
Showing posts from June, 2014

How can I manage the height of android spinner items? -

I have an Android spinner that uses a array adapter to populate the list of strings and it works fine, However, in the way the spinner is displayed I am running in a display height problem with the list item. At first glance, it seems that the ArrayEdapter can use a layout to display the option which leads me to the problem. When displaying the current item in the spinner (when the user is not selecting a new item from the list) the spinner pad the text so that the spinner is a proper size to click. However, when the user brings a list to tap on it and select a new item, that list item is a short height-wise way. If I use an item layout which presents list items at a reasonable height, then the spinner itself grows awkward due to the item's own padding of the item. How can I manage the height of these two items display the detection modes effectively so that they can show the same height values ​​rather than the height of the spinner, which is higher than the list item perf...

optimization - Efficient algorithm for creating an ideal distribution of groups into containers with potential overflow? -

I have groups of students who need to be allocated in a certain capacity (say, 100 chairs each) in classes. is. Each group should be allocated in only one class, even if it is more than capacity (i.e. overflow, with students standing) I have an algorithm Requirement allocation with minimum overflow and under-capacity classes. In order to allocate, a naïve algorithm is very slow slow, when ~ 200 groups occur, half of these are distributed less than 20% of the class Thank you. Class = "post-text" itemprop = "text"> It's the same, which is NP complete. It is difficult to find the fastest optimal algorithm but it is possible to find almost the optimum algorithm fast. You can start using a greedy approach - you can fit by placing the largest groups first and putting them in the smallest distance.

c# - Regex expression is too greedy -

I am writing a regular expression to match the data from the IMDB soundtrack data file. My rezepses are mostly working, although they are in places sticking a lot of text in my named groups. For example, take the following reggae: "Displayed"? (? & Lt; artist & gt;; *) ('? \ (Qv \))? $ " In the artist group with string ' (qv) Only the name of the artist is included. Unfortunately, because records are not constantly formatted, some artists are surrounded by single quotation marks while others are not. This means that they are alternatively optional as far as regex is concerned. Did I the last group? & Gt; Trying to mark a greedy group using the group specifier, but there was no effect on the results of the result. I can improve the results by changing the artist group to match a small number of artists, but it reduces the possibility of parse the name correctly. Besides, if I only To remove the apostrophe character, I would not be able ...

python - How to make django test framework read from live database? -

I have a similar question here, but it has a different perspective: I have a dynamic app that can be used on data Indexes with queries; I would like to write unit tests for the search component of this app, and of course, I'll need the Django settings module and all the connections will be active with the database, so the test runner Joe Django is ideal. However , the Django testing framework creates an dummy database and I hate to dump all my data into a crop and then index it (tests always Will take for ); My data is not in danger because the test is done only by read database, so, how can it be obtained? -I am new to this whole unit test, so a new solution to write test runner I have read in similar questions, at least I do not reveal anything without some details. To read / test cases for Dzepians I actually found very interesting facts: Use the set up method for what these people do. Tests classes: They create an object and then use the update method for the inde...

Apache Virtual Host in Windows - how do I deal with Symbolic links? -

I'm trying to run a virtual host on the WAPP stack. I FollowSymLinks is the option, but in Windows, the .lnk extension in all those symbolic links (I am using the shortcut and I think this may be the problem) So if I'm trying to reach settings.html then Apache can not find it because I'm sitting there because settings.html.lnk is. Apologies if my question is not clear Apache shortcut does not understand that you need to use the appropriate symlink in the window, this command line tool mklink . See for more information.

android - setting wallpaper through code -

I was trying to create an app with the user he wants to he set was to choose wallpaper. I call the gallery effect previews for the user by setting've managed it once user Cvivr after selecting a specific image, the image data path is brought back to me, which is the image preview. The problem occurs when the size of the image (and / or resolution) is higher than Android's. This is the result of the failure of my module. And as if this was not enough, the user Some other wallpaper tries to select (and also in the case of my test "other" wallpaper size> 700kb) app "Autofmmeri Apeshn "" ... Help me out here guys! Gallery effect I use: effect intended = new intent (for); intent.setType ( "image / *"); intent.setAction (Intent.ACTION_GET_CONTENT); StartActivityForResult (Intent.createChooser (effect, select "picture"), SELECT_IMAGE); I Wallpaper To use: InputStream = getContentResolver (). OpenInputStream (

c# - Am I using passing my argument correctly with ref? -

SMSCOMMS SMSEngine = नया SMSCOMMS ("COM6"); कोड COM6 का एक मान्य रिफ़ स्ट्रिंग के रूप में मेरा तर्क नहीं लेता है। मैं इसे कैसे हल कर सकता हूं? सार्वजनिक वर्ग SMSCOMMS {सार्वजनिक SMSCOMMS (रेफ़ स्ट्रिंग कमम्पोरेट) {SMSPort = new SerialPort (); SMSPort.PortName = COMMPORT; SMSPort.BaudRate = 9600; एसएमस्पोर्ट.पारिटी = समता। एक; SMSPort.DataBits = 8; एसएमएसपीआरटी। बंदरगाह = बंद करो। एक; एसएमस्पोर्ट। हंडशेक = हैंडशेक। अनुरोध टीओएसेंड; SMSPort.DtrEnable = true; SMSPort.RtsEnable = true; SMSPort.NewLine = System.Environment.NewLine; ReadThread = नया थ्रेड (नया सिस्टम। थ्रेडिंग। थ्रेडस्टार्ट (रीपोर्ट पोर्ट)); } आप ref के साथ एक अस्थायी पास नहीं कर सकते , क्योंकि कॉल विधि को कॉलर के वेरिएबल को निर्दिष्ट करने में सक्षम होना चाहिए। आप इसे शुरू करने के लिए क्यों प्रयोग कर रहे हैं? आप COMMPORT को कभी भी असाइन नहीं करते हैं। क्यों न केवल: सार्वजनिक SMSCOMMS (स्ट्रिंग COMMPORT)

objective c - iphone storing password locally and sending it across to a server securely -

I am writing an iPhone app that asks the user to register with login / password. This should be: Saved safely locally Send securely to a remote web server What do I need to achieve? Say, for local storage, can I save them in a file or database? Can I encrypt it? To send it, is HTTPS sufficient? Look for sensitive data stored in iPhone Keychain.

datetime - Django display notifications by day -

I have a notification list, and I want to order them for the day, that is, see me in my notification list Every day a title 'Monday 16th September' and the information for that day I could not find anywhere how it should be done. Thanks a lot! What's this about:

iphone - Is Quartz 2D the right choice for iPad Game -

I need to create a game with a toolbar of shapes which can be pulled on the screen with the functionality below Shapes can be copied Shapes can be extended and resized Shape can be rotated The color of the shape can change The size can be cut in half and every half now has its own shape Is quartz 2d right from this approach? I think you need to better specify your game features, I'm assuming that your entire game is in Kwaz 2D and it's for the iPad. I have two opinions about it: 1) If you do not need UIKit (tables, buttons, and other features), then I go to 100% OpenGL , If you plan to make a whole game outside of Quarz 2D, and you plan real-time scaling, drag and drop ... I think your frame rate is much less damaged by using OpenGL ES Will happen. 2) If you need UIKit, and your game is heavily IKit-based, Quarz2D can be a place there, I have Quarz2D UIKit Animation / Effects in rich applications ("Reeder" and "Official" Twitter ...

prototypejs - jQuery plugin and prototype class -

नमस्ते मैं jQuery के जावास्क्रिप्ट में कुछ प्रोटोटाइप जावास्क्रिप्ट परिवर्तित कर रहा हूं। प्रोटोटाइप में हम कक्षा कर सकते हैं। एक वर्ग बनाने के लिए हालांकि, jQuery यह प्रदान नहीं करता है इसलिए मैं एक jQuery प्लगइन में क्लास को फिर से लिखना सोच रहा था। यह सबसे अच्छा अभ्यास है? मेरी चिंता यह है कि अगर मैं कक्षा के लिए सभी करता हूँ, तो मैं बहुत सारी चीजों को jQuery के ऑब्जेक्ट में जोड़ दूंगा। दूसरा विकल्प मुझे मिल गया कुछ अतिरिक्त लाइनों का उपयोग करना है I फिर आप निम्न कार्य कर सकते हैं: var person = Class.extend ({init: function (isDancing)} {this.dancing = isDancing;}, नृत्य: फ़ंक्शन () {this.dancing return ;}}); वरना, मुझे यह jQuery प्लगइन कहा जाता है जिसे एचजेएस कहा जाता है जिससे आप कक्षा भी बना सकते हैं। हालांकि, मैं इन प्लगइन्स का उपयोग करना आवश्यक नहीं है I मुझे कक्षा का उपयोग करने की अनुमति देने के लिए या मैं सिर्फ क्लास को एक jQuery प्लगिन लिखने के तरीके में परिवर्तित कर सकता हूं, कृपया सलाह दें। बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद! jQuery जावास्क्रिप्ट प्रोटोटाइप विरासत को सं...

c# - Help with concept - filters and number of items -

Please check that they have good filters with the number of items for each. Pay attention to an extension - the place here is the same thing on - the number of items and the number of items for each category. Now imagine that I have tables: [products] (id, name, category id, location) [categories] (id, name) [location] (id, name) My question is how can I do anything, even with caching? And they give results very fast ... Please consult with possible ways to do ASP.NET, C #, MVC, MS SQL, but simple answers like "count and change" thank you in advanced . I use asp.NET MVC and Jquery , for the client side, for your needs This combination allows you to have complete control over the UI, and helps them to use JavaScript. In some complex controls provided by ASP.NET, its 'id' value is dynamically generated which can be a problem. For your requirement The good number of Jquery plugins is that you can take advantage of rendering the visual e...

Magic Methods in Python -

After I am doing something new to Python and I wonder if something like Magic Methods in PHP If there is a way) My goal is to reduce the reach of child organs in my model. I basically have a parental class in which there are n child classes, these classes have three values, one language key, one translation key and one translation value. They are describing the handling of a general translation. There may be translations of the original class for each translation key in different languages ​​such as the key "title" can be translated into German and English and the key "description" also (and so far and so on) I do not want to receive the hair sections and want to filter by set values ​​(at least I want but not clearly, the solid implementation of the magic method will do this) I want to call They are parent_class.title ["day"] # or even parent_class.title ('D') to get translations For the title in German (D) Therefore there should b...

php - pagination - 10 pages per page -

I have a paging script that displays a list of all pages like: previous [1 ] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] Next But I To display ten numbers only at a time: prev [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] Next How can I do this? Here's my code: & lt ;? Set Php / * current, previous and next page * / $ page = (! Isset ($ _GET ['page'])? 1: $ _GET ['page']; $ Prev = ($ page - 1); $ Next = ($ page + 1); / * maximum result per page * / $ max_results = 2; / * calculate offset / $ = ($ $ * max_results) - $ max_results); / * Query DB for total results You must edit SQL to meet your requirements / $ result = mysql_query ("Choose title from topic"); $ Total_results = mysql_num_rows ($ result); $ Total_pages = roof ($ total_update / $ max_translation); $ Endorsement = ''; / * If a * / if ($ page & gt; 1) {$ Paginagan = '& Lt; A href = "? Page = '. $ Prev.' For 'Loop * /' ($ i = 1...

Difference Between Visual Studio 2008 and Visual Studio 2010? -

संभव डुप्लिकेट: Visual Studio 2008 और Visual Studio 2010 के बीच मुख्य अंतर क्या है? .NET ढाँचा 4.0 के लिए समर्थन

linux - change svn used by svnant -

I have installed a new version of svn in svn / my / home / bin on my system and put the path for it is. So now / usr / bin / from the command line A new version of svn is used instead of the old one located in / P> , although svnant uses old SVN in / usr / bin. How can I use svnant to use the new SVN? As seen svnant does not always use executable: 1-Java HL native (JNI) Enterprise Library () 2-Java SVN (Pure Java) Substitution API Implementation () 3-SVN (.XA) Command Line Customer Cover You will also have to upgrade the jar first. If it really uses the executable, then you must first put your executable in the path before connecting with other SVN XK or before / usr / bin. ln -s / home / yourself / bin / svn / usr / bin / svn

pattern matching - how to to do the "noop but return unit" in OCaml -

I want to print a list of stars after matching a pattern to join this powerful function How can I show "nothing but the return unit" operation? What do I mean: print_node node = with match nodes [] - & gt; (* * I want to do noop * here). S :: t - & gt; Print_string; You can only write () . / P> Look in the manual: () how do you create the unit value.

iphone - UITableView with multiple sections : section with 1 row, deleting the row crashes the app -

I have a tableview with several sections when there is only one line in a section, And if I try to delete that line, my app crashes when executing this code: [tableView deleteRowsAtIndexPaths: [NSArray arrayWithObject: indexPath] withRowAnimation: Yes]; I get this exception: *** Ending the application due to the exception of the exception 'NSRC Expansion', Reason: '*** - [NSCFRAA ObjectAntIndex:]: Index (0) Beyond Boundary (0) ' There is an array for each section. Each of these arrays contains the objects displayed in rows. Then there is another array in which these arrays are. What am I doing wrong? Thank you. Edit: OK, I just saw in the debugger that it was the tableview: titleForHeaderInSection method, because I Getting the title of the section in the array, which I just removed ... so I was trying to use an array with 0 objects in it ... There is a source in the table view, and sections and pages displayed in the source The list of T...

c - Embedded linux call using system -

I'm having trouble using the system ("command") call in C on the embedded system in Linux. The call works fine on the command line, but when the call is made in compiled CGI script through system command, then this pain is slow. Any help appreciated? using the system () you provide logic in my experience, when Sometimes an external order is required to run, then it is rarely useful to get involved. Shell adds overhead, and it can be what you are slowing down. If what you are doing is not really a shell, then instead try system () try using kanaka () To make a child process, then run exec () to execute.

python - Cannot get variable.replace working properly -

I am trying to replace a string with a new string in the python file and it will permanently replace the new string Have to write When I run the following script it removes part of the string and not all. The file has a string: = "027FC8EBC2D1" and I have a script to replace the string: Open (" "," r + ") for the line in open =" open "(open_example) > Simulate ;-) "True In-Place Replacement" on Text Files with Python The method is: P> Report important details in the second answer, suggesting an important module. The first argument of input should be an list of the filenames (no string!), And, if you do the print resulting in the file ( fileinput redirects to actual performance - actually simulating -"> The comma print statement at the end is to avoid adding another new line at the end (since every Line ends with a new line already!

c# - How do I load an xml file and read from it in Silverlight? -

I do not want to load it from any website, I've added it to my project, what I want to do It accesses and read it. Anyone can help! I found a blog post by which a method has been described. The code is a little long to cite in full, but here is the relevant section: stringreader stream = new stringreader (E. result); XmlReader Reader = XmlReader.Create (stream); While (reader.Read ()) {// do stuff} Downloading XML file using this code: Yuri URL = New Uri ("map image.exml", urchx, relative); Web client client = new webclient (); Client.DownloadStringCompleted + = New DownloadStringCompletedEventHandler (client_DownloadStringCompleted); Client.DownloadStringAsync (url); From the MSDN page: After downloading the resource, this method uses the specified encoding to convert the string into the encoding property. This method does not block the calling thread when downloading resources. To download a resource and block while waiting for the server's r...

Java service wrapper and additional application command line parameters -

I am currently using to wrap a Java application that I have developed through the Java service cover The ability to pass extra command line parameters for your application is required. Show me that my app is called Mypape and I have setup the Java service cover so that I run the script, myapp is called, I want to be able to do something like this: ./ myapp start parameter1 parameter2 and those additional parameters are passed in my application. Any ideas how to do this? I am finding out how to use the command line argument to set the Java service wrapper to googling and viewing the documentation. I have difficulty finding anything about running the command line arguments in your application. Besides, besides being coded in your wrapper.conf file. Now I think my option is to set additional command line parameters, set them in environment variable and place those hard codes in wrapper.conf. I do not like going down that path and hoping that I have ignored something. 3.5....

Scrape OneNote Web App page -

I really like lots of things about OneNote, although in reality it's used to fully use For, I should be able to scrap data from at least OneNote web app pages. They use Javascript very easy to emulate the desktop UI I would love to be able to read / write data on these pages. Can you do something? ? Need to do something that can only be achieved by scrapping?

iphone - touchesBegan and other touch events not getting detected in UINavigationController -

In short, I want to detect a touch on the navigation controller title bar, but in fact in any touch having trouble! Everything is done without IB, if it makes a difference. My App Rep. The M file contains: MyViewController * viewController = [[MyViewController Alloc] init]; Navigation Controller = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController: viewController]; [Add window SUBEWview: Navigation controller. See]; Some other subviews added in this window are ways that navigation overlay overlays not only leave the navigation bar visible. MyViewController is a sub class of UIViewController and its M file contains: - (zero) touch touch: (NSSet *) touches the event: (UIEvent *) for event {(touch in touch with UIPT *) {NSLOG ( @ "Ended \ n"); }} - (zero) touches: (NSSET *) touches with the avant: (UITT * touches in touch) (NSG (@ "start \ n") for the event (UEVENT *); }} I did these tasks directly from the app rep I tried to put in the fi...

c# - Storing Number in an integer from sql Database -

I'm using the table again and the column page in the database in the index that type in the database but when I I want to store page IDX The specified cast is not valid. Here is the code string sq; String conString = "provider = Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0; data source = D: \ Deliverable4.accdb"; Protected OleDbConnection RMS Connection; Protected OleDbDataAdapter rMSDataAdapter; Secure dataset dataset; Protected DataTable dataTable; Protected Detroit Detroe; Click the button sql = "Choose Resume from Page Indax"; RMSConnection = New Oleodeconnection (Konstring); RMSDataAdapter = New OleDbDataAdapter (sql, rMSConnection); Dataset = new dataset ("PINXX"); RMSata adapter.phill (dataset, "resume"); DataTable = Dataset Tables ["Resume"]; int pIndex = (int) dataTable.Rows [0] [0]; rMSConnection.Close (); If (Pandyx == 0) {Response.Redirect ("Create Resume-1.aspx"); } And if (pIndex == 1) {Response.Redire...

sql - SSIS - Skip Missing Files -

I have an SSIS 2008 package that calls up to 25 other SSIS packages. Each child's package loads a specific file into one table, but sometimes one or more of these input files will disappear. How can I fail a child package (because a file is unavailable), but keep running the rest of the original package? I have tried to increase the max error number on the parent package, the work in the original package which calls every child, and also in the child package itself. None of these results in this error even if I run it with a file: SSIS warning code DTS_W_MAXIMUMERRORCOUNTREACHED execution method succeeded, but the number of errors increased ( 2) Maximum permission received (1); As a result of which failure occurs, the number of errors reaches the specified number in the MaximumErrorCount. Change MaximumErrorCount or Fix Errors. Edit: failpackageonfailure and faulparentonfilure are already all false sets for everyone. I have not tried to do this, but how will I ...

Android Webview Anchor Link (Jump link) not working -

I have a WebView in my Android app that is loading an HTML string using the LoadDataWithBaseURL () method. The problem is that local anchor links ( & lt; a href = "# link" & gt; ...) are not working properly when the link is clicked, highlight it It does, but does not scroll to the related anchor. This does not work even when I use the loadUrl () method of WebView to load that page which contains the anchor link. However, if I load the same URL in the browser, the anchor links work. Do they need any special handling to work for WebWives? I'm using API v4 (1.6). There is not enough for the code, here are some of the relevant sections of the test code with which I am working: WebView detailBody = (webview) Find VVBID ( R.D.Artical_Diet_Abbs); String S = "& lt; a href = \" #link \ "& gt; LINK! & Lt; / a & gt; ; & Lt; a name = \ "link \" & gt; & lt; / a & gt; test ...

Python timed file upload -

I have a python script that accepts a file from the user and saves it. Is it possible not to upload the file immediately, but to raise it up and when the server has less load to upload it. Can it move the file to the browser storage area or move the file to the hard drive and move the user's RAM If your website is really heavily weighted, then a lot of users upload files once, it can be time to profile your code, can use multiple servers, or Maybe use a different upload server to accept files and then schedule the transfer to your main server later.

wpf - Closing a window when it's "no longer needed" -

This is a difficult question to describe, and I have not searched for about an hour. Basically, from the System Tray (Information Area), portray a small 'flyout' window like Windows 7 wireless control or volume slider. When you click on the icon, the application pops up with focus, and if you close it, the window destroys itself. I thought that it can easily be solved after destroying my window, it loses focus (I'm listening to WM_Cilfocus), but the problem is that if the icon If the click is done, my window does not always focus because this is not the case, if the user clicks on my icon, and then clicks away because it was a mistake (on desktop say), how can I I can make your app set to Nd? Tried to mess with Spy ++, but checking volume control / wireless control apps is proving difficult because when I handle their window / process, they disappear . Thank you! This is the usual way to start a timer on window construction. If the timer is focused before t...

mysql - Connector/C++ compile error -

When I compile the code that contains the connector / C + header, I get the following errors: C: \ qt \ 2010.03 \ mingw \ bin ../ lib / gcc / mingw32 / 4.4.0 /../../../../ contains / stdint.h: 27: Error: 'int8_t' is a previous announcement 'typedef four signed on int8_t' c: \ qt \ 2010.03 \ mingw \ bin ../ lib / gcc / mingw32 / 4.4.0 /../ ../../ ./include/stdint.h:31: Error: The previous declaration in 'int32_t' is 'typedef int int32_t' c: \ qt \ 2010.03 \ mingw \ bin ../ Lib / gcc / mingw32 /4.4.0/../../../include/stdint.h:32: Error: Last call in 'UIT 32_t' As a nickname, type -f unsigned int uint32_t ' Actually I do all this: #include & lt; Cppconn / driver.h & gt; # Include & lt; Cppconn / exception.h & gt; # Include & lt; Cppconn / resultset.h & gt; # Include & lt; Cppconn / statement.h & gt; # Include & lt; Cppconn / ready_statement.h> Now I can comment on lines by going to file ...

c# - Session sometimes timesout too quick -

I have a session expired on my ASP.NET mvc web application more than a few minutes without browsing randomly Looking for I understand that the default timeout should be 20mins, but sometimes I get a timeout or fewer in a few minutes. For example, after browsing for some time on the site, I could end a session time when I refresh my page immediately after entering the page this is very random, but I have seen it many times now and I am not sure how can I see how I loose once every time I get inactive in the browser. I checked my web. Configure no timeout value has been defined there so I think it should be 20mins. Difficult to debug because it does not happen regularly. There is an IIS setting for timeouts, maybe even check Maybe your application will abandon the call? You can write to register the session ending handler server, to actually see it when it happens.

javascript - Should I be using the for-loop construct or the forEach method for iteration? -

Is one method more efficient? Are there any limitations in a method by any other method? Thanks for any input, you guys can give me; -) The method is part of the ECMAScript 5 version Specification is available but not in IE. I would recommend using a simple sequential loop because a callback function that requires forEach , a function will start closing and You do not have to pay attention to IE But if you can implement for forEach and all other new array.prototype methods, etc, ..., IE, I in linked pages.

java - Tool used to retrieve code metrics in xUnit Test Patterns? -

I'm studying with Gerard Massazoros. On any one page, it refers to some software matrix: While it requires wrapping lines to keep it in 65 characters, this code is actually It looks longer than that, it is still unnecessarily long, it contains total executable statements, including initial announcements, 6 lines of control statements, 4 in-line comments, and 2 lines, the test method To declare - Total 37 lines unblock source code. To find these matrix, does the count of statements count anybody have no idea if they have used any particular tool to calculate the matrix? (If you have any suggestions for the device that will calculate the same metric I P> Sorry to disappoint you, but I calculated by hand (well, with eyes) this code has only 25 lines! I only through half-colon and deductible lines And counted, which were not performed unanimously (such as unpublished variable declarations.) Not at all Gerrard Html>

c# - How to create a setup for a web application with Web Platform Installer -

I have a large web application (ERP with 11 subsystems) and I want to create a setup with Microsoft WebPI . At present, we send our applications to customers once a week (for weekly updates). If we are using the tool in this application, how to set up the Out Project for Automatically Configuring Client IIS SQL Server 2008 ASP.NET C # List item Lodge 4 Net Castle proxy SQL Server Reporting Services (RDL) Visual Studio Client Reports (RDLC) Java JQuery As far as I understand, you will want to make a Web Diplop package and a custom Web PI feed your application, including Web PI this package. Here is a reference on how to package a web application. Using web deployment command line, you will be able to automate this step: Another reference is for a blog that contains a sample feed In which application for Web PI through QSot Feed you will be able to automate this step by creating a custom feed, and by changing the hash in the feed whenever a new...

How to Add item to start of list using Groovy? -

How can I use Groovy to add items at the beginning of a list? list.add (0, myObject); You can also read it for some other valuable examples:

c# - Open/browse a password protected mapped network drive -

I want to open the C # code a map of went a network drive, but it is password protected, so when I try to open it directly, an exception is thrown, can we highlight the name and password available when opening this campaign? Exception Details: System.Diagnostics.Process.StartWithShellExecuteEx on System.Diagnostics.Process.Start on System.Diagnostics on (ProcessStartInfo startInfo) () . Process.Start (ProcessStartInfo startInfo) System.Diagnostics.Process.Start ( The name of the string file) I'm just speaking System.Diagnostics.Process.Start ( "Z : "): Z: is not a file name . [Edit: It's okay if it is not password protected, tried to execute your code and it worked] Using an object as a parameter, because it is a user Try setting name and password and about the filename parameter: The file name is any application or document. A document is defined as any file type that has an open or default action associated with it, you can see the file types...

Compile C++ code via C# class in Visual Studio -

I use this method to compile a C ++ file in VS. But even I also provide the correct file which gives false returns. Can anyone help me ... this is class CL class CL {private const string clexe = @ "cl.exe"; Private prong string exe = "test.exe", file = "test.cpp"; Private string logic; Public cl (string [] args) {this.args = String.Join ("", args); This.args + = (args.Length & gt; 0? "": "") + "/ Fe" + exe + "+ + file;} public boolean compile (String content, riff string errors) {if (File. Exists (exe)) file. Delete (exe); If (File.Exists (file)) file. Delete (file); file. write the text (file contents); process proc = new process (); ProckStartInfo .UseShellExecute = false; Proc.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; Proc.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true; Proc.StartInfo.FileName = Clense; Proc.StartInfo.Arguments = this.args; Proc.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; proc.Start (); // errors = = ... mvc 2 - Can you get notes and tasks from Exchange with VB.NET? -

I currently search for a project extension to sync notes and tasks from a web application with Exchange / Outlook I am doing However at this time, it is only an idea. Unfortunately for me, this is the first time that I am considering the exchange of any type of exchange of any application. / P> So I'm thinking, have I even set it possible to do so? I would most likely use ASP.NET MVC2, NAT4 and Exchange 2003. The old way to do this will be to use Outlook Interop to automate Outlook information. However, this is not the best way to talk, and you definitely do not want to do this on a server. A new way of doing this: Exchange Web Services , you can find an article about this, but I'm not sure they are supported on Exchange 2003 ...

iphone - Problem with UITextView -

When a string is generated from a UITextview, with a view controller trying to pass the string near the other view controller There is a strange problem near UITextfield's UITextview.text and UITextfield.text are both types of NSString. Depending upon the type of field, the following code either takes Textfield.text or Textview.text and puts it in a string named string. NSString * aString = [[NSString alloc] init]; If (fieldType == 3) {aString = textView.text; } And {aString = textField.text; } When I check aString on any case, I can see that it has successfully assigned the text to a string. Then I use the string other view controller by using this code. [Representative update site: aString: editedFieldKey: fieldType]; [Self. Navigation Controller PopWebControllerUnited: Yes]; This works fine if aString was generated from textfield.text but no visible string is made by textview.text, but nothing except the View Controller This is the code that takes Astring ...

Java InputStream encoding/charset -

निम्न (उदाहरण) कोड चलाना import *; सार्वजनिक कक्षा परीक्षण {सार्वजनिक स्थिर शून्य मुख्य (स्ट्रिंग [] आर्ग्स) अपवाद फेंकता {बाइट [] buf = {-27}; InputStream = नए बाइटअरेइनपुटस्ट्रीम (buf) है; बफ़रेडरेडर आर = नया बफ़्टेड रीडर (नया इन्पुटस्ट्रीमरेडर (है, "आईएसओ -885 9 -1")); स्ट्रिंग s = r.readLine (); System.out.println (" 9 [बाइट] (चार)" + (चार) s.getBytes () [0] + "(int)" + (इंट) s.getBytes () [0]) ; System.out.println (" [char] (char)" + (चार) s.charAt (0) + "(int)" + (int) s.charAt (0)); System.out.println ("test.java11 नीचे स्ट्रिंग"); Println (रों); System.out.println (" स्ट्रिंग ऊपर"); }} मुझे यह आउटपुट देता है [बाइट] (चार)? (Int) 63 [वर्ण] (चार)? (Int) 229 test.java11 नीचे स्ट्रिंग? ऊपर स्ट्रिंग मैं लाइन -9 प्रिंटआउट में सही बाइट मान (-27) को कैसे बरकरार रखूं? और परिणामस्वरूप system.out.println (s) कमांड (å)। य...

python - Fetching just the Key/id from a ReferenceProperty in App Engine -

I can use a little help in AppEngine Land ... [Python] API I Using Relationships Make Relationships Like This Example: Class Authors (DB Model): name = db.StringProperty () Category Story (db.Model): author = db.ReferenceProperty (Author) story = db.get (story_key) author_name = As I understand, that example will give two datastore questions. To bring a story to one and then use a name to honor the writer within. But I want to be able to bring the ID, so do something like this: story = db.jet (story_key) author_id = (). Id () I want to get the ID from the bus reference By reading the document it says that The value of reference portfolios is important Who leads me to think that I can just call .id () at the value of the reference. But also says: Reference property model provides features for main property values ​​such as automatic deployment. Can not find anything told to me when is it referred? Is it safe? Refere...

c - pointer is always byte aligned -

I've read that the pointer should be byte-aligned. My understanding in a typical 32-bit architecture ... all signals are aligned byte ... no? Please confirm. Can an indicator be a byte-coalition? In fact this hardware reference manual has been mentioned for Tx Descriptor Memory. Yes, you can not address any quantity of memory in comparison to any byte.

How to modify characters in a string in Java? -

Assume that we have the string t why the following does not work Does: for (int i = 0; i & lt; t.length; t ++) {t.charAt (i) + = 3; } If you are talking about Java, then that's because The operator is an assignment operator and you will attempt to assign a value to return a value from a method call. Instead of trying to manipulate the string instead of this, and that is the manipulation that then

Implementing zLib compression in Flex and Java -

I am sending some JSON data on the Java side for business processing with my Flex application. Now on top of that, I have added some code to compress the data on Flex and then passed it through the request and it has uncompressed on the Java side. But on the Java layer, uncompressed data is still not in readable / usable format Flex code for encoding var bytes: bytere = new bytere (); Bytes.writeObject (JSON.encode (someObj)); Bytes.position = 0; Bytes.compress (); Variables.encodeJSONStr = Bytes; = variable; Loader.load (announcer); Java code for decoding string json = req.getParameter ("encodeJSONStr"); Byte [] input = json.getBytes (); Inflator Decompressor = New Inflator (); Decompresser.setInput (input); Byte [] results = new byte [1000]; Int result = 0; ResultsLanguage = decompresser.inflate (Results); Decompresser.end (); String outputString = new string (result, 0, resultant, "UTF-8"); System.out.println ("\ n \ nResu...

Pass value from one ASP.NET app to another via HTTP Header -

We are implementing a single signature on the mechanism in the enterprise environment, where the token is used between the application using HTTP headers Has been shared. Now, to test the integration, I have to write an application to do this simulation. Is there a way in ASP.NET, where I can redirect to another webpage and pass a custom HTTP header in this process? Thank you You have a page on Site B Which requires a redirect to the Site A user, which also sets a cookie with the desired value. For example. Authentication. ASPX will set a cookie and then each request will be received.

unit testing - unittest in python: ignore an import from the code I want to test -

I have a Python program that imports pythoncom (and uses pythoncom.CoCreateInstance from it) I want to make a lone without importing Python (so I can run a test on Linux too). What are the options? Can I do the test without modifying the system? which I have found so far: sys.modules ["pythoncom"] = "test" import module_that_import_pithonom its My problem with me is that if I have: I will get: importError: a module name something.Something and sys.modules ["something.Something"] or Sys.modules ["pythoncom .something.something "] does not work. Any thoughts? You import to excluding blocks .

Replacing the Global Navigation Menu in SharePoint 2010 -

All, I want a menu in my SharePoint site like one like CBS where you can hover over it and It pops the DIV in a specific size of the screen, then it will show a sub menu. How is this done? You basically have two options, depending on what you want to do: Use standard AspMenu, style level 2 & lt; Ul & gt; Elements as block elements, and jQuery use the mouse center and mouselevel event at 1 level on their level. Li & gt; Element. If you want a fancy fixed number-of-column layout that is spread evenly in the drop-down, you have to control it in javascript or custom user, which repeats through the sitemap node elements.

html - Can I set a style for the content of an iframe from the main page? -

We have a page that embeds Google Calendar in an iframe. Recently, a warning box division began to appear on the calendar that looks like this: & lt; Div id = "warningbox" style = "color: # aa0000;" & Gt; Event calendars can not be shown here by one or more because you do not have permission to view them. & Lt; / Div & gt; We do not want this box to appear on the page. Obviously the best solution is to find personal events here and remove them, but so far they have proved useless in the search of those incidents. This calendar is a total of many calendars, in which some of us do not control (i.e. weather). We are still looking, but in the meantime I would like to try to hide that plan (especially if we can not change the private event being proved on a calendar). I know that the separation between the applied pages of the iframes, such as the child page is very lawful, for self. But surely there should be a way to set a style on an elemen...

internationalization - Drupal : Notification of modification to translator of a content -

In Drupal, I want to know to inform the translator that the translation of which the content of the translation was translated Was revised. What is the easiest way to do this? Is there a module for this? Maybe the workflow can help, but I think it requires a lot of administration. Bonus Question: Do you already work in many countries with the same language? Examples: English America, English UK, English CA? Thank you. Notifications and other triggers -> Excellent module I do not know that it works with translations in translation-to-box, but you can find a suitable extension to finish the job or write a custom module.

Compatibility between Scala closures and Java 8 closures -

After reading some Open ZKK mailing list, it seems that Oracle developers are currently throwing things out of the proposal to shut down, because the first design passes through the introduction of Java in Java. Given that Scala closures are more powerful than schematic closure for Java 8, I wonder if this would be possible for E. G. Call to stop Java method from Scala, define one stop in Java and give it to Scala function etc. Will the Java Closer be displayed in a bytecode or in a different way as its scale counterparts? Would it be possible to close the gap between the functionality of Java / Scala Closer? Note: 5 years later, this increase was included: Scala 2.12 emits closures in the same style as Java 8 . The compiler for each lambda generates a method containing lambda body. - On the runtime, this method has been passed as a logic for the longmetaphateriner provided by JDK, which creates a closure object. Compared to Scala 2.11, the advantage of the new plan is...

seo - Is flash's geturl(...) spiderable by google? -

If I created a homepage with an embedded .swf that contained buttons which used to get another URL of my website using getUrl Pages were connected) function, can these links be spider by Google? Or can I also put text links outside of .swf (which will make the design a bit worse)? I know many people will argue that I should not be in the form of main content on the flash homepage (and their comments are appreciated), but keep in mind, this is not my question. In fact, the answer to Daienith on the contrary, Google's Sequence Fixed a long way to understand Flash Have done It is not opaque because it was when Dennith's ideas should have been formed. She said, there is no document that Google can see and can not do. For optimum Google visibility, always embedding your site and HTML- only the version of your NAV and the main content behind your .swf, in this way, you get not only better Google indexing , But anyone who visits the site on any iOS device will have to se...

javascript - Number test in loop -

I was looking for a boolean test for the number 10, 20, 30, 40. It will be used in a loop, 1 to 100. ParseInt takes a little part, but wondering what a method might be for a true or wrong answer. How about something like: for ( Var i = 0; I & lt; = 100; ++ i) {If (i% 10 == 0) {// here for the coefficient of something 10} and {// something else is here}}

How do you find all the files added to a visual studio project and checked in to TFS from a point in time? -

How can you get a list of all the new files added in the Visual Studio project and check in to TFS? I have tried to use TFS Sidekicks and see history, but they only show changes which you have to open to see the details. I am just after a list of new files in a special branch. Thanks PowerShell version Go-TfsItemHistory "$ / Project Name" -that-version D06 / 01/2010 ~ | Choose - Expand changes. Where {$ _. ChangeType.Tostring () includes. ("Add"). Selection-tfsitem | Fl path I believe that for this TFS power tools will need to work.

javascript - Selecting all elements -

It should be really simple, but I have a Javascript / jQuery rookie, so we go here: I can select a certain element with the following code var user = $ (".ui-selected .user-name"). Html (); But if there are many elements with the above classes, then only the first value will be selected, which I would like to complete is a variable in which all the elements are different, such as: user1, user2, User3 ... etc. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance! You can use to get an array of values, then in a string, like : var usersString = $ (".ui-selected .user-name"). Map (function () {return $ (this) .html (); // or this.inner html}). Get () Join (','); Edit:.

Accessing properties in an ActiveX object through Silverlight/JavaScript -

I have written an ATL / Active X object that exposes various properties and methods through its COM interface. I want to be able to access those methods and properties from the Silverlight application. The problem I am running is that I can access methods in Silverlight / C #, but I have not detected the correct syntax for accessing its properties. In other words, my Silverlight C # code looks something like this: var ax = HtmlPage.Document.CreateElement ("object"); = "myControl"; Ax.SetAttribute ("Style", "Width: 1px; Height: 1px;"); Ax.SetAttribute ("Classic", "CLSID: 42832F4C-3480-4450-A6B5-156B 2 EFC 408F"); HtmlPage.Document.Body.AppendChild (Ax); // This works ax.Invoke ("SomeMethod", "param1", "param2"); // Each of these "Failed to invoke" Invalid Operation Expression AX Invoke ("some property"); Ax.Invoke ("SomeProperty", "propertyValue...

php - Is XMLReader a SAX parser, a DOM parser, or neither? -

I am testing various methods to read XML configuration files in PHP (possibly large, reads many times ) No writing is ever necessary I have two successful implementations, one is using another XMLReader using a SimpleXML (which I know is a DOM parser) . I know that a DOM reader should read the whole tree and therefore uses more memory to reflect my test. I also know that the A SAX Parser is an "event-based" parser that uses less memory because it reads each node from the stream which reads without further testing. XMLReader also reads from a stream with the cursor. Data about the node is presently, therefore, it seems that XMLReader () not is a DOM parser But my question is, is this a SAX parser or something else? It seems that the way XMLReader parses SAX, it behaves, but does not throw events themselves (in other words, can you build a sand paras with XMLReader?) If this is something else, then is there a name in the classification? XMLReader extension XMLRe...

iphone - If a View Controller tries to get rid of it's view, what happens with the superview? -

Think about this: The view of a view controller has been added as another view, now the visual controller is low Trying to load due to the warning of memory I believe it is impossible because it is maintained by supervision. But what if the VC actually unloads this scene, and then loads it back when it is needed? Who will add supervision? I do not understand much because I think the unloading of the scene will not happen when the view controller view is still a subview of a supervision ... "post-text" itemprop = "text"> correct The visual controller will not unload your view if there is currently a supervision in the view. This behavior mostly affects view controllers who run offscreen, e.g. In a navigation controller.

iphone - how to dismiss my current view -

Hi, I'm looking at the text view to move to the main scene and I'm on a button, but I'm using it I am .. Backbutton ContentVerticalElement = UICTRL ContentVertical Alignment Center; Backbutton ConsentHoriginal Alignment = UI Controlled Materialhousing Alignment Center; [Backbutton Adrasejet: Action by itself: @Selector (back) Control events: UIControlEventTouchUpInside]; [Backbutton setbackgram color: [UIColor blackcolor]]; And my method is to return - (zero) back { What should I place in the current view to sack me .........} Try [self removalFromSuperview];

csv - Implementing a Cakephp Model using an Array -

KPPHP cookbook, which can be used by a model rather than a real database table (for example CSV), but I can not find any implementation for this. I was thinking that it is possible to use the array of data as a model in kppp because i have a very stable set of data which is important to me in relation to the other table but its To make a full table does not fully understand. Is it possible for a KPHP model to use an array? If you want you can use a data source for array data for mapping models Which will allow you to design those models transparently to the database based models. This lets you use an array source as a model without needing to do anything except array data and sets the data source name in the model. Read the documentation for some instances - it's really easy to use a D code Easy to understand. It also gives you the ability to perform normal search * on models, situations, etc.

.net - Using Powershell regex to find PHP strings like "<?php eval " -

I am trying to find a string in PHP which matches something like this: Currently I have tried to do something like this; & lt; () \? Php eval (^ But it does not seem to get the string properly. EDIT: I forgot to add that I wanted to catch all the text form It is required and spreads to many lines. Why not select only the string? ls * .php | selection-string " selection-string pattern given regular Expressions are read as you type. You can match plain-text by specifying switch: ; PowerShell ls * .php | select-string " > get-help about_regular_expression edit: Ah, you did not specify in your question that you were doing a reload operation, it is a bit different, especially since it spreads several lines, I will give some suggestions like this: # File one string Retrieve $ content = [string] :: Join ("` n ", $ (Get-content path \ to \ file.php)) # Change now $ Replace = $ contents -replace '(? S) (& lt; \? Php eva...

osx - How to utilize OpenCL 1.1 on Mac OS X 10.6? -

OpenCL 1.0 came with nVidia driver for Mac OS X 10.6. I wonder if it is possible to update header files to use OpenCL 1.1 API Long ago appreciate. It's not easy, you also need the OpenCL 1.1 implementation + CL 1.1 header. OS X is not updated to support OSCL 1.1, so you can not use it.

latex - Error using \Glsentrytext{} in section title -

When using a glossary package in a latex document, For the example section or chapter title, I want to use the glossary entry: \ section {\ Glsentrytext {big}} This is again a The result in error is trying to use \ protect / glsentrytext {} does not solve the problem Note that the non-capitalized version ( \ glsentrytext ) Does not cause any problems. Is anyone aware of the way to do this work? I sometimes use the terminology package as a way to format specific stars in a certain way. For example, \ gls {big} turns into 'beam-in-gas', obviously I can make two vocabulary entries without having the caps to achieve it and only one final It can be included in vocabulary though it is an ugly solution. Unfortunately, I do not know why this does not work or how to fix it, but I'm one I know the alternate solution: Note: The current version of the glossary package is required for it, I tested it with version 2.07 which worked And is with version 2.03 ...

ruby on rails - Trying to manually recreate a simple generate/scaffolding script -

I am trying to understand the railroad from the ground. I want to learn how to manually prepare the original show-all / show-singles / CRUD functionality in the framework. I am currently working on display-all the functionality, but when I try li> generate a script / model product rake db: migrate To add modified products_controller.rb: DEF Index () {@products = Product.all} (Error: uninitialized Continuous Product Controller :: Product) Ideally, dump to see all orders What is the fix? when you make your model then script / model product Generate or Script / Model Product / In summary, a model product stays in a PP / Model / Product. Uses RB and database table products. When you have a multi-word model named like an order item like an app / model / order_item and uses a database table called order_it, your basic question also does not show any columns when the model generator is running, I agree I have left them in short, otherwise you ...

Process results of conditional split in SSIS -

I have a data flow task and I'm connected to the database through an OLE DB source component to extract data. This figure feeds in a conditional partition component to isolate the data based on a simple expression. After evaluating this expression, the data will be from two places: Place A or Location B. Okay, I have all this right and working properly. Once the data is split into two places, additional processing is to be done on the record. Here's where I got stuck: I need the processing of records in A place to be before the record processing in LocationB. Is there any way to prioritize the priority of which work? If not, what is the best way to handle it? I was thinking that I might need to write data back into the data and database in the database and create a new data flow work in the control flow, whose order should be presented with these records. Any help is greatly appreciated! I think you need the results of LocationA processing for LocationB pro...

Java xpath selection -

I have a problem getting value from the XML document, the document looks like this: & lt; MarketStat & gt; & Lt; Type id = "35" & gt; & Lt; Sell ​​& gt; & Lt; Median & gt; 6.00 & lt; / Median & gt; & Lt; / Sell & gt; & Lt; / Type & gt; & Lt; Type id = "34" & gt; & Lt; Sell ​​& gt; & Lt; Median & gt; 2.77 & lt; / Median & gt; & Lt; / Sell & gt; & Lt; / Type & gt; & Lt; / Marketstat & gt; I have to get average where type = x I was always having trouble finding xpath with java and I have got a good tutorial for this or Reference will not be found. If someone can help me understand that it will be great. For the XPTH side of the problem: this should do the trick // * / type [@ id = '34 '] / * / mean / when I'm working with XPATH Usually I use W3Schools as a reference. And in IBM Developer Works

html - How do i make the text in this div expand vertically? -

Here's something that has exploded for some time. I have created two fiddles so that you can check live: Fiddle # 1: Bella # 2: You can see Belt # 1 If the text is not formatted correctly with the spaces, then the text gets over the limit, how can I create this function as Bella # 2? Or is it indispensable? You can try adding word-wrap to CSS rules: break-word; However, the results may seem weird.

php - Store global values for use in a wordpress theme -

How / how can I store some values ​​such as a phone number or email address so that I have these values ​​on any page Can I use my custom theme? Example: I want to store a contact phone number that should be displayed in my theme's header file, but I do not want to hardcode it in html. I would like to store it in a parallel way as custom values ​​are stored but accessible from any theme page. Use and store your settings in the WordPress database. You will then be able to update the options using the wp-admin / options.php screen (you have to type in it, there is no menu option) or using one of these plugins: Later you can do more for control. And do not forget to use it when rendering options in templates.

java - Translating strings character by character -

Text after "div class =" itemprop = "text"> How do I get a string made of Latin characters that translate into a string made of a different Let's think about implementing the set of characters, regard Cyrillic Here's how it is done in PHP for example:. function latin_to_cyrillic ($ string) {$ array = array ("а" = "a", "b" => gt; "b", "u" => "", "G" = "gt" = "gt" = "gt" = "gt" = "gt" = "I", "ee" = "i", "й" => "y", "k" = "gt" "E", "ji" = & gt; "zh", "o", "o" => gt; "o", "p" = & gt; "k", "л" => L "," m "=" gtc: "m", "н" =>, "p", "р" => "r", "c" = & gt; "s...

c# - Exception Handling in MVP Passive View -

I am thinking that what is the preferred way of managing exceptions in the MVP applicable with a passive view. There is a discussion in my company about the prevention / capture of blocks in the presenter or only in the scene. In my opinion, the logical top-level collar is presenter (even if the actual scene is). In addition to this I can test the presenter and not see the reason why I like to define a method in the visual interface: IView.ShowError ( Error) and open it from the capture block in the presenter: try {} catches (exception exception) {... log exception ... View.ShowError ("an error occurred")} Developers of future ideas like this apply exceptionally handling to handle the land But the IView interface forces to apply a ShowError method to them. The drawback is that if I want to feel completely safe I need to add unnecessary effort / catching blocks to me. On the other hand, only the blocks should be seen in the scenes and the shaker met...

xml - XPath to compare two distinct attributes of two elements -

मान लीजिए मुझे यह XML है: & lt; x & gt; & Lt; e s = "1" t = "ए" / & gt; & Lt; e s = "2" t = "ए" / & gt; & Lt; e s = "1" t = "बी" / & gt; & Lt; / एक्स & gt; क्या एक्सपैथ को लिखने के लिए कोई तरीका है, यह पता करने के लिए कि क्या "ई" नाम के दो अलग-अलग नोड हैं जो कि @ के समान मान हैं, लेकिन @t के विभिन्न मान पहला भाग आसान है: // e [@s = // ई / @ s] जैसा कि दूसरा भाग है: // ई [@t! = // ई [@टी]] लेकिन मुझे एक एक्सपेथ का निर्माण करने का कोई तरीका दिखाई नहीं देता जो दो अलग-अलग दो अलग तत्व "ई" के लिए विशेषताओं क्या xpath वाक्यविन्यास के भीतर कोई रास्ता है, या यह निराशाजनक है? अनुरोधित नोड्स एक XPath 1.0 अभिव्यक्ति द्वारा चयनित किया जा सकता है। अगर होस्टिंग भाषा XSLT 1.0 है, तो current () फ़ंक्शन का उपयोग करके एक अभिव्यक्ति का निर्माण किया जा सकता है, जो कि चयन करता है वांछित नोड्स। निम्नलिखित XPath 2.0 अभिव्यक्ति का प्रयोग करें: $ x में /...

clickonce - Recommendations for detecting updates to prerequisites in Click once app -

I have a single apple which uses SQL CE 3.5, which is set as pre-requisite . Click to install, click once, download something else via SQL, installs it, installs my software and all functions - great! Now, I have an update for my application, which requires that SQL CE 3.5 SP2 be required. As the application has already been installed, when the icon starts on the users' PC, my updated code is downloaded and installed - --- and then the app falls because the SP2 function is available Are not there. Using the registry, I can first locate the code or code on SP2 ... and then to download and install that SP2 of an extracted version installer, but Its a little millimony .... any better idea, maybe once in the click, use the current prefix check? If I was installing SQL, then I would use DLL to use a condition locally Instead, I would like to include which version I used which will be completely controlled.

android gallery item selector -

I would like to use the following selector for an Android gallery image, will it work? & lt; Selector xmlns: android = "" & gt; & Lt; Item state_selected = "true" android: drawable = "@ drawable / selected_icon" & gt; & Lt; / Item & gt; & Lt; Item Android: Drawable = "@ Drable / Unclected_corean" & gt; & Lt; / Item & gt; & Lt; / Selector & gt; I tried but it is not working I am capable The same XML file works, as shown above from above For this, make sure that the selected and unceded images have the same height and width Yes, it will not work.

How to receive a arg from command line in C -

I want to write a program to get an argument from the command line. It's like a type of etf (). My program goes there: 9 chars [] = "3.1415e-4"; 10 if (argc == 1) {11 print ("% e \ n", etf (s)); 12} 13 and if (RgC == 2) {14 / / strakpy (S, AGRV [1]); 15 printf ("% e \ n", etf (RGR [1])); 16} 1. Would I just use argv [1] for the string to pass my ATF (), or will I put it in s []? 2. If I put it in better [], then is there some function to do "work"? Maybe some function strakpi () ?? Thank you. I personally do this: #include & lt ; Stdlib.h & gt; # Include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; Int main (int argc, char ** argv) {const char defaultStr [] = "3.1415e-4"; Const char * arg = null; If (argc & lt; = 1) {arg = defaultStr; } Else {arg = argv [1]; } Printf ("% e \ n", etf); Return 0; }

delphi - Do not use IE browser settings when using a proxy with Indy -

In one of our customer sites, we have a Delphi 2007 application that uses several components for using HTTPS Requests. All requests provided by the client are created using proxy settings. To work for this, we need to put the URL in the Trusted Zone section in IE. Due to safety setting, reliable areas have been cleared after one month. This means that we have to add the URL again to our application to work again. Is there a way to bypass IE settings or use the client side HTT stack so that we can get the https request through the browser? JD Indie is client -bound HTTP Stack does not use the Internet Explorer proxy setting. This uses the proxy settings set in proxy-related properties of TIdHTTP component. If you do not want to use those settings, do not set them up. In addition to this, I am pretty sure that "reliable field" has nothing to do with this, it controls what Internet Explorer does web page Like run script and load ActiveX control Indy never lo...

Facebook Connect in Iphone header include path -

I am trying to compile the Facebook Library for my iphone application. But I am getting this error. Error: FBConnect / FBConnect.h: Any such file or directory I have added the location of the folder in the header search path and so far it is not compile. This is the way I have added - / user / disable / download / facebook-facebook-iphone-sdk-1059eb6 / src I also tried copying the copy folder to the destination folder option, but that too was not working. I know this is a very easy step, but I am getting disappointed, because I have 20 to 30 times like this. Any help. Create settings for your target between an user header search path Set up the Facebook Library code root directory and fix it. (I have spent some time setting myself up.)

compact framework - backlight of windows mobile -

How can I detect using C # if the backlight state is turned on or off? After the specified time, the backlight is off in the mobile. Thanks Maybe you want to. There is also a thread on the MSDN Forums:

vbscript - VB script + change word in VB script on text file -

How to change the word in a text file by VB script (such as sed in Unix) You can use the FileSystemObject object. Some Notes: Set = fs = CreateObject ("Scripting.FileSystemObject") sf = "C: \ DOCKS \ INSTEST" set f = fs.OpenTextFile (sf, 1) '1' = To read S = change f.ReadAll s = (S, "Bird", "Cat") F. Off set F = fs.OpenTextFile (SF, 2) '' 2 = ForWriting f.Write f.Close

reporting services - SSRS - disabling Export functionality based on User -

I have a report in SSR that needs to disable the "export" functionality on a user basis. Is it capable? And, it is possible to disable all export options except PDF option thanks Mike research, I found the URL given below, which basically says that you can not disable "export" on a report based on the report .... except the former server it seems, when Using the ReportViewer control on an aspx page, you can disable the "Export" type. The authors suggest that SSRs are included in this report manager.

xamarin.ios - MonoTouch deploy to iPhone -

I have developed many apps using mono-touch, and are using emulator for the iPhone, now I need to deploy the application to me for further investigation on my iPhone. I bought an iPhone SDK from Apple, but I do not have to deploy and activate the mono-touch app on my iPhone. Any signals please? As you have already said, you clearly need a paid version of Monochoch and iPhone SDK is. After you have sorted, you need to create a Developer Certificate in the iPhone Developer Portal, download it to your Dev Machine and add it to your keychain. Once you do this, then you should make a provisioning profile, your physical device, which you again do through the developer portal. Once you have a provisioning profile, download it to your machine, and add it to the iPhone via the Organizer app in the xcode. Then set fire to the mono developer, and if this plan has gone completely, then you can see the option of deploying the build on your iPhone by opening the project option windo...