
Showing posts from January, 2011

c# - What Application.Run( ) does? -

I was thinking that WinForms classes are in the form of any other class. But starting the project, I am getting confused. Why the new form starts with the application. Run and what kind of mechanism is inside it? As it is written in, it starts running a standard application message loop on the current thread. Message handles loop clicks, keypresses, paint requests, and more. When it is called, that form also appears.

ruby on rails - Storing information inside YAML -

I looked up and could not find the answer. I have a list of many employees. Each has the name, phone and email, such as: employee: name | Phone | Email John 111 joe 123 joan 321 How do I write the above information in YAML to finish with the following Rabi output? ? Employees = [[::: name = & gt; 'John' ,: Phone = & gt; '111',: Email = & gt; ''}, {: name = & gt; 'Joe' ,: Phone = & gt; '123' ,: Email = & gt; ''}, {: name = & gt; 'Zone',: phone = & gt; '321',: Email = & gt; ''}] In this way I analyze the YAML file: APP_CONFIG = YAML.load_file ("# { RAILS_ROOT} /config/config.yml ") Thanks! - name: John Phone: 111 Email: - Name: Joe Phone: 123 Email: - Name: Zone Phone: 321 Email: Output is a string key, not a symbol key, but in fact, if necessary You can make that convers...

jpa 2.0 - JPA 2.0 Implementations comparison : Hibernate 3.5 vs EclipseLink 2 vs OpenJPA 2 -

What is your choice? Do you have any suggestions and experiences? I am developing an application with Hibernate 3.5 and Spring 3.0 Professionals: Good Document Easy Configuration and Some extensions of JPA Some additional tools - Eclipse, Generating a Jabos tool for HBM 2 DLL, Static Metamodel etc. ... Cons: Bugs! (Sequence, collection, etc ..) Many "it" hibernate has doubled a lot of iterations. There is a disturbance in legacy hibernate and JPA annotation. What do you think I'm considering to switch to Eclipse Link? Edit: I have tried EclipseLink and have a very bad experience. It seems that Eclipse links require loadtime weaver and instead of ordinary JT or TOKamet environment OSGI likes to walk on the platform. I do not have time for all this configuration content so far. Eclipse links run completely without weaver JT, tomatcats or OSGI platform equally well the way. Standard download is a simple eclipselink.jar. Have you accidenta...

"Tabify" all files in Visual Studio solution? -

संपादित करें> उन्नत> चयनित पंक्तियों को ताज़ा करें P> (और पावर टूल्स 2010 भी प्रति-फ़ाइल आधार पर इस कार्यक्षमता प्रदान करते हैं), लेकिन एक समाधान में सभी कोड फ़ाइलों के लिए ऐसा करने का एक तरीका है? ReSharper के पास क्लीन अप कमांड है लेकिन केवल आधे-उपयुक्त विकल्प मुझे मिल गया है जो सभी फाइलों पर स्वरूपण को चलाने के लिए है जो मुझे अधिक से अधिक करना है (मैं एक पूर्ण स्वरूपण नहीं चलाना चाहता, बस टैबिंग करना) । यदि आपने एक्सटेंशन जोड़ दिया है (यदि आपके पास नहीं है मैं सुझाया जाएगा) यह टैबइफाइल फ़ाइलों के लिए एक विकल्प जोड़ता है यह एक समाधान में सभी फाइलों पर लागू नहीं होता है, लेकिन प्रति फ़ाइल आधार पर हर फ़ाइल का संपादन करते समय यह संकेत मिलता है इसके बाद भी आप अपनी IDE संपादक सेटिंग्स को टैब का उपयोग करने की कोशिश कर सकते हैं, फिर मेनू-संपादन-उन्नत-प्रारूप दस्तावेज़ (CTRL + E, D) करें। यह एक टैब के साथ टैब लम्बे समय के समूह को बदल देगा, और यह मैक्रो के माध्यम से समाधान में सभी फ़ाइलों के लिए स्क्रिप्ट योग्य होना चाहिए।

Killing all Instances of running Excel process -

I have an application where I used a webbrover component in the wrapper to open an Excel worksheet, now when I suppress the exit key of the form with the webbrown component, so I have to kill and kill this special excel example (except for the others). How can I do this?

authentication - Accessing SVN repository from CCNet ( using an Active Directory user -

I have CCNet setup to talk to our SVN repository, which is ACL setup using the Active Directory group. This is working fine, except that I am not happy with the AD user's username and password in plain text on the CNNET example. Is there a way to encrypt your username / password, or to use a domain account outside the standard config, the cecet service (I tried to run the service as a user and ccenet / svn Tried to remove config username / password section)? Use the SVN from the command line so that the ccnet will run on the server so that authentication is required. It will cache your credentials using Windows Then run the user as a service and go to the config file & lt; AuthCaching> Always & lt; / AuthCaching> Use & lt; Sourcecontrol type = "svn" & gt; & Lt; AuthCaching & gt; Always & lt; / AuthCaching & gt; & Lt; / Sourcecontrol & gt;

How Does One Make Scala Control Abstraction in Repeat Until? -

I am Peter Pilgrim, I see that Martin Odersky makes a control intangible in Scala. However, I still can not repeat it within IntelliJ IDEA 9. Is this IDE? : = : = & Gt; Boolean) {body; Value Value: Boolean = fund; Println ("value =" + value) if (value) repeat loop (body). Unless (cond) // if (cond)}} def doTest2 (): unit = {var y: int = 1 println ("test ... to repeat () control structure") repeat loop {Readln ("found y =" + y) y = y + 1} {up (y & lt; 10)}}} reads the error message: information: 1 error and complete compilation with 0 warnings Information: Error 1 Information: 0 Alerts C: \ User \ Peter \ IdeaProjects \ HelloWord \ src \ demo \ Control Scala - error: error: line (57) error: control.this.repeatLoop ({ scala.this.Predef.println ("found y =". (Y));; y = y. + (1) } type Do not take the parameters until this - repeat loop {/ p> In this the query function, the body can be thought to return expression (the v...

Extract whole SQL Server database to CSV file -

Is it possible to remove all tables and rows of each table with a query or software in Microsoft SQL Server? Thanks You can do this by using the Import / Export Wizard ( Right click database -> Task -> Import / Export Wizard) Or you can use SSIS for more control.

c++ - Best way to create a C String -

I am currently using char * thisvar = "stringcontenthere"; To declare a string in C. What is the best way to declare a string in C? And how about generating a C from C-string to C ++ - strings? It depends on how you will use the string in C Named continuous: your four * str = "string"; The method is ok (but should be four constellation ) the data must be sent to the subfunction, but it is not used after the calling function. Will: four str [] = "string"; Used after the data function, it is declared in the exit: four * str = strdup ("string"); , and make sure that it becomes the free eventually. If it does not cover it, try adding more details to your answer.

java - instantiate class from class object -

In Java, can I use a class object to start dynamically those types of classes? i.e. I need some functions like this. object foo (class type) {// returns new object type 'type'} You can use: throws the object foo (class type) InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException {return type.newInstance (); } ... but it assumes that the zero-logic constructor is to go through a more robust route or, which takes you into using the reflection stuff in the package.

encryption - Performance overhead of TDE on SQL Server 2008 -

Does anyone use TDE on SQL Server 2008? What are performance overheads? While using TDE is actually the most overhead CPU resource requirements if your server has enough processing power So you are most likely to go. Take a look at the following resources to read further.

xml - Comprehending the Semantic web and it's methods, syntax, vocabularies and languages -

I have just started with the semantic web and this is the family of functions, but I find it difficult to understand some time, Which I was hoping someone could explain to me As far as I am concerned, RDF can be written in many syntax. RDF / XML, Turtle, etc. Now, I understand XML how it is presented and how it can be parsed, however, some people write in tactics syntax, but how do they parse that information? I can not find any library for any language to "extract" the information written in another form of turtle syntax. The same goes for the N3 How can it be used? Executed or other? I seem to be able to understand RDFA. This is one way of implementing RDF in XHTM, this is a way for me to implement RDF in "some" but how can I compare turtle, N3, or liking? Thanks in advance. Firstly, to be clear, when we say 'RDF', we mean (on the basis of) ) Collection of Triples: & lt; Subject1 & gt; & Lt; Predicate1 & gt; & Lt; Objec...

iphone - MKMapView Annotation Callout Button to DetailView? -

There are comments in an MKAmapview with my callout. When I click on this callout there is a "right arrow" button, I want to open an extension scene, an extra UIViewController with its own Nib file etc. I use the following code: In my MapViewController: - (zero) showDetails: (ID) sender {// details view one toolbar not hide such Wants [self.navigationController setToolbarHidden: yes animated: no]; NSLog (@ "pressed!"); [Self. Navigation Push ViewController: Animated SelfDetailViewController: Yes]; NSLog (@ "pressed --- 2!"); } - (MkAnnette Wy * *) MapView: (Mkmapview *) Mapviews Visual Presentation: (Annotation *) annotation {if (annotation == map.userLocation) return zero; Fixed NSString * annotation identifier = "annotation identifier"; MKPinAnnotationView * customPinView = [[[MKPinAnnotationView alloc] initWithNnotation: annotation re-user: annotation identifier] AutoEques]; CustomPinView.pinColor = Mk PinnotationRangrade; CustomPinVi...

c++ - Convert Decimal to ASCII -

I am having difficulty in using reinterpret_cast just to say right from that bat that I am not married to reinterpret_cast suggest major changes in Feel free to do so before I show you my code, I will tell you what I am trying to do. I am trying to get a file name from a Vector filled with data being used by a MIPS I processor. Basically what I do in my vector c ++ program in a vector from a test program for my processor, a binary compilation, all the hex from dump binary, all those integers of those hex integers in decimal and a datamemory vector which is the data The memory unit for my processor is also in the memory of me, so when my processor runs "signal direction" like "open f L "My C ++ OS emulator obtain a pointer to the beginning of the file name in my data collection. So keep in mind that the data storage is filled with ints, string, globe, local, all types of goods. When I am told that where the file name starts, I do the following: The entire dec...

wpf - Creating static resource dictionary -

I have created a resource dictionary, which I want to merge into multiple userstrom xaml files. I have to create only one instance of this resource dictionary. Any idea how to do this? Note: Merge should not be done only through xaml and via code. Thanks & amp; class = "lang-csharp prettyprint-override"> class dictionary extension {public static ResourceDictionary MyResourceDictionary; Fixed DictionaryExtension () {MyResourceDictionary = New ResourceDictionary (); Style button style = new style () {TargetType = typeof (button)}; Button Style Set up Add (new setter (button margin property, new thickness (5))); Button Style Setter Add (new setter (button.pading property, new thickness (5))); Button Style Set up Add (New Setter (Button Maxwidth Property, 100.0D)); MyResourceDictionary.Add ("Button Style", Button Style); } Public stable type GetMyDictionary (dependency object obj) {return (type) obj.GetValue (MyDictionaryProperty); } Public static zero...

jquery - Cannot set focus on input field in infoWindow -

Why meditation is not kept in mind? I am using Google Maps API V3. $ ("#notitable") Focus () works fine when executed in firebug. I call this function when clicking on the map: function setNinuneFovindo (lataling) {if (geocoder) {geocoder.geocode ({'latLng': latlng }, Function (result, status) {var address = ""; if (condition == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) {if (result [1]) {address = result [1] .formatted_address;}} newNoteInfowindow = New google.maps.InfoWindow ({content: GetNoteForm (latlng, address) size: new google.maps.size (40,50)}; (map, new notemark); google.maps.event.addListener ( NewNoteInfowindow, 'domready', function () {$ ("#notitle"). Focus ();}); google.maps.event.addListener (newNoteInfowindow, 'Closeclick', f Kshn () {newNoteMarker.setVisible (false);});}); }} It appears that before you add the event listener you open your Infobido Are there. So when you add the listene...

What is the name of the standard error stream (Apache+php) -

I want to use file_put_contents from PHP in some text to the apache error log (listens on the stderror error stream) I am remembering the name of this stream, and I have to keep it: // Before there will be something similar in the way. thanks to php: // stdin , php: // stdout and from php: // stderr allow direct access to the related input or output stream of the PHP process. It is recommended that you use the constant STDIN , STDOUT and STDERR instead of opening currents manually using these wrappers .

wix - What size should the background image in an MSI be? -

I am trying to create a Windows Installer package using Vicks. I am getting a lot of confusing information about what size of my custom background should be - Wix documentation suggests the size of 500 x 314 pixels, but this creates a minor image distortion in the installer. I believe that I can indirectly use the SplashBitmap property in the Windows Installer, whose document specifies 480 x 320 the correct size. When I try to use the size of this image, I also get art in the image. Can anyone tell me what the right size should be? 1 , whose size works correctly for me (wx3 ) Are: Banner: 493 x 58 Background: 493 x 312 Hope this is someone And helps with. 1: Note: This site no longer hosts YX content.

wpf - How can i convert simple shape bitmap to vector ( geometry) -

I know whether it is possible to change a simple bitmap in a geometry object Yes, you can use tracing is an open source bitmap-to-vector tracer library. However, bitmap tracing is incomplete; For a high-quality vector image, the line tracer is usually used only for initial tracing, which will later escape by hand. , An open source vector image editor, provides built-in support for tracing (using the internal potatoes).

vba - Calling AppActivate on a word 2007 window in Windows 7 gives it focus but doesn't bring it to top of stack -

I am trying to manipulate the Word from an HTA file application. Currently, when I open the word, it opens under my application. I want to open it on top I tried to use the following jscript to give focus to Word: wshShell = new ActiveXObject ("WScript.Shell"); WshShell.AppActivate ( (1) .caption); This works, and the word gets focused, but on Windows 7 it stays below my app Do I have to do something more to bring words to the top? If you can not force the front window, send back your own window! Try this: & lt; Script & gt; Window.blur (); & Lt; / Script & gt; This will send your current window to the background.

Silverlight DataGrid vertical scrollbar issue -

I have a datagroup in the Silverlight application and I'm thinking that horizontal scrolls for vertical scrolling. When I change the size of the browser horizontally, the app enhances all the controls and the horizontal scrollbar will appear, however, when I change it correctly, the control on the lower part of the app will just exit the scene, will anyone Do you know any thing to handle something like this? My problem is not to use stack panels, they are bad and do not change their shape.

iphone - How to fill a fillable pdf from cocoa touch? -

I was wondering if anyone got an example of completing a cacos-touchable usable PDF form? So far, I have not got anything. There are 2 approaches to do this! 1.) Server Approach Place your input in xib and send the details to the server to create a PDF using form data. 2. Using the Basic Approach Check this link

javascript - change image based on drop-down option -

संभव डुप्लिकेट: "मुख्य" के आईडी के साथ चयन विकल्प ड्रॉपडाउन के आधार पर गतिशील रूप से एक छवि को बदलने में सक्षम होना मैं इस कोड में आया हूं जो पाठ को चुने हुए मान नहीं खोजता है, जो वास्तव में मैं चाहता हूं । मुझे सिर्फ छवि से कनेक्ट करने की आवश्यकता है। चेतावनी ('पाठ है:' + $ ('# एटिट्यूमेंट 11 9: चयनित')। पाठ ()); छवि इस तरह प्रारूपित है & lt; img src = "mainimage.jpg" id = "मुख्य" & gt; मैं फॉर्मेट के नाम पर आधारित छवि के आधार पर गतिशील रूप से कैसे बदलूंगा? मेरा फ़ॉर्म ऐसा कुछ दिखता है। & lt; form name = "pds" & gt; & Lt; चयन करें नाम = "ड्रॉपडाउननाम" id = "विशेषता 11 9" & gt; & Lt; विकल्प मान = "0" & ​​gt; एक विकल्प चुनें ... & lt; / विकल्प & gt; & Lt; विकल्प मान = "2" & gt; नीला & lt; / विकल्प & gt; & Lt; विकल्प मान = "3" & gt; हरा & lt; / विकल्प & gt; & Lt; विकल्प मान = ...

user interface - Fading Indicator message in Java -

How to have a good library, when you receive messages, to create a fading signal message in Java like Outlook, Or when you connect to a network, Ubuntu / Genome Java 1.6 has a tray incan class Information messages can be used to display. System Tray = SystemTray.getSystemTray (); Image Image = Toolkit.Get DefaultToolkit () GetImage ("tray.gif"); Tray icon tray icon = new tray icon (image, "tray demo"); Tray.add (trayicon); TrayIcon.displayMessage ("Hello, World", "Notification Demo", MessageType.INFO); Here is the result: On Linux you may also have a small program called a notification-dispatch. It makes it easy to invite standard information systems from the shell. You can also run it from Java. string [] notifyCmd = {"notify-send", "hello, world!"}; . Runtime.getRuntime () Executive (notifyCmd); I had to do apt-get install libnotify-bin to get it on my Ubuntu box. I tested these th...

database - Experimenting with data to determine value - migration/methods? -

I have too much data available to me, and want to capture and use the data that is not currently in use Being produced I do not want to add it to my existing data store immediately because this will undoubtedly mess with the output. The obvious solution seems to be to make a copy of the production data and to integrate it with the application that accesses this data, but I was wondering what was the better (less expensive) method. . Both isolation and integration are important. I want to be able to keep the light / experimental data assets, excluding high volume production data, but may be able to integrate (severely) even if experimental properties are considered useful. Thank you. I initially prefer to work on small amounts of data and start with a duplicate of the production environment. Create and then start working on the migration part. If I am successful, then within the short time, the same steps will continue for the rest of the rest.

jquery - Hide All But First Matching Element -

I am using jquery to sort through several paragraphs. Currently I have to show it only paragraph which starts with the current letter. But now, I would like to strengthen further. If there are many instances in the text between the paragraph tags, then I would like all of the hidden first. It is so close to me, but it is not working. Var characters = '& lt ;? Php echo (strlen ($ _ GET ['letter']) == 1)? $ _GET ['Letter']: ''; ? & Gt; 'Function Finish () {jQuery (' P '). Each (function () {if (jQuery (this) .text (). Substr (0,1) .toUpperCase () == letter} {jQuery (this) .addClass ('current-series'); jQuery (this) HTML (letter + '& lt; span class = "hidden" & gt;' + jQuery (this) .text (). Piece (1) + '& lt; / span & gt;');} Other {jQuery (This) .hide ();}}}} Update: Sorry, it's hard to know that this link Here's a basic example: The selected letter B The return...

wpf - Irregular layout ItemsControl -

itemprop = "text"> I have a strange layout for an ItemsControl I have a 4x6 grid with the following pattern. : 1 2 3 4 13 14 15 16 5 6 7 8 17 18 19 20 9 10 11 12 21 22 23 24 What is an easy way Is it to do? Should I use 6 item controls and take "section" in my list? Is there a good way to do this? What about notification? It is important to note that I can present all 24 entries, but the layout should be maintained (it looks like a Bingo card or something full of things). Edit: Ideally, I want to be able to take a list, and want to enjoy some sort of item sorting / padding type of items in the list. For example, if I have an observation compilation with some units, and the unit has an "index" property, then I want to create a visual consumable collection that automatically indexes Uses to create padded list. I think a noticeable dictionary can work, but it looks gross. Maybe a new custom layout is in the order of the panel? After ...

javascript - removeChild on a li inside a ul inside a div with an id? -

मेरे पास वेबपेज पर निम्न कोड है: & lt; div id = "ईमेल "& gt; & LT; ul & gt; & Lt; li & gt; Email1 & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; li & gt; Email2 & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; / ul & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; a href = "#" onClick = "deleteEmail ()" & gt; क्लिक करें & lt; / a & gt; और मैं पहली ईमेल को हटाना चाहता हूं, मैं इसके साथ कोशिश कर रहा हूं: फ़ंक्शन deleteEmail () {var ul = document.getElementById ( 'ईमेल') getElementsByTagName ( 'उल')। ul.removeChild (ul.childNodes [0]); } मैं जावास्क्रिप्ट डॉम के लिए नया हूँ, इसलिए अगर ऐसा करने का एक बेहतर तरीका है, तो कृपया मुझे बताएं। नोट: मैं बिना ऐसा करना चाहता हूं किसी भी प्रकार के जेएस ढांचा। सबसे सही: var ul = Document.getElementById ('ईमेल')। GetElementsByTagName ('उल') [0]; Var li = ul.getElementsByTagName ('ली') [0]; Ul.removeChild (li)

Any way to display C++ on a webpage? -

Is there a relatively easy way to display the output of the C ++ program on a webpage? And I do not mean manually, in other words, you see it on a web page because it's not like I tag a code and write it in my own words. Edit: Just so that everyone can get it clear I'm going to post it here. I am not trying to create a webpage in C ++, please forgive me if it looks sad or anything but I am getting a lot of answers related to it. One step, get yourself a server side language that PHP, ASP, Python, Ruby Set up anyway, so that you can serve it. Two steps, your language's exec equivalent search is practically all of them, it lets you run a command as if it comes from the command line, Usually happens with logic and captures the output. Here is the PHP: Of course, if you are passing user input as argument, then sanitate! I have just seen that you accepted Scott's answer I was not usually following an SEO thread, but I am afraid that you are thinking of ...

python - Bug when drawing a QImage on a widget with PIL and PyQt -

I'm trying to write a small graphic application, and I need to build a picture PIL that a Showing in the widget. Image has been correctly built (I can check with Imkshow () are), I can convert a QImage are, I normally save to disk (using But if I try to draw it directly on my QWidget, it only shows a white square. Here I changed the code (Fig QImage commented not working out so QPixmap result in a white square), and I have a temporary file were a dirty hack to save the image and loaded directly into QPixmap that works, but it does not want to know what I am an idea anyone? If it's time to try to save his QImage my BMP file, I can use your content to go, but if I try to save it in PNG is completely white If the same problem, found that ImageQt objects are not QImages, but just casted for those Can be done #! / Usr / bin / python # - * - coding: UTF -8 - * - # PIL image written PIL by Sebastian stator import cyst in 2010 imports. The PyQt4.QtCore ...

c# - zip more than 1 file in GzipStream -

How can I zip more than 1 file in GZipStream? I have 3 xml files and I want to zip them into a .gz file and when I decodify, I should get 3 different files. How can I do this? gzip is designed to keep only one file You have to organize them in any other container prior to gates.

folder - Applescript: Get directory dropped on -

I have an applescript with the following: The application on the open DIR "Finder" Tell the application "terminal" that the "terminal" script "cd" and "dir and end end and endroid, android, android, android, android, android, android, android, / p> is there any way to replace Is: with / in Applescript found your answer: cited By setting up the form Is not DIR Piosaisais path

orm - In Grails / Hibernate Can you set the generator to increment only if not assigned? -

Is there a way to use hibernated auto generated AIDS if it was not assigned, but if specified Uses the value? I believe there is no box solution in Grails for this but it would be quite simple Should implement your own Implement the interface unless an ID is specified and otherwise your domain uses the value already assigned to the object. / P> No charge is charged when assigned to a simple implementation identifier, when no key is assigned, it will look like this: package Import org.hibernate.engine.SessionImplementor Public Class PreAssignedIdGenerator extension of {Public Serializable Generation (session supplementary session, commodity object) {return Super Generated (session, object)}} Your domain class will need to define the new ID generator: class FooDomain {Long ID Static Mapping = {ID Generator: " - Can a Page.PrePrender event be fired before Page.Load event handler called return? -

A pages. The prerender event is guaranteed to be removed after the page. Code> Event has been removed. But is it guaranteed to be removed after the load event handler? The more general question is whether the ASP.Net guarantees the life cycle of the event on the page, that each event is removed only after the pre-returned or the events can be removed, While the previous is still executed? If there are some custom events like DataBound in the previous event, how can the answer change? Can such an event be executed in parallel with any other phenomenon in the Page Lifecycle? Yes, synchronous one after the events. Events are handled in a thread, so there can not be two events for the same page running at the same time (if an event calls "sub-events", but then "sub-event" "when Till it does not continue to run).

MySQL Dynamicly determine the tabel to use with inner join -

Those people, I'm struggling with a problem and I hope someone can help me. I have a day. For example, 2009-10-1, it is used to check the date of which season I am working. It can be hot or cold. If it is in summer, then in order to join my internal, there should be 'summer09_rooms' in the table. If the winter 'winter09_rooms' is why I basically want to do a case when this completed query in my inner join will appear as such: select name, arrival, departure, exit From Inner Join on Friday (case when the date of arrival 2009-10-1 and 2009-2014-1 to summer09_um's B ELSE winter09_room B END) a.dossier = b.dossier Of course this query is not working, but now I hope you will see what I want to accomplish. Ta said. Kind regards, Digital Human me Do not think you can join this side Use two sub-selections instead of internal action entry in the brain, or join both tables on the basis of the situation (like INNER summer at 9.00 BRIRI __Net badal .... ...

c++ - Project Euler Problem #11 -

Source: Quick Overview: Take 20x20 grid of numbers and calculate the largest product of 4 pairs Make either the number of numbers in horizontal, vertical or diagonal. My current approach is to split the 20x20 grid into single rows and single columns and go there with a more manageable grid. The code I am using to divide rows in rows is zero fillrows (string :: const_iterator & fieldIter, list> int> and rowElements, vector & lt ; List & lt; int & gt; & gt; Rows) {// field has already been started Integer number (0); (; FieldEeter & lt; field.end); ++ field-maker) {ifdigit (field [* field era])) {rowElements.push_back (toInt (field [* field etter]); ++ count; } If (count == 40) {rows.push_back (rowElements); Calculation = 0; RowElements.clear (); Short description: I have the field set as the static const std :: string field and I am filling a vector with the lists of rows. Why a list? Since there is no clear work in the queue, practice STL usin...

programming languages - Referencing environment and scope -

All, In any programming language, how is the referenced environment dependent on scoping? That is, it is necessary to have a static referenced environment in a static scooped language? Regards, Dark Yes. Referenced environment is a collection of variables that can be used in a stable scopid language, you can only reference the variable in the static context environment. A function in a stable scod language is dynamic ancestors (i.e. its callers), but it can not reference any variable declared in that ancestor.

AJAX pagination in Zend Framework -

How can you display AJAX paged data using Zend_Framework? Is there a good example paginationControl () , ajaxlink () and ajaxContext () helpers? Will you share your implementation? You can use the table with simple page paragraphs: Here's an example: Controller: & lt ;? Php Class ExampleController increases Zend_Controller_Action {Public Function Init ()} {/ * Start Actions Controller * /} Public Function Index () {// Action Body $ - THIS- & gt; View- & gt; Head caption () - & gt; Attachments ('Examples'); // Database tables Example example = New Application_Model_ExampleMapper (); $ This- & gt; View- & gt; Entries = $ example-> get receive; all (); }} See: & lt; Script & gt; $ (Document) .ready (function () {$ ('# example'). DataTable ();}); & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Table class = "display datasetable" id = "exampledtable" & gt; & Lt; Thead & gt; & Lt;...

email - Can I safely interpret ISO-8859-1 strings as Win1252 when parsing e-mail? -

I need to support the ISO-8859-1 decoding in my e-mail client. "" Iso-8859-1 in messages? ". The ISO-8859-1 is very similar to Windows 1252. I have a good test code to decode Win1252 already. Can not use and expect any problem? Yes Windows-1252 codepace ISO-8859 Mail matches the 0x00 to 0x7F and 0xA0 to 0xFF code categories, but not for the range of 0x80 to 0x9F. Since ISO-8859-1 Switch to 0x80 to 0x 9 has no characters defined for the F range, it is not a problem. The ISO -8859-1 It is a subset of Windows -1252.

escape % in objective c -

मैं एक एसक्यूएल स्टेटमेंट बनाना चाहता हूं - sqlStatement = [NSString stringWithFormat: @ " फिल्मों से चुनें * जहां शीर्षक '%% @%' ", searchKeyword]; लेकिन sqlStatement हो रहा है - "SELECT * से फिल्में जहां शीर्षक '% @'" मैं इसे बनाना चाहता हूं "चयन करें" से फिल्मों में जहां '% searchKeyword%' जैसे शीर्षक '' मैं "%" चरित्र से कैसे बचा सकता हूं? धन्यवाद प्रयास करें: sqlStatement = [NSString stringWithFormat: @ "SELECT * से फिल्मों जहां शीर्षक की तरह '%%%@%%'",मुख्य शब्द ढूंडो]; "%%" '%' वर्ण को मुद्रित करने का तरीका है।

tfs2010 - Move from TFS 2008 to TFS 2010 -

We built the first VM using our TFS 2010 infrastructure and Visual Studio 2010. Now I have a very simple question. How can I take steps for new software from my existing TFS 2008 in a new 2010? Is any device included in TFS? First of all, I would recommend that you backup the original TFS 2008 data-level server from your TFS database: Backup Database TfsActivityLogging Disk = 'C: \ TFS 2008 Upgrade .bak' with INIT Backup Database TfsBuild Disk = 'C: \ TFS 2008 Upgrade. ' Backup Database for TfsIntegration Disk =' C: \ TS 2008 Upgrade. Back ' Backup Database from TfsVersionControl Disc =' C: \ TFS 2008 Upgrade.bak ' Backup TfsWorkItemTracking Database Disk = ' C: \ TFS 2008 Upgrade .bak ' Backup Database TfsWorkItemTrackingAttachments Disk =' C: \ TFS 2008 Upgrade.bak Then move the backup file to the new server and restore them: Databases Reset TfsActivityLogging = Recovery with 'C: \ TFS 2008 Upgrade.bak' from ...

database - SQL Server architecture guidance -

We are preparing a new version of our existing product on a new schema. Probably with 100 concurrent users (maximum), this is an internal web application that will run on a SQL Server 2008 database. In the discussion items recently, we have to have a single database of databases to be displayed We are developers and not DBA, so some general guidelines It would be nice to receive [I know that the answer is not simple because it depends on the schema, collection policy, quantity of data, etc.) Option 1 Single Main Database [This is my favorite option] For this scheme, all tables should be in a single database and possibly to use data grouping and partition to separate the data if necessary in many disks [if appropriate, use Schema ] It should deal with performance concerns. One of the comments is that this single server example is still processing this data, thus still processing bottle neck will be. We have a separate reporting db for reporting but it is still being...

Concurrency in SQL Server 2008 -

एक संग्रहीत कार्यविधि है: सृजित प्रक्रिया [dbo]। [TestProc] AS शुरू से ही सेट करें; तालिका # थिस्टेबल (छुटकारा हुआ चार (32)) # थिस्टेबल (रिक्त) में डालें एटीआरआईडी को टीएलसीडीबीए 0 से (एनओलोक) के साथ चुनें जब प्रक्रिया अकेले क्रियान्वित होती है तो यह 400-500 एमएस , लेकिन जब 10 थ्रेड समान प्रक्रिया को समानांतर में क्रियान्वित कर रहे हैं, तो पहले धागा 1300 एमएस में खत्म हो गया है, अंतिम - 6000 एमएस में और औसत 4800 एमएस है। जैसा कि आप देख सकते हैं कि कोई लॉकिंग नहीं है, जहां थ्रेड्स की प्रतीक्षा होती है जब दूसरे खत्म करने के लिए निष्पादित होते हैं। इसके अलावा, सर्वर सीपीयू कम से कम 100% पर लोड होता है, अर्थात एक ही समय में उन्हें निष्पादित करने के लिए पर्याप्त संसाधन हैं। यह कैसे हो सकता है? संपादित करें: समवर्ती आवेषण के बारे में एक अच्छा लेख मिला: शुरू करने के लिए, सीपीयू डेटाबेस में एकमात्र संसाधन नहीं है जो प्रश्न आपने #temp तालिका में tempdb में सम्मिलित किया है, जिसमें संसाधनों की आवश्यकता होगी जैसे: tempdb SGAM / GAM आवंटन। tempdb लॉग बफर पूल tempdb IO ...

uitableview - iphone reset tableview -

I'm a navigation controller with some scenes. I have a table view in one of my thoughts. I am showing the tick icon when The user selects a cell in the table view. To this point, this is fine when the user goes back to the previous scene and comes back, so I want to reset the table view. If you need to reload the data, you can call.

windows scripting - Unable to parse string (containing path) separated by delimiter -

I have a problem parsing a string, which contains only directory paths eg., E.g., My input string should be ABC program files sample my output should be ABC // program file // sample to script any It should also work for the length of the input path, there can be no one in it. The subdirectory (e.g., ABC \ Template \ sample \ folder \ joya) I have helped many links but there is no use. It seems that only a full line or string (when we use the word 'token' for 'syntax') for the command, but my problem is that I do not know the length of the input path And so, no, no. Of tokens My idea was to use it as a delimiter and then we had to remove each word before and after it, and put the words in the output file until we got the string. I tried to apply the following but it does not work: @echo off FOR / F "delims = \"% x (in the orig.txt) Do not (if not %% x == "echo. %% x //> output.txt) The file is only one line in the orig.txt, na...

jQuery - Having a problem with $(this).find(".event_recur").html() -

I'm trying to get html in .event_recur. $ (". Entry"). Find each (function () {alert ($ (this). (". Event_recur") .HTML ());}); & Lt; Div class = "entry" & gt; & Lt; P class = "event_title" & gt; June 21 Events - Eat & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; P class = "event_start_date" & gt; 1277160289 & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; P class = "event_end_date" & gt; 1277505889 & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; P class = "event_body" & gt; & Lt; P & gt; June 21-25 & Lt; / P & gt; & Lt; P class = "event_recur" & gt; & Lt; P & gt; No & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; / P & gt; & Lt; P class = "event_body" & gt; & Lt; P & gt; June 21-25 & Lt; / P & gt; & Lt; P class = "event_location" & gt; & Lt; P & gt; Pac Sun I do not get anything when I do: $ (". Entry"). I was ...

java - Deciding between Apache Commons exec or ProcessBuilder -

I am trying to decide whether to use ProcessBuilder or Commons exec , My expectations are that I am just trying to create a daemon process whose stdout / stdin / stderr I do not care except that I execute the execution to finish the process at the end of time Want to I am using Java on Linux. I know that both of their pain and disadvantages (like using different threads, can be blocked or deadlock to swallow streams, and not open files to close the currents Leave) and want to know if someone has suggested that any good resource to follow along one way or the other. Commons-AF is not the best library ever used, but it solves the biggest disturbance The Java process orientation that is using the proper / stdout / sterr I have used processbilders in the past, which is fine, and the Commons-App now which is handy and handles easily in normal cases.

intellij idea - Trying to find -

I am trying to create a simple project with hadoop I'm new to IntelliJ and I have org.apache.hadoop I'm trying to set the .password class. But what is the jar in this class? I got a sample javac command that was classpath - Classpath $ {HADOOP_HOME} / thaup - $ {HADOOP_VERSION} -core.or

visual c++ - fatal error C1084: Cannot read type library file: 'Smegui.tlb': Error loading type library/DLL -

I am trying to create an older version of an application that contains VC ++ projects written in Visual Studio 2003 Had gone. My OS is Windows 7 Enterprise (64-bit) When I try and build a solution, I get the following error: Error C4772: #import is a type of missing type referenced from the library; '__missing_type__' used as a placeholder Fatal error C1084: type library file can not be read: 'Smegui.tlb': error in loading type library / DLL. They both complain about the following import statements: #import "Smegui.tlb" no_implementation This is not a bad case of file path, because by changing the name of the Smegui.tlb file, the compiler tells another error that it can not find a library. Smegui is from another application which it depends on one. I thought maybe I was missing a dll, but there is no such thing as Smegui.dll. Regarding all .tlb files, I know that they are a type of library and you can create them from an assembly usin...

Function Pointer -

How better is this function pointer than IF-else or switch case? Is it because function pointer helps in callback functions and thus promotes asynchronous implementation? This is better if the functions are not already known without using the function pointer you can use C standard How will the library qsort () design?

jqGrid local data as XML -

Can I use local XML files as data in jqGrid? You can load the content of the XML file in the string variable and datatype: 'xmlstring ' (see). it will work.

awk + sorting file according to values in the file and write two diffrent files -

I have the value of the right eye in the file and how the left eye is File1 and file1 and file2 / code to write different values ​​in file1 and to write different values ​​in file2 | 5 | & Lt; Left eye VALUE: & gt; | 5 | & Lt; Name: Jorg Last Name: mitchel right eye: & gt; | 3 | & Lt; Left eye VALUE: & gt; | 5 | & Lt; Name: Jamie Last Name: Right Eye of Cartridge: & gt; | 6 | & Lt; Left eye VALUE: & gt; | 5 | & Lt; Name: David Last Name: Ear Right Eye: & gt; | 9 | & Lt; Left eye VALUE: & gt; | 9 | & Lt; should be 1 file : Name: Jim Last Name: Baker right eye: & gt; | 5 | & Lt; Left eye VALUE: & gt; | 5 | & Lt; Name: David Last Name: Ear Right Eye: & gt; | 9 | & Lt; Left eye VALUE: & gt; | 9 | & Lt; should be file2 : Name: Jorg Last Name: mitchel right eye: & gt; | 3 | & Lt; Left eye VALUE: & gt; | 5 | & Lt; Name: Jamie Last Name: Right Eye of Cartri...

c# - ASP.NET Session and target blank -

I've seen some posts about the session and used to clear the goal to open a new page But I still do not get it. I am working with an application that opens with a link on the intranet site. I think it uses empty space to get the goal in a new window. (I do not have a source). If both windows are closed (my application and intranet site) it seems that the session has been lost. I need to do this when my application will be closed (i.e., the intranet site is still being opened). If I keep the site open from any page in my testamentary without any goals, then it seems that I get the expected behavior. P> Web In config: pages are enabled = "correct" thanks if Both applications and intranet websites use the same session on the server, both of them will keep it alive. What you can do is that the session has been deleted (Session. Aabandon ()) when the user closes the app. - Formating SQL XML-field in gridview -

I have a SQL table with some common fields and an XML-type field. I need help formatting XML-type fields. I need ASP.N. I want to display the information in Gridview but I want to implement its formatting. Do anyone know how I should do it? Thank you. If this is for any help, then I'll use a linqdatasource as the source for my gridview. I use my Xml web control and XSLT document and asp: With target xml document = '& lt;% # Eval ("attributes") target% & gt; Transformation resources = "MaxSloft.d.xslt" runat = "server" />

android - activity started by "startActivityForResult" crashes when returning data -

Hello, I've made an App B, which App A said with the startActivityForResult method. When B tries to return A to crash the result and I get this error (com.sistematica.carichispeciali.MobiWork A, A which calls B with startActivityForResult) 06-16 09: 40: 32.506: Warne / DelWiki (744): Threaded = 3: threads with no exceptions (group = 0x4001b390) 06-16 09: 40: 32.506: error / Android Rantime (744): Uncouted handler: The main thread turned out due to unconditional exception 06-16 09: 40: 32.526: Error / Android Random (744): Go . Lung Randomization exception: Results ResultInfo {which = zero, request = 1, result = -1, data = intent {(extra extras)}} activity {com.sistematica.carichispeciali / com.sistematica.carichispeciali.mobiWork} : Java.lang.NullPointerException 06-16 9: 40: 32.526: Error / AndroidRuntime (744): on .ActivityThread.deliverResults ( 06-16 09: 40: 32.526: Error / Android Random (744): Android App ACTIVITATTRED Handland Resu...

garbage collection - Disposing ActiveX resources owned by another thread -

I have a problem problem with threading and disposing of resources. The C # Windows Forms application that runs expensive operations in a thread, this thread instantates an ActiveX control (AxControl). This control should be dealt with because it uses high volume memory so I Applying a displacement method () and even a disaster. After the thread is terminated, it is said to be the destroyer. It is sad that the UI is called by thread. Then activaxControl.Dispose () invoke; With the message "COM object that has been separated from its built-in RCW" fails, because the object is related to another thread. How to do this correctly or is it just a bad design that I use? (I took away the code, including removing any security concerns to minimize it.) class program {[STAThread] static zero main () { // do things here, eg open a new thread (new threadstart); // more stuff} Private Zero Runstaff () {DUSTF MATERIAL = NEW DUSTF (); MATERIAL: FormStuff ();}} Category DUSTFO...

html - 50% background + gradient -

I want to add a gradient background to my web page (area marked with yellow border where actual content is displayed) and I I want to take only 1/2 of the page (part of the bottom): I believe it is possible with CSS, but so far I have managed to get only a gradient background The height of the page). Thank you very much in advance! You can do this with something like this: # Background {Background: URL ('Gradient-IMAG-URL') 50% Centers The Penalty-Off-Rampet; Height: The-High; Width: The-width; } 50% here means that the background image will be placed 50% from the top .

java - problem with seam and mdb on jboss5.1 -

As of Seam component in time I have a problem beans using MDB I inject something other seam somponents. The problem is that when an accident server is deployed restart and mdb starts reading the message but the seam is not started yet and I get an exception (above Listed). If I start whith empty server queues and start submitting messages in the server after the queue it is working fine. Is there a posibility to end sending messages off at startup or server startup and start sending them only when the seam is completely funny? I beans but success trying withowt @Depends antotatin of My Environment: jboss5.1 GA Seam 2.2.0 GA jboss messaging 1.4 Any Help will be appreceated to error on startup: 11: 24: 20,477 eRROR [TxPolicy] javax.ejb.EJBTransactionRolledbackException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: invoke a seam component out Try an initialized application 11: 24: 30,483 eRROR [TxPolicy] javax.ejb.EJBException: pool semaphore failed to achieve, strictTimeout = 100...

jQuery set ISO charset to ajax request -

I am using jQuery to send AJAX requests to the server, but I have some problems with the pigment. Function documentation has been written that the data always contain W3C in UTF-8. XMLHttpReight is sent according to the standard, so I do not think jQuery allows you to change the request charset (except if you load a script but this is not my case). Do you know a way to set ISO-8859-1 charsets for AJAX requests in jQuery? I think this is not possible. You can try to override the content-type request title in your AJAX call. I tried it with this: $ Ajax ('url:' /exec/ ', type:' post ', data: {foo: "bar"}, data type:' text ', before: function (xir) {xhr.setRequestHeader (' Content-type ',' test ');} success: work (data) {console.log (' success: '+ data);},}); This will actually override the content-type header, but still charset = UTF-8 will be set to . So I think you have to handle th...

c# - How do you save an object to a fooSettings.settings file in Visual Studio? -

Can you save an object in the settings.settings file in Visual Studio? if so, how? I think that you can make your object serialized and it should continue, but I am not sure if I am telling it right, when I try to get the object back, it is always empty. Code: [Serializable ()] [XmlRoot (Elementanum = "LayTcA", isoble = False, namespace = "")] Public class liercea {// This is a COM object, so I do not want to serialize it. IFeatureClass Feature Class; String fullname; String originale; Public LayerTCA () {} Public LayerTCA (IFeatureClass featureClass) {FeatureClass = featureClass; } Public IFeatureClass Feature Class {get {return featureClass; } Set {featureClass = value; FullName = featureClass.AliasName; Original name = string Helper.StringAfterLastFullStop (full name); }} [XmlAttribute (AttributeName = "BasicName")] Public String BasicName {get {return basicName; } Set {basicName = value; }} [XmlAttribute (AttributeName = ...

c# 4.0 - Does Math.Sqrt cache its own results? -

Someone has suggested to me that the built-in C # Math.Sqrt function in the .NET 4.0 cache The result is, so if I call it more often than Math.Sqrt (50) , it is not actually doing an SQLRT, but it's just pulling the answer with a cache. Can anyone verify or reject this claim? If this is true then I have a bunch of unnecessary caching in my code. I do not have .NET 4 installed but you can easily see the method mentioned in Reflection. This is the only way that you will be sure to see what's going on.

soap - Can MSM (Merge Module) files be used within Inno-Setup? -

Can I include an MSM file and execute it in INO-setup? If not, how do I install the merge module properly? I need to install SOAP3 with my application and some guidance is needed. Do I have to wrap MSM in a custom MSI and then MSN file will have to execute ANNO? What do I use to create a clean and stupid MSI file for MSM? Thanks in advance for any help. No, unfortunately it can not be done, but your visual studio can create "setup and deployment" project In which MSM is where you can join, follow these steps: Open Visual Studio and create a new project: Other project types - Setup and deployment - Visual Studio installer Select the setup project and give it a proper name Right click on the project in the Fly explorer and select Add Merge Module Create your project, you will now have an MSI file that you can add to your Ino Setup project Use msiexec by using a run command at the end (run msiexec at the command prompt to see its options)

Binary Plist Serializing/Deserializing using C# -

I have an iPhone client who is talking to a Windows server written in C #. Data from the device is sent as binary plaster. I am looking for a framework in C # which understands the binary flick and converts it into a dataset. On Googling, I ran into plutil, but it is a CLI and I need something that inline it with the app. thanks

javascript - Retrieving the URL in Django template language -

In a DJ ango template, how can I mention the URL? To avoid having a live link on the current page, I want to use it in static pages. Is there a way to do this with the Django template language or do I have to use javascript? I would like to do something like this {% about about_url == "/ about /"%} about {% else%} & lt; A href = '/ about /' & gt; About & lt; / A & gt; {% Endif%} I'm using it for a simple blog, so no ideas have been written for those pages. I think that in the context of your 'static pages' you mean general thoughts internally Use these, RequestContext, so that you have access to the request object, which is the current HTTPPreference. You can access the current code with request.path . {% if request.path == '/ about /'%} ... {% endif%} Note that this If syntax Django 1.2+ only - If you are using an older version, you have to: {% ifequal request.path '/ about / '%} ... {% endife...

flex - How to rotate MXML component round its center like a wheel respectfully to mouse? -

Then I have that panel or any other mxml component I would somehow rotate it like a wheel of a car whose Along you run it ... take a ... like a bop when the mousebutton is down, it captures the component ... when you move the mouse component (not moves) according to the position of the new mouse ... How does the MXML component rotate like a circle towards its center, on which the mouse should be identified? Feel free to edit this question well because I know I have prepared it badly ... Add these to the utility class if you do not want to add dependencies on fl.motion. * / ** * Moves inside a defined point of the matrix, the change of place * This can be used to rotate a film clip around a change point . * * @ Ultimate M. A matrix example * * @ * x coordinate of the ultimate x point * * @ y coordinate of the ultimate y point * * @ angle of rotation in the ultimate angle degree degree. * PlayerVersion Flash * @ LingWarzon 3.0 * @ Keyword Matrix, Transcript Motion ...

php - How to echo Hyperlink Containing a Variable? -

In the code below, I would like to create a word that prints "$ submittor" as a hyperlink Is "http: // $ submittor" . I can not get it to work; I think I am doing wrong formatting. How can I do this? Thanks in advance, John echo & lt; Div class = "sitename3name" & gt; Submitted by '$ submittor.' On '. $ Dt-> Format ('FJ, Y & amp; n \ nb \ sp & amp; \ nb \ sp g: i a'). ' & Lt; / Div & gt; '; You have left the link. $ link = "& lt; a href = 'http: // $ submittor & gt; $ submittor & Lt; / a & gt; "; Echo '& lt; Div class = "sitename3name" & gt; presented by'. $ Link ' On '. $ Dt-> Format ('FJ, Y & amp; n \ nb \ sp & amp; \ nb \ sp g: i a'). ' & Lt; / Div & gt; ';

c# - In i'm not able to catch any exception properly? -

In (c #), I'm not able to catch exceptions (fileNET phosphate exception) ... I do not know the reason 'cause. The file is not really there .. but catching statement exception Fails .. Here is the code. try {System.Drawing.Image imgg1 = system} Drawing.Image.FromFile (Server.MapPath (""). ToString () + " \\ images \\ img1.jpg "); } Catch (Filenotophound Exception) {Response. Wyit ("& lt; scripts & gt; alert ('Please select and upload the photo of the student'); ";); } Are you sure that your exception? You should try to replace FileNotFoundException only for the exception and check what the exception is. Edit: Q1: In debug mode, what is the code to actually enter the catch session? Can you restart that code (Ctrl + Shift + B in Visual Studio)? You are actually typing a code that will be unsuccessful in the quote ending in: WARNING ('Please select and upload the photo of the student'); View this i...

debugging - filename and line number of python script -

How can I get the file name and line number in Python script? File information obtained from an exception traceback in this case without lifting an exception. inspection curentframe (). F_back.f_lineno

java - Redirecting to a Facelet is not working when extending FaceletViewHandler -

मैं com.sun.facelets.FaceletViewHandler में परिभाषित handleRenderResponse विधि को ओवरराइड कर रहा हूँ: संरक्षित void handleRenderException (FacesContext संदर्भ, अपवाद पूर्व) मैं इस विधि को ओवरराइड कर रहा हूं ताकि मैं उपयोगकर्ता को एक कस्टम त्रुटि पृष्ठ पर रीडायरेक्ट कर सकूं (जिसमें वांछित रूप और लग रहा है और अन्य सामान )। इस तरह से मैं स्ट्रिंग त्रुटि पृष्ठ = "/error.xhtml" की कोशिश कर रहा हूं; स्ट्रिंग संदर्भपैथ = context.getExternalContext ()। GetRequestContextPath (); स्ट्रिंग त्रुटिपेजपथ = संदर्भपैथ + त्रुटिपेज; context.getExternalContext () अनुप्रेषित (errorPagePath)। पिछला कोड है जो मैं इस कस्टम त्रुटि पृष्ठ पर रीडायरेक्ट करने के लिए उपयोग कर रहा हूं। वैसे भी, जब मैं रीडायरेक्ट करता हूं, तो मुझे एक डाउनलोड डायलॉग के साथ संकेत मिलता है (यह इंटरनेट एक्सप्लोरर के साथ है, फ़ायरफ़ॉक्स में पेज ठीक से प्रदर्शित नहीं होता है या जैसा मैं उम्मीद करता हूं)। मैंने "/error.xhtml" को "/error.jsf" में बदलने की कोशिश की लेकिन उस स्थिति में मुझे एक 404...

Oracle Blob as img src in PHP page -

I have a site that currently uses images on file server images are shown on a page where The user can drag and drop everyone according to the requirement, it is done with jQuery and the images are attached to a list. Each image is very good: & lt; Img src = '// network_path / image.png' height = '80px' & gt; Now though I need to reference the stored images in an Oracle database as a blob (there is no choice on this, so eligibility is not discussed). I have no problem recovering the blob and it is being displayed using my own: $ sql = "Select image from images where image_id = 123"; $ Stid = oci_parse ($ conn, $ sql); Oci_execute ($ stid); $ Line = oci_fetch_array ($ stid, OCI_ASSOC + OCI_RETURN_NULLS); $ Img = $ line ['IMAGE'] - & gt; Load (); Header ("Content-Type: Image / JPEG"); Print $ img; But I must [skillfully] get that image as the source attribute of the IMG tag. I tried image sequencing (), but it returns...