
Showing posts from January, 2013

javascript - Observing 'click' event on <a> tag generated by scriptaculous Builder -

I am using a screwdriver builder to dynamically generate some DOM elements, and one of these links The tag is. I was not sure how this builds with other builder code with clickback inline, so I'm generating a link tag ahead of time and then to put it in the rest builder step. The problem is that the callback for the link is never actually executed when I click the link, and the URL bar changes in turn, the callback method is a part of my class, Therefore, I am compelling it as an event listener ahead of time. var Foo = Class.create ({initialize: function () {this Closebinding = this.doClose.bindAsEventListener (this);}, generate: function () {/ * create link and Click listener * / var close_link = Builder.node ('a', {href: '#'}, 'off');, 'click', this.close binding) / * generate new dom nodes / / Builder Build.node ('div', [Builder.node ('h2', 'this is a test'), close_link])}}, doClose: function (evt) {/ * ...

django - How to save many to many fields by using an auto complete text box -

अगर मेरे पास दो मॉडल हैं जैसे वर्ग लेखक (models.Model): name = Models.CharField (max_length = 100) शीर्षक = मॉडल.छर्फफिल्ड (max_length = 3, विकल्प = TITLE_CHOICES) birth_date = models.DateField (रिक्त = ट्रू, रिक्त = ट्रू) def __unicode __ (स्वयं): रिटर्न class Book (मॉडल मॉडेल): नाम = मॉडल.कारफिल्ड (अधिकतम_लांबी = 100) लेखकों = मॉडल.मैंटामैनफील्ड (लेखक) मैं इस तरह एक मॉडल फार्म का उपयोग कर पुस्तक प्रपत्र प्रस्तुत कर सकते हैं वर्ग BookForm (ModelForm): वर्ग मेटा: मॉडल = पुस्तक विजेट = {'लेखकों': TextInput ()} लेखकों के खेतों को अब पाठ बॉक्स के रूप में प्रदान किया गया है और फ़ील्ड को पॉप्युलेट करने के लिए मैं एक ऑटो पूर्ण (जहां मैं एक से अधिक लेखकों को दर्ज कर सकता हूँ) टेक्स्ट बॉक्स का उपयोग करना चाहता हूं। मुझे समझने में कठिन समय आ रहा है कि मैं दृश्य समारोह में लेखकों को कैसे बचा सकता हूं? मैं सभी लेखक आईडी दर्ज करने के लिए एक छिपे हुए मैदान का उपयोग करने की सोच रहा हूं, लेकिन मुझे यह पता लगाना कठिन समय हो रहा है कि इसे कैसे पोस्टबैक पर सहेजना है। ...

java - Returning the element number of the longest string in an array -

I am trying to get the longest way to take the string-user-input array, then its element number Return the longest string in that array I found this point at the point where I was able to return the number of characters in the longest string, but I do not believe that I will work for what I need. My problem is that when I try to understand it, I keep incompatible type errors, I still do not understand the whole data type with the string, it confuses me how I have array strings, even then array numbers Have to go back about. The main method is fine, I stuck on ??? run. public static zero main (string [] args) {scanner inp = new scanner (; String [] responseRR = new string [4]; For (int i = 0; i for (int i = 0; i largest) {largest = value [i]. Length (); Index = i; }} Return Index; Note: Start with 0 - array index is int i 0-based. Back to your main , you can System.out.println ("Longest:" + Responsible [highest]); etc.

c# - How can i cancel language setup? -

I'm making setup studio with Turkish language package. But I want to uninstall or cancel this property. I need to help . I do not want to see Turkish error message. I want to see in english Try it: Small: deinstall Net Framework Turkish Language Pack

visual c++ - How to change the name of a VC++ project? -

I am creating a VC ++ project called FileOut, when I create the application, FileOut.exe for any file that does not have any way that i get xi with different names than file name. Xi I got, go project properties -> linker -> normal -> output file For, change names like $ $ (Outdir) \ $ (ProjectName) \ $ (OutDir) \ YourName.exe.

What iPhone SDK control is this? -

क्या कोई मुझे बता सकता है कि निम्न नियंत्रण क्या है? यह एक मानक नियंत्रण नहीं है, लेकिन आप कस्टम छवियों के साथ एक UIButton के साथ एक बना सकते हैं।

sandbox - sandboxed web parts inside SharePoint 2010 -

Is it possible to develop a web-part in SAP.NET (Framework> 2.0), a sandbox architecture and Share Point Deploy those Web Parts within 2010 and / or MOSS 2007 We want to use any SharePoint DLL reference with Web Parts. We refer to the URL (Section Web Parts in Sandboxed Solutions) I have mentioned the following torus, hope it helps any one. . _http: // _http: //

php - case-insensitive search of MySQL? -

MySQL case-insensitive search? For my site search, what is the most effective way to query my DB regardless of the word / phrase? If your database / table is not set with a case-insensitive matching, you can COLLATE utf8_general_ci ( _ci suffix case stands for insensitive.) Take a look at the document: With the calllet clause, you can override what is the default match for a comparison of the calllet SQL statement in different parts of the ISST Can be used.

parsing - How to implement a left recursion eliminator? -

मैं इसके लिए एक एलाइमिनेटर कैसे लागू करूं? ए: = एबी | एसी | डी | ई; यह तथाकथित तत्काल बाएं पुनरावर्तन का एक उदाहरण है , और इसे इस तरह हटा दिया गया है: ए: = डीए '| ईए '; ए ': = ε | बीए '| सीए' ; मूल विचार यह है कि पहली बार ध्यान दें कि जब ए को पार्स करते हैं तो आप जरूरी एक D या ई । डी या एक ई के बाद आप या तो समाप्त हो जाएंगे (पूंछ ε है) या जारी रहें (अगर हम एक AB या एसी निर्माण)। वास्तविक एल्गोरिथ्म इस तरह से काम करता है: किसी भी बाएं-पुनरावर्ती उत्पादन के लिए इस तरह: ए - & gt; ए 1 | ... | ए एसी | बी 1 | बी 2 | ... | बीएम को ए - & gt; बी 1 ए '| बी 2 ए '| ... | बीएम ए ' और उत्पादन जोड़ें ए' - & gt; Ε | ए 1 ए '| ... | एके ए ' । उन्मूलन एल्गोरिदम पर अधिक जानकारी के लिए देखें (अप्रत्यक्ष बाएं रिकर्सन को खत्म करने सहित)।

c# - How can i trim or remove " , " at the end of my query? -

I try to write a query but my query ends with "control nvarchar (500)". How can I remove "" control nvarchar (500) "how can I", "", ""? Zero SqlTable (List list MycolumnNames, string TableName) {string text = "Create table ENG _" table name + "(ing _" + table name + "_ id integer primary key ID 1,1), "[four] [] MyChar = {',', ''}; for (int i = 0; i I think you want to look at String.Join . You can change your column name string, which contains the SQL definition of your column, e.g. MyColumnName [1] + "Navbar (500)", a list in my column deff array, then join 'that array as a comma separated separator. Benefits: No 'If I am the last entry', Separate your column names and your SQL rendering for columns deficiencies .... no one :) for (string name my column name in the list) {listMyColumnDefs.Add (name + "nvarchar (500) "); } String...

python - How to take advantage of subprocess within Django? - Django -

मैं वर्तमान में os.popen () का उपयोग कर रहा हूं, लेकिन subprocess.popen () इसके बजाय। मैं इसे कैसे एकीकृत कर सकता हूं पर कोई भी विचार? एक डीजेंगो ऐप लेकिन मुझे लगता है कि यह लागू करने के लिए थोड़ा जटिल हो सकता है। मुझे लगता है कि मुझे एक नया अनुरोध आता है, जैसा कि उपप्रोसेस पुनः प्राप्त होगा। कोई भी विचार? कोशिश करें: और उसके बाद उससे पूछें स्रोत। यही वह मार्ग है जिसे मैं जाता हूं और फिर केवल Django के एथ सिस्टम के अंदर पेज तक पहुंच को प्रतिबंधित करता हूं।

Is streaming video and audio always better than the alternatives? -

How do caching work on servers and clients if you use streaming for audio and video? If you know that users will always look at the whole video, is a good choice streaming in this case? "streaming" "streaming" is an overloaded word "streaming" Use the video as / em> or even use the word "HTTP streaming". If you distribute the video above, then "progressive download" HTTP is very easy to make it cache friendly. I RTP, RTMP, RTSP, et al Not easy in In your context, then there is a better option for HTTP based streaming (or even plain HDI progressive downloads) for on-demand content.

multithreading - C# : What if a static method is called from multiple threads? -

I have a static method in my application that is called multiple threads at the same time. Is there any danger of my data mixing? In my first attempt, this method was not static and I was making many examples of classes. In that situation, my data was found in some way. I'm not sure how this happens because it happens only sometimes I am still debugging but now the method is stable but I have no problem till now. Maybe it's just luck I certainly do not know. Variable declared within the method (" Captured " variables) separated by So you will not get any inherent problem; The examples of share-state will be: Static fields However, items derived from a normal cache (non-serialized) The data obtained through the input parameters (and the state on those objects), if possible, multiple threads are touching the same object (s) If you have shared the state , Then you should either: Once it can be shared, once the state does not change it Khana (Be...

jquery - ASP.NET MVC page, CSS (?) problem -

I have an mvc site (master page + content page). On the master page, I have a menu when some options are selected on the menu, it brings you to the appropriate controller and shows the page, which is fine, but it also shows a submenu Submenu looks ok, but it The issue is in the menu. I'm unable to work the menu CSS for me. Here is the menu code: & lt; Ul id = "menuDeveloper" & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt;% = Html.ActionLink ("Home", "Index", "Home", New {domain = (empty), empty)% & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li id = 'idcardselect' & gt; & Lt;% = Html Keywords ("idcard", "index", "select idcard", new {domain = "idcard_satch"}, empty)% & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt;% = Html.exeLink ("Group", "Index", "Group Setup", New {domain = "GroupSet"}, empty)% & gt; & ...

php - Mysql Limit column value repetition N times -

मेरे पास दो टेबल हैं ग्राहक (idCustomer, ecc .. ecc ..) टिप्पणी (आईडीसी ग्राहक, आईडी कॉममेंट, ईसीसी .. ईसीसी ..) स्पष्ट रूप से दो तालिकाएं एक साथ जुड़ जाती हैं, उदाहरण के लिए SELECT * FROM टिप्पणी के रूप में सह जॉइन ग्राहक एएस कू ऑन cu.idCustomer = co.idCustomer इसके साथ मैं उस तालिका से जुड़े सभी टिप्पणी का चयन करता हूं ग्राहक, लेकिन अब मैं टिप्पणी की संख्या को 2 अधिकतम टिप्पणी प्रति सीमित करना चाहता हूँ ग्राहक। पहली बात मैं देख रहा हूं ग्रुप द्वारा cu.idCustomer का उपयोग करना है, लेकिन यह प्रति ग्राहक केवल 1 टिप्पणी की सीमा है, लेकिन मैं प्रति ग्राहक प्रति 2 टिप्पणी चाहता हूं। मैं इसे कैसे प्राप्त कर सकता हूं? MySQL में एक विकल्प सर्वर-साइड वेरिएबल है उदाहरण के लिए: सेट @num: = 0, @customer: = -1; ग्राहक से जुड़ने के साथ * आईडीसी ग्राहक, पोस्टडेट द्वारा दिए गए आदेशों के अनुसार * आईडीसी ग्राहक, टिप्पणी टेक्स्ट, @ नाम: = अगर (@ ग्राहक = आईडीसी ग्राहक, @ 1, 1) को पंक्ति_एनम्बर, @ ग्राहक: = आईडी से चुनें) Co.idCustomer = cu.idCustomer जहां co.row_number ...

makefile - Default rules in Make -

Is there a mechanism to allow the default global implicit rules available anywhere underlying rules? Without the need for Makefile for simple cases, provides some built-in rules for compiling C / C + / foreign files. However, when other languages ​​(eg Programming language files), then makefile is always necessary I want to make my Makeenvironment available by default to the extended rules by default. This is not usually desirable, because it causes your makefile to be less portable; It will not work on someone else's machine, if it does not happen. However, if you want to do this, create a "Global" makefile with GoGo for your default rules, then add your way to the Macfills Environment variable to run this "Make" global makefile. But before any makefile will be processed, as if you had included its source at the top of the file.

java - Tomcat / Spring - Restart Webapp -

What is the best way to start the program in the Spring Web App running on Tomcat? I have two specific scanners on which I am considering: Installation is configuring the user system, provides database connection parameters . Once provided, spring data references are invalid, and I want to restart to restart with the correct parameter. The Upgrading application has downloaded an update, and requires auto-install. This may involve deploying an up-to-date war and running a database upgrade. At this point, it seems that the app is the best way to resume in concrete. Which approach should I use? I want to program this, so the user does not need to log on to the server itself. The Tomek Manager application is designed for this type of content: I used it as part of my creation script through ant, and it was very much like it.

delphi - App disappears from Win7's ALT-TAB list sometimes -

I have trouble with one of my Delphi 2010 projects recently. It seems that sometimes, When I'm open as a modal dialog, the app is visible in the ALT-TAB list until I close the dialog. It's still in the taskbar, but not in ALT-TAB, which means that I can not switch it without using the mouse. Running under Windows 7, 64-bit Has anyone ever seen it before? By any idea, it is caused and how it is decided? This is the feature of Windows 7, and not the bug. The solution is to either remove the 'tool window' from the dialog property or remove 'WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW' from the RC file.

.net - sql connection string from AD account in web.config -

Infrastructure has created an Active Directory account for me that requires me to read the entry in the SQL 2008 database. The web application I created is not used to run this account, so I can not use the identity copying = "true" to access my data source. Is only one input in my connectionstring node please please thanks What you normally do, use the Windows (AD) service account For the application pool identity is set and then "Reliable Connection = Yes" in your connection string in Web.config In this way you can enter username / password in web.config and To prevent you Details do not need to know.

c# - MC75 Barcode Reader Issue -

I am helping to develop a custom built application for the Motorola MC75. It looks better than the random bug with the barcode reader, from time to time, the barcode reader will be activated only (start reading) If the right shoulder button is pressed the middle and left shoulder buttons are disabled in any way. This is a unique bug in which all these buttons are randomly and only effect 2, EMD enables all buttons simultaneously, so I do not know where it is coming from (internal or code related). If someone has any input or advice please let me know and thank you in advance. Thank you, I used to first on MC55 Motorola has worked with EMDK. I'm not sure why the button is being disabled, and when you post it in June, you probably do not have to answer, but here's a potential solution: EMDK Instead of handling the trigger on your own, you can capture all triggers by setting an event: // To control all trigger events of step 2 (pressed) Create trigger device or r...

Delphi 2010: integrated code formatter disappeared from menu -

How to get Delphi unified source code formatting? I think I had disabled some packages or something and there is no other option in the edit menu to format the source. Which package should I retrieve for getting it back? Install Modeling - Code Formatter is Uninstall Modeling - To Delete It

c++ - Boost::asio::endpoint::size() and resize() -

itemprop = "text"> I was reading the end point document and saw size () and size (member) calls the funcs documentation: native type The original size of the endpoint is found. What does this shape reflect and how can it be used / re-shaped? Thank you. As a docs state, a boost :: asio :: ip :: basic_endpoint is an object which: describes an endpoint for a version-independent IP socket. In this case, the "endpoint" for an IP address and port and depending on the protocol you are using, the endpoint (" The "original" representation of "the" original "representation" used by the OS for the lower-level socket API) may differ, so the basic point acts as a cover for the original end point type. Resize your question to size () and () actually, I think the interval endpoint achieves the size of the representation Apart from serving as a portable way for, I think the answer is "not much". On the sys...

Entity Framework - Nullable Foreign Key error -

I have a website table whose client table has a foreign key. A website is not always going to be an affiliate client, But when I save the website without specifying a website, then save these errors as a website. ClientId is an int 32 (not faucetable) and it is set to 0. I tried to change the relationship in my EF diagram, a * next to the website and the customer should have 0..1 but then give an error by saying That's 0. It can not be 0. For ClientId because it is not empty I then changed the website. To clear the client id, however, it now returns this error: TothSolutions.msl (6910): Error 3031: Problem in mapping pieces starting with line 69: empty column Website. The ClientId website is mapped to a blank entity property in the table. How can I establish a foreign key relationship where the relying object is taped? I have also found this problem, but by removing the table from my model and adding it again it has been fixed.

encoding - Save programatically UTF-8 and C# -

यूटएफ -8 में हस्ताक्षर 65001 के साथ प्रोग्रामैटिक फाइल को कैसे सहेजना है? 65001 का मतलब यूटीएफ -8 के समान है बस एक StreamWriter का उपयोग करें, यह डिफ़ॉल्ट रूप से UTF-8 में पाठ को प्रारूपित करता है।

winapi - C++ vector and struct problem win32 -

मेरे पास मेरी हेडर फाइल में परिभाषित संरचना है: स्ट्रेट वीडियो {wchar_t * videoName ; std :: वेक्टर & LT; wchar_t * & gt; ऑडियो; std :: वेक्टर & LT; wchar_t * & gt; बाद के चरणों; }; Struct ret {std :: vector & lt; video * & gt; वीडियो; Wchar_t * errmessage; }; संरचना पैरामीटर {एचडब्ल्यूडीएंड फॉर्म; Wchar_t * cwd; Wchar_t * डिस्क; Ret * returnData; }; जब मैं वीडियो के एक वेक्टर में अपने वीडियो संरचना को जोड़ने का प्रयास करता हूं * मुझे 0xcdcdcdc1 (वीडियो का नाम @ 0xcdcdcdcd है, इससे पहले कि मैं इसे आवंटित करता हूं) पढ़ते हुए उल्लंघन का उल्लंघन मिलता है। // कोड का निकालने के लिए जहां समस्या वीडियो वी है; V.videoName = (wchar_t *) मॉलोक ((wcslen (लाइन) +1) * आकारफ़ोल्डर (wchar_t)); wcscpy (v.videoName, लाइन); p- & gt; returnData- & gt; videos.push_back (& ​​amp; V); // त्रुटि यहाँ मुझे लगता होगा कि या तो p या p- & gt; वापसी डेटा एक अनिर्धारित / अमान्य संकेतक है। इसके अलावा, यह आपके दुर्घटना का कारण नहीं है, लेकिन यह एक बार ज...

multiple forms in -

We may have a global variable which can be manipulated in many ways You can access a variable from one form, if it has been declared as public If you are defining it in Form 1 and want to use it in Form 2, then you can call as a variable from within Form 2 - Form 1. & Lt; variable_name > Take an example - Form 1 code Public class form 1 as the public = 10 private sub form 1_load (system.byVal Sender as MyBase.Load Form2.Show () and sub and class form 2 code public class form 2 private sub form 2_load (form of system In the form of a deputy sender, object and system. Taarji) MyBase.Load MsgBox (form L.a) End Sub Finally Class

How to check for Model validation errors in mvc? -

How to check for a model key with a modelState errors (key model's field key) If you have not done so yet, check out this wiki article. Keep in mind that your view only is considered in-charge of displaying data. As such, you should at least try to keep the quantity of logic in your view, if possible, handling modelstate errors in your controller (like ModelState errors are the result of failed model binding attempts): Public Sector Home Controller: Controller {Public Action Index () {if (ModelState.IsValid) {Return Redirect ToAction ("where"); } See Return (); }} If you have to handle modelstate errors in your view, then you can: & lt;% if (ViewData.ModelState IsValidField ("key")) {%> Model state valid & lt;%}% & gt; But keep in mind that you can accomplish the same thing with your controller and thus remove unnecessary logic from your scene. To do this, you can place modelstate logic in your controller: Public Class ...

javascript - IE dynamic image caching issue? -

itemprop = "text"> I have an html page that is loading more than one iframes in which the dynamic server created from the Tomcat server page (.jsp) There are images. Expected by Chrome and Firefox, this works, but for some reasons IE looks like all images (as the first image). I made an example: jsImageTest.html - this page loads 6 instances of testImageFrame.html page separately Iframes in one-to-one-time, using javascript. testImageFrame.html - The page has been loaded in all iframes. It only has Javascript blocks that write the current time and an IMG tag. The IMG is dynamically generated by a .jsp page on a separate server, it should have a white box on a black background. The box is randomly built between the current time (from the Tomcat server using Java) and 0 and amp; 1. What happens (in IE): The page loads nearly four similar iframes almost immediately. Depending on the speed of your machine, the javascript bar may be different from one or two a...

performance - What's the (hidden) cost of Scala's lazy val? -

An easy way to Scala is lazy valve , where val It's getting late (at first access). Of course, there should be some upper section with a lazy valve - somewhere Scala should keep in mind that the value has already been evaluated and the evaluation should be synchronized , Because multiple threads can attempt to use the value at the same time for the first time. A Lazy Val / u> - Whether it has been evaluated or not, there is a hidden boolean flag attached to a lazy valve to track, Is it really synchronized and has any other costs in it? In addition, suppose I do this: class something {lazy wal (x, y) = {...}} Is it like having two different lazy vals s x and y or I get an overhead once for the pair (X, y) ? is taken from it and returns the implementation details of lazy java code In terms of (instead of bytecode): square is the lazy {lazy val msg = "lazy"} to do something similar to the following java code Compiled for: Cla...

adding controls dynamically to panel in a UpdatePanel 4.0 -

I have some panels in an UpdatePanel. I want to add these panels, some controls according to the operations. After I click on any button twice or the page loads when the first page loads. Either I have to use every panel without any post [no page refresh] How can I solve it? HTML code is below The wordOrgButton word panel enables and fills the word panel after any operation UserOrgButton & asp: UpdatePanel id = "homepennel" Runat = "server" height = "220px" & gt; & Lt; ContentTemplate & gt; & Lt; Fieldset & gt; & Lt; ASP: Panel ID = "ButtonPanel" Runat = "Server" & gt; & Lt; Asp: button id = "wordOrgButton" runat = "server" text = "word" onclick = "wordOrgButton_Click" /> & Lt; Asp: Button ID = "userOrgButton" runat = "server" text = "user" onclick = "userOrgButton_Click" /> & lt; Asp: button id = ...

.net - Method Vs Property -

I am a newbie for .NET. I have a class named Project, many projects can be predicted in a project.Now if I want to see if there are any predictions in the projects or not, then I should use Boolean property to read (HasForecast) or I should use a method called HasForecast () to basically give a boolean value. From the framework design guidelines I came to know that methods should be used when the operation is complex, because here I am recovering the value of the forecast from DB, I should consider the method, or because it is a logical data member, The property should be used. If I can use any asset, I can call a method in my DBAir from my planet. Please, Please, Ravi attribute should be very light weight which works If you need access to a database then you should use one method. See MSDN here: Properties vs. Ways Class library designers often have to decide between applying a class member as an asset or method Generally, methods represent the actions and represent... mvc - ActionLink Problem with Client Template Telerik MVC grid -

I am using the Telerec grid to present the memo obtained by the user . & Lt;% of the HTML.Telerik () grid & lt; UserManagement.Models.SentMemos & gt; () .Name ( "ReceivedMemos") .Sortable (sorting = & gt; .OrderBy sorting (sortOrder = & gt; sortOrder.Add (o = & gt; o .MemoDate) .Descending ())) .DataBinding (databinding = & Gt; databinding // Ajax binding is a .jax () action method that will return JSON .Select ("_AjaxBindingReceivedMemos", "OA")) Column (colums = & gt; {colums.Bound (o = & gt; o.MemoID) .ClientTemplate (Html.ActionLink ( "Reply", "ReplyMemo", "Oye", new {MemoID = "& LT; # = MemoID # & gt ( "North"). Tostring ()). The title ( "North"). Filtryogy (false) Ksetebl (false); colums.Bound (o = & gt; o. Memoid) Kclainttamplet (HTML .exe link ("accept" "preview" memo "," oy ", new {id =" & lt; # =...

Prevent Ninject from calling Initialize multiple times when binding to several interfaces -

हमारे पास एक ठोस सिंगलटन सेवा है जो ninject.III initialitialable और 2 इंटरफेस लागू करती है। समस्या यह है कि शुरूआत-मेथोडोड को 2 बार कहा जाता है, जब केवल एक ही वांछित होता है हम .NET 3.5 और Ninject का प्रयोग कर रहे हैं। क्या निन्जेन्ग में कोई पैटर्न ऐसा होने से रोकता है? न तो इंटरफेस को लागू Ninject.IInitializable । सेवा वर्ग है: सार्वजनिक वर्ग कंक्रीट सेवा: IService1, IService2, Ninject.IInitializable {सार्वजनिक शून्य प्रारंभ () {// यह दो बार कहा जाता है! }} और मॉड्यूल इस तरह दिखता है: सार्वजनिक वर्ग सेवा मॉड्यूल: NinjectModule {सार्वजनिक ओवरराइड शून्य लोड () {this.Singleton & lt; Iservice1, Iservice2, ConcreteService & gt; (); }} जहां सिंगलटन एक विस्तार विधि है जो कि इस तरह परिभाषित है: सार्वजनिक स्थिर शून्य सिंगलटन & lt; K, T & gt; (यह निन्जा मॉड्यूल मॉड्यूल) जहां टी: K {module.Bind & lt; K & gt; ()। & Lt; T & gt; ()। InSingletonScope (); } सार्वजनिक स्थैतिक शून्य सिंगलटन & एलटी; के, एल, टी & gt; (यह निन्जा मॉड्य...

How do I redirect a not found FLV file to a 404 FLV file, using .htaccess? -

itemprop = "text"> Using .htaccess, I * * in a directory all in a 404.flv file. For the same directory example: If this file is not found: *. Flv Use this file: /flv/404.flv Even so far away from me (I'm terribly bad): revivecond / flu /(.*). FLV! -f revised rule ^ /flv/404.flv [L, R = 301] thanks You need two different positions and you want to return a 404 response. rewrite% {REQUEST_URI} ^ / flv /.* \. Flv $ rewrite% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -f Rewrite rules *% {DOCUMENT_ROOT} / Flv / 404.flv [L, R = 404] - C# asp:ListBox hide vertical scrollbar -

To hide the vertical scroll bar of a list box that is present inside a div. & lt; Div id = "lstqueriesDiv" style = "overflow-y: hidden! Important; overflow-x: auto; important; width: 650px; height: 167px;" & Gt; & Lt; ASP: List Box ID = "LteEERE" Runat = "Server" CSS Class = "CSSList Queries" Rows = "9" & gt; & Lt; / Asp: list box & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; CSS: .cssLstQueries {width: auto; } I want to hide the vertical scrollbar of the list box which is not the vertical scrollbar of the div. remove OVERFLOW: auto ; From & lt; Div id = "lstQueriesDiv" style = "overflow auto: width: 650px; height: 167px;" & Gt; Because it is overwriting the CSS class where you have overflow: hidden;

process - C#: Farm out jobs to worker processes on a multi-processor machine -

I have a generic check that needs to be run on the CA. 1000 commodities check takes about 3 seconds. We have 4 processor servers (and we have other multi-processor servers in our network), we want to make an XE / DLL to check and return the results to "master". Does anyone know about a framework for this, or how about it to go to C #? Specifically: What is the best way to transfer data between the Master and the worker process? The Master will ensure that there are 4 processes going on at the same time and as soon as a worker process is completed, a new beginning is done. How to register that the worker has ended and adds the results to a list? Hope it is clear, but happy to clarify. A. Some explanations * Really do not have any interprocess communication outside the call and return of process. ResultObject = WorkerProcess (HeresYourDataSonDoSomethingWithIt); * Initially, a machine is a must, but further down the line we will probably in some cases wh...

c# - how to update web reference location -

I have an application in which I am using web-service, now the machine's IP address where this web-service Was left. I try to update web context in my application and it is still trying to reach the web service from the old location. How do I change it to a new place? I already have my web The new location has updated in the config file. Please help !! Thank you. Right click on the service, select Configure and Change Address.

javascript - iframe click link it opens in parent page rather than in iframe page -

User clicks the URL hyperlink () in the iframe dialog window, the dialog window closes and the link opens on the original page is. How do you open links in the page instead of inside the iframe page? "post-text" itemprop = "text"> on iFrame page: & lt; A href = "javascript: parent.window.location.href = 'http: //';" & gt; Go to CNN & lt; / A & gt;

c# - Deserializing child elements as attributes of parent -

I have XML files that I need to deserialize I use XSD tools from Visual Studio to create a C # object file. Generated Generated Classes destlicates files, except that the way I want to. I would appreciate any help in finding out how to solve this problem. The 'data' element should have the properties of 'work'. A small example of XML is given below: & lt; Task type = "none" id = "2" TaskOnFail = "false" & gt; & Lt; Data value = "" name = "pre-test task" /> & Lt; Data value = "" name = "exclusion Task" /> & Lt; Data value = "" name = "approval restart" /> & Lt; Task type = "Wait for work" id = "10" taskOnFail = "false" & gt; & Lt; Data value = "" name = "pre-test task" /> & Lt; Data value = "" name = "exclusion Task" /> & Lt; Data value = "...

optimization - genStrAsCharArray optimisation benefits -

I'm looking at the options available to me to optimize the performance of Zebaus 5.1.0. One option I see is from gene STA to true in & lt; JBOSS_HOME & gt; / Server / & lt; PROFILE & gt; Setting /deployers/jbossweb.deployer/web.xml . This affects the generation of .jps .jpg. The comment describes this flag as: Should the text strings be prepared as four arrays, some cases to improve performance? I have some questions about it. Is it the generation of strings in dynamic parts of the JSP page (i.e. the page is called every time) or is it the generation of strings in static parts (i.e. when java made from jsp has gone)? "In some cases" - what are these cases? What are the situations where performance is bad? Does Java's generation increase, class compilation or class execution? At a more technical level (and the answer will probably depend on the answer to 1 part), why can the use of four arrays improve performance? Thank yo...

c++ - GetIDsOfNames implementation -

I need to implement GetIDsOfNames in my C ++ application and I do not know how to do this, I understand I should get GetTypeInfo, GetTypeInfoCount implemented for that. I got a code sample which uses LIBID, but I do not have any LIBID, and I do not know where one gets from. What I really want is a good description of the IDispatch interface internal ... Check

xml - How should I format an HTTPService result in Flex so that it is accessible for a pie chart? -

I think it should be simple, though everywhere I see something different to someone else. I'm doing a small charting app to track download statistics, and I want to put the data in the pie chart. I'm new to Flex, so if my code is awful I'm sorry. & lt; S: HTTPService id = "service" url = "admin / stats / totalstats.php" fault = "service_faultHandler (event)" result = "service_sandhandler (event)" /> What is the best result for this purpose, and if I am specifying the returned value in the Action Script Variable, should it be an ArrayList? ArrayCollection? A sample of XML that is HTTPService & lt; DownloadStats & gt; & Lt; Year calculation = "24522" year = "2008" & gt; & Lt; Calculation of the month = "20" month = "5" year = "2008" full = "May 2008" & gt; & Lt; Day calculation = "2" months = "5" day = "... - Can I stagger UpdatePanel updates in .NET? -

I have a situation in which I select an account and I want to withdraw its details, it has scored a single update panel Travel and its very fast. In addition, I need to bring back some transactional information which is from a large table and takes a few seconds to return the query. Ideally, I would like to place it in a second update panel and once it is received, I would like to update additional information, but the update has been updated after the first update, that means the user sees: View account details (almost immediately) View transaction information (2 seconds later) Single Method I. Recover account details to get transaction information Once received, it is important to think about that cause a second postback. What is a better way? You can run two asynchronous postbacks using UpdatePanels at a time. (Otherwise, the viewstate will be messed up) However, you can create two "raw" AJAX requests without one (updated panel), if you have to process ...

iis 7 - Identity.Name is disposed in a IIS7 Asp.NET MVC application Thread -

I have created the smallest demo project to clarify my problem. You can download the source Visual Studio 2008, .NET 3.5, IIS 7, Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bits IIS website is configured only for Windows authentication in an integrated pipeline app pool (default app pool). Here's the problem I have an ASP.NET MVC 2 application in an action, I see a thread starting return. Thread is working on this ... but it needs to reach the thread. Current Principal. Identity .name BANG The worker process IIS7 stops I have a window that says: "Visual Studio Bus-In-Time Debugger is an uncontrolled exception ('System. Object.DisposedException ') happened in w3wp.exe [5524] " I checked with the debugger and thread. Custom Principal. Identity is valid, but the name property is settled. If I wait a long time in action before returning to the scene, then the thread can identify it and its work. The name is not disposed, so I think that when the scene is returned the na...

How to import php with javascript? -

I know that Javascript is client-side and PHP is server-side. I also know that this is a strange question, however, the CMS editor I am using will not allow php to be stored in the database (this is a similar editor used by Dupal). I can store javascript Can I import a php file with javascript? Or to read the PHP file, submit the contents in one variable, then insert the contents on the screen? short answer: no. Long answer: Probably not. Reason: See the first sentence of your question - How to resolve conflicting assemblies in .Net? -

In my web application, I am using NHibernate.dll to circumvent its assembly There may be dependency on. 'Antrill 3 In order for another requirement in the same project, let me have the same project Antlr3 StringTemplate.dll If I click AntelR3 Runtime.dll , which is the NHibernate , Example: & lt; Itemprop = "text"> You probably use assembly in your web.config to redirect your old version to the old version. Order & gt; & Lt; Assembly binding xmlns = "karash: schema-microsoft-com: asm.v1" & gt; & Lt; DependentAssembly & gt; & Lt; Assembly ID name = "NHibernate" publicKeyToken = "aa95f207798dfdb4" /> & Lt; Compulsive redirects older version = "" new version = "" /> & Lt; / DependentAssembly & gt; & Lt; / AssemblyBinding & gt; & Lt; / Order & gt; This is your web In the config & lt; Configure & ...

jvm - IBM i (AS400) updates on new Java releases / Java 7 -

Since Java 7 is running I was thinking that how much time IBM IBM will take to run IBM IMM on IBM I system ? (AS 400) I was searching for IBM's site to find some roadmaps but nothing got so far. What are your previous experiences on the old Java release? IBM can not start Until development And so far, Oracle has also not started specification process. In fact, whenever the specification process probably starts, there is no roadmap for it. In addition, some Oracle competitors feared that the Oracle specification can not begin the process after that they have released a final version of JDK 7, thus giving Oracle 1 & Ndash; In fact, starting the 3-year head (in fact, it was the Oracle which accused the strategy of the Sun. In general, Oracle searched for more democracy, transparency and fairness in JCP, IBM and Apache With the side of the Sun. How are they now committed that they benefit from a broken process?)

Implicit array casting in C# -

I have the following classes with a built-in Cast operator: class A {. ..} class B {private AM_A; Public B (AA) {this.m_a = a; } Public stable underlying operator B (AA) {return New B (A); But now I can do A to B. Fixed zero main (string [] args) {// compiles a a = new A (); BB = A; // A [] arrA = New A [] (New A), New A ()} does not compile; B [] arrB = arrA;} Thanks, Malki As Mehrdad Afshari has mentioned, you are out of luck actually doing it on this. You have to be clear, and it will contain an array copy. Thankfully, you can do this with one-liner: arrB = arrA.Cast B & gt; (). ToArray (); Although you only repeat the arrB in a foreach statement If you want to duplicate, you can avoid copying except toArray ()

Basics of working with Arrays in Java -

How do you: 1. Start an array (create). 2. Push a string value to it. 3. Push another string value into it. 4. Dump it to get its contents. Arrays are a fixed size in Java, when you create them is determined. As such, they do not have any push. It seems as if you want it instead, one is most likely the one. There is more information about different types of collections (lists, sets, and maps). Operators for lists and sets with Java for each operator: list & lt; String & gt; MyList = new Arsèchchi & lt; String & gt; (); // from the list & lt; String & gt; MyList = New Linkedist & lt; String & gt; (); MyList.add ("A"); MyList.add ("two"); // Because we are using a generic collection, compiler // next string for you (string on: myList) {// it includes a color. This section is my list system.out.printLN (currently is present for each element only)); } // should print "one" and "two" (without quot...

Magento - Display Same Block Multiple Times on CMS Page -

I am using the method described here to display a different product on the CMS page: The problem is that if I try to display 2 products using this method, then both blocks show the same product, even if I specify a different ID in each block I: {{block type = "catalog / product_nui" product_id = "1 "Template =" catalog / product / visual / your_en_page.file "}} {{block type =" list / product_new "product_id =" 2 "template =" list / product / code above in the above results in your CMS page results in product 1 The bar is being displayed. "post-text" itemprop = "text"> solution changes for product_view like this Product_in is: type = "catalog / product_view" is fun :)

How do I check if two html-strings are equivalent with python? -

I need to compare two strings, which have HTML text. If the HTML string is equivalent, then the exam should be correct only, i.e. only the white space and the comments differ. Is there a module that can be used for this task? There's HTMLTidy allows you to suppress comments and normalize the formatting, so that needed.

database - Non-normalized association with legacy tables in Rails and ActiveRecord -

I am building rail applications to access a heritage system. Data models have customers, which may have one or more subscriptions. A membership is always related to one and only one customer. Although this is not necessary, this association has been displayed through an interactive table "Subscription", which does not have an ID column: column | Type | Modifier ----------------- + --------- + ----------- customer_id | Integer | No empty subscription_id | Integer | No blank I have this code and it is coded in both the customer and the subscription as the Handset_blog_t_a plus declarations class clients & lt; Activerecord :: Base has_and_belongs_to_many: Subscriptions ,: join_table = & gt; "Subscribe",: foreign_key => "Customer_id" ,: association_foreign_key = & gt; "Subscription_id" end class membership & lt; Activerecord :: Base has_and_belongs_to_many: Customer ,: join_table = & gt; "Subscribe",: for...

python - How can I prevent a mod_wsgi django application from repeated reloads? -

My mod_wsgi django application makes the client think that before many requests seem to keep reloading. This is killing my performance After sufficient requests it has been fixed, and this application is no longer reloadable. (I have the following in httpd.conf: MaxRequestsPerChild 0 , this is not why) This is possible because you are using mod_wsgi and Apache's embedded modes on a UNIX system, probably with Apache prefork as well as MPM which makes everyone worse, in that configuration, Apache has a multi-process Combine the fact that the web server is on the first request by default Adi is applied to load, you will see a delay on the initial request as an application load for each Apache server child process. For the Django framework, it should not be too high To understand the issues, make sure that you have read: P> Then instead of using mod_wsgi's daemon mode instead of mod_wsgi has been documented on wiki pages. In particular, initially: If it ...

system - Can NotifyIcon.ShowBalloonTip in C# be customized? -

Going out of GUI vanity, I want to reduce my taskbar tool ... good, less "I wear A suit and work on Microsoft "I have not got any setting to do this, but I know that this is particularly new, if anyone knows that I have a link or suggestion to see and change the balloon Would be appreciated! Below is my code: shutting down public static zeros () {tooltip icon tip icon = new tooltip icon (); Tip Icon = Tooltip Icon.None; TaskBarIcon.getInstance (). MNotifyIcon.ShowBalloonTip (100, "", "Sending. Please do not close"., TipIcon); } Cheers! badPanda Unfortunately, to create easily identifiable UI components Which does not leave the user guessing that whatever was raised up is considered an asset, it is not a responsibility that my mother thinks like this. You can definitely do something else, for some time the "popup toaster" window was popular. You will not get any help from NotifyIcon, just create your biggest form, anything happe...

c# - mocking collection behavior with Moq -

I have read through some discussions on the MUC consumer group and have failed to find an example and so far I have I'm unable to find the scenario that I have here and my question is: // Schedule over 6 periods = new list & lt; PaymentPlanPeriod & gt; () {New PaymentPlanPeriod (1000 m, args.MinDate.ToString ()), new PaymentPlanPeriod (1000 m, args.MinDate.Value.AddMonths (1) .ToString ()), new PaymentPlanPeriod (1000 m, args.MinDate. Value.AddMonths (2) .ToString ()), new PaymentPlanPeriod (1000 m, args.MinDate.Value.AddMonths (3) .ToString ()), new PaymentPlanPeriod (1000 m, args.MinDate.Value.AddMonths (4) .ToString ()), New PaymentPlanPeriod (1000m, args.MalDate.Value.AddMonths (5) .toString ())}; // is now correct with the Proxy Schedule Assistant. Setup (H = & gt; H. Gateplan Periods (This. ISNAi; string & gt; (), schedule); Then in my tests I use the term but the Mall _PaymentPlanHelper does not store the collection at any time, for use below see: ...

TextMate can show definition of a function or a class easily? -

I am using TextMate on Ruby on RailM project and if you can put the mouse on link_to, and then one Press the key and it will show the definition of link_to, or does it for any other supporting functions or model definition? Or, open a box and type in the name of a function and it will show you the definition? Ensure that you have the file set in ruby ​​with grammar grammar or Then highlight the name of the function you want to define (for example, before you w / your The cursor will always bring a menu of characters: shift-option-right arrow ) Ctrl-H Option "R B: Document for selection "and" ROR View demo help ", which you can choose by pressing" 1 "or" 2 " " 1 "will bring in Ruby Docs Definition of found function

Access: Data Type Mismatch using boolean function in query criteria -

I have a VBA function IsValidEmail () which gives a boolean I have a query Which calls this function: Expr1: IsValidEmail ([e-mail]) . When I run the query, it shows -1 for the right and 0 for the wrong. So far so good. I just want to filter the query to show only invalid emails. I'm using Query Designer, so I add the value of the value to 0 . This gives me a "data type mismatch" error, so does "0" (with quotation marks) and how do I specify the criteria for the wrong boolean function? For a Boolean column, "0" is definitely "mismatched data type in criteria expression" Give error. However, 0 or wrong should be done without quotation marks. I do not understand why they are creating the same error. See if you can do an active inquiry through SQL editing directly. Create a new query, in this statement, SQL View and Paste (by changing your table name with the name of your table). Select as IsValidEmail ([e-mail]) from yourT...

voice recognition in android -

I am an Android application developer. I was curious how voice recognition can be implemented through Android. Android has inbuilt support for speech recognition, but how can it be used to implement voice recognition ... Is there a link that will help me to learn about this topic .. Thanksgiving Speech recognition is easy to work It's a bit more difficult to work well To get started, see this answer: You may be interested in these links:

javascript - what will be the code to move to previous textfield? -

I have a code if I press the button below it goes to the next textfield but what is the code to go to the previous text file & lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Script language = "javascript" & gt; Function handleCodeOVAN (elementRef, eventRef) {var charCode = (window.event)? EventRef.keyCode: eventRef.which; // warning (charCode); // arrow key (37: left, 38: up, 39: right, 40: bottom) ... if (charcoda == 40) {if (window.event) window.event.keyCode = 9; Other events Which = 9; Back true; } Back true; } & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Width of table = "433" range = "1" cell area = "0" cellpadding = "0" & ​​gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; Td width = "235" align = "center" & gt; & Gt; Input type = "text" onKeyDown = "handeldevan event (this, incident);" Onkeyup = "handleKeyUpEvent (this ...

iphone - Save UIView's representation to file -

What is the easiest way to save UIView representation to file? My solution is, UIGraphicsBeginImageContext (someView.frame.size); [SomeView drawRect: someView.frame]; UIImage * image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext (); UIGraphicsEndImageContext (); NSString * path ++ "@ sample.png"; NSDTA * imageData = [NSDATA DataWithData: UIMJPNGREPNation (image)]; [ImageData writeToFile: Prepare the path atomically: yes]; But it seems difficult, and I think it should be a more effective way to do this. You can also use the layer like this: UIGraphicsBeginImageContext (someView.bounds.size); [SomeView.layer renderInContext: UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext ()]; UIImage * viewImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext (); UIGraphicsEndImageContext ();

.net - the problem of redirecting stdout in c# -

Can you please tell why the shell does not work with the redirection system. Diagnostics Process class? I am trying to redirect the output stream to file with the following snippet: process p = new process (); P.StartInfo = New ProcstyTinfo (); P.StartInfo.FileName = "java.exe"; P.StartInfo.Arguments = @ "& gt; c: \ temp \ test.log2> and 1"; P.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = True; P.Start (); The same code works without problems with Python Reading output stream does not seem to be a better solution in my case programmatic as there will be a bunch of processes launched by my application. You can not redial because no shell is included directly. You can run a session, but using the appropriate method RedirectStandardOutput / Error Properties, there are no problems when there are several processes, this is a class for which I use it. Class HandleAccactable {Personal Data RECAvid Handler Output Handler; Public DataReceivedEventHandler Outpu...

javascript - JSONP context problem -

I'm using javascript autocomplete () in a greasemonkey script but it works correctly on my own. I do not want to add JSONP because I want data from any other domain. Code (snippet): Function AutoUspe (URL) {this.suggest_url = url; This.keywords = []; This return }; Autosuggest.prototype = {build: function () {return it back; }, Previous suggestions: work () {this.CreateJSONPRequest (this.suggest_url + "foo"); }, CreateGSONPRIEinst: function (url) {var headID = document. Tag elements biatagnam ("head") [0]; Var newScript = document.createElement ('script'); NewScript.type = 'Text / JavaScript'; NewsScript src = url + '& amp; Callback = autosuggest.prototype.JSONCallback '; //newScript.async = true; NewScript.onload = newScript.onreadystatechange = function () {if (newScript.readyState === "weighted" || newScript.readyState === "full") {// Load it again new script .onload = newScript Onreadystatechange = null;...

ubuntu - How to get POSIX strerror_r instead of GNU version? -

How do I get POSIX instead of the GNU version? I am compiling Ubuntu with G ++ 8.04 with glibc version 2.7 (depending on what it is). Edit )): XSI analog version of strerror_r (), is provided: (_POSIX_C_SOURCE> = 200112L || _XOPEN_SOURCE & gt; = 600) & amp; & Amp; ! _GNU_SOURCE Otherwise, GNU-specific version is provided. It says in: No feature test macros are clearly defined, after which the following feature defines the test macro by default Are: _BSD_SOURCE, _SVID_SOURCE, _POSIX_SOURCE, and _POSIX_C_SOURCE = 20080 9 L (200112 in L glibc versions 2.10; 199506 L before glibc versions 2.4; 19930 in 9 L glibc versions before 2.1) So I should get a POSIX version, but I'm getting GNU instead. from header string.h : There are 2 flavors of the 'Reentent' version of `code2` / * strerror 'Strerror_r', whether the GNU returns the string and can fill the string in the buffer, whether or not using a temporary buffer and POSIX. To ...

.net - Looking for a managed image parser library (JPEG, BMP, PNG, GIF) -

I am writing a discussion board software that will be "avatar" images for users. I want to change the size of any picture that is uploaded at the proper size. I could do this easily with the system. Drawing, but it depends on GDI +, which has cap security problems before safety. The problem is that the images are unbelievable. So I thought of using fully managed labs to solve the problem because the managed code can not escape the sandbox (i.e. can do it, but only if the code is provided by the user, which is my Not in the case). Can anyone locate a managed image parser library for JPEG, BMP, PNG and GIF? EDIT: Paint.NET also depends on GDI +. You may also be interested in discussions below. What about it? It is a fully managed .NET library that can resize different image formats (and much more). (even more). It is certainly not that there is unmanaged code in the all image library - whatever the image decoders are written in, they seem to be written. And som...

c# - Disable Windows service at application launch -

I have to close Windows Advanced Text Services in my application launch. Is there any special API for this? Will it work for the user with default rights? service controller _ServiceController = new service controller ([NameService]); If (! _ServiceController.ServiceHandle.IsInvalid) {_ServiceController.Stop (); _ServiceController.WaitForStatus (ServiceControllerStatus.Stopped, TimespainFromMillionsCand (uConstante.CtTempoEsperaRespostaServico)); } - Cannot find System.Web.Script.Service namespace error after upgrading to Visual studio 2010 -

I have just upgraded the VS 2010 project to VS 2010, changing the project, but the goal is net 3.5 (SP1). Is installed). My project works on another machine without issuing VS 2008. I system Web extensions. Reference is added to Dll but I am still getting errors from the code in the App_Code folder: 1) System.Web.Script.Service can not get the namespace. 2) Type 'System.Web.Script.Services.ScriptService' is not defined. 3) Type 'System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.DataContractJsonSerializer' is not defined. Does anyone have any idea what can be the problem because I am very stumped? In Visual Studio 2012, make sure to add context to System.Web.Extensions: ( As the system should be Web.Script.Serialization .

c# - Refresh database's data -

Can I refresh the data from my database (MS Access) through a Windows form in C #? A part of the code where I insert data: insertCommand.Parameters.Add ("@ ID_uporabnika", OleDbType.Integer) .Value = Convert.ToInt32 (textBox6.Text); InsertCommand.Parameters.Add ("@datum", OleDbType.DBDate). Value = date time.Now ToShortDateString (); InsertCommand.Parameters.Add ("@ ID_Ziwila", OleDbType.Integer) .Value = Convert.ToInt32 (iDTextBox.Text); InsertCommand.Parameters.Add ("@ skupaj_kalorij", OleDbType.Double) .Value = Convert.ToDouble (textbox1.Text); EmpConnection.Open (); Try {int count = insertCommand.ExecuteNonQuery (); } Catch (Oldbox Exports) {Message Box. Showing (ex.Message); } Finally {empConnection.Close (); MessageBox.Show ("Zeozity obbrook J Bill Shraajen"); TextBox1.Clear (); TextBox2.Clear (); TextBox3.Clear (); TextBox4.Clear (); TextBox5.Clear (); }} After you insertCommand.ExecuteNonQuery (), bind data to datab...

java - GWT Image setUrl() -

I am using - and new - GWT and I have a Image to view image This image was found on the file system I wrote. string src = "file: ///d: / manifolder / mefile.jpg"; Image image = new image (); Image.setUrl (SRC); But the image is not showing! You must specify either the entire URL ( /img/myfile.jpg ) or (better yet) just relative to root: /img/myfile.jpg . And, of course, you have to keep your directories in your directory. This is a simple setup if you have more images and want to optimize them to attract (a lot of images -> there are many requests on the server), take a look.