
Showing posts from May, 2013

ruby on rails - Sending a signup confirmation email with having to confirm using Devise -

I am planning to handle user authentication with my rail app. I sign up my users and log in immediately Would like to allow these to be received and received confirmation emails. The division has a confirmable module that sends an email, but the user needs to open his mail application, find the email and click on the link that takes them to the site again . I just want to email a confirmation email to the user on which they signed up and so on. Is there a way to do this or I need to resolve myself to deal with ActionMailer (if so, what is a quick and non-complicated example)? Many thanks! - Tony I am very new to planning and railing, but I have given it all the app ) Is set to 2.3.5) and it is working in its original functionality. I'm guessing that some advanced devices can teach you a trick to run it, but I'm going to say That you can easily handle it in any controller's action easily, some Using plain rail action mailer coding ... Here is a link I took

oop - What's the recommended way to declare fields of a class in JavaScript? -

Is it better to declare fields of a class like this: function myclass () {This.aMethod =} function () {// code}} or such a way: function myClass () {} MyClass .prototype Prototype method, because it is more efficient because it adds function for prototype, which means that the constructor Any object created with it automatically gets that method While the methods of pre / first way should be prepared for every little thing that you do different. Although in reality it depends on the method that you are doing with the law. If you do not need this public method, you can choose options from the this.method or function statement.

session - Sharepoint UserProfileService -

मेरे पास Windows प्रमाणीकरण के अंतर्गत एक शेयरपॉइंट साइट और कस्टम एएसपीएक्स पोर्टल है उसी मशीन के साथ, ऐसा होता है कि मेरा शेयरपॉइंट साइट मुझे अपना चालू लॉगिन लौटा लेता है, जबकि मेरा कस्टम एएसपीएक्स मुझे अपने डोमेन व्यवस्थापक खाते को बदले में लौटाता है। क्या वैसे भी क्या मैं यह सुनिश्चित कर सकता हूं कि दोनों लॉगिन समान हैं? अन्यथा, क्या एक कस्टम एसएसपीएक्स पोर्टल से SPUserProfileService का उपभोग करने के लिए कोई रास्ता नहीं है? मुख्यतः, मुझे कस्टम एस्पक्स पोर्टल की ज़रूरत है ताकि शेयरपॉइंट लॉगऑन आईडी प्राप्त हो सके। फिर भी, मैं अभी भी प्रवेश के लिए संकेतक में AccessDenied.aspx ट्रिगर कर सकता हूं। जब आप कहते हैं "कस्टम एएसपीएक्स पोर्टल ", क्या यह अभी भी SharePoint साइट पर होस्ट किया गया है? उस स्थिति में, आप उपयोगकर्ता कैसे प्राप्त करते हैं? आप उपयोगकर्ता प्राप्त करने के लिए SPContext.Current.Web.CurrentUser का उपयोग कर सकते हैं। mvc - Why would I select Moles as my mocking framework? -

I'm looking at several scaffolding structures for ASP.NET and came to Microsoft Moles. It is a part of the Microsoft Research team and was wondering if anyone has chosen a mall such as the other mature mocking framework as Muk. I actually use the Moq and moles in the same testing project I have strength in both and where I use every suitable. Generally, I use MUK for the standard type of AAA testing with validation, and moles is otherwise a 'big cannon' for unknowable things, such as extension method call etc. I love this system, because each test can be as simple and intelligent as possible, even if the funny setup can change a lot from testing to testing.

ssh - Can connect to EC2 as ubuntu user but not as the user i created -

I created a new EBS supported EC2-example and essential key-pair. I am now able to connect with this example as the Ubuntu user. Once I did this, I created another user and added it to the sudoers list, but I am unable to join the example that I created the new user I get the following error I am using the same key to connect with the new user I created. Can anyone help me, am I missing something here? Permission denied (publisher) " OK I think that I have come to know this. The first technique is login by password. It is a thought that log in as Ubuntu user or as root user and go to / etc / ssh / sshd_config Turn on password authentication in Ya and reload /etc/init.d/ssh If you try to connect now, then you have ec2 with that user It is actually not safe. Secondly, you make a key pair and copy the file to / home / New-user / .ssh / authorized_keys file and change the permissions for 600 and assign the appropriate user (new user in this case). I f

Group by SQL with count -

We say we have rows: MyTable ID Name Products ------------------ 1 Adam X2 Adam Y3 Adam J4 Peter A5 Peter B. query Use: eg name, calculation (product) from the Meritable group by name: will be the result: < Code> Adam 3 Peter 2 But I would like the result like: 1 Adam x 3 2 Adam y 3 3 Adam J3 4 Peter A2 5 Peter B2 I hope that Ypu knows what I mean, can you help me with that question, thanks for the help, bye You can join the table with a subdirectory run on the table to select the numbers: SELECT a.ID as the id, as the name Name. , a. The product as a product, from ISUNLL (BCCT, 0) Mitebab, a left zone (SELECT Name, COUNT (*) as CNT by name as MyTable GROUP BY) b on.Name = b.Name < / Code>

sql - How to retrieve large data from oracle database using vbscript -

Now I am working on VBScript to perform some tests. In fact, I want to get a large amount of data from an Oracle database, so I will write the code like this: select from CORE_DB * where MC = '' & amp; Mstr & amp; "Set Mys" = db_execute_query (curconnection, sql) Then I count the rows in myrs , there are 248 rows Then I loop a to retrieve some areas of each line. For from k = 0 to db_get_rows_count (myrs) But then I found that the content of the line k was always equal to k> 133 k = 133 . This creates an error. The db_execute_query function is like function db_execute_query (byRef curSession, SQL) set rs = curSession.Execute ( SQL) db_execute_query = rs end function db_get_rows_count is like function function db_get_rows_count (byRef currS) dim lines Rows = 0 db_get_rows_count = rows cursor Go ahead first. EOP rows = rows + 1 curl. Next front loop db_get_rows_count = end function of rows Like I think, strong> mir

Error with connecting ftp through php -

I am trying to connect to my server using php scripts to upload some files ... but it is not connected ... I do not know what the error is ... I'm sure FTP is enabled, Php_info () / P> What could be the error ... You may need to turn on sleep mode: < Pre> ftp_pasv ($ conn_id, true); Why do you double login after your ftp_login ps: ? Type $ login_result = ftp_login ($ conn_id, $ ftp_user_name, $ ftp_user_pass); If instead of ($ login_result) { $ login_result = ftp_login ($ conn_id, $ ftp_user_name, $ ftp_user_pass); If ($ login_result = ftp_login ($ conn_id, $ ftp_user_name, $ ftp_user_pass)) {

Problem facing in reading file from Internal memory of android -

I am experiencing problems with openfileinput class. First of all, I am saving my username and password in the file. Upon successful login, I am saving and going to the internal home screen. The problem is that when I close the application or shut down the application, I read the application again, but when I convert it to a string IAAAA (as 4 bytes) is out. On successful login on the home screen, I am able to read it properly. I get this output before logging out. It's something like, saving the username and password in Android's internal memory. Regards: Jayath Gandhi

google app engine - grails with JDO - how do I work with persistenceManager correctly -

I am making an application with a Google application engine and grails to call for my Flex application. The controller has a service call to get the controller back to the list and send it back to Flex. Flex Client is able to retrieve data once back. Also, if I call an action in the browser, I can make an action call and get the data back. The problem is that I'm feeling that this is not able to make more calls than this once, because the application is using JDO and after the first call I'm saying that persistenceManager gets an error turned off. I have some posts that show you how to set a single tone and if you need it, you get an example of the sustainability manager, but this does not seem to work either . This is my first time working with JDO. I can use some of these services to work on a stable basis. Here is the code of service In fact the datastore is interrogating package com.dlish.fulcrum import com.dlish.fulcrum.PMF import org.springframework.beans.f

iphone - iTunes search query URL? -

I want to create a URL that searches my name in iTunes, in fact, clicking on it in my search box ITunes should be opened and results are being loaded or loaded. How do I create this URL? very helpful article

flex - IIS Flash Remoting Request Limit introduced with Coldfusion 9 -

We are just our ColdFusion server for Enterprise CF 8.01 to CF 9. They are winning 2008. We ran into trouble on the servers that we provide Flash Remoteting Back-end for a Flex Application After the completion of the CF 9 upgrade, we noticed that many flex clients connected during busy time There were a lot of limitations of 25 flash remoting requests, despite having too many limitations (actually 150) set in CF Admin Initially we thought this fact The same that Blaze DS was bundled with the CF 9 (instead of a separate installation), so we decided to roll back the CF 9 installation. Unfortunately, this was not working and we were still out of the difficult limits of 25 Flash Remoting Requests. After seeing the IIS we found that the CF 9 ISAPI filter was still installed (after installing we had visited the web service configuration part). It was removed and CF 8 was played once again and suddenly the difficult range of Flash Remotes disappeared. It seems that CF 9 (C: \ Collis

c# - Firing events in script task -

I got an SSIS project where I am creating a SQL command based on some variables. I am creating commands in a script work, and I want to output to SQL built in the 'Performance Results' window. I'm trying to get it from inside my script using a fire intake line: Dts.Events.FireInformation (99, "test", "Make this event!", "", 0, true); However, while editing ScriptMain.cs, in the script editor, that line is underlined in red, and on the mouseover, I get the following message: Error: ' There are some invalid arguments in matching the best overloaded method for Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Tasks.Script.Task.EventsObjectWrapper.FireInformation (int, string, string, string, int, ref bool ') As a result, my script does not compile and I can not execute it Any thoughts that I am doing wrong, or I need to change to be able to see the values ​​in my output at this point in the execution output? The last parameter is a ref Bool ,

java - Unable to import userlibrary -

& lt;? Xml संस्करण = "1.0" एन्कोडिंग = "मैकब्रोन" स्टैंडअलोन = "नहीं"? & gt; & Lt; ग्रहण-उपयोगकर्ता पुस्तकालय संस्करण = "2" & gt; & Lt; पुस्तकालय नाम = "USC_KFS_LIB" systemlibrary = "false" & gt; & Lt; archive path = "/ java / lib / junit / junit.jar" / & gt; & Lt; archive path = "/ java / lib / log4j / log4j-1.2.14.jar" / & gt; & Lt; archive path = "/ java / lib / TOMCAT / jsp-api.jar" / & gt; & Lt; archive path = "/ java / lib / tomcat / servlet-api.jar" / & gt; & Lt; / पुस्तकालय & gt; & lt; / ग्रहण-userlibraries & gt; यह मेरी फ़ाइल की सामग्री है जब मैं इस फ़ाइल को यूज़र लाइब्रेरी के रूप में आयात करने की कोशिश करता हूं जो मशीन मशीन में काम करता है, जबकि मशीन बी में नहीं। दोनों एक ही कॉन्फ़िगरेशन हैं। हल। यूटीएफ -8 के एन्कोडिंग को बदलकर

python - Could random.randint(1,10) ever return 11? - while reading and reading the source code, I started thinking that Rudraz and randink actually behaves in the form of "advertised" I want to believe a lot, but the way I read it, RudraZ is essentially implemented start + int (random.random () * (stop ( start < For integer values ​​for / code> and stop ), Therefore a random number should be returned between randrange (1, 10) / code> between 1 and 9. Randink (Start, Stop) Calling randrange (start, stop + 1) , which can return a number between 1 and 10. My question is now Is: If random () 1.0 code>, then randint (1,10) back 11 Will not, to and Docs: Next category in the category "" Get that number [0.0, 1.0). " ) indicates that the interval is exclusive 1.0. It is, it will never return. This is a general conference in mathematics, [ and ] is inclusive, while ( and ) Unique, and the two types of parentheses can be mixed

mpmovieplayercontroller - How to create a video overlay for the iPad? -

I would like to know whether it is possible to create something like "Picture in Picture" on an iPad - native application or web based content No matter, I started with Mobile Safari, tried to see if I can play two videos at the same time, but when I touch a video, the second stop. I wonder if it is possible to load a video on the background and for example it is possible to take it even on the top of other videos through the canvas. Thanks for any suggestions! The iPad works in the present, based on my experience and understanding, this is not possible is. The Mobile Safari iPad cuts a hole for a QuickTime window, which runs the video back by using built-in hardware acceleration to improve battery life. (IPhone and iPod touch to open the same window to get the same effect.) This window does not play well with other HTML on the page. In fact, I want to send a mobile safari to anything to display a & lt; Video & gt; Tag My guess is that hardware accele - Is it possible to iterate all the OutputCache keys? -

Is it possible to iterate the output cache key? I know that you can remove them individually through HTPRPS. RevOptive Cacheitum (), but what is the one way that I can repeat all the keys to see in the collection? I search through the object viewer, but not seen anything. The worst thing is, I can make my own index since I am doing everything by VaryByCustom, so they get "fed" through a method globally. It just kills me that there should be a more beautiful way of doing this. If you can use your ASP.NET 4.0 you can write your own. This gives you the ability to store keys on a point object is cached: namespace stack Ovrflootputkaupraivr {public class SOOutputCacheProvider: Output Kachepraivr {public override object (string key, object entries, Dettaim UtcExpiry ) {// Do something here to store the key // Stabilizing the entry object in any type of stability layer such as in-memory cache, data Base, File System Return Entry; } ...}} You can still read them, f

Caching generated images with PHP -

I am trying to cache the images that have been generated. Can you create an image by accessing the file by resize.php? Width = x & amp; Height = y If the image of that width and height does not exist, then I am using the image path to make it. However, if it is in existence, then it is served to the visitor. ! The file_exists ($ name) check works fine, then it is not processed if it is not needed. If (! File_exists ($ name)) Is my reading wrong or false? // image processing here header} ("content-type: image / PNG"); Header ("expiration: Saturn, 25 July 2020 10:00:00 GMT"); Readfile ($ name); Thanks. If I had to do this, then if I do not present the image, then processing the image The saved folder must be saved if the file exists, then redirect it to the header ('location:')

google chrome - Download Videos from Youtube with Python -

I hope to write a script that will allow the video to be detected on the URL and a download link * Google Chrome For flv Anyone have to start a suggestion and get a footer? If you do not want to change the wheel again:

javascript - Intercept close Popup from Parent Page -

I have a question in an html page, I have JavaScript code which is a popup by clicking on the link I displayed in the link Allows the window to open and close, so the text displayed in the link changes to the status of the popup window (open-closed). With a variable right / wrong, I click on the link to manage the opening and closing of the popup window whose text is "opened popup" / "closed popup". The next step is to make changes to this state (true / false, "opened popup" / "closed popup") by closing popup window. This idea does not need to refresh the page. Is this possible? Thanks and Best Relationship popup window The unload event of the object.

c++ - buffer overrun throw return address -

When I throw in a method A, it increases the buffer, but when I come back, Runs fine I thought throwing the caller's execution execution execute execution, so that the address is at the address as it should be, but I am wrong. Does the Visual Studio debugger know what throws it? Thank you Berkus: Does it mean that the heap of the collar method has become corrupted? For example, method calls a call method B call method C. Method C throws an exception Again, it is possible that the return of method C is correct but the return address of method B is corrupted, so that the buffer is over? What I see is that if someone is not throwing then my application is fine, so I think there are all valid return addresses in law A, B and C. Open the stack, unless it has access to the function with the function. Returns do not matter, because if necessary, many levels of throw stack frame can go up.

Make DialogBox wait for user action and return boolean in GWT -

How can I do DialogBox (Confirmation message and OK and Cancel button) Wait for user operation and return Boolean results Return (true OK was clicked, otherwise wrong) Thanks in advance. Another way to split your code and after clicking OK / Cancel in a callback All who have to execute will be put in. Perform callback in the OK / Cancel handlers of the dialog box.

Perl latin-9? Unicode - need to add support -

I have an application that is being expanded in the UK and I need to add support for Latin 9 Unicode . I have done some googling but nothing is found as solid as what is included in the process. any suggestion? Here are some codes (just bits for Unicode stuff) Unicode :: string QW (UTF 8 Latin 1 UTF 16); How to call # $ encoded_text = $ self-> Unicode_encode ($ item- & gt; {value}); # Function part subunicode_xode {shift () if ref ($ _ [0]); My $ toencode = shift (); Not defined until return ($ toencode); Unicode :: String-> Stringify_as ("UTF8"); My $ unicode_st = unicode :: string- & gt; new (); Unicode :: string # in linux # is currently supported here due to problems with the original Latin and Latin 1 supplement #unicode :: string. $ UNICODE_STR- & gt; Latin 1 ($ toencode); ... Any help would be great and thank you. Edit: I found this post: is ancient, and the old Pearl Is designed to add Unicode support. The modern version of Pearl (

What info is included with file on upload via http? -

If I'm uploading via HTTP, do I have to wait until the file is moved to set the size is? Also, what other information is available that will be available at local copy? Did the previous revised and uploaded uploads be reset at the time or are they protected? Your post made me curious, so I did some research from an application perspective (if I correctly I understand - I only scanned this to get important information), then you will get: Name of the form field file name / path Content type Then your application server will add file size, file size, date of modified / accessed current date Ank / will set the time (when the file was received). Created date comes with file (I just run a test on ColdFusion / Windows) I found this information quite informative: ( Image credit: ) If you want more data about local file Before uploading (on the customer's machine), you probably have to go with one (or some other browser plug-in solution).

stack overflow - NHibernate ManyToMany Relationship Cascading AllDeleteOrphan StackOverflowException -

I have two objects that have a lot of relationship with each other through a mapping table. However, when I try to save it, I get stack overflow exception. The code for the following mapping is: .. EventMapping.cs HasManyToMany (X = & gt; x.Performers) .table ("EventPerformer") Invert () Cascade.AllDeleteOrphan () .LazyLoad () ParentKeyColumn ("eventID" ) ChildKeyColumn ("PerformerId") .. //PerformerMapping.cs HasManyToMany & lt; Event & gt; (X = & gt; x.Events). .table ("EventPerformer") Inverse () Cascade.AllDeleteOrphan () LazyLoad () ParentKeyColumn ("PerformerId") ChildKeyColumn (".... eventID"); When I get rid of exceptions (Cascade.None), but then my event item artist is not affiliated with it, to change performermapping.cs. // In a unit test, paraphrased incident. Form. Add (artist); // Event Event Resorts. Save & lt; Event & gt; (Event); EventResult = eventRepository.GetById & lt;

runtime - What causes "java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: vtable stub"? -

क्या कारण "java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: vtable stub"? हमारे आवेदन में, हमने इस त्रुटि को बेतरतीब ढंग से और बहुत ही कम (केवल दो बार अभी तक, और हम इसे बहुत कुछ चलाते हैं) पॉप अप देखा है। यह पुन: तैयार करने योग्य नहीं है, यहां तक ​​कि ऐप को पुन: प्रारंभ करने पर भी, इसे पुनर्निर्माण के बिना एक ही jvm / jars का उपयोग करके। हमारी निर्माण प्रक्रिया के लिए, हम सभी वर्गों / जारों को साफ करते हैं और उन्हें पुनर्निर्माण करते हैं, इसलिए यह एक ही समस्या नहीं है जैसा कि दूसरों ने सामना किया है, जहां उन्होंने एक वर्ग में बदलाव किया और कुछ अन्य आश्रित वर्गों को पुनः कंपाइल नहीं किया। यह असंगत क्लास चेंज त्रुटि से संबंधित कुछ अन्य प्रश्नों के विपरीत नहीं है - उनमें से कोई भी "vtable stub" । वास्तव में, "असंगत क्लास चेंज त्रुटि" vtable stub "" के लिए खोज करते समय आश्चर्यजनक रूप से कुछ Google परिणाम होते हैं। संपादित करें: JDK 1.6 का उपयोग करना 0_16। हम जावा सीरियलायज़ेशन का उपयोग नहीं कर रहे हैं। हम बाइटकोड हेरफेर नहीं कर रहे हैं। ज

asp classic - Call a subroutine/function in Global.asa from an ASP page? -

In classic ASP, there should not be a substrate in global.asa is available for all .asp pages in the application? For some reason I am having trouble making all the calls before I want to see that there is a particular problem for my application, I want to make sure that I understand it properly. global.asa: & lt; SCRIPT LANGUAGE = "VBScript" RUNAT = "server" & gt; All Foo Sessions ("EFU") = True End Sub & gt;, all pages include: call foo Let me type 'mismatch' runtime Does the error get referenced foo I completely misunderstand this? To quote you can not declare global works in this way: Processes declared in the Global.asa file can only be from one or more scripts related to Application_OnStart, Application_OnEnd, Session_OnStart, and session_other events. They are not available on ASP pages in ASP-based applications.

Dynamically generating method names in rails -

Using URL helpers like user_path (user) I need to generate links in my thoughts, hold something in I do not know what the model I am creating for this link i.e. this is a user or a store or something I want to be able to set it on the fly and make proper visual calls Assistant, I currently have the following I am, but I think that is a dry way of doing this. if object.class == "store" store_ path (object) elsif object.class == "user" user_path (object) ... etc < / Div> What do you want: If you have any choice as a parameter instead of a hash If you pass a record (such as an active record or active resource), you will trigger the designated path for that record. Lookup will be on the name of the class. Therefore, passing the workshop object will try to use the workshop_path route. If you are using, you can pass the object as the URL: & lt;% = link_to 'title', Object% & gt;

Only allow users on my network domain to open an Excel workbook -

Instead of distributing passwords to employees, I would like to preserve an Excel workbook so that only the user can open the workbook on the company's domain Is there a practical way to do this? Workbook should be encrypted, but transparently decrypted for users who are logged into the company's domain. In this way, a file that passes through the internal network will not be opened. I can not see the password to encrypt the user without typing a password One way to decrypt anyway, you can use AcitveDirectory to set the authorization for the user to be able to change a protected range. Regards, Max

sorting - Coldfusion 8: Array of structs to struct of structs -

itemprop = "text"> I have an array item [] Each item in the item [] is a straight item's keys ID, date, value ( I.e.,, item, data, item.file) I want to use StrontSearch to organize an item archive from a date Is it ColdFusion 8 The best way to do this is: & lt; Cfset allStructs = StructNew () & gt; & Lt; Cfloop array = # item # index = "item" & gt; & Lt; Cfset allStructs [] = items & gt; & Lt; Cfset unixtime = DateDiff ("S", CreateDate (1970,1,1), & gt; & Lt; Cfset all strouts [] .ininstem = unsetm & gt; & Lt; / Cfloop & gt; & Lt; Cfset allStructs = StructSort (All strokes, "numerical", "desc", "unixtime") & gt; This is going to be a terrible slow motion You will also need to change in Unixtime, but can be faster at least, you can compare two options.

.net - How to Print the contents of a textbox in C++/CLI? -

The results box-> text is successful in getting me the prompt to get the correct way of printing in C ++ / CLI What is it? I think I am missing something easily. I have tried many different passages / syntax that read online / books all of which I got to a dead end Please print in any C based language A rundown can also tell me the correct way. console :: lineline (resultbox-> text);

ajax - Non-flash / No-plugin Video chat? -

We are developing a social website and are trying to implement video / audio chat for users (people Is a user friend). Most of the tech team wanted to use Flash but I do not want to install anything. Can video / audio / conferencing be done entirely in AJAX? Either use it from scratch or use open source frameworks if any? Outside - In addition to iPhones, iPads, etc., which probably will not support Flash. Ajax and HTML and CSS do not currently have access to video and audio input hardware, so this is a non-starter. This can change in the future. Now for Flash (for better or worse) is the best way.

c# - How do I enumerate all the fields in a PDF file in ITextSharp -

Assume I have loaded a PDF file using iTextSharp: pdfStamper P = GetDocument (); AcroFields af = ps.AcroFields; post text "itemprop =" text "> acrofields af = ps.acrofields; foreach (air field Af.Fields) {Console.WriteLine ("{0}, {1}", field. Key, field.Value);}

Redirection in Rails -

I have a small question about railways. I have a search controller who searches for a name in the database If found, details are shown about it or I am redirecting to the new name page. Itemprop = "text"> You can use to pass data between tasks. Diff Search (SearchName) #Db Search on Flash: [searchname] = searchName redirect_to new_name end def New_name end new_name.html. ARB: & lt;% if Flash [: search name]% & gt; & Lt;% = text_field_tag ​​Flash [: search name]%> & Lt;% end% & gt;

Facebook Social Plugin comment count -

मैं facebook connect और facebook social plugin comment () का उपयोग कर रहा हूं। मैं वर्तमान पृष्ठ से टिप्पणी की गणना करना चाहता हूं। इसे कैसे लिखूँ? FQL का उपयोग करने की आवश्यकता है? अगर fql, का चयन गिनती (*) टिप्पणियाँ कहाँ से xid =? मुझे क्या xid जोड़ना चाहिए? वर्तमान पते से कैसे xid प्राप्त करें? & lt; php session_start (); $ Fbconfig ['एपीआईडी'] = "1111111"; $ Fbconfig ['एपीआई'] = "2222222"; $ Fbconfig ['secret'] = "3333333"; $ Xid = 'मेरा कंटेनमबॉक्स'; Include_once "facebook.php"; $ Facebook = नया फेसबुक (सरणी ('appId' = & gt; $ fbconfig ['appid'], 'गुप्त' = & gt; $ fbconfig ['secret'], 'cookie' = & gt; सच है,)); $ Fql = "चयन करेंगें FROM comments_info WHERE app_id = '" $ fbconfig [' appid ']।' 'और xid =' $ xid '"; $ परम = सरणी ('विधि' = & gt; 'fql.query', 'query' = &

javascript - regex:search character still not perfect -

मुझे यह कोड है: & lt; script type = "text / javascript" & gt ; Var str = "KD-R35H2UND"; Var पट 1 = / [जी | टी | ईई | ईजेयू]। * डी / आई; document.write (str.match (patt1)); & Lt; / स्क्रिप्ट & gt; var patt1 = ... पर कोड का उपयोग कर मैं इस तरह से दिखा सकता हूँ: अगर मैं केडी-आर 35ईडी टाइप करता हूं = & gt; ईडी केडी-आर35 यूड = & gt; यूएनडी केडी-आर 35 जेडी = & gt; जद केडी-आर 35 टीजेडी = & gt; टीजेडी केडी-आर35ईड = & gt; मेरी समस्या है: अगर मैं KD-R35GD टाइप कर सकता / सकती हूं तो जीडी दिखा सकता है लेकिन अगर KD-R35D यह कुछ भी नहीं दिखा सकता है..यह कैसे काम करता है? बी * का अर्थ है "शून्य <" । के शून्य या अधिक घटनाओं का मिलान करें "इसका मतलब है" नई लाइन को छोड़कर किसी भी वर्ण से मिलान करें "। [EE | EJU] का अर्थ है " ई , एक | , एक J या < कोड> यू "। । * का अर्थ है "न्यूलाइन शून्य या अधिक बार को छोड़कर किसी भी चरित्र से मेल खाएगा।" डी मतलब "

iphone - UINavigationController crashes in 4.0 - not <-4.0 -

I am trying to push a UIViewController with UINavigationController. It is fully working in any SDK before 4.0, but it will not work in 4.0 only. I am getting the OBJC_MSG_ SND (XCBAD_ACCCS) error UIViewController is not zero, nor does it self Navigation Controller. I tried NSZombieEnabled, but nothing seems to be visible. Under the UINavigationController UITabBarController running in the form of a view controller has been installed in all this main window. Xib. Any ideas for what is wrong? This is driving me crazy UIViewController * myViewController = [[UIViewController alloc] init]; [Self. Navigation controller Push ViewController: animated myViewController: Yes]; Hope this will work!

css - jQuery - How to select all elements with a set font-family applied to them? -

I want a way of jQuery to return all elements of CSS Font-family: AvantGardeITCbyBT-bundled, non-serif; Applies to them. I'm thinking the only way to do this is looping through all the elements and checking whether this CSS has been implemented for it. It seems a slow way of doing this? Is there any way to do this by a jQuery selector?

dynamic - WPF - Redrawing a Context Menu when Items change? -

I have the items control in the ScrollViewer, and when items are greater than the ScrollViewer's width, they are put in ContextMenu And instead my problem as a dropdown is that when the context menu is filled for the first time, it saves, saves the size of the menu, and when the more commands are added / deleted, the red color does not . For example, in one panel there are 3 commands 1 and 1 is visible in the menu and the menu shows 2 commands and draws controls, but then if you change the size of the panel then 2 are visible and only 1 command In the menu, it does not eliminate that menu to eliminate the menu menu, or worse, if you want to remove the panel so that no order is shown and all 3 are in the menu, then it only shines Show Sh 2. Here's my code: & lt; Button click = "dropdown menu" contact menu = "dropdown menu menu" & Lt; Button.ContextMenu & gt; & Lt; ContextMenu ItemsSource = "{Binding Path = Menu Compand}"

SSIS 2005 How to add a zip task? -

मेरे पास एक ssis 2005 प्रोजेक्ट है। मुझे एक ज़िपिंग कार्य जोड़ना होगा। एक पाठ फ़ाइल ज़िप करने के लिए। लेकिन मुझे ओआरजी के डीबी मानकों का पालन करना होगा। सख्ती से। 1) डीबी सर्वर में कोई भी 3 पार्टी सॉफ़्टवेयर नहीं। किट उपकरण भी रिसेट करें 2) डीबी सर्वर में कोई एक्सई नहीं है। इसलिए मैं खिचड़ी भाषा का उपयोग (विंडोज़ संसाधन किट उपकरण, 7-ज़िप, और एसी # एक्सई को लागू करने के लिए एक एक्जिक्यूट प्रोसेस कार्य) कृपया मुझे डीबी मानकों से समझौता किए बिना एसएसआईएस में ज़िपिंग प्राप्त करने का एक तरीका सुझाएं। कोई ज़िप टास्क SSIS 2005 के लिए एक ऐडिनिन के रूप में उपलब्ध है? धन्यवाद एसएनए आप फ़ाइल को सेकेंड करने के लिए क्लास का इस्तेमाल करके एक कोड का उपयोग कर सकते हैं और कोड लिख सकते हैं।

JavaScript: Return owner method from inside onclick function -

I am currently writing a custom dialogue box in JavaScript (to show dialog boxes with buttons, headings, etc.) )) Thus the message box of C #. Copying the show () method. However, I'm having trouble returning the value correctly from the function. For example, the method I have to show () is static, and it is called with a button click: Once MethodBox.Show () If the function is called, the dialog is displayed. I would like the option so that when the user clicks on the "yes" button, the MessageBox.Show () function returns right, otherwise it gets wrong. (Dynamic) button I have the code for: var button button = document createElement ('input'); YesButton.setAttribute ('type', 'button'); Yes buttons. Settabet ('value', 'yes'); Yes buttons. Settet ('name', 'button-yes'); Yes button Onclic = function () {message box.heid (); Back true; }; Var noButton = document.createElement ('Input'); NoButton.s

Ruby Iconv works with irb and ruby debugger but not in a unit test -

I'm running Ruby 1.8.7, at Ubuntu 10.04 64-bit on Rebels 2.3.5. I've written a method that should take this type of string, "Ecole À la dekovart" and thus a file system name output "ecole_a_la_decouverte" : ( ('US-ASCII // TRANSLIT', 'UTF-8'). Iconv "Ecole À la Decovert"). When I test this line in my code, the test always fails to say that "cole_la_dcouverte" "ecole_a_la_doreouverte" . The strange thing is that if I use the debugger line and the debugger console to pass the test, along with it, this line is going on manually in irb and . / Script / console seems to work. Does anyone know what is going on and why this test is failing? My only idea is to add more support to UTF-8 in any way, including Debugger or irb , but I have the disadvantage of finding out where I want to go. Thank you! This appears to be a problem with the locale - the same is seen in php where ( Sometimes?

python - Django QuerySet filter + order_by + limit -

Then I have a Django app that processes the test results, and I find the average score for a certain estimate I am trying to I would think this would work: e = test.Objects. Total () total = E. Median_exam = Exam.objects .filter (evaluation = .order_by ('score') [average: 1] median_score = median_exam.score / Pre> but it always gives an empty list. I can get results with: e = test.Objects. Total () total = E. Coat (average) = intestine (round (total / 2)) exam = exam .objects.filter (evaluation = evaluation.ede). Medi_score = median_exam [average] .score I do not want to fully inquire about the exam. I thought about writing a raw MySQL query, which looks like this: Assessment_exam SELECT score WHERE evaluation_ID = 5 ORDER score score 690.1 But if possible, I want to be inside the Django ORM. Mostly, it just bothers me that I can not use the sequence with a filter and range, any thoughts? Your slice syntax is incorrect after the colo

Get SEO friendly URLS with Rails without method_missing? -

Currently we are using method_missing to call SEO operative actions in our controllers instead of each conceivable value Instead of creating tasks for variables What we want, we do the URL in this way: / students / bosmith and no / students / show / 342 what method to enter Is there a cleaner solution than doing? Thank you! You can define a route quite easily for that particular look. map.connect "/ students /: name" ,: Controller => : Students, action = & gt; : Show,: requirements => {: Name = & gt; / [A-Z] [A-Z] + /} Then you can find names using the name [[name:]] in your show action.

Considering moving from Java/Spring MVC to Grails -

I currently use Java & amp; Spring (MVC) to create a webapp, and I am considering going to the Grails. I appreciate the feedback / insights on the following: I have existing application in Java / Spring WebAp that I have web Loading via Xml ContextLoaderListener; Is it possible to have multiple application references in Grails? if so, how? This webpage uses a CXF dependable web service on a large scale and uses the current Java / Spring WebApp bundled CXF HTTP client. Can I continue using the CXF HTTP client in Grails? I have implemented Spring Security using a custom implementation of user information and user devices service, can I reuse these implementations in Grails " "Or should I apply them again? An example where I trust the jdbc template of Spring (instead of the available ORM) and the data source defined in an additional app reference, can I reuse it in Grails? I plan to use Maven as a project management tool; Are there any issues using Mav

java - Spring ROO issue with UrlRewrite in STS (eclipse) -

I'm having trouble finding out how to solve this problem. I have a file: "urlrewrite.xml" which After operating the "controller" command in the RO shell, it was automatically generated by Spring Ro. However, I still get the following error: "The referenced file contains errors ( Dtd) For more information, right-click on the message in the problem view and select "Show details ..." Here is the content of the Urlrewrite.xml file: & lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & gt; DOCTYPE urlrewrite PUBLIC "- // UrlRewrite 3.0 / nn http: // /dtds/urlrewrite3.0.dtd"> urlrewrite default-match type = "wildcard" & gt; & lt; no Yum & gt; & lt; from & gt; / Resources ** ** & lt; Final = "True" & gt; / Resources / $ 1 & lt; / to & gt; & lt; Lt; / rules & gt;

file io - Recommendations for a C++ polymorphic, seekable, binary I/O interface -

मैं std :: istream और ostream का उपयोग कर रहा हूं सी ++ में यादृच्छिक-एक्सेस बाइनरी I / O के लिए एक बहुरूपभूत इंटरफ़ेस, लेकिन यह कई तरीकों से उपोष्णतम लगता है: 64-बिट की तलाश स्ट्रैम्पोस / स्ट्रीमिंग सीमाओं के कारण गैर-पोर्टेबल और त्रुटि-प्रवण है ; वर्तमान में एक वैकल्पिक हल के रूप में उपयोग कर रहा है, लेकिन इसे सतर्कता की आवश्यकता है लापता परिचालन जैसे कि एक फ़ाइल को छानना या विस्तार करना (एला पॉसिक्स ftruncate ) कंक्रीट कार्यान्वयन के बीच असंगति; जैसे stringstream स्वतंत्र प्राप्त / स्थिति रखता है जबकि filestream नहीं करता है मंच कार्यान्वयन के बीच असंगति; जैसे failbit / badbit पर फाइल के अंत में उत्तीर्ण करने का प्रयास या की सभी स्वरूपण सुविधाओं की आवश्यकता नहीं है धारा या संभवतः streambuf streambuf त्रुटि रिपोर्टिंग (यानी अपवाद को एक त्रुटि सूचक देकर) के बफ़रिंग प्रथा में माना जाता है मुझे उपलब्ध कराए गए सरलीकृत इंटरफ़ेस को पसंद है, लेकिन यह बहुरूपिक वर्ग के बजाय फ़ंक्शन टेम्पलेट के रूप में प्रदान किया गया है। (यह एक है, लेकिन यह बहुरूपक नहीं

math - Given vector of one axis, how do I find vectors of other two axes? -

This is the problem of mathematics. I am not sure how to do that there is no alliance with the vector axis, so X, Y Or rotating around 90 degrees of Z, I will not necessarily need other axes. I can think of a few different scenarios you can ask. Given: A pre-existing coordinate system In 2D systems, your axis / base is always < Code> [1,0] and [0,1] - x and y axis In a 3D system, your axis / base is always [1, 0,0] , [0,1,0] , and [0,0,1] - x , y , and z . Given: An axis-coordinate system in an axial-base 2D If you have an arbitrary -The base is an axis in the 2D coordinate system, then the other axis is orthogonal vector. x_new, y_new] = [-y_old, x_old] clockwise : To rotate a vector orthogonically, To summarize: x-axis = [a, b] then: y-axis = [-b, a] given: y-axis = [c, d] then: X axis = [d, -c] given: Two axes in an elite-base 3D coordinate system < P> To do this, find the cross product. [A, b, c] x [d, e, f] =

documentation - Ruby/IRB self help -

I'm new to Ruby - to help me find documentation on the object I'm working with What tricks can I use? Normally I just do the a_var.class or a_var.methods and I think what the Web needs for the document or try to search. What other methods or modules can help? As long as you have the documentation installed for your installation of Ruby, for example, you Or you can type help obj.Class to achieve the same effect. For documenting examples, the syntax is class # method ; To say that, class :: method for class methods, help "string # chops" or help "string: new" Will bring the document.

android - Why activity result code is diffrent then I expected -

I have 2 activities In child activity, I have put something like this (on): < Code> if (finishing ()) {intent = new intent (); Intent.putExtra (SOME_DATA, value); SetResult (RESULT_OK, intent); Logs. I ("test", "result set to RESULT_OK"); } In the parent activity, I check the result code when child activity is destroyed, and that is what I have seen: If I Some actions destroy child activity (in some circumstances I call phenol), then result code RESULT_OK But when I delete the return key by pressing (I only work in the emulator Then its ESC) that kills the activity, then the affair As a result, parents are taught in activity on the Result method equals 0 (RESULT_CANCELD). In each case the "test" log is the same. Most likely that is destroying your activity, after the result resets the result is done. To stop is called RESULT_CANCELED. It makes sense, because the activity not ended up happily are you always trying to complet

Blocking Request -

एक ब्लॉकिंग अनुरोध के साथ सर्वर कनेक्शन क्या करता है? धन्यवाद आप! इसका अर्थ है, जब आप सर्वर से अनुरोध करते हैं, तब तक प्रतीक्षा करते हैं जब तक यह (अवरुद्ध)। इस दृष्टिकोण का लाभ यह है कि कोड को पूरा करने का अनुरोध सुनिश्चित किया जाएगा कि अनुरोध पूरा हो गया है। डाउनसाइड यह है कि आपका कोड " लटका "जब तक अनुरोध पूर्ण न हो जाए, और यह एक मौका है कि अनुरोध पूरा न हो जाए, जिसके परिणामस्वरूप एक लटका हुआ धागा होता है। आम तौर पर अवरुद्ध अनुरोध समय समाप्ति के साथ होते हैं, इसलिए समय की अवधि के बाद, अगर कोई जवाब नहीं दिया गया है, एक त्रुटि के साथ कॉल रिटर्न बताता है कि एक समय समाप्त हो गया है, और आपको निश्चयपूर्वक उस मामले को संभाल करना चाहिए। वेब पेज अनुरोध ब्लॉकिंग अनुरोध का एक उदाहरण है। जब आप अपने ब्राउज़र में टाइप करते हैं, तो आपका ब्राउज़र प्रतिसाद प्रदर्शित करने के लिए प्रतीक्षा कर रहा है, Google के वेब सर्वर को ब्लॉक करने का अनुरोध करता है। अगर (कुछ पागल कारण के लिए) Google जवाब नहीं देता है, तो आपको एक टाइमआउट त्रुटि मिल जाएगी।

Android - Isn't Eclipse WYSIWYG? -

I downloaded Eclipse Galileo and installed Android SDK for the first time. I have tried to create a simple user interface, but I have noticed that I can not take the "object" directly from the forum. What is Eclipse WYSIWYG? D. But I need to open the property panel to edit the code or change the position of element on stage. Eclipse editor is not completely WYSIWYG, it is somewhat limited. There is another tool out there but I would not recommend using either I know, in the end it is easy and fast to create the UI itself in the XML code (due to the lack of really good equipment) layout managers It is worth the time to study in depth.

php - adding DATE_SUB to query to return range of values in mysql -

यह मेरी मूल क्वेरी है: $ query = mysql_query ("SELECT s। * , UNIX_TIMESTAMP (`तिथि`) के रूप में` तिथि`, f.userid पसंदीदा के रूप में गाने से छोड़ दिया जुड़ें पसंदीदा च एफ पर। Favourite = और f.userid = '$ userhash' आदेश द्वारा DESC "); यह मेरे डीबी में सभी गाने देता है और फिर मेरे पसंदीदा तालिका से डेटा जोड़ता है ताकि मैं एक वापसी वाले आगंतुकों को प्रदर्शित कर सकूं पसंदीदा के रूप में क्लिक किया है या नहीं आगंतुकों को एक विशिष्ट कुकी द्वारा और पसंदीदा तालिका में खड़ा किया गया है। मुझे इस प्रश्न को बदलने की आवश्यकता है ताकि मैं केवल पिछले महीने के लायक गीतों को प्राप्त कर सकूं। नीचे मेरी क्वेरी में DATE_SUB को जोड़ने का मेरा प्रयास है: $ query = mysql_query ("SELECT s। *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP (` दिनांक`) एएस `तिथि`, f.userid पसंदीदा के रूप में गाने से एस 'दिनांक` & gt; = DATE_SUB (NOW (), INTERVAL 1 महीने) च। एफ। पसंद = और f.userid =' $ userhash 'आदेश पर एसएडीएटी डीईएससी द्वारा शामिल हों); सुझाव? आपको बस जहां

Java: Do something on event in SQL Database? -

I am creating an application with distributed parts. Meaning, while a part (author) is probably stopping reading, updating, reading the second part (reader) in a database and working on that information. Now, I want to trigger an action event Is there any easy way to do this? Is this a good idea? : // READER while (true) {connect (); // Information reloaded from the DB execution ("Choose from Foo '); Disconnect ();} Edit: More Information This is a restaurant Point of Sale System. Every time Cashier DB - The application notification in the kitchen gets it is a system you see in McDonald's. Connect the applications in any way Should not be. And I believe I expect instant notifications The idea that you are talking about is called "voting", just as Grafen Told you to add a delay in the loop, the amount of delay should be fixed on the basis of factors such as how quickly you want your reader to detect any changes in the database and how

xcode - What information is shown on the Plist on the iPhone? -

आईफोन पर प्लिस्ट पर क्या जानकारी दिखाई गई है? क्या आप iPhone की रूट Info.plist फ़ाइल के बारे में विशेष रूप से बात कर रहे हैं? उस पर जानकारी पाई जा सकती है। < / html>

how to create before update trigger in sql server 2005 -

Is there anyone, where I can create a trigger that will be executed before updating / deletion (and then the actual update / Is removed)? And how do I trigger a drop from a table? Use the trigger to drop: - SQL server 2005+, leave the trigger, leave an error message if it is not yet TRY Drop TRIGGER dbo.TrigerYourTable start end capture catch capture end --grip Trigger pre-SQL Server 2005, no error message if it does not exist yet, Then exists (select from sysobjects * where id = object_id (n '[dbo]. [TrigerYourTable]') and OBJECTPROPERTY (ID, N'IsTrigger ') = 1) Drop Trigger [DBO]. [TrigerYourTable] Go OP in a comment: ... Suppose i have a child number Perticular user if he has more than 5 users Do not update. What can I do that instead of using triggers? You do not really need to stop the original update, you do this, and then check the trigger for the problem and rollback if necessary. There are ways to apply the argument to one or several affe

.net - Multiple usage of MenuItems declared once (WPF) -

Is it possible to define some menu structure in WPF and by using it in many contexts? For example, I want to use the context menus, menu menus and toolbars (using a set of menu items from resources) I look something like this: Announcement in resources: & lt; MenuItem Order = "MyCommands.CloneObject" CommandPamator = "{Binning Selected Object}" Header = "Clone" & gt; & Lt; MenuItem.Icon & gt; & Lt; Image Source = "Images \ clone" "Height =" 16 "width =" 16 "> MenuItem Command = "MyCommands.RemoveCommand" CommandPamator = "{Binning Selected Object}" Header = "Remove"> Image Source = "Images \ Remove" "Height =" 16 "Width =" 16 "& gt; & Lt; / Image & gt; & Lt; /MenuItem.Icon> & Lt; / MenuItem & gt; & Lt; Separator / & gt; & Lt; MenuItem command = "MyCommands.CreateChild"

java - log4j performance -

I'm developing a web app, and some information logs to help me improve the app and follow it Want to do (I'm using Tomcat 6) First I thought I would use stringbillers, add logs to them and one task would continue them in the database like every 2 minutes. Since I was concerned about the performance of the out-the-box logging system, then I did some tests. Especially with log4j Here is my code: Main.Java Public static zero main (string [] args) {thread [] thread = new thread [Lumbertread.readsmbar]; (Int i = 0; i & lt; LoggerThread.threadsNumber; ++ i) {thread [i] = new thread (new logreadthread ("name -" + i)); } LoggerThread.startTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis (); For (int i = 0; i & lt; LoggerThread.threadsNumber; ++ i) {thread [i] .start (); } Public class loggerThread executes Runnable {public static int threadsNumber = 10; Public static prolonged start stumps; Private static counter counter = 0; The name of the p

Access, ADO & 64-bit -

We have a large codebase that uses the ADO under 32 bit, and we convert the code to 64-bit We were using Jet Provider, but I know that it is not supported under x64 We are importing definitions from msado15.dll. The 64-bit version of this DLL was available some time ago, but we are unable to work it. I have written a test program (using MFC, #imported DLL): Maps & lt; CString, CString & gt; MapResults; _ConnectionPtr pConn = NULL; Cstring strConn = _T ("Provider = Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.14.0;") _T ("Data Source = C: \\ Program Files \\ our_company \\ our_database.mdb;"); // (String above is divided for readability only.) CRTQL = _T ("Select * FROM [our_table] by ORDER [our_field_1];"); Try {pConn.CreateInstance (__Uuidof (connection)); PConn-> Open (_bstr_t (strConn), _bstr_t (_T ("")), _bstr_t (_T ("")), -1); _CommandPtr pCommand = NULL; PCommand.CreateInstance (__Uidid (command)); PCommand-> CommandType = adCmdTex

forms - Display a pound / currency symbol in a Django select input -

I have many currency values ​​in the form selection box (i.e. and £ 2,500 ). When the form is provided, although it is and pounds; , is there any way to convert it into an actual pound sign? If I correctly understand your question, then the problem is that & amp; ; Pound; Automatically escapes the form library and hence & amp; Pound; not as a user and in the form of pounds; You can probably solve the problem by telling the DEGENGO that the HTML code is safe and it should not be saved (maybe a XSS security hole): from django .utils.safestring import mark_safe option = (mark_safe ('& amp; pound; 2,500'), ...) Alternatively you can type directly into characters using escape sequences (Those entities are not part of the current HTML specifications, you can still use Unicode ): # - * - Coding: UTF-8 - * - Option = (U '£ 2,500', ...) Comment Wise h encoding will be the first line of the existing file, let the interpreter know that you

sql server ce - How to synchronize merge subscription in Sql Compact DB (on a Mobile device emulator) -

using SQL ManagementStudio 2008 I have created SQL 3.5 Compact DB (TestCompact.sdf) and I have subscribed to the current publication . Using SQL Management Studio It is working I have transferred the test compact SDF to the Windows Mobile 5 emulator device and with the QuizAnilizer for mobile I can check the existing tables in Test Compact SDF. I do not know how to start replication synchronization on that mobile device. I need to write some C # code or it is possible to make it even easier. Edit: (Added after the answer to my question ) It may be useful to anyone what the C # code has worked for me: (Using SQL Management Studio - Properties of Existing Membership for My Compact DB) I have read that one Values ​​for replObj property are) Private zeros btnSync_Click (Object Sender, EventArgs e) {SqlCeConnection sqlCeConn = Null; SqlCeReplication replObj = new SqlCeReplication (); String connString = @ "data source = \ my document \ TestReplicationCompactDB.sdf; password =

apache - Segmentation fault when accessing a PHP page -

Sometimes when any of our Apache Web servers is restarted, we can access any PHP page later Partitions feel defect when done. The following line is printed in the Httpd error_log: [Mercury June 16, 10:59:33 2010] [Notice] Child 31513 Exit Signal Segmentation Error (11) From there in these lines for every PHP page Should be one. It seems randomly - the "workaround" is to restart to httpd today, which eventually fixes the problem (almost always after a restart). Although we look only like this, it is still enough to be a concern. So my question is, why is this happening in the first place? Is this a known bug with the version of Apache / PHP / Linux / etc that we are using? any idea? Environment is: Fedora 11 Apache 2.2.15 (default settings) PHP 5.2.1 I can provide more information, if it helps narrow down the narrow things, because this error message is normal ... Any help appreciated She goes. contains information about compiling PHP with debugging

c# - How to use custom attributes over a web service? -

I am currently trying to add a custom "column name" for a property in a web service here in my class Public Class OrderCost {Public Ent OrderName {Received; Set; } Public IR Orderline {Received; Set; } Public int orderRel {get; Set; } Public Date Time Order Date {Received; Set; } Public String Partnum {get; Set; } Public string description {get; Set; } Public decimal quantity {get; Set; } Public String Salesum {get; Set; } Public decimal cost {get; Set; } Public decimal value {received; Set; } Public Decimal Net {Received; Set; } Public decimal margins {received; Set; } Public String EntryPerson {get; Set; } Public string CustID {get; Set; } Public string customer {receives; Set; }} Actually, I have another class (on the Silverlight side) which is a thief through all the properties and creates a column for each property. The thing is, For example, I want to show "Order number" instead of Order number. I have tried to use custom features, but this does not

php - problem with setting a cookieless domain -

सेट-कुकी PHPSESSID = f0e2dfe56cc78be718c8154ac80d1ae2; पथ = /; Domain = लेकिन अभी भी PHP सत्र कुकी को किसी भी अनुरोध के लिए कुकी PHPSESSID के लिए भेजा गया है = F0e2dfe56cc78be718c8154ac80d1ae2; समस्या क्या हो सकती है? यदि कुकी सेट है डोमेन के लिए, यह हमेशा के लिए अनुरोधों में भेजा जाएगा क्योंकि का सबडोमेन है इसलिए समस्या क्या है? आपको समस्याएं आ रही हैं क्योंकि कुकी काम करती है, जैसा कि यह माना जाता है?

php - Grammar checking API? -

Are there any APIs that check the grammar of a given string? If this is the case, can you give examples? Required This really works well, most of the time but it misses some common grammar mistakes (like your / you, their / there / they, topic -The problem of action agreement etc.).

apache - Using .htaccess to replace backslash in URL with forward-slash -

I realize that a URL should not display in any URL except in the URL escape code, however In order to create a flash button for the URL Being generated by the NET application. I have contacted the developer of this application with a bug report. In the interim I want to use .htaccess to rewrite the attacking backslash. How the URLs are displayed in this way Fidler Debugging Proxy I am using Firefox and this faxfox URL encoded equivalent ( \ ==% 5C1) Interestingly, the backslash is automatically transformed into a forward-slash (in this case, rather convenient to the standards, rather convenient). All in all. To rewrite Is there any way to use Htaccess? reviveignin on REVIRCAND% {REQUEST_URI} (. *) \\ (. *) Rewrite . *% 1 /% 2 [R = 301]

javascript - Expanding a row in a div-based table -

मेरे पास & lt; div & gt; तत्व हैं जो नाम दिखाते हैं मैं प्रत्येक & lt; div & gt; के पक्ष में एक + लिंक को शामिल करना चाहता हूं, जब क्लिक किया जाता है, और अधिक विस्तृत जानकारी (आरओआर नियंत्रक से) जोड़ती है। नेट पर चारों ओर पिंग करने के बाद, मुझे link_to_remote और संबंधित आरओआर सामान मिल गया है, लेकिन मुझे ऐसा नहीं लगता एक साथ काम करने के लिए सही संयोजन क्या कोई मुझे ट्यूटोरियल में बता सकता है या दिखा सकता है कि नियंत्रक और बातचीत किस तरह दिखाई देनी चाहिए? धन्यवाद! आप निम्न उदाहरण में जावास्क्रिप्ट के साथ यह बहुत आसानी से कर सकते हैं: & lt; html & gt; & Lt; शीर्ष & gt; & Lt; शीर्षक & gt; पाठ पृष्ठ & lt; / title & gt; & Lt; स्क्रिप्ट भाषा = "जावास्क्रिप्ट" & gt; फ़ंक्शन टॉगलडिव (विभाजन) {यदि (document.getElementById (बांधा)। शैली। दृश्यता == 'छिपा हुआ') {document.getElementById (विभाजन)। शैली। दृश्यता = 'दृश्यमान'; } और {document.getElementById (विभाजन)। शैली। दृश्यता = 'छुपा&#