
Showing posts from March, 2012

poco - Entity Framework 4 Code First and the new() Operator -

I have a deep hierarchy of objects that I would like to do with unit framework 4, POCO, PI (continuity ignorance) It started when I had confidence in not using the new () operator. Originally in written form, objects often use new () to create child objects. Instead, I am using myself on the repository pattern to make all the child objects as necessary. For example, given: class Adam {list & lt; Child & gt; children; Zero AddChildGivenInput (string input) {children.Add (new kid (...)); }} Category Children {List & lt; Grand Chald & gt; Grandsons; Zero AddGrandChildGivenInput (string input) {grandchildren.Add (New GrandChild (...)); P> Class AdamRepository {ADD ADD} {return objectContext.Create & lt; Adam & gt; (); } AddChildGivenInput (Adam Adam, string input) {return adam.children.Add (new child (...)); } GrandChild AddGrandchildGivenInput (child child, string input) {return child.grandchildren.Add (new GrandChild (...)); }} Now, it w...

iphone - CGContext rotation -

I have a 100x100 pixel image that I want to draw on different angles rotated around the center of the image. The following code works, but moves around the original origin of the coordinate system (upper left hand corner) and is not a translated place. Thus, the image is rotated in the upper left corner of the screen, not around it. The following code was played with someone else in a blank application, but nothing else. - (zero) direct: (CGRTact) rect {CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext (); CGContextTranslateCTM (Reference, -50, -50); CGContextRotateCTM (reference, 0.3); CGContextTranslateCTM (references, 768 / 2,1024 / 2); [Image dotpointpoint: CGPindMake (0,0)]; } I tried to do this using Cagefin Transformers, but I got the same result. Rotation is always about the origin; What you need to do is not to defeat it, but rather to take advantage of it. The key to remember here is that the translation transfers the original, so, if you want to center th...

python - SQLAlchemy automatically converts str to unicode on commit -

When putting an object in a database with SQLAlchemy, all of these attributes automatically correspond to the string () column Here is the code: sqlalchemy import from_engine, table, column, integer, string, sqlalchemy.orm import metadata metadata = metadata () table = table (' Projects, Metadata, Column ('id', integer, primary_key = true), mapper, session maker engine = create_agine ('sqlite: ///: memory:', echo = false) column ('name', string (50 )) Class project (object): def __init __ (self, name): = name mapper (project, table) metadata .create_all (engine) in session = session Tax (bind = engine) () Project = Project ("Lorem ipsum") print (type ( session.add (project) session.commit () print (type ( And here's the output: & lt; Type 'str' & gt; & Lt; Type 'Unicode' & gt; I know that I should probably work with Unicode, but it will involve digging throu...

iphone - audioPlayerDidFinishPlaying not being called during scrolling UITableView -

One of my thoughts is UITableView which acts as a representative of AVAudioPlayer and this table essentially runs sound when you select a certain line with options, then you can repeat the sound after its expiry. However, I have noticed that if I select a cell again for a certain sound and then scroll through UITableView to select a different sound , Then it repeats exactly as soon as I stop scrolling until the scrolling stops, so it will be audioplayerDidfinist playing (and therefore do not repeat it). Or if I do not scroll at all, it just repeats exactly. What could happen during scrolling that UITableView is no longer acting as a rep and calling audioPlayerDidFinishPlaying ? Any ideas? Although the documentation did not say this clearly, I suspect that audioplayerDidFinishPlaying The call is deferred on the main thread (bold sentence by me): The AVAudioPlayer class lets you play sound in any audio format available in the iPhone OS. You use a delegate to ...

mysql - Joomla - Joomfish Error Blank index.php -

After installing multilingual with zoomfish, I have Joomla error, I use Joomla 1.5.11 and Zumfish 2.0.4 I am doing How to find the result of an empty page error? Using Joomla default error reporting does not work. Nothing is still blank page with the K2 component installed there, please help, I can not understand due to error? [Error June 11 18:07:22 2010] [Error] [Client] Script '/ home / user / domain / / public_html / *. Php 'not found or unable to stat Did you display_errors on php.ini Turned on? You can see it by going to the Help -> System Info and the PHP Information tab. Also make sure that the Error Reporting site is set to maximum -> global configuration. It looks like something is trying to include " .php" I search my code for " .php" (use grep or findstr) I will try and see if you get anything. If your logs tell you which file and row is throwing this error, will help in finding the problem. ...

django - Rendering spatial data of GeoQuerySet in a custom view on GeoDjango -

I have just started my first project on Geodengo. In fact, with GeoDjango powered, we all have a very good chance to view / edit the spatial data associated with the current object. The problem is that after the arrival of objects, I have to submit many objects' relevant geometry once on a map I can apply it as a model action , I can redirect to a custom view. I do not know how to open the OpenLayers widget and how to render the geometry of my premises with my GeographicSat. I would be very grateful to any of the experienced Geodang programmers. / P> Two parts of this question: How do I generate geographic data Can Open Layer Read Through Django? How can I use this data with Open Layers? Generate Geographic Data Generate Geographic Data in Django Built In, you can use .kml () or .json () methods; By doing so each .json or .kml property is due to recycling, which has KML or JSON of Gemetry in the form of a string. Then you can use this output in a temp...

php - Unread email notifier, most practical approach -

I am in the process of writing a small php-cli script which will loop on my personal inbox and then one login SMS via door. I have a question: The script will launch every 10 minutes by the Kronon, if an email sits in my inbox that is not read before I launch the next script 2 will get the SMS. Anyone (Pseudocode) has any idea what the best practice in PP5 will be, to ensure that only 1 SMS is sent? How am I currently learning that a message is storing ID id in SQLite DB and to flag a field whether the SMS has been sent or not - but is thinking that Is there an easier way? You do not have to store anything. If I understand you correctly, you want your program to send you a message, if any new, unread emails have come within the last 10 minutes. In that situation, can not you do the following? foreach ($ inbox [] as the message) {if (($ message.isUnread) & amp; ($ message.receiveTime & gt; now () - 10 minutes )) {$ SendMessage = TRUE; }} If ($ sendMessage) {s...

bash - How to start a Python ipython shell, automatically run inside it a few commands, and leave it open? -

I tried echo "printing" hello '' | Ipython which runs the command but the Imitium immediately comes out later. Any thoughts? Thanks! Edit: I need to actually pass the order in the interactive Django shell, for example: resonance "print" Hello '| Python shell] The suggested -i switch does not seem to work for Gmail (the shell just runs out of execution) Use the same flag used by standard interpreter. -i when viewing a script Li is passed as a logic or the -c option is used, after executing the script or command, enter the interactive mode, even when the sys.stdin terminal does not appear, the PYTHONSTARTUP file is not read. Using a Linux instance,: $ ipython -i -c 'print' hello, ipithon! '' Hello, in the ipathon! [2] : Print "right here" here [3]:

oracle10g - Oracle update procedure issue -

In the Oracle table, I want to update the following process, but throwing this error: Update the functionality / update the keyboard (Update in Vectar2, NUMBER in AKCard). Keyword = KEYWORD =: new.aKEYWORD or COUNT =: new.aCOUNT where KEUWORD_ID =: old.KEYWORD_ID; End; This is my process. I want to update the keyword & amp; Counts in searchable_keywords table in keyword_id (primary key), but it is throwing an error: line / cl error - - ----- --------------------------------------------- -------------------- 3/4 PL / SQL: SQL Statement ignored 4/17 PLS-200049: Bad Binding Variable 'New. QUICKWORD '4/31 PL / SQL: ORA-0933: SQL command 4/41 PLS-200049 has not been properly terminated: bad bind variable' NEW.ACOUNT ' Can you please help me solve this problem? > This looks like a trigger ... you do not need ": new" for acount / akeyword , And you have to pass in the ID you want to update. For example can create or update UPDATE_KEYWO...

c# - Can I determine whether a Ctrl key press is Left Ctrl or Right Ctrl? -

I want to determine whether the Ctrl key is left Ctrl or the right Ctrl key when it is pressed How can I do this? AFAIK You can not access this information from .net. However, if you have a specific key currently down, you can use Win32 API to test it, and it can distinguish left and right ctrl key (If you are writing games, you are more likely to work better than the KidAidan handler, because GetAsyncKeyState tests whether the key is in "now", even if it is pressed on "sometime in the past" Gaga, which gives much better accountability ).

c# - how to add List<string> in Session state -

Is there a way to add a list to the session? Or any other way of passing the list values ​​in any other page? list & lt; String & gt; Ast = new list & lt; String & gt; (); Ast.Add ("asdas!"); Session ["string list"] = est; & Lt; String & gt; Bst = (list & lt; string & gt;) session ["string list"];

c++ - Consistency in placing operator functions -

मेरे पास एक ऐसा वर्ग है: class A {... निजी कार्य, चर, आदि ... सार्वजनिक: ... कुछ सार्वजनिक फ़ंक्शंस और चर ... एक ऑपरेटर * (डबल); एक ऑपरेटर / (डबल); एक ऑपरेटर * (ए); ... और बहुत से अन्य ऑपरेटरों} हालांकि, मैं भी ऐसा करने की अनुमति के बजाय 2 * A की तरह सामान करने में सक्षम होना चाहता हूं ए * 2 , और इसलिए मुझे कक्षा के बाहर की तरह फ़ंक्शंस की आवश्यकता होगी: ए ऑपरेटर * (डबल, ए); एक ऑपरेटर / (डबल, ए); ... आदि ... क्या मैं इन सभी ऑपरेटरों को कक्षा के बाहर स्थिरता के लिए डाल देना चाहिए, या मुझे आधे अंदर और आधा बाहर रखना चाहिए? तो आप क्या कह रहे हैं, क्योंकि आपको कुछ ऑपरेटरों को रखना चाहिए (जिनके पास A नहीं है क्लास के बाहर पहला परम), शायद आपको उन सभी को वहां रखना चाहिए ताकि लोगों को पता चल जाए कि उन्हें कहाँ ढूंढना है? मुझे ऐसा नहीं लगता मैं उम्मीद करता हूं कि यदि कक्षा में ऑपरेटर सभी संभव हो तो कक्षा में। निश्चित रूप से एक ही फाइल में "बाहर" वाले को रखें, जो कि मदद करेगा और अगर बाहरी लोगों को निजी सदस्य चर का उपयोग करने की आवश्यकता होती है, तो मित्र लाइन...

iphone - How does the sectioning work with NSFetchedResultsController? -

एक NSFetchedResultsController उदाहरण बनाते समय, यह sectionNameKeyPath: तर्क है , जो सबसे अधिक peoeple को शून्य पर सेट करने के लिए लगता है अब कह सकते हैं कि मेरे पास टेबल व्यू में कर्मचारी हैं और मैं चाहता हूं कि उन्हें उनके सड़क का पता streetName से विभाजित किया जाए प्रत्येक कर्मचारी एक स्ट्रीट एडेचर संपत्ति के साथ जुड़ा हुआ है तो मैं वहां एक @ "address.streetName" कुंजी पथ डालूंगा? लेकिन फिर, NSFetchedResultsController वास्तव में कैसे वर्गों में विभाजित करता है? मेरा मतलब है ... यह कैसे पता चलेगा कि वर्ग ए, बी, सी, डी, ई, ... और आगे, या ए, एजी, एआई, बी, बीएफ, बीएक्स, ... का प्रकार होना चाहिए। आपको यह विचार मिलता है), या 1, 2, 3, ... या कुछ और चीजें जैसे एक्स, एक्स 1, एक्स 2, एक्स 3 जैसे कुछ भी ... कई तरह के बदलाव हैं क्या इसमें कुछ बुद्धिमान तर्क है जो कि अपने आप को निकालने के लिए? नहीं, यह उन्हें अनुभाग नहीं जानता है सिर्फ एक पत्र के द्वारा, यह उन्हें address.streetName संपत्ति को खोलना होगा। यदि आप चाहते हैं कि इसे केवल पहले अक्षर से अनुभाग किया जाए ...

sql - Random select is not always returning a single row -

निम्नलिखित (सरलीकृत) कोड टुकड़ा का इरादा एक यादृच्छिक पंक्ति वापस करना है दुर्भाग्य से, जब हम क्वेरी विश्लेषक में इस खंड को चलाते हैं, तो यह शून्य और तीन परिणामों के बीच देता है जैसा कि हमारे इनपुट तालिका में अद्वितीय आईडी के साथ बिल्कुल 5 पंक्तियाँ हैं और जैसा कि हम इस तालिका पर एक चयन करते हैं, जहां आईडी बराबर होती है एक यादृच्छिक संख्या होती है, हम स्टम्प्ड होते हैं कि ऐसा कभी नहीं होगा एक से अधिक पंक्ति वापस लौटे नोट: अन्य चीजों के बीच, हमने पहले से ही चेकसम परिणाम को बिना किसी लाभ के पूर्णांक में ढंकने का प्रयास किया है। DECLARE @Table TABLE INTEGER की पहचान (1, 1), एफके 1 इंटेगियर) चुनें # चुनें 1 यूनिसेज का चयन करें 2 यूनियन सभी का चयन 3 यूनियन सभी का चयन 4 यूनियन सभी का चयन करें 5 चुनें * से @ सक्षम जहां आईडी = एबीएस (चेकस (न्यूड ())) % 5 + 1 संपादित करें हमारा उपयोग परिदृश्य इस प्रकार है (कृपया मौसम पर टिप्पणी न करें, यह सही काम करना है या नहीं। यह शक्तियां हैं अंततः, हमें यथार्थवादी मूल्यों के साथ परिणाम बनाना चाहिए जहां निर्माता और वजन का संयोजन याद...

ASP.NET Javascript Clock -

I would like to put a clock on my webpage, which should show time and timer for a particular interval. Can you please recommend me some open source javascript ?? I have tried to search the web for the flash unsuccessful. Please help. Thank you, Mahesh A JavaScript function called SetInterval that lets you callback Allows to execute the specified interval time You can use it to repeat the given task in the time period. Here is an example: P> div>

qt - Any way to automatically generate QSharedData-based structures? -

QSharedData और QSharedDataPointer । सभी महान काम करता है, लेकिन प्रत्येक ऐसे ऑब्जेक्ट के लिए मुझे बहुत सारे कोड लिखने की जरूरत है: QSharedData - निर्माता और प्रतिलिपि कन्स्ट्रक्टर के साथ कार्यान्वयन वर्ग आधारित, ऑब्जेक्ट वर्जन आईटीएसएफ प्रत्येक दायर की गई एक्सेसर विधि के साथ 5-10 क्षेत्रों के साथ एक सरल संरचनाओं के लिए यह वास्तव में एक ही कोड के बहुत पास की आवश्यकता है क्या ऐसी कक्षाओं को स्वचालित करने के कुछ तरीके हैं? हो सकता है कि यह कुछ जनरेटर मौजूद है जो एक संक्षिप्त विवरण लेता है और स्वचालित रूप से कार्यान्वयन वर्ग और ऑब्जेक्ट क्लास को सभी एक्सेसर्स के साथ उत्पन्न करता है? आप आमतौर पर कॉपी या सीटीओआर को लागू करने की आवश्यकता नहीं है = क्यूशेडडेटा / पॉइंटर का उपयोग करते समय डिफ़ॉल्ट इम्प्लॉल्स QSharedData- व्युत्पन्न सदस्य को प्रतिलिपि / असाइन करते हैं, जो आमतौर पर सही चीज़ (टीएम) करता है सार्वजनिक वर्ग के लिए, आपको निजी ऑब्जेक्ट बनाने के लिए सीटीओआर को कार्यान्वित करने की जरूरत है, और अगर निजी वर्ग को हेडर में घोषित नहीं किया गया है, लेकिन कार्यान्वयन में (जो कि ब...

Corrupted mysql table, cause crash in mysql.h (c++) -

I have created a very simple mysql class in C ++, but when it happens that mysql crash, the sequence of tables corrupts And all my C ++ program crash even because it seems that the contaminated table is unable to recognize and I am allowed to handle the problem .. Q_RES = mysql_real_query (MY_mysql) , Tmp_query.c_str (), (unsigned int) tmp_query.size ()); If (Q_RES! = 0) {if (Q_RES == CR_ COMMANDS_OUT_OF_SYNC) cout & lt; & Lt; "Error type: CR_COMMANDS_OUT_OF_SYNC" & lt; & Lt; Endl; If (Q_RES == CR_SERVER_GONE_ERROR) cout & lt; & Lt; "Error type: CR_SERVER_GONE_ERROR" & lt; & Lt; Endl; If (Q_RES == CR_SERVER_LOST) cout & lt; & Lt; "Error type: CR_SERVER_LOST" & lt; & Lt; Endl; LAST_ERROR = mysql_error (MY_mysql); If (n_retrycount & lt; n_retry_limit) {// Retry! N_retrycount ++; Sleep (1); Cout & lt; & Lt; "Sleep - Retry the query!" & Lt; & Lt; Endl; Ping (); Return select_s...

jquery - how to store session data in couchapp -

To ask parameters for events and show-functions? For example, to store global language options You can use HTML5 for local storage or session storage. You can try to use the API, thus maintaining session status on the client side must create requests on the client, however, each request must pass session data.

iphone - Why should I call -processPendingChanges when blocking things from undo-registration? -

उदाहरण: [[managedObjectContext undoManager] disableUndoRegistration]; // परिवर्तन जो पूर्ववत नहीं होना चाहिए [प्रबंधित ऑब्जेक्ट कॉन्टैक्ट प्रोसेस पेन्डिंग चेंज]; [[ManagedObjectContext undoManager] सक्षमउन्नोराइजेस्टेशन]; क्या यह वाकई महत्वपूर्ण है? क्या बात है? यह एक उन्नत विशेषता है ऐसे समय हो सकते हैं जब आप कुछ बदलावों को वापस करने की अनुमति नहीं देना चाहते हैं। आमतौर पर, यह इसलिए है क्योंकि आप ऑब्जेक्ट ग्राफ़ के लिए बहुत सारे दुष्प्रभाव वाले परिवर्तन कर रहे हैं और आप बदल ग्राफ के एक बड़े हिस्से को याद रखने के साथ क्या नहीं करते हैं। कुछ मॉडल इतने जटिल हैं कि पूर्ववत कार्यक्षमता खतरनाक हो सकती है। दूसरी बार, आप बस एप को वसूली की संभावना के बिना भूल सकते हैं जैसे सुरक्षा संबंधी जानकारी के साथ।

mingw - How to use iconv in Qt? -

I have installed and got libiconv-2.dll in the mingw part of the qt distribution. How can I use it (I'm not getting icon. H)? Is the iconov library a stable version? I believe the iconv library is used by QT for functions if you If you are already using QT, then its Unicode functions can also be used because they are easier to work on.

c# - MVC Ajax.ActionLink doesn't find POST method -

मेरे नियंत्रक में मेरे पास एक पोस्ट विधि है: [AcceptVerbs (HttpVerbs.Post )] सार्वजनिक लड़ाई रिजल्ट अपडेट कमेन्टमेंट (इंट आईडी, स्ट्रिंग कमेंट्स) {// ...} और मेरे दृश्य में एक्शनलिंक: & lt;% = Ajax.ActionLink ("अपडेट", "अपडेट कमेन्ट्स", नया {आईडी = मॉडल.आईडी, टिप्पणियां = "परीक्षण"}, नई अजाक्स ऑप्शन {HttpMethod = "POST", ऑनफ़ाइलर = "अलर्ट ('असफल');", ऑनसूट = "सतर्क ('सफलता');"})% & gt; इस अनुरोध को रूट करने की कोशिश करते समय मुझे "नहीं मिला" त्रुटि मिलती है। अगर मैं नियंत्रक में अपडेट कंटेंट्स विधि से पोस्ट प्रतिबंध को हटा देता हूं, तो यह काम करता है ठीक। मुझे क्या याद आ रहा है? ऐसा लगता है कि इसे पसंद नहीं आया मैं अपना ऑनफ़िलर और ऑनसूट कॉलबैक घोषित कर रहा था। मुझे लगता है कि यह मेरे AjaxOptions ऑब्जेक्ट को पार्स नहीं कर सका इसलिए HttpMethod = "POST" सेटिंग को अनदेखा कर रहा था। मुझे इसे इसे बदलकर काम कर रहा था : onFailure = "function () {चेत...

cocoa - Activity monitor doesnt display process name -

I have an application, when I think that the application process the application name in the "Activity Monitor" is nothing found Only the app icon is displayed. I tried to debug it through the process Inforf the app, I found the app name right. Even tried with the "top" command, I got the application name correct. The target name and settings also look the same, only the activity monitor becomes inaccurate. Is there anything that activity monitor is not displaying anything. M I got the answer, it was a problem information.plist in CFBundleDisplayName . It was removed from info.plist, so there was no display name in the app. Anything you give in CFBundleDisplayName will use it everywhere. Thanks, Mohsen

How to create a perfect 3 columns layout using CSS , with cross-browser support? -

How can create the perfect 3 column layout using CSS, with cross-browser support? I have 3 divs like & lt; Div class = "clm1" & gt; Some content & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "clm2" & gt; Some content & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "clm3" & gt; Some content & lt; / Div & gt; Trying Google but all done or css3 I need a perfect 3 column in the original CSS. Please help Updates in this sense, no big coding is required, but supported by all browsers and easily modified Wrap the three in a parent element (a in the example ). All three & lt; Div & gt; element one float: left; Assign css property and a non-auto width property, then use them to give background color. & lt ;! DOCTYPE html public "- // W3C // DTD XHTML 1.0 Transcription // N"">;;;; gt; html xmlns = "http : //

javascript - compatibility when using the mootools library in a widget? -

I want to use the mootools library for animation & amp; I'm building ajax in a widget. I am planning to write the widget in my page so that the end user can simply deploy a line of JavaScript. I am worried about the issue of compatibility that can arise if my widget is used on a page which is already using another library. The short exams also show problems when it is decided to execute themselves, if it is written that is already full, although jquery starts creating problems. What is the best solution? Is there no way to boot in isolation, so can I use it for my purposes? I think that jquery, while I am unfamiliar, is in a highly named place and so probably more nb: The following error when used with prototype I set Mootool's set style Using the method comes as a result. is undefined + = '; + Styles; There is no method here to use mootools. Developers have specifically said that the mootools are not go...

security - How to get jetty to send jsessionid-cookies with the secure-flag when using a secure channel -

I'm using tomcat in my environment and jetties (through Jetty-Maven-plugin) in my test environment I am Tomcat set a safe-flag to a jsessionid-cookie, when it sends it to a secure channel (https), which makes me see a good idea, because this session is exposed Prevents when the user klicks on one but the jetties do not! I want to force JT to behave like Tomcat and always want to set a safe-flag on secure jsessionid-cookies on a secure channel, otherwise, my test environment behaves very differently. So my production environment But I can not find any configuration options to get it. I am also thinking, if this is a security bug in the Jetties. Since it is safe to not mark a jsessionid-cookie on a secure channel because the user switches back to an unsafe channel in a secure session. I'm adding completely to the example that worked for me. Put the following in WEB-INF / jetty-web.xml & lt ;? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "ISO-8859-1"?...

python - Efficiently finding the shortest path in large graphs -

I want to find a way in real time to find the smallest path between the nodes in a huge graph. There are thousands of corners and millions of edges. I know that this question has been asked before and I think the answer is wide-before using the search, but I am more interested in knowing which software you can use to implement it. For example, it would be completely perfect if it is already present in a library (with dragon binding) in the ungraded graph to do BF. Added: The comments made me curious how OPP was a problem in order to show pygraph, so I created a toy program to find out. Here's the output for a small version of the problem: $ python2.6 4 6 large graph generating 10000 nodes 00:00:00 Biggraph generates 1000000 edges Are 00:00:00 add biggraph edges 00:00:05 biggraph Digg 00:01:32 biggraph done shortest_path 00:04:15 step: 1 9 15 2 step: 0 1 is used to walk biggraph: the way: [99 99 , 1915, 0] Not very bad for 10k nodes and 1M edges. It ...

c# - Is it the Correct way to create an XML like this: -

I want to create something like this in run-time: & lt; Cws & gt; & Lt; Case name = "10-040-00022" & gt; & Lt; CaseDetailsSet & gt; & Lt; CaseDetail title = "Patient's name" /> & Lt; CaseDetail title = "Date of birth" /> & Lt; / CaseDetailsSet> & Lt; / Case & gt; & Lt; / CWS & gt; So I wrote something like this (I want to use XML in .NET. XMLWriter, etc.) XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument (); XML Element Root = Doctor Crate Element ("CWS"); XML Element Single Cass = Doctor Cure Element ("case"); Root.AppendChild (singleCase); Single case .set attribute ("name", "10-040-00022"); XmlElement CaseDetailsSet = doc.CreateElement ("CaseDetailsSet"); SingleCase.AppendChild (CaseDetailsSet); XML Element Cases = Doctor Crate Element ("Case Dictate"); CaseDetailsSet.AppendChild (CaseDetail); CaseDetail.SetAttribute ("title...

ibm mq - How to monitor an existing queue from WebSphere MQ? -

I have one. The NET application that requires queue monitoring in WebSpace MQ. Without affecting the existing process, I need to respond to each message. Client application clarity can send me the same message. Can I read the message without removing it from the queue? Can I be notified for every message? Can I configure the MQ to duplicate the existing QE? Is there any other solution? If you are using WMQ v7 then you can change the queue name for one of these Except other existing applications, they can do so without any effect. At present, message makers and consumers use the same line. In WMQ v7, you can create a nickname on a topic so that the message creator thinks this is a line. After this, you can create two administrative, durable subscriptions, such as a point in the current input queue and a new digit in a dedicated queue to your new application. Of course you're using V7 because the v6 gets out of service next year, right? You can upgrade QMgr to v7, wh...

javascript - Set Textbox 1 to Equal Textbox 2 -

क्या साफ तरीका है, जैसे कि 1 लाइन JavaScript कोड का, एक पाठ बॉक्स की टेक्स्ट प्रॉपर्टी को दूसरे के बराबर सेट करने के लिए? उदा यह पूरा करने के लिए जावास्क्रिप्ट तरीका: txtShipCity.Text = txtCity.Text; धन्यवाद! जावास्क्रिप्ट में: document.getElementById ('txtShipCity')। Value = document.getElementById ('txtCity') मान; इसे jQuery के साथ स्वीकृत करें: $ ('# txtShipCity')। Val ($ ('# txtCity')। Val ()); यद्यपि आपको संभवत: दो पाठ बॉक्सेज़ के ClientID का उपयोग करना होगा, इसलिए आपका जेएस बहुत खराब लग रहा है, जैसे: document.getElementById ('& lt;% = txtShipCity.ClientID% & gt;')। Value = document.getElementById ('& lt;% = txtCity.ClientID% & gt;') मूल्य;

ruby on rails - How can I prevent double file uploading with Amazon S3? -

I have decided to use Amazon S3 for document archiving to create an app. One issue I run, as long as the file is required to be uploaded in S3, I need to create a document object in my app so that my users can complete the CRUD tasks. Dual upload to a solution. A user uploads a document on the server, my train app remains. I validate the object and then pass it on the S3. With this one issue progress indicators become more complex. Using most out-of-the-box plug-in will show the client that the upload of the file has ended because it is on my server, but then there will be a decent delay when the file was going from my server to S3. It also offers unnecessary bandwidth (at least it does not seem necessary) I am thinking that the second solution is to upload a file directly to S3 with an AJAX request , And when it succeeds, do another, AJAX request to store objects in my database Here is an issue that I have to validate the file after upload, which means that I have some clean u...

c# - App_Themes Not Loading on Initial Load -

I have an application where different users can log in through a single portal log when they log in If they are related to more than 1 company, then they have to select their company Each page is to inherit my application from the "custom page" category, the theme will change Here is the code for custom page: public class custom page: page {s} Protected Zero Page Page} "+ Globals.Company.CompanyName)) { = name}} and { =" default ";}}} When customers come under more than 1 company, and they choose those companies, the subject load is just fine. So, the problem I have is this: If they are only related to 1 company, then the company is automatically selected but the theme is not immediately removed. However, if I refresh the page The theme load is just fine, even the default theme will not load unless there is no CSS on the page until I refresh. I also look at the source and I Find CSS names and they are no...

Custom Items in Lists in C# forms? -

I'm a bit new to developing the C # form of the app and I know, what's the best way to create one around Controls that holds a list of horizontal objects. In which each of these items governs horizontally its parental control, in which a thumbnail on the left and the right big text block of the image and a small text block under it, basically it is not a predefined control Can be found in the toolbox. Any ideas? You can put it in the form control with panels, or in WPF with RapPanel and StackPanel. In WindowsForms, I will create a user control that holds the right layout for one item, then make their list on run time. In WPF I control a list, but use the WrapPanels and StackPanels to set the layout template. WPF Better solution is long term if you do not have to be together with winforms

sql server 2005 - How to write a CASE WHEN statement with multiple DATEDIFF variables -

Text after " I have to calculate the difference between two dates (facility_start_date, facility_end_date) for a report in the Reporting Services in SQL 2005 then If facility_end_date is zero, then report parameter @EndDate is required to be used in the calculation, however, if feature_and_date is more than parameter @EndDate, then it will also have to use parameter @edendet for the code below if the facility_end_date parameter it still Land, except rather than facility_start_date and calculating between facility_start_date and facility_end_date between @EndDate works fine. Any help would be appreciated. In case of convenience_start_date & gt; Feature_and_date when tap tomorrow's date (day, convenience_start_data) & gt; DatePart (day, facility_end_date) then DateDiff (d, facility_start_date, IsNull (facility_end_date, @EndDate)) - 1 when the DatePart (day, .facility_end_date) & gt; DatePart (day, @EndDate) then DateDiff (d, facility_start_date, @En...

syntax - Is there a reason why SASS, a CSS generator, needs to reject lines such as margin:10px ? (no space after colon) -

I need to convert all the CSS into SASS ... and find that Margin: 10px Something is going to be difficult for working in CSS and failing in SASS ... This one is easy to remember and You are not who you are (which is not working in the last css, but you do not know) Too much I /: \ S / (after non-white colon colon) grep I'll see this For such cases, TextMate (a Mac text editor) ... but that: Hover also shows well. You can define nested selectors in a sauce, and these can contain pseudo-slips: hover it Your fringe is not seen as a feature, but with another pseudogram as another element. . Stylin display: Block margin: 10px A: hover color: red above display: block will correctly detect it, but this margin: 10 PX will see and a: hover as a pattern of the same type.

forms - How do I so a select input for a STI column in a Rails model? -

I have a model with a single-table succession on the type column: class abs & lt; ActiveRecord :: Base type = [dog, cat, hamster] validates_presence_of: name end I want to provide a & lt; select & gt; Pages hanging on new and edit: & lt;% form_for @model do | F | & Gt%; & Lt;% = f.label: name% & gt; & Lt;% = f.text_input: name% & gt; & Lt;% = f.label: Type% & gt; & Lt;% = type, pet :: {| T | [T. Haaman_Naw, T.O_s]}%> & Lt;% end% & gt; This gives me the following error: ActionView :: TemplateError (wrong logic type string (expected module)) I read to use the aliases for the field #type , because Ruby assumes that the reserved word which is similar to #class I have tried class pet & lt; ActiveRecord :: base ... alias_attribute: klass,: type end and class abdomen & lt; ActiveRecord :: Base ... def klass self.type end def klass = (k) self.type = k end end Neither s...

Improve SQL Server 2005 Query Performance -

I have a course search engine and when I try to do a search, It seems you can try a search here On that page you can see database tables and indexes, if any. I'm not using stored procedures - queries are inline using ColdFusion. I think I need to make some indexes, but I'm not sure how to (cluster, non-cluster) and on which column. Thank you You rule your WHERE There are some exceptions to this: If there are only one or two unique values ​​in the column (the canonical example of this is "penis" - possible values ​​with only "male" and "female", here index Does not make any sense) Generally, you want an index that is capable of restricting rows that need to be processed by a significant number (for example, an index which reduces the search space to only 50% It is not worth it, but which reduces it to 99% ). If you're searching for '% something' like the x, the index does not have any meaning if you assign a p... - JQuery Hover does not work Mozilla -

I have a snippet of code. There is a problem in hover in hover - it changes color on the hover, but for some time this happens when we go out, then do not go back. Remember you, it only happens occasionally. In such cases, if I check the HTML using firebug, then I can see that even after the hover is out, the extra class is assigned. It works fine on IE. Simplified version With this you can see that I am setting the color on T. But it does not change color on the text box inside the TR. How can I ensure that the background color of the controls contained in TR has also been changed to the hover. & lt; Style type = "text / css" & gt; High light {background color: fuscia; }. Choose {range: soild 2px blue; Margin: 3px; } & Lt; / Style & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" src = "jquery-1.4.2.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; $ (Function () ($ ("(...

twitter - Sending tweets using Android -

I want to send a tweet from Android. I have executed the following code. But I'm not bundled to send any tweets. Unbelievably the button I created was not working. Can anyone talk to me? This is my code .. import; Import android.content.ActivityNotFoundException; Import android.content.Intent; Importroid.os.Bundle; Import android.view.View; Import android.view.View.OnClickListener; Import android.widget.Button; Importroid.os.Bundle; Public Square TwidgitPublicIntent Activity Remove OnClickListener {Personal Static Final Full TWIDGIT_REQUEST_CODE = 2564; /** Called when the activity is first created. * / @ Override Crate on Public Zero (Bundle Saved Instantstate) {Super. Contents (Saved Instantstate); SetContentView (R.layout.main); . (Button) findViewById ( setOnClickListener (this); . (Button) findViewById ( setOnClickListener (this); . (Button) findViewById ( setOnClickListener (this); . (Butt...

iphone - Animation in quartz 2D -

I want to create an app which will show 4-5 words on the screen after every second, but the last word zoom out Will / in I can easily create static words and for the last animating word, I need to pull it again again, how can I create 2 separate layers so that the constant text is on one layer (I will fill it after every second) And the last word (animated one) will be on the second layer. How to make 2 separate layers? Attached on the same screen but handling their direct method separately? If I understand your query, then you should do your own class, which is sub-UviView Will class and override the direct method in the implementation, then in the place where you are creating the object of the layer, create 2 objects of your custom UIView square. You can make coordinating variables of X, Y, which will work for different layers ....

html - Embedding a flash object old SWF markup? Will this work? -

I am embedding a flash object in my site and when I get a message from Dreamweaver "This page contains some SDF objects that can not work correctly in the most recent versions of Internet Explorer. Dreamweaver can not convert them into a new SWF markup, please remove each of them and re-insert them" / P> i have a new SWF Is not aware of Kap But this is my code to check whether I wrong: & lt ;! DOCTYPE html public "- // W3C // DTD XHTML 1.0 Transcription // N" ""> & Lt; Html xmlns = "" xml: lang = "en" lang = "en" & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Object class = "clayed: D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase = ",0,28, 0 "Width =" 350 "height =...

C++ Arrays of Structure access -

I am studying C ++ from Schildt's book and it does not quite understand that it is the third structure What is the meaning below; Can someone explain this -> To use a specific structure within an array of structures, you should be an indicator of the structure name. For example, to display an on-house member of the third frame, you might see cout & lt; & Lt; Invtry [2] .on_hand; Some code: structure type {four items [40]; Double cost; Dual retail; Int on_hand; Int lead_time; } Invitry [SIZE]; The third composition in an array of structures is placed at third place in third place. array, that is, an indicator 2 one. In your (ugly) code, invtry is declared as array (size SIZE ). type of structures . Therefore invtry [0] is the first element, invtry [1] second, and invtry [2] third - assuming, of course, SIZE and gt; = 3 . Normally, you will write: structure type {four items [40]; Double cost; Dual retail; Int on_hand; Int lead_time; };...

c# - is this possible with activex controls? -

I am developing an ActiveX controller for IE7. I want to check the version of Flash + SVG and it's missing or outdated, and want to change some settings in IE like the printer is using the landscape format. So, I want to know how to do this, can you post some pointers? Am I trying to make it possible with activex controls? Thanks Starting with Windows Vista, IE7 will run in protected mode ( Unless user account control is disabled) the browser will run in the sandbox with very little rights. It really stops what you are trying to do. You can override it only if you have full control of the target system (i.e. use of policies) but in this case you do not have to use this "Trojan horse" method to deploy Flash ...

Guidance on creating a drawing / diagramming application in Silverlight -

I need help in making an application such as in Visio Silverlight, of course, to draw a very simple one And leaving and adding them is enough at this time. Can anyone direct me to some resources about this? No need to keep the algorithm / implementation in C # / Salvrite thanks. This is a great drawing example - complex but worth searching.

html - how to exchange variables between extern iframe and site -

For development reasons (working with facebook-connect) I connect to iframe to put an iframe into an iframe. In this way I am able to work on the connect-related issues of my IP and I do not need to develop on live-server. The connect-button iframe capture holder iframe is on my server, reaching the same db-server as the developer version (running on developer version localshot). As far as good ... but How do I know the original site, that the user has connected, so that I can see his profile picture like this See me as a reaction? How can I usually react to an IFRM / Action / Event / JS? is there a way? Can the iframe post data on the original site? Like a time-stamp and FB_Urud? If the iframe stuff is not working ... I have to save the IP to FBI_Userid (DB) and to check matches ... but I do not like the idea. You can query the src character of the iframe via string format, example : & lt; Iframe src = "" ............ & gt; ...

user interface - How do functional language gui bindings work? -

Do they generally use non-functional aspects of language (including immovable converters) what are other strategies? Can you describe them? do they usually use non-functional aspects of language variables) Many people do, yes, in the case of scams, which do not work with unstable variables or side effects, they use Io Monad (which is the way of encapsulation for side effects. ) - What are the other strategies? Can you describe them? Yes, this is it. Look at

c# - Hold the command prompt until user close it from close button -

I'm going to get a command prompt from my C # application to compile some C ++ files. Code is like that. Private Zero Button 1_Click (Object Sender, EventArgs e) {string filePath = @ "C: \ Program Files \ Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0 \ VC \ bin \ cl.exe"; System.Diagnostics.Process.Start (filepath); } But after I click on the button suddenly comes and disappears. Even the first two command prompts. I have to catch it and only one command prompt should appear. Can someone provide me the necessary code? Thank you. The simplest way would be something like this: ProcessStartInfo Psi = New ProcessStartInfo {FileName = "cmd", argument = @ "/ k" "C: \ program files \ Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0 \ VC \ bin \ cl.exe" ""}; Process.Start (psi);

How to shutter the "#" characters in line to one "#" char by sed? -

How to shell a "#" character by "#" characters? From: Ultimate = ## ###FF ##E## 44 From: Ultimate = # # One way to use extended regexps: wink @ parrot: ~ $ echo "## ### ff ## e ## 44" | Regularly with regexps: winko @ parrots: ~ $ echo "/" # $ # " ## ###ff ## E ## 44 "| Sed -es / ## * / # / g # # ff # e # 44 Only after the equal sign: vinko @ parrot: ~ $ Echo "supreme = ## ### ff ## e ## 44" | Sed s / = ## * / = # / g param = # ### ff ## e ## 44

cocoa touch - iPhone UI controls -

Which category is used to create a checkbox list on clickable classes (> arrows) and the last shot? Look at the UINavigationController. To create a list, use the UITableView and set the accessories "Disclosure Indicator" on the cell (in the interface builder). The screenshot is from the app, though. If you want to create a sub-panel for settings, then you have to use a different approach ()

svn - Source code repository portal -

Do I know any alternative to "portal" to wrap up our large Subversion repositories similar to GitHub? The features we are looking for; Home page for projects that include wiki bug tracking etc. It will be for internal deployment. I highly recommend it. It's powerful and full-featured, yet I feel very comfortable ...

turning off sleep mode on kindle? -

I'm just in the burning development, and I should know whether it is possible to stop the sleeping mode of burning? Or is there a way to wake it up by pressing the front buttons rather than using the power button (or the method of program to wake up)? Do not see anything deeply here, tell me in the right direction or tell me if this is possible. It is said how to change the timeout of the time, it requires USB networking, for which " Jailbreak "and USB networking hack is required: both can be downloaded. With USB networking you can telnet or SSH on your Kindle, which provides a full shell with Vi. The timeline changes do not say that the burning file system is read only: to edit t1_timeout you must first enter mntroot rw . USB networking hack requires little research; Read through .zip included in README_FIRST.txt. And always remember that the Kindle is yet another Unix, so also check: D.

embedded - Can Microchip TCP/IP stack implements two or more clients sockets at the same time? -

I need to communicate a device with 2 servers. Is this possible with microchip TCP / IP stack? You should read the document (and it), or ask Microchip support the stack , And shows that the configuration macros are MAX_SOCKETS (value 1 to 253) and MAX_UDP_SOCKETS (1-254), which is limited by the available RAM, so I would say implicitly; Yes , if you have enough available RAM. You should read this fact completely to ensure that the stock will meet your needs before it starts. There is no substitute for RTFM when asked on stack overflow.

C++ private inheritance and static members/types -

I am trying to prevent a class from being able to change my 'this' pointer to an indicator of one of my interfaces. I am here. I do this by using a private heritage through a middle proxy class. The problem is that I believe that all public static members in the private heritage and type of base class are not accessible to all classes under the inheritance class in the hierarchy. class base {public: enum enum {value}; }; Square middle: private base {}; Class Child: Public Middle {Public: Zero Law () {Base :: Enum E = Base :: Value; // does not compile BAD! Base * base = this; // does not compile well! }}; I tried to use it both in VS2008 (required version) and VS2010, neither work. Can anyone think of an alternate solution? Or is there a different way to stop conversion? In addition to this, I am curious of behavior, is it just a side effect of the compiler implementation, or is it by design? If from design, then why? I was always thinking about personal heritage ...

java - xstream handles non-english character -

I have the following code: / * * To change this template, Choose the device. Templates * and open the template in the editor. * Package / helloworld; Import com.thoughtworks.xstream.xstream; Import; Import; Import; Import; Import javax.swing.JOptionPane; / ** * * Author @ yachohock * / public class test {@SuppressWarnings ("uncheck") public static & lt; A & gt; A to XML (class C, file file) {Xstream Xstream = new Xstream (); InputStream inputstream = faucet; Try {InputStream = new (file); Commodity object = xStream.fromXML (inputstream); If (C. Instance (object)) returns (A) object; }} Hold (exception exp) {exp.printStackTrace (); } Finally {if (inputstream! = Zero} {try {inputstream.close (); Inputstream = faucet; } Hold ( exp) {exp.printStackTrace (); Return tap; }}} Return tap; } @SuppressWarnings ("uncheck") public static &...

php - Getting long variable/digit out of a MySQL and 'squashing' it -

Let's say I have 10,000 digits in my database ... it started The viewer will understand if it is understood. Is there a way to display only 100 (first 100)? Digitization - To get the first 100, using MySQL using php, or (Pref.) ... Before you can display such a number, MySQL requires a large number that can be stored as double or you It can be stored as a string. Actually, doubles only allow if you store it as a string, you can convert it to scientific notation by using the novel and combination (with dot) with whatever exact you like it. . You can calculate the length of the string to get the exponent. Of course you can not use the database to perform math. Why do you need such precision?

c - Floating point precision nuances -

मुझे यह कोड NVIDIA के CUDA SDK नमूनों में मिला। अयोग्य गणना गॉल्ड (फ्लोट * संदर्भ, फ्लोट * idata, कॉन्स्ट अहस्ताक्षरित अंतर लेन) {संदर्भ [0] = 0; डबल total_sum = 0; अहस्ताक्षरित int i; के लिए (i = 1; i & lt; len; ++ i) {total_sum + = idata [i-1]; संदर्भ [i] = idata [i-1] + संदर्भ [i-1]; } // यह उपयोग करने के लिए ठीक होना चाहिए! = क्योंकि हमारे पास पूर्णांक मूल्य हैं / / जहां एक श्रेणी में फ्लोट का प्रतिनिधित्व किया जा सकता है यदि (total_sum! = संदर्भ [i-1]) printf ("चेतावनी: एकल-सटीक सटीकता से अधिक स्कैन अयोग्य हो जाएगा। \ N "); } // (सी) एनवीडिया कॉर्प क्या कोई मुझे एक ऐसा मामला बता सकता है जहां चेतावनी छपी जाएगी, और सबसे महत्वपूर्ण बात, क्यों। फ़ंक्शन को कुछ निश्चित इनपुट डेटा के साथ दिमाग में लिखा जाता है। यदि उस इनपुट डेटा की अपेक्षा पूरी नहीं हुई है, तो चेतावनी प्रिंट होगी: #include & lt; stdio.h & gt; #DEFINE COUNT_OF (x) (sizeof (x) / sizeof (0 [(x)]) शून्य computeGold (फ्लोट * संदर्भ, फ्लोट * idata, const अहस्ताक्षरित int लेन) {डबल total_...

sql - Indexes and multi column primary keys -

was searched and did not find the answer to this specific noob question. I have a table with the following primary key in a MySQL database Primary key ID (invoice, item) In my application, Item "and will only be less often on" invoices. " I'm assuming that indexing on these columns would benefit me. MySQL does not complain when I define the following: INDEX (invoice), index (item), primary key ID (invoice, item) But I do not see any evidence (using Desreebie - the only way I know how to see) is that different indexes have been set up for these two columns. The question is, is there a column that automatically indexes a primary key? Also, is there a better way of DESCRIBE to detect the structure of my table? I am not familiar with the internal familiarity of the indices on my SSL, but on two database vendor products I am familiar with (MSSQL, Oracle) index, balanced-tree structures, whose nodes are arranged in indexed tubal, on which the index i...

ruby on rails - rescue Nokogiri error -

I have a simple script that looks for the Twitter username and I get the location. But some usernames are not present and I get an error: /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/open-uri.rbaxy77:in 'open_http': 404 Not Found (OpenURI :: HTTPError) I have tried to defend it, but I can not do it to work Can anyone help? Thanks a = [] my_file = ("location.txt", 'a +') ('address.txt', 'r') f | F | Whereas line = f.gets url = "{line}" doc = Nokogiri :: HTML (open (url, 'user-agent' => 'ruby')) doc.css ("#side #profile"). Do each. Location | My_file.puts "{line} # {loc.at_css (" .adr ").}}" Line and End is called me too Need help to save another error: twitter.rb: 14: Undefined method for `zero ': NilClass (NoMethodError) Thanks. Double quote inside second double quotation marks! Use single quotes for calls at at_css: my_f...

c# - Null file when uploading via MVC -

मेरे पास एक .NET MVC दृश्य पर निम्न रूप है: & lt; form method = "पोस्ट" एन्क्टीप = "मल्टीपार्ट / फॉर्म-डेटा" एक्शन = "/ वीडियो / अपलोड दस्तावेज" & gt; & Lt; इनपुट प्रकार = "फ़ाइल" id = "document1" name = "document1" / & gt; & Lt; इनपुट प्रकार = "सबमिट करें" मान = "सहेजें" / & gt; & Lt; / प्रपत्र & gt; और नियंत्रक के पास निम्न हस्ताक्षर हैं जो कहा जाता है: सार्वजनिक कार्यवाही UploadDocument (HttpPostedFileBase फ़ाइल) {वापसी दृश्य (); } जब मैं UploadDocument विधि के अंदर तोड़ता हूं, पैरामीटर 'फ़ाइल' शून्य है। मैंने अपने डेस्कटॉप पर एक वैध दस्तावेज़ का चयन किया है और पता है कि इसमें पाठ शामिल है उपयोग करने का प्रयास करें HttpPostedFileBase फ़ाइल = अनुरोध। फाइलें ["document1"]; शायद बाइंडिंग ( [bind ()] विशेषता में कुछ गड़बड़ है। संपादित करें: और उस विधि को सार्वजनिक करें ActionResult UploadDocument () {} ।

python - Understanding CGI and SQL security from the ground up -

This question is for learning purposes. Let's say I'm writing a simple SQL Admin console using CGI and Python. However, this Admin console allows me to modify the SQL database by using a simple form (i.e., creating and modifying tables and creating and modifying records). In the least secure case, anyone can access and modify the database. You can password protect, but when you start using the Admin Console, the information is still transmitted in plain text. Then you use HTTPS to secure transmitted data. Question: To describe a learner, how do you make the safest environment in the incremental form Can add protection from ? How would you modify / increase your three (potentially incorrect) steps? Which basic tools make your steps possible in Python? Optional: Now when I understand the process, how do sophisticated libraries and frameworks naturally achieve this level of security? To increase security is not a good idea , this is a holistic approach ...

sql server - INSERT SELECT Statement and Rollback SQL -

I is working on the creation of a query that uses the inset select statement using MS SQL Server 2008: Pseudocode: Code> Try {Start Transactions; Query; Committed; } Hold {rollback; } If there are approximately 40 M lines in Tab 2, then at the moment of inserting Table 1, if there is an error between INSERT, then only one rollback from the INSERT SELECT statement or me Need to use a transaction to maintain data integrity? Is it necessary to use a transaction? Or SQL Server itself uses a transaction for this kind of sentence itself. An individual SQL command is atomic, it will either be completed or rolled back. If it is complete, then the transaction that can roll back that order. If it is outside the transaction, then it is committed to completion.

Template function in C# - Return Type? -

It looks like C # templates does not support C ++, for example template & lt; Class myType & gt; MyType GetMax (myType a, myType b) {Return (A & G; B: A: B); } I want my function to have a return type based on its parameters, how can I get it in C #? How to use templates in C # Edit: Can I use the object and getType for the same purpose? In C # the closest generic of C ++ templates - but they too Especially, you are not able to close between normal code values ​​in & gt; You can not use operators like because the compiler does not know about them (and you can not restrict the types depending on operators) On the other hand, you can type: PublicT GetMax & lt; T & gt; (TLHS, TCLS) {Return Balanar & lt; T & gt; Default.Compare (LHS, RAS) & gt; 0? Lhs: rhs; } or public T getmax & lt; T & gt; (TLHS, TCLS) where T: ICemperable & lt; T & gt; {Return lhs.CompareTo (rhs) & gt; 0? Lhs: rhs; } Note that the ...

mysql - What is "helpx_last_check" from wordpress database -

I am a developer who works full time with WordPress and something in my database that I have never seen before . I tried the general search engine approach and I could not find anything. It is surprising that the amazing people of Stackworflow have seen this before. I'm pretty sure that this is not harmful, it's the entry in the MySQL database. The table "_options" is option_id: 1165 blog_id: 0 option_name: helpx_last_check option_value: 1276628545 autoload: yes I am thinking of "helpx_last_check" what is thank you Did you (or you did) install Have done It includes some helpx plug-in options, but I did not check what they checked. If this is not a plugin, then search your code for a class named helpx , others may also be used.

How to execute stored procedure from Access using linked tables -

I have an Access 2003 database that connects to the SQL Server 2008 box via ODBC. The tables from SQL Server are added to the tables as entries connected to them. I have a stored procedure on SQL Server that I am trying to execute through the ADO code. The problem I have is that it can not seem to find the entry process, what do I have to do to be able to perform this stored procedure? Some facts ... The procedure stored in the question accepts a parameter which is an integer, the stored procedure returns a record set, which I am hoping to use as a data source for the catalogbutter. Here is my ADO code in the login ... Private subloaduscssistlist (UIDID as ADODB) Dim cmd = set adodb commm = CMD = new adodbi Command CMD Active Connection = Current Project Connection CMD. Type Commands = ADCMD StdPrm CMD COMMODATTET = "USP gateuser SIS Summary LIST" dim equivalent, such as the new ADOdB.PRMAR set equal = CMD. CREATE Parameter "UserID", adInteger) cmd.Parame...