
Showing posts from August, 2015 - AJAX file upload -

I have control over uploading an image and above it is an image control. When the user clicks on the 'Upload' button, after the image image is uploaded, the image is transformed into an animated image displaying a 'Reasonable' message, the image source turns it into a picture, it is a simple AJAX, javascript (XmlHTTP objects),, VB.NET. Can somebody help me out??? Javascript / Ajax can not use IFRAME or flash for security reasons above four reasons. Access your local drive, which is why it is limited to input file control or flash. Ihr iFrame or Flash is your choice. There is also ASP.NET that can be reliable enough for your needs.

java - Getting the type of a parametrized class parameter? -

मेरे पास निम्न श्रेणी है सार्वजनिक वर्ग MyClass & lt; T & gt; {सार्वजनिक कक्षा & lt; T & gt; GetDomainClass () {} कक्षा का वर्ग}} मैंने इस समस्या को चालू कर दिया है और मुझे मिल सकता है सभी जवाब getGenericSuperClass () का उपयोग करने के लिए मुझे बताया गया है, लेकिन इस विधि की समस्या है कि मेरे पास एक द्वितीय श्रेणी होनी चाहिए जो MyClass फैली हुई है और मैं ऐसा नहीं करना चाहता। मुझे एक कंक्रीट वर्ग के पैरामीट्रित किए गए प्रकार प्राप्त करने की क्या आवश्यकता है? आप ऐसा नहीं कर सकते आप चाहते हैं कि जानकारी (यानी टी का मूल्य) टाइप-एराज़र के कारण रन-टाइम पर उपलब्ध नहीं है।

c# - How to terminate a thread which has spawned another thread which is sleeping? -

I have a long lasting thread made from thread. Start () Then the class owner is settled, I call Thread 1. Joint () but naturally it does not return because its background is sleeping on the background thread. P> What will be the perfect solution to end a thread, which are other threads with little trouble? I wrote a question when suddenly I realized that maybe I had a mental block I did this part In the first place not to end the thread due to the background thread But wanted for another reason. In the second - I had to use the timer instead because I had kept a thread for no reason - just waiting for one incident which happens once a day! It was very stupid :) Sorry. It is usually good to use thread thread thread for a short thread if you need background thread Is to use a new instance of thread to run for long periods and set its background property to correct.

objective c - Filtering NSMutableArray based on enum property -

I found an NSMutableArray filling with objects of type "game object". GameObject has many properties, one of which is "gameObjectType". "GameObjectType" type is of GameObjectTypeEnum. I want to be able to filter this NSMutableArray so that only a certain type of GameObjects is returned, I have found the following location, but it is giving me a "poor access" error: NSPredicate * predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat: @ "gameObjectType =% @", gameObjectType]; Return [gameObjects filteredArrayUsingPredicate: predicate]; Is it possible to define this "custom" type (i.e., this enum I have defined)? Format call with format? string format specifier % @ indicates an object, whereas you Integral values ​​are passing. You probably want to type gameObjectType a int and use the % d specification. For more information, take a look at this

c - uzing libgz to inflate a gz input -

I am currently trying to use the gzipped source of data to be inflated . It seems that the flakat API in zlib can not raise a grip data (e.g., the snippet fails to read the file: "zpipe: invalid or incomplete defaults data" ) . I have noticed that this API has a gzopen function, but as far as I understand, it only works with file names or file descriptors. Can I use this API if my source of gziped data is stored in a SQL Blob etc in memory ...? Many thanks to Pierre You can open file by using the fmemopen function, and then pass that file descriptor to the jizon function.

content management system - New to WordPress - How viable is it as a CMS for a small business website? -

I know that a large community of people behind WordPress has pushed it into a fully developed CMS area in the last few years, But to what extent I am not clear yet, for example, would it be a good option to handle something like a small biz website with a simple shopping cart? Yes, if you need it, then you use a spanner to bang into the skids But you can better rethink. A small website with the wordpress shopping can be enabled to drive, and this is probably useful for those who have developed a blog and they are divided into sales Are there. But why do you choose a blogging platform for your CMS when there are completely good CMS systems that target that role?

PHP Simplify a ternary operation -

PHP में, एक if () ? $ foo = $ bar! == 0? $ Foo: ''; मैं सोच रहा था कि यदि कोई शर्त संतोषजनक है तो खुद को $ foo को फिर से असाइन करने का कोई तरीका नहीं था। मैं समझता हूं कि जावास्क्रिप्ट में ऐसा करने का एक तरीका है (और & amp;; सही है?), लेकिन सोच रहा था कि ऐसा करने के लिए PHP में कोई तरीका था। हाँ, आप तार्किक और ( & amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; & amp;; ) ऑपरेटर PHP में भी उपयोग कर सकते हैं। $ बार === 0 & amp; amp; $ Foo = '';

c# - Best way to put user input into generated javascript? -

I should be able to put some pages in one page and then it is sent to the server, saved in Databases and otherwise where this text is inserted into a javascript variable. Basically like this: ("var myVar = \" "+ MyData +" \ ";"); What is the best way to avoid this data? Is there anything already to deal with things like ' and " and new lines? Is Base 64 my only option? My Server SideWare / Language ASP.Net/C # You should use: Write ("var myVar =" + Encoder.JavaScriptEncode (MyData, true) + ";"); If you do not want to reference the library, Function can be used (optimized from .NET Source): public Thir zero QuoteString (this string value, stringbilder b) {if (String.IsNullOrEmptEx (value)) var b = new StringBuilder ()); int for startIndex = 0; int count = 0; (int i = 0 ; I & lt; value.Length; i ++) {char c = value [i]; // Add unchecked characters (which do not require special trinitus) // stri... - How do I select a column with the latest "datetime" data type? -

How can I select the latest column of a "column" data type, in Visual Web Developer 2008, ASP.NET 3.5? In the config data source dialog, there are more options than my cookie options, controls etc. ... but I want to select where the latest time is in the table. (Select table from date where date is last updated ....) Thank you. Edit - This will be for a specific user in the table, i.e. select the row in the row with the current current user id Where the row was his latest update entry Can you select Top 1 and Depressed from the column you should get a line with the latest date from the table ... this table To me i G writes a message, every time a user does something ... you can take whatever you can ...

iphone - How to update my UIViewController to current orientation when use pushViewController? -

I used this code but this is a private API, Apple also rejects! [[UIDwise Current Device] SetOrrentation: UINPerface Operations LandscapeRite]; If I rotate my device in the landscape, open my application which will present it as portrait mode, I need to turn my device into another orientation, then update it Will go How to call call UIViewController to update it? You must use the following code in your UIViewController class: - (BOOL) should require aurototettoInterfaceAuthentication: (UINPreference Orientation) Interface Orientation {// Return Yes, Supported Orientation Returns (Interface Orientation == UINPerformance Landscape Wright); } If you need to update the orientation on runtime, you will have to return another static return (interfaceOrientation == UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait);

iphone - Core-Plot graph in a UIViewController -

Trying to insert a Coreplot graph in a UIView. I have some questions, should I do it in XIB? Or should I program this? If so, how should I write the code? e.t.c. I actually have two classes, one is called GraphView, which is to catch the corelot graph. Hmmm I think I should even ask some kind of questions like something real To be new BB: / but I think I have solved it. Core plot visual controller * aCorePlotViewController = [[CorePlotViewController alloc] initWithNibName: @ "CorePlotViewController" bundle: zero]; [Self.view addSubview: aCorePlotViewController.view];

javascript - Accessing contents of a file in a web-application without uploading -

As far as I can tell, it is impossible to access the contents of files on a user's computer without any web application on the server Uploading, then downloading the user again, until any type of plug-in is used. (Flash, etc.) Ideally, the user will upload the file directly to local storage and then the user who has the ability to upload / upload / validate / filter without waiting will be able to upload. Is there any feature in the incoming web standards such as HTML5 which will allow this? If not, why not make any effort to make this possible, and how can I work around it without getting trapped with plugins? EDIT: Do not believe that I want JavaScript to use arbitrary files on hard drives without any user intervention. We already have the ability to prompt and upload the user for a file, I only prompt the user for the file being loaded in the memory of my browser I only hope There was something that was going to happen in HTML5 which you can do with flash and Java...

javascript - Sequencing ajax requests -

I sometimes think I have to repeat some collections and call an AJAX call for each element. I want to return each call before returning to the next column so that I do not blast requests from the server - which often leads to other issues and I do not want to set ASCG false and want to freeze the browser . Usually it has to set any type of iterator reference, which I step on every success callback. I think a cleaner should be the simplest way? Does anyone have a clever design pattern to work neatly about how to call AJAX for an item? jQuery 1.5 + I have developed a plugin that uses it is, . / * * jQuery.ajaxQueue - A queue for AJAX requests * * (C) 2011 Cory Frang * is licensed under the MIT and GPL license. * * Requires jQuery 1.5+ * / (function ($) {// jQuery on a blank object, we will call it our queue var Ajax code = $ ({}); $ .ajaxQueue = function (ajaxOpts) {var Jqxhr going to use, dfd = $. Wrong (), promise = dfd.promise (); // qi our AJAX request ajaxQueue.que...

javascript - Can we omit parentheses when creating an object using the "new" operator? -

I have noticed that the objects being created like this: const obj = new Foo; But I thought brackets are not optional when creating an object: const obj = new Foo (); What is the pre-method for creating and defining objects in ECMAScript standard? What are the differences in the way of making things and later on? Is the favorite over each other? quote 1 : As a special case, for the new operator, there is no argument in the Javascript function call, allowing simplification of grammar by allowing the parent to leave. Here are some examples of using the new operator: o = new object; // Optional brackets left here D = new date (); ... Individually, I always use brackets, even when the manufacturer does not take any argument. In addition, your feelings can be hurt if you leave the parenthesis missing '()' invokes a constructor ' , and it does not seem that tool There is no substitute for tolerating the cover of brackets. 1 David Flanag...

html - z index background issue in IE -

I have a jQuery tool scroller, which is installed with the management of two different devices of information - one image , Other related text, sitting on top of images with a transparent BG image I am using Z-indexing to get it and I know about IE issues but I am unable to sort it Tested in IE 6-8). Image of the image below: It seems that the overlay diva is taking white on the containers. As much as possible, I can not solve it HTML / CSS code below: & lt; Div id = "content" & gt; & Lt; Div id = "nav" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "s4 slideshow" & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; & Lt; Img src = "& lt ;? php bloginfo ('stylesheet_directory') ;? & gt; /images/hero_1_white.jpg" width = "770" height = "367" /> & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; & Lt; Img src = "& lt ;? php bloginfo ('stylesheet_directory') ;? & gt; /...

hibernate - @OneToOne and @JoinColumn, auto delete null entity , doable? -

I have two entities with the following JPA annotations: @Entity @Table (Name = "owner") public category owner serialized {@Id @GeneratedValue (strategy = GenerationType.AUTO) @ column (name = "id") Private long ID; @OneToOne (fetch = FetchType.EAGER, cascade = CascadeType.ALL) @JoinColumn (name = "Data_id") Private data data; } @ Entity @Table (name = "data") Serial Job {@ ID Private Long ID; to apply public category data; } The owner and the data is a mapping, the owner is the master. The problem occurs when I execute: owner.setData (null); OwnerDao.update (owner) ; Data_ID of the "Owner" table is empty, that's right. But the "data" row is not automatically deleted. I have to write another datacao, and to write two more tasks (owner's responsibility. Update (Owner); DatadaO.Delete is another type of service layer;) Is it possible that Depending on your Hibernate version, use it: "post-text"...

javascript - How to add iframe content to main page? -

Actually I have IFrame in which it has some important content, but the problem is how do I add content to my page Thank you that iframe is stays in the main page html, then you can get the content of iframe using the following work . function getContentFromIframe (iFrameName) {var myiframe = document.getElementById (iFrameName); Var content = myIFrame.contentWindow.document.body.inner HTML; // what you need with content} Check out more details:

JSON array and JSF -

I am working with JSF and EXT js I have created JSONarere in the server-side and I call it client- I want to pass on the side. I used to get the array and put it in javascript var. But this tag adds an html tag (SPAN) that creates an error in the JavaScript version. This is the code I wrote: var data1 = & lt; H: outputFormat value = "# {Actor Bean. Navictors}" /> And after running it's my page's code: var data1 = & lt; Span & gt; [[& Amp; Quot; Aaaaaa & amp; Quot ;, & amp; Quot; Bbbbbb & amp; Quot;]] & lt; / Span & gt; So do you have no idea how to get an array without all the tags? Thanks Use & lt; H: outputText value = "# {Actor Bean. Navigators}" escape = "fottal" & gt; h: Output format is interesting only if you want it. escape attribute of h: output text will disable the avoidance of HTML institutions such as " in & amp; quot;

lazy loading - can you use jquery lazyload on all images (not just ones out of view) -

I have a webpage with many images (photo albums). When I scroll, I'm only great to load images outside the browser view. I have a problem with that I want to show the loading icon on the first load images, in the current view, some of them are big images and they do not load the bad browser "image yet Done "icons appear until they do not download. = "Post- Text "itemprop =" text "> I am playing with the plugin in my own webpage. The plugin details also contain a timeout function which is actually the behavior you want. View Demo Page If you need further assistance, please comment.

php - Stop multiple sessions accessing the same file simultaneously -

The GD library is accessing it, while it is possible to lock a file to prevent it being opened? What I am trying to achieve is similar to the isolation of a 'serializbol' level ... I want to ensure that only one session / user has an image 'dirty' at a time Read ' For example The large image is empty Secrets & amp; Janet has uploaded her images Big image opens in the session of the Raj. 1 ms later the big image opens in Janet's session. Season's session connects her image and saves her big image After 1 mile, Janet's session connects her image and saves her version of bigger image. The resulting image of the image is not in the final image because the version of the Janet overwrote it. I hope this clarifies enough. check-out. You can either lock the file on which you are working, or create a "lock file" elsewhere in the file system, which checks all your scripts.

.net - Accessing hard-coded data in a C# application -

I am trying to apply hardcoding to 3.5 in the soonest possible 3.5 application. I is a large number, which I want to map from 1 to 1 in the set of strings. Each calculated value will also map 1 to 2 values ​​by indicating an action. The current code does this with a big switch statement but it seems ugly to me Is there a better way to access storage and data? I have thought about resx files, but when you consider that the designer files are just as many hardcoded values ​​as this one seems a little futile. Is embedding an XML file in the assembly a good idea? Does not sound as bad as it sounds like a big switch statement? Is there a better solution? how ugly one switch statement is the most efficient way for it to wire the enums Despite it. Formatting the XML file will dim the size of your assembly and it will take longer to get the string value.

php - Trouble with MySQL: CONCAT_WS(' ', name_first, name_middle, name_last) like '%keyword%' -

O people, I am setting up a keyword search in many areas: name_first, name_middle, name_last, but I can not find The result I want to query here is: "SELECT accounts_users.user_ID, users.name_first, users.name_middle, users.name_last, FROM accounts_users, user where accounts_users.account_ID = $ Account_ID 'and accounts_users .user_id = and CONCAT_WS (' ', users.name_first, users.name_middle, users.name_last)' $ user_keyword% 'by ORDER users .name_first ASC " Therefore, if I get three names in DB: Aaron J. Baan Aaron J. Cab - Bob L. Loblob And if user_keyword == "Bob Lobock" I did not find any results if user_keyword == "Bob L" then it gives Bob L. Lockblow. Obviously I can not force people to include names between people in my keyword search, but I am stuck in a proper manner to do this. All help is greatly appreciated. Try to create a full text index on those 3 columns, and then a full text...

java - How do I superimpose one SVG image onto another using Apache Batik? -

I have 2 SVG files that I need to overlay while using the bicik. I And 308 pixels x 308 pixels, while the second file (260px to 260px) is a foreground image that should be centered (which is at the center of the background image). I want the results of the operation to be saved in a third SVG file. If you are familiar with Batik, then I appreciate your suggestions. Thanks, Olivier. If you do not need to include the contents of background and foreground documents in the last one, You can use the reference bus: & lt; Svg xmlns = 'http: //' xmlns: xlink = 'http: //' width = '308' height = '308' view box = '0 308 308' & gt; & Lt; Image xlink: href = 'background.svg' width = '308' height = '308' / & gt; & Lt; Image xlink: href = 'foreground svg' x = '24' y = '24 'width =' 260 'height =' 260 '/> & Lt; / Svg ...

database - Should I Split Tables Relevant to X Module Into Different DB? Mysql -

I have inherited a very big and some dirty codebase, and make it faster, less silly and generally better Has been worked with. We currently use a large database to keep all the data for all aspects of the site, as we need to plan for significant growth in the future, I differ for specific sections of the site - I am considering separate split tables in separate compartments, so if one gets too large for one server then I can easily move some user data I still need to be used to join some tables in the new database. Is this a normal thing? > Will this be a performance hit for me? If you are concerned with the data volume, then you might be better off maintaining a single database and Just make sure that your server has enough disk space / storage if you are worried about access / sec, then look at running multiple copies of the database on different servers for load balancing, to keep them synchronized, Use master repoll.

Git error "fatal: 'my_blog_tmp' does not appear to be a git repository" -

I am very new in the guit and I follow this online tutorial to convert my existing SVN repository to a GIT repository. I am here. And got stuck on the final obstacle. GIT clone my_blog_tmp my_blog However, when I do , I get the following error: Fatal: 'my_blog_tmp' A git repository does not appear to be fatal: Remote end hangs unexpectedly Some points: 1) I am entering the command above the "my_blog_tmp" directory 2) I tried to enter "git init", to ensure that Git is started in the "my_blog_tmp" folder but the first argument of git clone Path In your repo, we say that my_blog_tmp was on the / tmp / git / my_blog_tmp . Then, to clone, you wanted to go to the detector where you want to clone the repo, and do it: $ git clone / tmp / git / my_blog_tmp my_blog

c# - Storing SQL Tables for use in visual studio -

I am trying to create a Windows Forms application that manipulates data from multiple tables stored on a SQL server. The application is running, while what is the best way to store data locally? I had the previous program that used to modify only one table, and it was set to use a datagrid view. However, as I do not necessarily have to see all the tables, I'm exploring another way to store data from the query SELECT * FROM ... . Is it better to switch tables, make changes to the C # application, and then update the modified tables at the end, or just remotely perform all the tasks on the database (tables Recovering every time You can use a connection string and allocate to a DataTable, then you can make changes in the DataTable in any form you want. Once you have completed the changes, you can use the DataAdapter to make changes back into the database. Here's how to get the table: Datatel table; (using SqlDbConnection connection = new SqlDbConnection (c...

Make friendly URL in ASP.NET -

How do I create my Web App friendly URL? Currently my app url looks like this But I would like to display the URL to look like this What do I have to do? checkout You download a module and Must have to install. Usage and configuration is very easy to use. Here is an introduction:

c# - .NET 2.0: Invoking Methods Using Reflection And Generics Causes Exception -

I am new to stack overflow, so please forgive me. I have just started transitoning at C # and I got stuck on a problem. I want to pass a generic class and want to call any method from that class. So, my code looks like this: Public Zero UpdateRecords & lt; T & gt; (T sender) where T: new () // where T: new () came from Resharper {type foo = type .GetType (. Sender.GetType () ToString ()); Object [] userParameters = new object [2]; UserParameters [0] = X; UserParameters [1] = y; Sender = new T (); // To see if I could solve my exception problem, MethodInfo populateRecord = foo.GetMethod ("MethodInOtherClass"); PopulateMethod.Invoke (Sender, userParameters); } Exception thrown: "Object references are not set to an instance of an object." Again, I really am sorry, because I'm almost completely new to C # and this is the first time I've ever met reflection and generic thanks! First of all, I run this code in a debugger and an "brea...

ruby on rails - Is it possible to filter by conditions before paginating? -

I am using Ruby on Rail 2.3.8 and I_paginate the plugin. I have just seen that if I write something like this: Declaration. Pages: Page = & gt; Param [: page],: per page = & gt; 10,: conditions = & gt; announcements = declaration. All: Conditions = & gt; Some_condition @ann = Page = & gt; Param [: page],: per page = & gt; 10 These conditions will not be recognized. Edit: I have developed a search functionality and, due to the serial functionality I had to implement, I had a model inside Search counseling has to call it every time I need to search or sort from the area, from the controller. Therefore, the methods of your model will look like this: DEF self.search_by_relevance (word) status = get_search_conditions (word) Announcement.published.descend_by_featured.order_by_rate: status = & Gt; Position end Where "published" and "order_by_rate" are given the name Scope and "searchlogic...

c# - Why do I get completely different results when saving a BitmapSource to bmp, jpeg, and png in WPF -

I've written a little utility class which protects BitmapSource objects from image files. Image files can be either BMP, JPG, or PNG, here's the code: public square bitmapprosessor {public Zero SAVSBMP (bitmapsource bitmapsource, string path) {save (bitmap source, path, new BMPTemap Encoder ()); } Public Zero SaveAsJpg (bitmapsource bitmap source, string path) {save (bitmap source, path, new jpegbatmap encoder); } Public Zero SaveAsPng (bitmapsource bitmap source, string path) {save (bitmap source, path, new PngBitmapEncoder ()); } Private Zero Save (bitmap source bitmap source, string path, bitmap encoder encoder) {(var stream = new filestream (path, filemod. Creat)) {encoder.Frames.Add (bitmapfree.create (bitmap source)); Encoder.Save (stream); }}} Each of the three save works, but I get unexpected results with BMP and JPEG. I PGG is the only format What I am seeing, if I show the BitmapSource on the screen using WPF Image control then produces exact reprod...

jquery - Lightbox not loading -

// लाइटबॉक्स $ ('a.lightbox')। क्लिक करें (फ़ंक्शन () {$ .getScript (" जेएस / लाइटबॉक्स। जेएस ", फ़ंक्शन () {चेतावनी ('लोड पूर्ण'); $ (" a.lightbox ")। Lightbox ({'type': 'iframe', 'overlayOpacity': 0.6, 'width': 940 , 'HideOnContentClick': false});});}); मैं पहली बार अनुरोध पर स्क्रिप्ट लोड करना चाहता हूँ, लेकिन यह काम करने के लिए प्रतीत नहीं होता है, पृष्ठ केवल लिंक की गई वेबसाइट पर रीडायरेक्ट करता है, आईफ़्रेम को लाइटबॉक्स में नहीं खुलता। आपकी मदद के लिए धन्यवाद। आपको रोकने के लिए वापस लौटना की आवश्यकता है प्रचार से होने वाली घटना: वास्तव में क्या हो रहा है कि जब लिंक पर क्लिक किया जाता है, कोड निष्पादित होता है, लेकिन घटना समाप्त हो जाती है, उस बिंदु पर उस लिंक का href विशेषता (यदि यह मौजूद है) तब पर पुनः निर्देशित किया जाता है। (फ़ंक्शन ($) {$ (फ़ंक्शन () {$ .getScript ("js / lightbox.js", फ़ंक्शन () {चेतावनी ( लाइटबॉक्स ({'type': 'iframe', 'overlayOpac...

Jquery autocomplete - how to massage the options before displaying? -

मैं स्वत: पूर्णांक का उपयोग कर रहा हूँ jQuery स्वत: पूर्ण प्लगइन 1.1 मैं सर्वर से डेटा को सीपेएरेटर के साथ "-" के रूप में आईडी के रूप में डेटा प्राप्त करने में कामयाब रहा, लेकिन मैं इस आईडी को सूची में दिखाने के बजाय उसे छिपे हुए डेटा के रूप में दिखाने के लिए नहीं दिखाना चाहता हूँ। कृपया सुझाव दें। प्रयास करें formatItem: function () {। ..} $ ("...")। स्वत: पूर्ण (डेटा, {// प्रारूपआइटम: फ़ंक्शन (आइटम) {रिटर्न आइटम.टेक्स्ट। Substr (0, item.text.lastIndexOf ('-'));} // .....}) अधिक

iphone - Show PDF in iPad using CGPDF APIs -

I have learned that Apple PDF has released CGPDF API in SDK 3.2 for reference reference. What I think from these APIs is that you can drag the PDF into a data object or a PDF file. You can export it, perhaps in the sandbox directory or in the mail as an attachment. But I'm not sure that we can use these APIs to read PDFs from the application bundle and display it on the user page-by-page on screen. I want to open a PDF of a magazine in a magazine reader app. I was also wondering if we can identify the link in the PDF file and open them in the app. Tell me what has happened or is doing anything like this. Thanks aj A PDF in API documentation (with quartz) load One way to do this: CGPDF Document is the object you need and CGPDFDocumentCreateWithURL is probably the constructor you are looking for. Here are some examples on how to do this: I have spent a lot of time on this - and it seems that you have to cater to those CATiledLayers Need to use! There are ...

Generate xml from dataset using xsd in C# at runtime -

I want to create XML file according to the XSD given at runtime. I have a dataset, which will be used to fill the price. Can anyone tell me a simple solution? Besides, my XSD file is too big and has complex types and I do not want to try any third party devices. It is necessary. Please see such questions as:

JavaScript Exception/Error Handling Not Working -

It may be a little difficult to follow. I have found a function inside an object: f_openFRHandler: function (input) {console.debug ('f_openFRHandler'); Try {// throw 'foo'; DragDrop.FileChanged (input); //foxyface.window.close (); } Hold (e) {console.error (e); ('# Foxyface_open_errors'). (* & Lt; div & gt; reached maximum local storage limit, unable to store new images in your browser. Please remove some images and try again. & Lt; / div & gt; '); }}, Try calling it: this.FileChanged = function {input} {// FileUploadManager.addFileInput (input); Console.debug (input); Var file = input.files; (Var i = 0; i & lt; files.length; i ++) for {var file = files [i]; If (! File.type.match (/ image. * /) Will continue; Var Reader = New FileReader (); Reader.onload = (Function (F, EastLast) {Return Function (E) {if (files.length == 1) {LocalStorageManager.addImage (,, false, true); LocalRost Manager Load Current ...

http - (Weak) ETags and Last-Modified -

As far as I understand the specs, Itgong, which was introduced in RFC 2616 (HTTP / 1.1), a The successor is (finally for revised-header, which is proposed to give software-architect more control over the cash-modifying process. If both cache-verification-headers (if-any-match And if-modified-since) are present in accordance with RFC 2616, the customer (i.e. browser) Should use, if a resource has changed, according to Section 14.26 of RFC 2616, if an ETA has been changed in an act-non-match header, then the server should not be modified in 304, and the server If the matches are presented, it should not be requested to do so, unless the date in the last modified headers does not say so. (If it matches in matches The server should answer with 304- GET- or HEAD- in the case of a request ...) This section leaves the place for some speculation: A strong itag is considered to change "every", resource changes. Therefore, responding with something else has not been modified...

PHP: simplify with algorithm? -

This is a piece of PHP code, I think that is not "too much", I'm sure that I'm trying to find and algorithm it for or something that will work for it, But I can not understand it, please help me. Here is the code: if (isset ($ 4)) {ifet ($ navi [$ one] [$ 2] [$ three] [$ 4])) "/ Content /" $ one "/" $ two "/" $ three "/". $ 4 ".php"; Second echo "error"; } And if (isset ($ three)) echo "/ content" "$ one" / "$ 2" / "$ three") .php "; Second echo "error"; } And if (isset ($ 2)) {if (isset ($ navi [$ one] [$ 2]) echo "/ content /" $ one "/" $ two ".php"; Second echo "error"; } And if (isset ($ one)) {if (isset ($ navi [$ one])) "/ content /" $ "$ .php"; Second echo "error"; } And {echo "error"; } Thanks! updated, tested: $ parts = array ( $ One, $ two, $ three, $ ...

cocoa - Changing the value of an NSImageView when it is edited via the control -

I have an NSImageView that is editable when the user deletes the image, then I go back to a default image I would like to be able to change the value that the NSImageView is bound in the setter, but the recipient is not called later, so the NSImageView is empty, despite being set to another image. Here is the setter code: - (zero) setCurrentDeviceIcon: (NSImage *) newIcon {[Will Will Changewellfall: @ "Current Device Icon"]; If (newIcon == zero) newIcon = [currentDevice defaultHeadsetIcon]; CurrentDeviceIcon = newIcon; [Self setvideo chained med: yes]; [AUTO KEYCHENGEVALFORKIKI: @ "Current DeviceIcon"]; } How do I update NSImageView's value to it? Editing (Binding Image): No need to send messages inside send and didChangeValueForKey: , when a person sees your currentDeviceIcon property, the KVO automation Wrap your setter method to post those notifications, when someone sends a setCurrentDeviceIcon: message to your object. , the method...

design patterns - What is it called when an object member returns the object, enabling you to string method calls? -

Maybe I'm not using the right Google-age but I'm trying to remember that when you If you return the object from one member, then you might be able to do something like this: class obj {obj function method ()}}}}}}} Method () - & gt; Method () - & gt; Method () - & gt;

diff - How do I find the text changes in TFS 2005 history? -

I am wondering how I make a history search in TFS 2005 for any change in which a change between file ( Difference) and with the word "foobar" in the previous version. In other words, more specifically, I want to find the changes that removed membership for an event. Obviously this event will not change in class, and because the event subscription has gone now, I do not know where it was. Maybe I think it takes a few hundred files down, but looking at their personal history and making a difference on each one seems highly. TF History command also shows me the filename, even in detailed view. tf history / format: detailed *. * / Noprompt / stopafter: 1 Is an untold document uber-wide output that shows with a previous version of each file? You can not do this in TFS 2005. You must write a program that has retrieved history for the selected file and for every change in the history of the file, it must retrieve the version changes and the previous version, and t...

Collapse summary block in visual studio 2010 -

I am asking Mr. Google how I will do if I want to block my block, but there is no code block. I write my code in C # If I understand correctly, then just small - Click the left side on Margin on the same row as the first row of the summary. Or, keeping the cursor in the summary, hold down the Ctrl key and press the M key twice.

perl + shell script + remove all not uniq lines except the first line uniq (FILE NAME) + perl in shell script -

I have the following file, sed How to delete all FILE NAME the first unique file name , for example, need to delete all the FILE NAME lines from the file except for the first one: File P> Parameter Name: Blalabla Target File: 12 Source File: 565 File Name: / dir1 / dir2 / dir3 / di R4 / dir5 / file Parameter Name: Blubblaza Target File: 18 Source File: 552 File Name: / dir1 / Dir2 / dir3 / dir4 / dir5 / file Parameter name: Blalabla Target file: 14 Source file: 55 9 Traffic file: 134 Source file: 344 Parameter name: Blubblack Traffic file: 134 / P> file name: / DIA / DIB / DICR / DIER / DIE / file parameter Name: Blubblaza Target File: 13 Source File: 445 File Name: / DIA / DIB / DICR / DIER / DIE / File Parameter name: Blubblack Target file: 13 $ line_count = 0; Open (OLD_FILE, "& lt; $ old_file") or die ("$ old_file can not open."); Open (NEW_FILE, "> $ new_file") or die (...

c# - The cost of finalize in .Net -

(1) I have read a lot of questions about IDisposable where the answer is not to use the answer ultimately when As long as you do not really need the process time involved. What I have not seen is that how much is the cost and how often it is paid. Every millisecond? second? Hours, days etc. Besides, it seems to me that it is easy to finalize, when it is not always known that an object can be disposed of, for example, framework font class. A control can not be settled because it does not know that the font has been shared. The font is usually made at design time so that the user does not know how to handle it, so in order to finally get rid of it, the kick is finalized when no reference is left, is this the right impression? Finally the main problem is that it prevents an object from collecting garbage. Instead, it is called final, and the object is collected on "next run". OK, technically IIRC finally runs a list of objects in a separate thread. Either way, this is ...

wildcard - GNU Makefile: multiple outputs from single rule + preventing intermediate files from being deleted -

This is the continuity of the question in a way The problem is that there is a rule to generate many outputs from the same input, And this is less time consuming, so we would love to avoid duplication. Now there is an additional turn, that we want to prevent files from being deleted as intermediate files, and wildcards are included to allow the rules for the parameters. The solution was to suggest that we set the following rule: file-a.out: program file-a .out file-b.out file-c.out file-b.out: file-aout@file-c.out: file-b.out @ Then, call-file-c.out and we avoid problems with -j in the parallel with the switch create is running OK till now. The problem is as the above solution sets a series in DAG, because create understands it differently; The file file-a.out and file-b.out are treated as intermediate files, and they are by default as soon as file-c Out is ready. One way to avoid that place was mentioned somewhere here, and it h...

iphone web based app - back button causing undesired behavior -

I have a set of web pages specifically designed to run on the iPhone (using iUI to view My problem is back button. I have custom back navigation in my pages that I want (i.e. one of the websites that says, 'Please do not use your browser back button.' But the ID does not have to do this I dont want to do). If the user hits the back button, though things get worse I suspect that caching may be a problem, but my question is: I modify the back button behavior in the iPhone browser A) It has been completely disabled B) Either way this is what I want (and already defined in my custom back methods Is) blocking the incident to C) Do something similar with caching (if my suspicions are correct) will always reload the previous page as if it had reached with 'forward moving' clicks. And if so, which of these options are the best? Sorry for the unclear question, but part of the problem is not that I really do not know how things are working or what works should be ...

iPad Kernel panic, how do I interpret the crash report? -

While using my app, one of my testers experiences a kernel panic that is sending me the report, the extension Is there a panic crash, do anyone know how to interpret this type of file? It does not seem that a stack trace is included, at least nominated. Not in crash format. Generally crash logs are text only, I admit that I have never used a kernel Panic has not seen. And you can usually save your .dsym files so that you can create a symbol of crash logs (by dragging them in the Xcode Organizer window). / P>

cryptography - Is EAX crypto mode supported in the .NET framework? -

Do anyone know whether EADAD mode is supported or how to use it? Here's an overview: I do not believe it is and making matters worse For, eX-counter mode encryption and two building blocks of CMAC authentication code are not supported even by the standard .NET crypto library. At least, not included in CTR mode, and the only sub-classes for KeyedHashAlgorithm (the name of the .NAC for Macs) are HMCAC and a TripleDS-based Mac (probably an old CBC-MAC, Which is not much but ISF near CAMA), it seems that you can not easily add EAF using existing components; You seem to have to apply everything from scratch. The use of other modes (like CBC) in combination with a HMAC for message authentication may be better.

pointers - How can I pass a const array or a variable array to a function in C? -

I have a simple function bar which uses a set of values ​​from the data set As an array of data structures Data can come from two sources: a constant initial array of default values, or dynamically updated cache. The calling function determines which data is used and it is bar . There is no need to edit any data on bar and in fact it should never be done. How should I declare the data parameter of bar so that I can provide data from any set? union Foo {long _long; Int _int; } Constant Const Fu Defaults [8] = {1,10,100,1000,10000,100000,1000000,10000000}; Stable fu cache [8] = {0}; Zero bar (Foo * dataSet, int len); // Example Function Prototype Note, this is C, not C ++ if it makes a difference; edit Oh, one more thing when I use the example prototype, I get a type of qualifier mismatched warning (because I have a contact array I'm passing a temporary reference?). What do I have to change for this? you want: zero times (consu foo * dataset) , Int lan...

c# - Publishing web service on IIS 7 gives 500.19 - Internal Server Error -

I have created a folder and have published my webservice in this folder. I then made an application (in IIS 7) and told it at this folder location. When I try and kill the ASMX file from the browser on the local machine, I get the following error: HTTP error 500.19 - Internal server error can not be accessed because the requested page can not be accessed The configuration data is invalid. Can anyone tell me? Try it the other way. Publish IIS directly, choose the option to create a virtual directory. Configure the Visual Studio virtual directory (or application) the way it wants to.

algorithm - Small questions on data structure -

I want to find the parents of a node with Kruskal's algorithm. My program works just fine, but I think I've heard of a method for improving the speed of the algorithm and connecting to the parent node by reconfiguring the paper while searching for the parent node. I am pretty sure that I have heard something about it, perhaps in a lecture. Can someone refresh my memory? Moreover, while looking at the minimum and maximum value of a certain segment of an array, looking at the many arrays, what is the name of the tree that can be calculated in the O (log n) By creating a binary tree with a minimum / maximum value of each array, the minimum / maximum value from the array? Regarding your second question: I think you are talking about one. You can get a heap in the minimum or maximum O (1) and delete it in o (log n). Although there are some sophisticated data structures, which are meant to handle entire lists (i.e. they are not specifically designed for minimum / maxim...

Requesting NAME OF FORM by php -

संभव डुप्लिकेट: मेरे पास कोई कैप्चा नहीं है और यह POST विधि द्वारा सबमिट कर रहा है। मैं स्पैमिंग के लिए डर रहा हूं। उपयोगकर्ता एजेक्स द्वारा अपना डेटाबेस स्पैम कर सकता है I मैं इसे स्पैमरों द्वारा कैसे सुरक्षित करूँगा.एनी विचार .. अग्रिम धन्यवाद .. एक सरल अतिरिक्त क्षेत्र का उपयोग करें । जैसे कुछ पूछें: 2 + 3 = और सत्यापित करें कि मान 5 का उपयोग करके PHP है। इसकी एक बहुत सरल कैप्चा है, लेकिन इसकी तुलना में बेहतर है कुछ भी तो नहीं। आसानी से टूट सकता है।

asp classic - custom 404 - would this work? -

Should this custom 404 page work? It was created by another developer ... IIS7 is running & lt;% @ LANGUAGE = "VBSCRIPT" codepages = "1252"%> (Strqstring) & gt; 4) then strURL = right (strQString, Len (strqString) -4) if (instr (lcase (strqstring), "Www") 1) Then change strURL = (strcurl, "www", "www2 ") Change other strURL = (strcurl," http: // "," http: // www2. ") End if end if% & gt; & Lt; Html & gt; & Lt; HEAD & gt; & Lt; META HTTP-EQUIV = "Refresh" content = "3; URL = & lt;% = strURL% & gt;" & Gt; & Lt; Style & gt; Body {color: black; Font-family: aerial; Text align: center; } H1 {font-size: 16px;} H2 {font-size: 12px;} & lt; / Style & gt; & Lt; / HEAD> & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Img src = "" /> & Lt; H1 & gt; & Lt;% & gt;% = Change (, "...

get value from MySQL database with PHP -

$ to = $ _POST ['from']; $ From = $ _POST ['from']; $ Message = $ _POST ['message']; $ Query = "Choose" from users where 'user_name` is from' $ 1 '; $ Result = mysql_query ($ query); While ($ row = mysql_fetch_array ($ result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {$ fromID = $ line ['user_id']; } I am trying to be user_id for the user in my database $ formID, like each row in the Users table: user_id | User_name | User_type 1 | Hristo | Agent So I need to be $ = 1 to , but the above code is not working. Any ideas why? Try this: $ from = mysql_real_escape_string ([' '] $ _POST); $ From = mysql_real_escape_string ($ _ POST ['from']); $ Message = mysql_real_escape_string ($ _ POST ['message']); $ Query = "Select * from user where user_name = '$ 1' from ';'; $ result = mysql_query ($ query) or die (mysql_error ()); while ($ row = mysql_fetch_assoc ($ result)) {$ FromID = $ line ['user_id...

stored procedures - MySQL: failed to create function {functionName} -

It works on MySQL 5.0.41, but at 5.1.31 it just says "Failed to create function". I type it into the console: delimiter. & Lt; Press enter & gt; Set DEFINER = `` `Local Host 'function` `Ucades'' (RRRARAARAR (128)) Returns varchar (128) Chartset UTF 8 Launch DCR (1); DECLARE's VARCHAR (128); DECLARE I INT DEFAULT 1; DECLARE bool INT DEFAULT 1; DECLARE punct CHAR (17) DEFAULT '() [] {},.-_! @ :: / '; SET s = LCASE (str); When I & lt; LENGTH (ARR) start from the beginning = substring (S, I, 1); If substitution (c, wing) & gt; 0 then set boole = 1; ELSEIF bool = 1 Then if IF C & gt; = 'A' and C & lt; = 'Z' then op S = CONCAT (LEFT (S, I-1), UCASE (C), SUBSTRING (S, I + 1)); Set boole = 0; End; ELSEIF c & gt; = '0' and c & lt; = '9' then set bool = 0; end if; End; end if; Set I = I + 1; End; In the end; Returns s; End & Lt; Press enter & gt; I have tried to minimize it: del...

Is there any crossplatform small\portable C image editing library? -

क्या कोई क्रॉसप्लैटफ़ॉर्म छोटा \ पोर्टेबल सी छवि संपादन लाइब्रेरी है? लाइब्रेरी क्रॉस प्लेटफॉर्म है और बक्से के बाहर छवियों पर बहुत विस्तृत आपरेशनों का समर्थन करता है। यह भी बढ़ाया जा सकता है। इसके करीबी रिश्तेदार को कभी भी एक छवि की व्याख्या करने के लिए पाठ और रेखा कला बनाने के लिए उपयोगी है। दोनों आसानी से से पटकथा कर रहे हैं।

Is there any crossplatform C library for using Pixel Shading filters? -

Is there a cross-platform C library to use pixel shading filters? To run pixel shader inside your programmable, not only images (not pre-compiled file) as the core part of your program, and better to use with intangible data - not only images Does this work what you want? The question is not very detailed or clear, but I think OpenCL has passed as a reply ...

javascript - Fancybox Question -

Is there a way to open two pictures in one frame? When creating a fancybox call, it looks like the following, & Lt; Id = "single_image" href = "image_big.jpg" & gt; & Lt; Img src = "image_small.jpg" alt = "" / & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; image_small will call image_big, and since you can only stick to one URL, then the answer is no. Maybe it works better for you

php - Wordpress Redirect on User Edit hook -

I looked through Wordpress hook DB and there was no way to change the page on which a user could edit After the WordPress redirects ... does anyone know about hooks that can do this, or can I accomplish the same thing in some other way? You can only user-edit.php on wp_redirect Filter; function my_user_edit_redirect ($ location) {return admin_url () 'anywhere / else.php'); } Add_action ('load-user-edit.php', create_function ('', 'add_filter ("wp_redirect", "my_user_edit_redirect");'));

linux - Problem switching back from forced SSL on certain pages using mod_rewrite -

The client wants to load log pages through https, it is easily complete, but since the site is very URL , We now live in https mode when clicking on login ends. It breaks secure files, which are uploaded to CMS, stored above Webtrot, and if the user has proper permissions it is downloaded via streaming via PHP scripts. Therefore, when we do not live on a login page, then we have to switch back to regular http. What do I have in my .htaccess file: to overwrite the option; to re-write the follow-up scripts link% {HTTPS} close revoked code% {HTTP_HOST} ^ www \ .domain \ .com [NC] rewrite rule ^ (login \ .php | members \ .php) $ https: //% {HTTP_HOST}% {REQUEST_URI} rewrite% {HTTP_HOST} ^ domain. Com $ [nc] rewritable ^ (login \ .php | member \ .php) $ Https: //www.% {HTTP_HOST}% {REQUEST_URI} RewriteCond% {HTTPS} rewrite% {IS_SUBREQ} false RewriteRule! ^ (Login \ .php | members \ .php) $ http: //% {HTTP_HOST}% {REQUEST_URI} Everything is working fine except the last line, which ...

bash - Makefile and rm -f file.{ext1,ext2,ext3} issue -

क्या आप मुझे समझा सकते हैं, क्यों Makefile नियम: साफ़: rm -f foo {Bar1, bar2, bar3} फाइलों को निकालने में कोई परिणाम नहीं है: foo.bar1 foo.bar2 और foo.bar3? मेरा मानना ​​है कि मैंने कई मेकफाइल में कई बार पैटर्न देखा है, लेकिन मैं वर्तमान में अपना खुद का मेकफाइल लिख रहा हूं और वह नियम सही ढंग से नहीं कर सकता (कोई भी फाइल नहीं हटाई जाती है)। मैं उपयोग कर रहा हूं: जीनोयू बनाओ 3.81 ग्नु बाश 4.1.5 बैश ने मुझे लगता है कि पैटर्न के रूप में evals: $ echo test। {A, b, c} test.a test.b test.c धन्यवाद! UPDATE दाऊद के संकेत के लिए धन्यवाद मुझे ऊपर वर्णित समस्या के लिए समाधान मिला Gnu डिफ़ॉल्ट रूप से / bin / sh का उपयोग करता है और यही कारण है कि a। A.1 a.2 a.3 के लिए {1,2,3} का मूल्यांकन नहीं किया जाता है। बनाने के लिए अपने मेकफाइल में निम्नलिखित पंक्ति जोड़ें: SHELL = / bin / bash के बजाय bash का उपयोग करें। (1,2,3) } को a.1 a.2 a.3 माना जाता है क्या कोई फ़ाइल निर्देशिका में साफ़ करें यदि हां, तो उस लक्ष्य को आज तक ध्यान में रखा जाएगा और इसी आदेश को न...

jquery css color value returns RGB? -

मेरी सीएसएस फ़ाइल में: a, a: link, a: visited {color} : # 4188FB; } A: सक्रिय, ए: फ़ोकस, ए: होवर {color: # FFCC00; } मैंने कोशिश की: var link_col = $ ("a: link")। सीएसएस ("रंग"); चेतावनी (link_col); // रिटर्न आरजीबी (65, 136, 251) मैं हेक्स कोड कैसे प्राप्त करूं? *** संपादित करें: यहां उत्तर मिला: > फ़ंक्शन करने के लिए कुछ समायोजित $ .fn.getHexBackgroundColor = function () {var rgb = $ (this)। Css ('background-color'); यदि (! आरजीबी) {वापसी '# एफएफएफएफएफ'; // डिफ़ॉल्ट रंग} var hex_rgb = rgb.match (/ ^ rgb \ ((\ d +), \ s * (\ d +), \ s * (\ d +) \) $ /); फ़ंक्शन हेक्स (एक्स) {रिटर्न ("0" + पार्सआईंट (एक्स) .स्टस्ट्रिंग (16))। टुकड़ा (-2);} यदि (हेक्स_आरजीबी) {वापसी "#" + हेक्स (हेक्स_आरजीबी [1]) हेक्स ( हेक्स_आरजीबी [2]) + हेक्स (हेक्स_आरजीबी [3]); } अन्य {रिटर्न आरजीबी; // ie8 हेक्स प्रारूप में पृष्ठभूमि-रंग देता है तो यह संगत बना देगा, आप यह जांच कर सकते हैं कि प्रारूप हेक्साडेसीमल में है}}...

iphone - Setting Back Button Title in NavigationController -

I am trying to change back button titles in the navigation controller in the following manner: Controller I put it in vieDidLoad : self.title = @ "calendar"; Self.navigationItem.backBarButtonItem.title = @ "Previous"; But this controller is in the stack because I have initialized the app: - (zero) applicationdeffish: Launching: (UIApplication *) application {navController. ViewControllers = [Object with NSA array: A controller, one controller, zero]; [Window add sbewview: navController.view]; } So, viewdoadloads in a controller are not called until I first select Bettam in the Bicontroller ... Does anyone Know how to call viewDidLoad just when I push it into a heap? Or do you know another way to change the backboot title? You can set the back button title for any ViewController you are in the line of the following code : self.navigationController.navigationBar.backItem.title = @ "Previous";

Using LIKE operator in LINQ to Entity -

Currently in our project we are using unit framework and LINQ. We want to create a search feature where the client fills different filters but they are not forced. In order to query this "dynamic" in LINQ, we think of using the same operator, either to get the field or "%" everything if the user does not fill that field Could. We are joking on when we found that it does not support the same way. After some searching, we read many answers where it is very expensive to use Starwith, but it is useless for us. Is that the only solution such as: objectcity & lt; Contacts & gt; Contact = DB contact; If (Pattern! = "") {Contacts = contacts.Where ("This name is like @pattern"); contact. Parameter.Add (New ObjectPamator ("Pattern", Pattern);} However, we would love to be with linq only. Happy coding! Did you try to include it? contact.); See this link for a brief example of how LINQ generates

serialization - Clone LINQ To SQL object Extension Method throws object dispose exception -

I have this extension method to clone the SQL objects with my linux: Public stable t clone object graff & lieutenant; T & gt; (This is T. O.B.J.) where T: class {var serializer = new data-controller serializer (typef (t), empty, maxwell, false, true, empty); (Serializer.WriteObject (ms, obj) using (var ms = new System.IO.MemoryStream ()); Ms.osition = 0; Return (T) Serializer Readobject (ms); }} But when I take objects, in which all the references are not loaded, whereas kyaving with DataLoadOptions sometimes throws an object discarded exception, but the thing is that I For the reference, not loaded (tap) For example, I have many reference customers and I need to move the address reference EntityRef & lt;> and I will load anything Does not but when i go to the object The do it except me customer forced to load all Antaisetsat & lt;> With reference to the object, which can be very high and apps slowing down the speed. Any suggestions? DataContext c... - How messages flows between computers connected with Internet or LAN? -

I have been programming on the Net for the last two years. Now I am going into web programming so that I got stuck in understanding the basic principles of web programming, after Googling I came to StackOverflow to learn from all your great people. My confusion is how is the message flowing between the systems in a distributed environment? I believe that if I want to send a message "Hello" to the system connected to the LAN or Internet, then what steps will be taken to send the message. The other thing is to assume that my system is "A" and I send "b" to send the message to the system , How does the message run on the wire, and how does system "b" read it from the wire? Please tell a person to me in general terms. Thank you all in advance. Here is the brief interpretation of common man. You can search any highlighted word to read more about a particular layer in the entire stack. Your browser creates a HTTP packet co...

django - How to use Date values in charts made with gRaphael? -

A small base: I am on a diet and I am trying to make a weight loss chart. To do this, I am using a little Demo app to store the weight readings and the Grafle Charting Library to read the report. You can see wipes here: Currently I'm printing dates to order them properly using the 'ymd' format in X-axis, but I'm not quite satisfied (actually Also, make sure the chart is perfect ...) and I am wondering what is the best way to present the dates. The main questions are: Is the use of labels other than '100610' or '20100610' Is there any way to do this? Does the x and y axis labels determine the label of every N-day or N-Kig? Can you recommend some best practices in presenting this type of chart (I Thank you in advance for any help! > Teo one x with a date object, I was able to get it using the following steps: Assume the minimum date and its getTime () Cache into a variable of the method ( originX ) Change each d...

objective c - I need to work on multitasking in Iphone SDK 4.0 -

Actually I'm looking for multitasking in the iPhone SDK 4.0 and at the same time want to run on iops because it is in the ipod application For songs like Iphone, you can also use different apps. Have any idea how to use that feature in the iPhone SDK 4.0 Beta. I have tried several nostrides, but run on a single scene or defrint but it has been detected to run 2 apps at the same time. I think the NDA's sense of need to be honored, and the details, as well as specific API calls or links. 4.0 should not be posted for specific docs. At the same time, in my mind, there is some excuse for talking about fundamentals like this question, which has been repeatedly asked in the variant, because clearly the right developers are right There is no harm in setting up on the way. He said, my answer is: 4.0's interpretation of multitasking can not run arbitrary third party applications as fully developed background processes. You can not have any code running in the backgroun...

What is the best way of testing XML responses? -

I am using Selenium IDE to test my webpages, but unfortunately I have to test those pages An XML response that can not be used comes back. Some people use selenium remote control, others use Pearl modules like WWW :: MacKenzie and Test :: XML or Test :: Expedia (but these are not an option for me since I use Java ). What is the best way to test XML reactions? You can use to compare the response against relatively price. If the direct comparison is not desirable, you can filter the response first, e.g. An XSLT transforms, which makes preparing for testing more easily.

Ruby on Rails: Cucumber: how to reset the db after each scenario? -

So I am in my testing environment Now, in the terminal, make Rake DB: Test: DB clears ... but when I run it with code and I have this feature / support / env.rb: before working : Build_all [: debug, release]. T | $ Build_type = t rake :: Task ["db: test: prepare"]. Reenable rake :: Task ["db: test: ready"]. End end end but my is in my database.yml test: adapter: mysql encoding: utf8 database : Projectname_test Username: Root password: Ive also tried db: test: purge And db: test: reset And I know that this is using my test db because i check my SQLWorkBrain , And it includes data in the table ... but it does not get removed When the data is done (I have to manually delete it) when the tables are empty, test case pass You need the 'database_claner' to start 'database_cleaner / cucumber' DatabaseCleaner.strategy =: truncation rescue nameError raise "if you want to use it , You need to add database_cleaner (...

mysql - Query returning related assets -

I have 2 tables, an asset table that holds digital assets (examples of articles, pictures, etc.) The second table is an asset_link table that shows the relationships of 1-1 between the assets contained in the asset table. Here are the definitions of the table: create table 'property' (`id` int (11) not NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,` source` varchar (255) default zero, `Title` varchar (255) default zero,` date_created` datetime default zero, `date_embargo` datetime default zero,` date_expires` datetime default zero, `date_updated` datetime default zero,` keywords` varchar (255) default zero, `status Negative integer (11) default zero, `priority` integer (11) default zero,` fk_site` integer (11) default zero, `resource_type` varchar (255) default zero,` resou Rce_id` integer (11) default zero, `fk_user` integer (11) default zero, primary key (` id`)) engine = InnoDB; Create table `asset_links` (` id` integer (11) not NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `asset_id1` integer (11) default zero,` asse...