :: Monitor (four * buffer) { // time-typing time_t system time, schedulatum, current time; Structure TM * dispatch time; Struct tm * uicatime; Double timeout; // We operate two strings with the current time dispatch = Dispat Time_TM (); Uiuctime = uiuctime_tm (); // Fixed parameter sending time-> Tm_hour = 5; Shipping Time- & gt; Tm_min = 05; Shipping Time- & gt; TM_SC = 14; Uicatime-> Tm_hour = 0...

smartcard - pkcs#11 capable Smart Card and Reader -

Do anyone have a suggestion on how smart cards and USB readers are affordable, are suitable for VPN and for which PKCS # 11 supoprt Perhaps reading on the OpenCAD project website, clarifying the connection between readers, and PKCS Helps # 11

linux - Preventing write into a socket before the other side accepted the request -

I am implementing a protocol such as FLP in Linux (homework) and I have come to the following problem: The client may be enabled To connect () and write () succeeded in accepting the other side () (but after that it listens ()). How can I stop the writing process in a separate communication channel without relying on anonymous names like "acceptable acceptable, can you write now"? The connect () call will not return unless a TCP connection is established. Data server will not reach the application until the server server accepts the call (). However, once the TCP connection is established the client can start sending data. It will be buffer by the server stack until the server is read by the application. What is the purpose to stop the work of writing? TCP window mechanism will stop data flow if the server is delaying calling ().

javascript - innerHTML doesn't work correctly with xhtml in Chrome -

I'm having trouble with Chrome 5.0.375.70, but FF 3.6.3 and Opera 10.53 OK is the line of code below: document.getElementById ('content'). InnerHTML = data.documentElement.innerHTML; The data object from the code is a document (typef == 'object') and I Chapter 01. XHTML from the AJAX request Strong>: & lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt ;! DOCTYPE html [& lt ;! ENTITY D "& amp; # x2014;" & Gt; & Lt ;! ENTITY o "& amp; # x2018;" & Gt; & Lt ;! ENTITY c "& amp; # x2019;" & Gt; & Lt ;! ENTITY O "& amp; # x201C;" & Gt; & Lt ;! ENTITY C "& amp; # x201D;" & Gt; ] & Gt; & Lt; Html xmlns = "" & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Title & gt; Louis Carroll by Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Chapter I: Rabbit-hole below & lt; / ...

.htaccess - can i set a 301 redirect into a rewrite rule? -

Can I set a 301 redirect in a rewrite rule? For example, can I redirect this code to 301? Rev. ^ long - ([एज] {2}) / ([0-9] +) \ - ([a-zA-Z0-9-] *) \ .HTML ( . *) $ /product.php?id_product=$2&isolang=$1$4 [L, E] If you want Apache to be interested in your PHP script for the treatment of your static URL, you do not need to set a 301 response code for your static page. The 3xx response code is used only when you are redirecting one person from Page A to Page B with a change in URL.

flex - Flash: How to dispatch a click event at the top of a loaded .swf? -

So I'm trying to create an appliance that will allow me and other users to open .swf to everyone, And then I'm able to think of myself as an admin user, while they all see my mouse movements and button clicks etc. I am using blazads to manage it and I am getting data sent back and forth etc. - No problem is the issue I am running: In an "Administrator" example, I click on a button I capture X and Y, then tell Blaze to tell my explorer X and Y to send an event. On my client side, I get that data and send the click event to that X and Y - but the click has actually been caught at the stage level. Clicking on my client side is under all my buttons and other content - so the whole thing fails. Does this make sense? Is there a way to start click event at the top? If you use the loaded SWF architect to use a better architecture you work with the button Can try some more thing to do. You must be able to simulate what you want with methods getObjectsUnderP...

c# - UI Thread .Invoke() causing handle leak? -

In what situations can the use of processes be increased due to continuous updation of a UI control from non-UI threads Is a representative and . Anvok-required ? For example: Public Representative Zero Representative (UI Update); Private Zero UIUpdate () {if (someControl.InvokeRequired) {someControl.Invoke (New DelegateUIUpdate (UIUpdate)); Return; } // Do something with something. Control [/ code> When called on a loop or timer interval, the handle for the program increases steadily. Edit > Public Delegate DelegateUIUpdate (); Private Zero UIUpdate () {// if (someControl.InvokeRequired) // {// someControl.Invoke (New DelegateUIUpdate (UIUpdate)); // Return; //} checkerollegalcrossthreadcol = wrong; // do something with somethingControl} ... then increasing the handle stop , though I do not want to allow cross thread calls. Edit 2: Here is a sample that increases the handle: thread thread; Private Representative Zero UpdateGUI (); Bool UpdateTheGui = fa...

Why is my JavaScript Twitter feed not working in Internet Explorer? -

We are running a new design of, and we have implemented a Twitter feed in the footer. (I'm design and front end boy, my co-worker scripting and backend boy). All Internet Explorer is well with the Twitter feed in all major browsers except version 8 and later. Although we have no indication that IE is not pulling the feed at all. Any signal ?? (see footer) found this! The problem is with li.innerHTML = assignment. Basically, you are feeding a Twitter script somewhere, which is "li class =" ft-tweet "> gt; & lt; p & gt; Text% & lt; / p & gt; & lt; a href = "" class = "FT-tweet timestamp" & gt;% time% But unfortunately, Twitter already has a & lt; Li & gt; and only wants to get its internal HTML what happens now that you & lt; Li & gt; on Twitter-built & lt; Li & gt; Enter , which most browsers accept, bu...

Mystery: How does Google do cross-domain iframe communication? -

When you host a Google Web Search element on a page, a div is made that includes an iframe That's a Google AdSense Ads page. However, if there is no ad for specific query, Google somehow changes the class on your domain to present its div (and iframe) invisible. They are not using post messages because it works in IE 7. They are not even using piece identifier method, because there is no hash in the URL. So how do they do it? To see what I'm saying, just put it in a regular HTML page: and then search for "car" (or something else that will definitely be an ad) and then for "wzxv", which has no ads ... The script is included in your frame, so it can do whatever your page wants. Cross-domain restrictions are counted only for scripts in the iframes referred to things in external scripts from foreign domains. google.load ('search', '1'); Runs in your frame owned by your domain, there is no restriction.

java - Is JPA expertise transferable to Toplink? -

Expertise in one such as JPA and TopLink can take someone else to another? As I understand, the implementation of the TopLink JPA standard is there, there are others, and the use of TopLink Using JPA means of course, with the newer versions of the JPA standard, I would recommend using a more robust architecture like hibernate. The JPA standard actually borrowed a little bit of hibernation, and therefore now they are inline with each other Are there. Another advantage is that many reference material for hibernate is online, and the toplink is not close to it Hibernate is a very complex tool, but the experience is extremely desirable in any Java store. Will happen.

php - How to create Share Button to Hi5 -

Anything else is a simple way to share anything in the social network, using php / javascript Need to create share buttons Can anyone help me? There are many services that work for it, just paste it in a little bit JavaScript snippet. Will happen. Try: Facebook goes a little bit ahead with a group of other drop-ins widgets:

windows - How Do I Programmatically Set a File Tag -

When using Windows Explorer to view files, I have been given the option of setting "tag", "category" Or other features, a separate group of attributes (including a "tag") for a JPEG, I want to be able to set up these programs. How do I set up a file tag and other file attributes using Delphi (Delphi 2010 Pro)? Tags in JPEG files are submitted as IPTC keywords. The Explorer shows different columns for different file types because it recognizes that those file types support those additional columns. You can define shell plug-ins to support custom column information for your own file types.

multithreading - logging one thread in Java using log4j -

I have a web application written in Java, and I have a thread-pool. The application is too big, and I can not make big changes, for example, I can not change log4j. I am performing a batch process in the thread pool, and I want to log in, which is run to execute the process. Always a thread is active in the thread pool. How can I do this? I think you have other threads, such as request threads that you do not want to log into Logfile, and want to log in to only dedicate only one event from the batch. To write all the logs of the batch in a logfile, you will need to create some runtime tweaks on the log4j configuration on runtime, you add these changes at the beginning of the batch, and when the batch completes the changes - Delete static log4j application configs, and runtime log-44 configuration changes will not affect the remaining app. This change is for you to enable logging for batch only: At the beginning of the batch, a new appender for Cataegory / Logger...

php - Fill CSS box with text from MySQL till there is no overflow, scrollbar, or hidden text -

I want to fill a CSS box with text unless there is no overflow or scrollbar. To get the text from MySQL, the user clicks on a button and the next bit will fill the text box. To do this, I have put the only way, parse through the text and count the characters and the new lines etc. And calculate whether it will fit in the box or not. Is there an easier way to do this? Thanks There is no reliable way to figure out how much text will fit in a DOM element. However, I'm pretty sure why to set only overflow: hidden on the box will not be enough Whatever overflow happens, it will be cut (which is, hidden) Will happen).

c# - Initiate User Scope Class at Session Start -

I want to start a class for every user at the beginning of the user's session so that a single class is used full time I could check the user's sessions, but I'm not sure where I should keep the sessionhand class. Global.asax inside? How do I complete it? I think you will run a common piece please see Does the following problem solve your problem? 1. For example, Secure Zero session_OnStart () {// User Initialization Here the session ["Userfriendaire"] = id; user session for the user's initialization code Session ["authentic"] = true; } 2. Get the base controller from the controller class, so that you will get all other controllers developed from the base controller (D coupling) example, public class base controller: controller {} P> Thanks, Vijay P>

Parsing EXIF's "ExposureTime" using PHP -

पुनः, एक्सचेंज के साथ 1/640 होने वाली एक तस्वीर में "एक्सपोज़र टाइम" eq का EXIF ​​फ़ील्ड है । "15625/10000000"। मुझे यकीन नहीं है कि कुछ फ़ोटो एक पठनीय प्रारूप (उदाहरण के लिए, "1/100") में इस मान को प्रदर्शित करते हैं, लेकिन मुझे इस "15625" को वापस "1/640" रूपांतरित करने की आवश्यकता है। कैसे? :) धन्यवाद यह सरल गणित है: केवल शीर्ष मूल्य से अंश के ऊपर और नीचे को विभाजित करें। > 15625/10000000 = (15625/15625) / (10000000/15625) = 1/640 PHP में, आप ऐसा कर सकते हैं: $ exposure = "15625/10000000"; $ भागों = विस्फोट ("/", $ एक्सपोजर); $ एक्सपोजर = आंत ("/", सरणी (1, $ भाग [1] / $ भागों [0])); प्रतिध्वनि $ एक्सपोजर;

c# - Use Lambda in Attribute constructor to get method's parameters -

I'm also not sure whether this is possible, but I have tried to eliminate all my thoughts, I thought I would send it to the community and see what you thought. And, if this is not possible, then maybe you have some ideas. I am trying to create an attribute class that I can add in a method that I get every parameter of the lambda expression method public ExampleAttribute: attribute { Public object value {get; Set; } Public ExampleAttribute (- here to work some lambda -, object value) {value = value; }} I want to be able to do something like this: [Example (x => x.Id, 4)] [Example (X => x.filter, "string value")) Public performance index (int id, string filter) {return view (); } I think that I can dream completely with this idea. I'm basically trying to write a model to allow for the self-documentation of the REST API documentation. In a recent project on the job, we wrote a dozen or more services with 5 to 15 methods from each, I think it is ea...

.net - What's the best way to transfer a large dataset over an ASMX web service? -

I have received a C # .NET application that talks to the web service, and web service negotiations for the Oracle database I need to add an export function to the UI to create an Excel spreadsheet in the data. I have created a web service function to run a database query, load the data in the dataTable and then return it, which works well for a small number of rows, though enough data in full run That the client application locks for a few minutes and then gives a timeout error. Obviously this is not the best way to recover such a large dataset. Before I go ahead and coming in some awesome way of calling, I am wondering if there is already some place it can handle. At the moment, I have a startupport function I'm thinking, until the data remains unchanged, repeatedly calls the next 50 Rows function, but because the web service is stateless, it means that I keep some type of ID number and deal with it Affiliate permissions This would mean that I have to load the entire data ...

sql - What are the reasons *not* to use a GUID for a primary key? -

Whenever I design a database, with the GUID primary key for auto-generated for each of my tables Automatically starts (tables except exceptions) I know that I will never sleep on duplicate keys, merging tables, etc. For me, it is only philosophically understood that any record should be unique to all domains, and that it should be specific that the table is represented in a consistent manner in the table. I think that this will never be the highest performing option, but to perform on one side, I want to know that there are philosophical arguments against this practice? I am continuously talking about using a GUID rental key as a primary key - no matter how natural And whether or sequential keys are prepared on a table. These are my beliefs: Data based on natural keys can be designed for integrity, but not assumed. The function of the primary key is fair integrity, despite the execution, indexing, or data. Jeff Atwood talks about this in great detail: Guid pro...

how to get all column value from sphinx by configuration file php -

I want to know how to get all column values ​​from the table using Spinks Search ... i is a configuration file, that file can only get one field from the table. But I need all field values. I will modify where to get all the fields from the table. Thanks and Advance ... Sphinx only documents ID, weight and attributes Will return. Use MySQL to get the remaining value. Search for spinks, which will give you a list of document IDs For each document ID, query a MySQL that gives you values ​​for all fields.

sql server - Split table and insert with identity link -

I have 3 tables similar to the structure below create table [dbo] [EmpBasic] ([EmpID] [int] identification (1,1) No zero primary key, [name] [varchar] (50), [address] [varchar] (50)) Create table [dbo]. [EmpProject] [[DBO]] [[DBO]] [[DBO]] with [[mpid] [int] tap primary key, epipisy [[API6] [varchare] (50)). [Mpful_mmpi] ([object] [Intid] [Intid] identified (1,1) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, [T1Name] [varchar] (50), [T1Address] [varchar] (50), [T1EmpProject] [varchar] (50)) The EmpFull_Temp table is a record with a dummy object ID column ... I want to populate the first 2 tables with the records in this table ... but the first 2 With EmpID as a reference between tables. A stored procedure ... table # Aidiss (Mpid Biltint, Ojjid Binit) into EmpBasic output Inserted.EmpID, T1Name in EmpFull_Temp.ObjectID #IDSS, Select EmpFull_Temp from T1Address where ObjectID & lt; As 106 select select A.EmpID in EmpProject, A. BIT 1EmpProject #IDSS, EmpFull_Temp as B where A.ObjID = B.Objec...

how can i implement this concept using mysql? -

My goal is to do a process that takes a text - there are idioms in the form of input and this output After each idiom is changed, the lesson means that they have a table called "idioms" in which there are two columns: Firstly the idioms are called "idioms" and the second is for idiom and "idiomatic" Is called and it is my job till now: The process of making the actuator // method is to find the idiom (in the input text, in the output text) when starting (SELECT idioms from idols where input like '%', @ idiom, '%');) Selection slots (@ input, @ IDIOOM, @ IDIOOM mining) in output; End time; End / delimiter; But the last code has errors, any suggestions? While there is no loop in mysql, the loop is coded as an example below while X and lieutenant; = 5 Select X; In the end; Try the cursor and use it Repeat your selection statement as given below and try Select phrases from idioms where idioms like idioms ('%', Input,...